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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


:lol Akuma beads



considering my options are a fightpad or the default 360 pad (im sorry but i just cant put money down on a stick, i just...cant) I think i will probably switch to charge characters, more namely BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA


Threi said:
considering my options are a fightpad or the default 360 pad (im sorry but i just cant put money down on a stick, i just...cant) I think i will probably switch to charge characters, more namely BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA
The fightpad is awesome...for all characters. I put in good time with it on both HD Remix and Third Strike this weekend. It is no Saturn pad, but it is the next best thing.
Threi said:
considering my options are a fightpad or the default 360 pad (im sorry but i just cant put money down on a stick, i just...cant) I think i will probably switch to charge characters, more namely BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA BLANKA

just build your own. if you want to go with the bare minimum, you can make a stick for around $20 plus wiring, plus the cost of a generic pad to use as a pcb. You can even use a cardboard box as your base.

It's gonna be boring as hell just playing with two or three charge characters. If you're gonna do that, you may as well not even lay out for the fightpad and just use the stock pad.


I would really get the fightpad, I think you'll be frustrated with the 360 pad instead of enjoying the game

akachan ningen said:
It's gonna be boring as hell just playing with two or three charge characters. If you're gonna do that, you may as well not even lay out for the fightpad and just use the stock pad.

I can't even make a normal jump with the 360 pad :lol


Strap on your hooker ...
akachan ningen said:
It's gonna be boring as hell just playing with two or three charge characters. If you're gonna do that, you may as well not even lay out for the fightpad and just use the stock pad.
I found the opposite with the stock 360 pad, I could play half-circle/quarter-circle motion characters pretty well, but charge characters were totally useless.
Shig said:
I found the opposite with the stock 360 pad, I could play half-circle/quarter-circle motion characters pretty well, but charge characters were totally useless.

that's even better then. you'd have more options playing non-charge characters.


Strap on your hooker ...
akachan ningen said:
that's even better then. you'd have more options playing non-charge characters.
What I'm trying to say is that with the FightPad, I can use everyone.
Shig said:
What I'm trying to say is that with the FightPad, I can use everyone.

That's fine but some people aren't having as much of an easy time on the fightpads. Different people use controllers in different ways. That's why I suggested he make a stick.


So attempt 3 is coming to day of me trying to find a store with early copies...other then the guy on SRK with the 'independent retailer' has anyone come across a copy yet?


Worships the porcelain goddess
ShinAmano said:
So attempt 3 is coming to day of me trying to find a store with early copies...other then the guy on SRK with the 'independent retailer' has anyone come across a copy yet?

btw did this guy provide a picture of his copy yet?


McBradders said:
Is yours all modded up? Mine's out of the box DOA style :(
well, yes, it is... but I played on it before it was modded. I bought the Virtua Fighter edition, its still a good stick regardless.

Anywho, does anyone know if its still possible to get a Tournement edition or if it will be possible in th enext few weeks?


polyh3dron said:
So who all is going to the LA release party? I know there's me, MarkMan and donkey show but that's all I know of so far.

I too, will be there unless I can get a copy beforehand.


sonicspear64 said:
I don't know if this has been posted before, but Crispy Gamer has some direct-feed vids of the 360 version and a couple of them are rival fights: http://www.crispygamer.com/videos/thumbnails/street-fighter-iv

Yikes, Sakuras voice and pronounciation reminds me of those shitty morning cartoon VA's for stuff like Yugioh and Digimon.

btw, has anyone ordered (and gotten) the TE stick from play-asia yet? Mine is still on backorder/preorder...
I'm actually really digging the voices for most of the cast thus far.

I wonder what happens when you match up a Japanese-speaking character and an English-speaking character? They'll probably just cross talk in their respective languages, so it'll be funny to listen to.
Spiderjericho said:
Jacked from SRK (Shotokan):

Tier list from the most recent volume of Tougeki Damashi, vol 12(posted on Dust Loop, sorry if it's been posted already):


S +

Sagat, Viper(?!?!), Gouki, Zangief


Ryu, Bison(Boxer), Rufus, Blanka

Chun li, Vega(Dictator), Ken, Dhalshim, Abel, Honda, El Fuerte

Balrog(Claw), Guile

El Fuerte's game is mad insane, he is just so damn fast and looks unpredictable. So what makes Boxer so good, is his poke game that good? Man I'd kill to get this game right now, so if anyone needs bumping off, all you need is a copy of SFIV and consider it done.
I've been wanting to see the Intro in HD, but the video posted is unwatchable. Literally, I cannot watch it, the music plays but the video doesn't. It doesn't even stutter along, it plays a frame every 20 seconds.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
C- Warrior said:
And Ken is still lower-mid tier :(

And C.Viper is annoying as fuck. Goddamn I hate that bitch. Everyone time I go against her at the arcades it's just like -- fuuucck.

Juggle, Juggle, Juggle, Ultra

And then I'm just left with a dead Ken :(

Although I wouldn't imagine him being ranked that low, for me it's great to see him under Ryu like he always should have been, damn 3rd Strike... :)

Funny thing is I've seen Ken's Ultra get stuffed by another Ultra - even when Ken's Ultra came after the other guy's Ultra - as if he doesn't have the invincibility that others have...

bad-joey said:
haha nice, I've played SFII till I dropped and I've never seen the gold bones.


