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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Won said:
Ah crap, I was sooo close to win my first G2 tournament. 1% was missing. Abel is now on my hate list. Grrrrrrr.
Probably one of my closest, most even games I played. Too bad I'm not allowed to upload the replay as loser. :(
Least you got to the finals.

Are you using El Fuerte?

I would love to see some El Fuerte GAF player replays.

I watch some of the highest ranked ones on XBL and they somehow manage to do the exact stuff that I do yet they win.. It baffles me!

This game on my PC means I won't eat the TV up from my roommate anymore which means I will live in my room for weeks at a time :(

EDIT: And I can use my 360 TE Stick ? Wow nice..

(To that note.. I don't even use my TE stick.. lawlz.. fail)
TurtleSnatcher said:
This game on my PC means I won't eat the TV up from my roommate anymore which means I will live in my room for weeks at a time :(

EDIT: And I can use my 360 TE Stick ? Wow nice..

(To that note.. I don't even use my TE stick.. lawlz.. fail)
why don't you sell it?
Paid DLC on SF4 PC? Surely you jest, capcom.

The only thing that could make me double dip now is some super secret new feature/GGPO netcode or cross platform 360 play (so I can play with a few of my 360 buds).
I'm starting to have more fun playing yellow Ken than Barlog or Mike Bison (My main characters). He's just too much fun. The only shoto I like to play.
GalacticAE said:
I'm starting to have more fun playing yellow Ken than Barlog or Mike Bison (My main characters). He's just too much fun. The only shoto I like to play.
Ken's a blast and I love his kara throw
I have never used him online, just locally with friends, but I'd imagine many in the online community would underestimate you as well.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Least you got to the finals.

Are you using El Fuerte?

I would love to see some El Fuerte GAF player replays.

I watch some of the highest ranked ones on XBL and they somehow manage to do the exact stuff that I do yet they win.. It baffles me!


That one was with Gouken. I'm circling through Fuerte, Gouken, Fei and Sakura at the moment. Got to the finals with each of them...outside of Sakura....useless girl! (useless me :( )

But I just won a tournament with Fuerte and uploaded the replay. Pretty worthless. Super scrubby Sagat (how do they get in the finals again?) and I even screwed up a bit. (no ultra lolz)


TurtleSnatcher said:
I'm so close to switch to Sagat.. Even if I can't FADC correctly .. trading DP's or F+HK with Sagat + Ultra is so simple.. its retarded.
Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever fought a Sagat that actually combo'd his ultra other than a crumple. Maybe I'm lucky.


FindMyFarms said:
What. How is this possible.
All Sagats I've fought have been the stay away and tiger variety. I'm sure when I run into a GOOD Sagat I'll be ultra fucked, but right now I have a pretty good win ratio against them.


This is a really random noob question and I hope I don't get banned for asking...but is there a FS/FT thread on GAF like on other community forums?
qcf x2 said:
I tend to think that it's partially due to the fact that she is very good online...it's significantly harder to deal with rushdown tactics when you've got latency to deal with. A lot of easily punishable stuff is suddenly less easily punished.

thats true. i played a cammy where i couldnt consistently punish her spiral arrow. she would get me with her cannon spike everytime i've tried punishing her and that can get very frustrating in the span of a game. another weird thing with cammy is her damage. sometimes you wonder how she sneaked all that damage past your notice.

oh, and i've lost 1,5k GP in G2 total so far. thanks capcom! i dont know how to avoid that terrible glitch.
_dementia said:
It would have make more sense to sell it for a profit when demand was high and rebuy later as they become more available.
Screw that.. I could care less about profit.. I'm not dying for money at the moment.

Augemitbutter said:
thats true. i played a cammy where i couldnt consistently punish her spiral arrow. she would get me with her cannon spike everytime i've tried punishing her and that can get very frustrating in the span of a game. another weird thing with cammy is her damage. sometimes you wonder how she sneaked all that damage past your notice.

oh, and i've lost 1,5k GP in G2 total so far. thanks capcom! i dont know how to avoid that terrible glitch.