Does chun really have pink (?!) bones?

I just recalled all of those characters without looking them up - that's how much I played SFII & SSFII on SNES - those were the days...

Now that I think about it, I've always seen the gold bones, but that was because I mostly played with Ryu, and I do remember seeing white bones, which was probably when I played with Blanka, but I never put much thought into it back then...

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
prodystopian said:
Can someone explain to me why Gouki jumped in the tier rankings?

People use him more, get better, so the perception of the character becomes better

I mean really, you guys take the rankings/tiers way too seriously.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Raging Spaniard said:
I mean really, you guys take the rankings/tiers way too seriously.

Seriously. YOU GUYS AREN'T TOURNY PLAYERS. I mean shit, you don't even own the game yet.

I'm glad the tier lists keep changing, so nubs will keep switching up their main until they get bored of the game and revisit Halo 3. Meanwhile, I will be rocking faces. All day.


Did not ask for this tag
Do we really need another motherfucking round of tier whoring in this thread?




LULZ at the in-game trash talk. Now I see the need for the translation. I guess I'll be playing in english for a while. :p
jon bones said:
Seriously. YOU GUYS AREN'T TOURNY PLAYERS. I mean shit, you don't even own the game yet.

I'm glad the tier lists keep changing, so nubs will keep switching up their main until they get bored of the game and revisit Halo 3. Meanwhile, I will be rocking faces. All day.

I use Gouki, so I was wondering if someone found something with a combo, set up, etc. that made him jump. I am not a tourney player, just interested in a character I use.


Level 8 Boss said:
El Fuerte's game is mad insane, he is just so damn fast and looks unpredictable. So what makes Boxer so good, is his poke game that good? Man I'd kill to get this game right now, so if anyone needs bumping off, all you need is a copy of SFIV and consider it done.
There aren't too many EF players right now although some of them are already showing impressive skills - his backdash is a great bait reversal game and the EX version can be used to escape when you're not in the corner, his AA special is a great escape tool (EX version that is).

People are also starting to use his walljump effectively, to bait DPs or jumps. If they DP and miss, you have a free takedown or loop combo to do. If they jump, you can give chase with AA special EX or do a mixup with forward dash.

And of course, his loop combo is one of the best but hardest to do combo in SF4 - really good damage, godly stun, however requires expert precision controls.
Players who utilize it can turn the tide significantly even with only very little life left. 30-40% is a basic average damage with a regular loop combo, but if you can get a stun after you do a take down after the loop, you can easily get to more than 70% damage.

His normals are also pretty good - he has a fast overhead that can go over downed opponents making for an effective ground-based crossups. When hit, this overhead can also be comboed freely with a throw or repeated LPs.
His jumping FP is very good since it can beat a lot of moves (including lariat) and can cross-up as well. Oh, his jumping FP can also be comboed freely with FP extending another loop combo.

I don't know if he'll be in high tier but he's so not low tier.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Okay so this is SUPER EARLY, matter of fact this isn't even the drawing Ill use for the contest, I just wanted to get the design down. Colored in like 10 mins, so yeah

This is what I'm thinking about for Sakura, don't worry about the style nor the anatomy too much since that'll change. Originally I thought leaving the hoodie white like her schoolgirl outfit but I figured she would benefit from some color, but most of her color scheme remains similar and although the clothes are new , the shapes reminisce her old design some.

Any sort of hate is useful at this point :)



Bacon of Hope
i think its cool.. looks like she changed her fighting style and is ready to beat ass.. boobs need to be bigger tho.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Raging Spaniard said:
Okay so this is SUPER EARLY, matter of fact this isn't even the drawing Ill use for the contest, I just wanted to get the design down. Colored in like 10 mins, so yeah

This is what I'm thinking about for Sakura, don't worry about the style nor the anatomy too much since that'll change. Originally I thought leaving the hoodie white like her schoolgirl outfit but I figured she would benefit from some color, but most of her color scheme remains similar and although the clothes are new , the shapes reminisce her old design some.

Any sort of hate is useful at this point :)


sorry for ignorance, what contest?

nice drawing btw


Raging Spaniard said:
Okay so this is SUPER EARLY, matter of fact this isn't even the drawing Ill use for the contest, I just wanted to get the design down. Colored in like 10 mins, so yeah

This is what I'm thinking about for Sakura, don't worry about the style nor the anatomy too much since that'll change. Originally I thought leaving the hoodie white like her schoolgirl outfit but I figured she would benefit from some color, but most of her color scheme remains similar and although the clothes are new , the shapes reminisce her old design some.

Any sort of hate is useful at this point :)

Fix the face. Don't have a problem with the outfit or anatomy.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Arde5643 said:
Nice clothing and expression - nose job sucks though.

Raging Spaniard said:
This is what I'm thinking about for Sakura, don't worry about the style nor the anatomy too much since that'll change.

*sigh* Thanks though ;)
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