Ugh.. Cammy is so annoying. Her Spike does so much damage its ridiculous.
I think I'm done with Championship Mode, at least for the time being, because I'm enjoying it a lot less ever since I reached the G2 division. G3 frequently offered a variety of characters I usually hadn't seen before like Seths or Fei-Longs, while G2 has been a significantly more boring affair so far. It kind of bugs me how most people not only play really conservative the second the match starts (not everyone outright turtles but still), but how they also do this with some of the better fighters at that. Characters that are good to great at offense. Yet at the start of almost every match (against total strangers), what do I see? Balrog / Ryu / Sagat / etc. players backing the fuck away against a frail character like Dhalsim... So stale and mindnumbingly tedious.

Oh, and another great thing. By the time I do advance to the finals, I practically always have to fight against the umpteenth Ryu. Exciting!
Heh.. I don't mind fighting Ryu or Sagat etc.. yea its annoying and I cuss at my screen haha.. but at least I can learn how to master my fighting techniques around them.

I have no idea though how to stop a guy who just jumps back nonstop and kicks.. NO IDEA.

With Fuerte I can do my leg air throw but if I whiff they get 2 free HK kicks on me.

Yesterday I fought a Ken that just jumped back nonstop and a Cammy as well. They would come in every once in a while attempt to kick me and then go back. Or they would cr. MK then spiral arrow if the hit string connected or if its a Ken they'd just do fireball which is safe =\
TurtleSnatcher said:
Heh.. I don't mind fighting Ryu or Sagat etc.. yea its annoying and I cuss at my screen haha.. but at least I can learn how to master my fighting techniques around them.

I have no idea though how to stop a guy who just jumps back nonstop and kicks.. NO IDEA.

With Fuerte I can do my leg air throw but if I whiff they get 2 free HK kicks on me.

Yesterday I fought a Ken that just jumped back nonstop and a Cammy as well. They would come in every once in a while attempt to kick me and then go back. Or they would cr. MK then spiral arrow if the hit string connected or if its a Ken they'd just do fireball which is safe =\

Have you tried dashing in then FA? Fuerte's has long range, so you should be able to do it outside the range of the kick.
FindMyFarms said:
Have you tried dashing in then FA? Fuerte's has long range, so you should be able to do it outside the range of the kick.

I have.. I have horrible reflexs so I need to practice on that.. I think the issue is that he isn't coming at me for me to even hit him with the FA.. Its more of him jumping back nonstop.. Even against the corner he is doing nothing but back jumps and when I get somewhat close he will add HK into the jump backs.. Its annoying and newbie as fudge.


TurtleSnatcher said:
I have.. I have horrible reflexs so I need to practice on that.. I think the issue is that he isn't coming at me for me to even hit him with the FA.. Its more of him jumping back nonstop.. Even against the corner he is doing nothing but back jumps and when I get somewhat close he will add HK into the jump backs.. Its annoying and newbie as fudge.

I'm not sure if this applies to everyone, but every time I deal with a jump back + fireball akuma all I have to do is dash in and slide so that I hit them right as they land. After that happens a few times they'll either get reckless, after which Fuerte is at his most frustrating and effective, or they'll bring out a new strategy, which you can probably figure out from there.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Heh.. I don't mind fighting Ryu or Sagat etc.. yea its annoying and I cuss at my screen haha.. but at least I can learn how to master my fighting techniques around them.

I have no idea though how to stop a guy who just jumps back nonstop and kicks.. NO IDEA.
I generally don't mind fighting them either; in fact, I like it when a good one beats the stuffing out of me. But when characters like that are overly defensive no matter what (even with a health disadvantage) and have a rather limited fight style, then they start to aggitate me, whether I win or lose. Just... ugh.

And now that you mentioned the jumper tactic by the way: fought a Guile like that yesterday. In the finals. What a waste of time.
MGrant said:
I'm not sure if this applies to everyone, but every time I deal with a jump back + fireball akuma all I have to do is dash in and slide so that I hit them right as they land. After that happens a few times they'll either get reckless, after which Fuerte is at his most frustrating and effective, or they'll bring out a new strategy, which you can probably figure out from there.
Akuma is no problem because the fireball causes a slight time frame where he becomes immobile on the ground after a jump back airefireball.

But a jump back Ken who jumps nonstop its almost impossible to time one of these on him.. and if I miss he then takes the cooldown period for me getting up to use a HK while jumping back then sweeps me.. for a 2 hit combo.

Its fucking stupid and retarded.


Jump back + Air fireball Akuma = Free HP or EX Headbutt for Honda if I have a charge.

Not sure what to do with anyone else, but that's always fun to land.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Akuma is no problem because the fireball causes a slight time frame where he becomes immobile on the ground after a jump back airefireball.

But a jump back Ken who jumps nonstop its almost impossible to time one of these on him.. and if I miss he then takes the cooldown period for me getting up to use a HK while jumping back then sweeps me.. for a 2 hit combo.

Its fucking stupid and retarded.

Well timed and aimed tostada presses are the only thing that really worked for me there. If you miss you at least roll out of his sweep range.
I'm getting sick of fighting against the same dudes again and again. Lot of boxers, Sagats and Ryus. Boxer vs Boxer is one of the boring match ups so it is always frustrating to get that. Sagat is just so good againts boxer that I really have to pull some crazy mind games in order to win. Ryus are the easiest and I really don't have a problem with them. I've beaten down 10k GP Ryu and lost to a mere 2k GP Sagat (even though GPs doesn't necessarily mean anything). But yeah the most annoying thing about Sagat is the playstyle. Sagats are turtling with 'em Tiger Knees and Shots.
Rocky_Balboa said:
I'm getting sick of fighting against the same dudes again and again. Lot of boxers, Sagats and Ryus. Boxer vs Boxer is one of the boring match ups so it is always frustrating to get that. Sagat is just so good againts boxer that I really have to pull some crazy mind games in order to win. Ryus are the easiest and I really don't have a problem with them. I've beaten down 10k GP Ryu and lost to a mere 2k GP Sagat (even though GPs doesn't necessarily mean anything). But yeah the most annoying thing about Sagat is the playstyle. Sagats are turtling with 'em Tiger Knees and Shots.

Sagat's tricky. Try to stay right outside of his st. fk range and just play footsies. You can punish his s. fk w/ s. fp. When he starts whiffing he'll probably try a tk. If you're spacing right it should whiff and u get a free upper loop via st.fk. Just remember that c. lk DOES NOT connect after overhead, only mp does, and headbutt will whiff, so ur only guaranteed combo is overhead xx cr. mp xx straight. A lot of times I'll throw in a double reset to really fuck w/ their heads.

If he gets fireball happy, just fadc through them. Tap gets u uppercutted, and ex moves are going to be a waste. Be really carefully jumping, try not too. When you're outside his s.fk range he might to try to FB u anyways, if he gets predictable you can jump an punish this. Also at max range, j. fk outright beats his s. fk.

I have a lot of trouble w/ this match up as well.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Heh.. I don't mind fighting Ryu or Sagat etc.. yea its annoying and I cuss at my screen haha.. but at least I can learn how to master my fighting techniques around them.

I have no idea though how to stop a guy who just jumps back nonstop and kicks.. NO IDEA.

With Fuerte I can do my leg air throw but if I whiff they get 2 free HK kicks on me.

Yesterday I fought a Ken that just jumped back nonstop and a Cammy as well. They would come in every once in a while attempt to kick me and then go back. Or they would cr. MK then spiral arrow if the hit string connected or if its a Ken they'd just do fireball which is safe =\

With Chun if they start hoping in the corner, all I had to do is a s.HK and they get smashed. 2-3 kicks will stop that tomfoolery fast. Not sure about El though : (
FindMyFarms said:
Sagat's tricky. Try to stay right outside of his st. fk range and just play footsies. You can punish his s. fk w/ s. fp. When he starts whiffing he'll probably try a tk. If you're spacing right it should whiff and u get a free upper loop via st.fk. Just remember that c. lk DOES NOT connect after overhead, only mp does, and headbutt will whiff, so ur only guaranteed combo is overhead xx cr. mp xx straight. A lot of times I'll throw in a double reset to really fuck w/ their heads.

If he gets fireball happy, just fadc through them. Tap gets u uppercutted, and ex moves are going to be a waste. Be really carefully jumping, try not too. When you're outside his s.fk range he might to try to FB u anyways, if he gets predictable you can jump an punish this. Also at max range, j. fk outright beats his s. fk.

I have a lot of trouble w/ this match up as well.

Thanks for tips. My main thing usually with Boxer is try to get a safe jump in on wakeup and continue with a few c.lps and c.lks and then go for the EX-OH or a throw. But yeah, as you said Sagat is weirdly one of the characters who can't be headbutted after the OH + c.lk/c.mp so that ruins my usual setup. Basically I've been trying to keep the right distance and poke him.

I will try to get the OH->c.mp->straight next time. Too bad that my favorite combo j.hp->c.mk->c.lk->HB is useless most of the time since Sagat has great antiair. Only works if I get them to throw some risky fireballs.
MicVlaD said:
I think I'm done with Championship Mode, at least for the time being, because I'm enjoying it a lot less ever since I reached the G2 division. G3 frequently offered a variety of characters I usually hadn't seen before like Seths or Fei-Longs, while G2 has been a significantly more boring affair so far. It kind of bugs me how most people not only play really conservative the second the match starts (not everyone outright turtles but still), but how they also do this with some of the better fighters at that. Characters that are good to great at offense. Yet at the start of almost every match (against total strangers), what do I see? Balrog / Ryu / Sagat / etc. players backing the fuck away against a frail character like Dhalsim... So stale and mindnumbingly tedious.

Oh, and another great thing. By the time I do advance to the finals, I practically always have to fight against the umpteenth Ryu. Exciting!

you should try PSN! im getting good dhalsim, blanka, cammy, chun li constantly. but i do agree about the excessive turtling. im just warning up on them since G2. i didnt know they excisted before that. its mostly ryu and ken turtling for me, other characters dont do it as much for some reason.


Caj814 said:
You were able to finish Vipers and Gen so why are you having trouble with Abels?:lol

After having a 0% success rate with that damned fuckin "forward kick > dash > HP" link, I finally bumped it up to at least 60% (by holding forward + MK, instead of tapping forward). Now, everytime I get to the end of the combo, I forget to dash and forget where my HP button is :lol


Whine Whine FADC Troll
MicVlaD said:
Had a good match with Saqs yesterday, if anyone cares. We stumbled upon each other in Championship Mode, coincidentally.

Stupid Jack Bauer!

Ah well, at least now I know I'm not as defenseless against you anymore, compared to the last times we played.

I just stumbled upon him as well- last round started the round eating a super, did really good, almost had him, then got shamwowed for the win. I got too predictable trying to boar my win in.


Whoever gave me the advice to use s.HK against Gief's lariat, thanks for that. Works like a charm. :D

What I don't get, though, is why people keep trying the same attacks even when it becomes very clear that they don't work. Like this Gief I just played just kept walking towards me and trying to lariat, even though I hit him out of it every single time. I mean this was almost an entire match full of this, back and forth, with me usually doing a buttstomp or something to get out of the corner.

Like, okay, it might work against some people. It might work against the computer. But when it becomes very clear that your opponent has figured out a way to get around it, for the love of god, try something else.
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