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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


TurtleSnatcher said:
Controller at the moment.. Gonna make the move and actually use my TE stick tonight for once.. Gonna try not to ride the gate and learn how to use the stick correctly.

This will be tough.

Ill probably get frustrated after a few losses when someone taunts me and then I will fucking rage quit my stick and then move to the controller.. But I will try to resist.

The guy in the video said that his LP and HP are right next to each other (on the 360 Pad, I assume maybe that his LP = X and his HP = Y). I configured mine like that and it makes it much easier.

With this configuration, I drag my thumb from X to Y (stop to fierce). And when I hit fierce, I immediately go QCF and tap X (to run), let my thumb up and then drag my thumb from X to Y. Makes it much easier when the buttons are close together like that.
MIMIC said:
The guy in the video said that his LP and HP are right next to each other (on the 360 Pad, I assume maybe that his LP = X and his HP = Y). I configured mine like that and it makes it much easier.

With this configuration, I drag my thumb from X to Y (stop to fierce). And when I hit fierce, I immediately go QCF and tap X (to run), let my thumb up and then drag my thumb from X to Y. Makes it much easier when the buttons are close together like that.
Oh im using fightpad.. Screw 360 controllers :p

qcf x2

FindMyFarms said:
huh? how does it leave u vulnerable? That's the whole point of hit confirming it lol! it's one of ryu's most basic bnb's

Oh. Hit confirmed.

I wonder how many people from GAF I've played in G2. I got the ultimate honor for my Rose when my friend said the way I use her is "incredibly annoying".

I find it weird that I've only faced one Rufus so far. That means I've faced 3 times as many Vipers, and that's strange since Rufus is -easy mode- to use. And I faced one guy who had Fei Long...he had some interesting strategies but lost, and when I wrote him a nice message praising his skill I didn't get a reply. Actually, half of the people don't reply to my nice messages now. So cold. :(
myDingling said:
Awesome! Thanks, I will try this tonight.

Eeeh, the Vega's on championship mode will just start thrown you in that case. I say it's better to just jump up away with a heavy punch or heavy kick (whatever as more priority in air).

Or air throw if your character can do it.

I know is that when somebody starts focus attacking my wall dives, i'll just izuna drop the bitch, over and over, and over again. Which does more damage. Also, vega's D+UP charge PPP EX attack will break through your FA.


needs to show more effort.
Ciel said:
Please stop giving away our secrets. Thx
I'd rather people know this stuff and use it against me so that I in turn figure out how to beat them at it again. Its not satisfying, for example, to beat someone just because they don't know how to block blanka's ultra. This is merely the next step up from that.
slayn said:
I'd rather people know this stuff and use it against me so that I in turn figure out how to beat them at it again. Its not satisfying, for example, to beat someone just because they don't know how to block blanka's ultra. This is merely the next step up from that.

Way to tell him! I didn't think he was being sarcastic either :D



Threi said:
wow ive never wanted to whip my controller at the television so hard ever.

championship mode really needs to change to 5 rounds, i keep losing in the most absolute BULLSHIT ways.
They should rename it to Tick-throw Mode because almost every match I've had in Championship it's been constant tick-throwing or teching out of attempts. I think the new mode is bringing out the 'cheap' in people, seems they're taking it a little more to heart now they can't rage quit! :lol
I finally got to play championship mode for a couple hours, the other day, and I think Capcom should just drop ranked mode, now. There's no point in keeping ranked mode around, since it's heavily exploited, and just dilutes the online player base. I don't think too many players, aside from the BP farmers, would object.

As for championship mode, I love it. I've earned G3-B rank, in the short time that I've played it, and even got to upload a a couple of videos. Like others have stated, the competition seems to be consistently more skilled than when playing ranked. I'm assuming that's because the patch just came out, and all the high-level players are still condensed in the lower ranks. It should even out, in time. I've also been running into a lot more Abels, than before. I really like the clear segmentation of levels. Unlike ranked, you don't have to guess a player's rank, based on their icon. Though, it's kind of funny facing a guy in a finals match, who's still using his old bait icon. I have, yet, to run into a completely incompetent player, in any championship finals match.

Regarding the disconnect percentage, I've gotten disconnected three times, in championship mode, but my percentage is still 0. I've played way less than 100 championship matches, so I'd figure I'd at least show 1%. So, I don't know how that percentage is calculated. Does it include all matches, prior to the patch? If so, I guess players with thousands of online matches, already logged, have a lot of leeway in disconnect abuse.


Dear Fireball Users:
stop thinking you can kill rufus with chip damage from an ex fireball at point blank range on his wakeup, because i'm going to ultra you every god damn time. I feel as bad winning with a wakeup ultra as you do losing to it, so let's all of us move on from this, shall we?


Cowie said:
Dear Fireball Users:
stop thinking you can kill rufus with chip damage from an ex fireball at point blank range on his wakeup, because i'm going to ultra you every god damn time. I feel as bad winning with a wakeup ultra as you do losing to it, so let's all of us move on from this, shall we?
Shhhh! How many wins have I gotten from doing my ultra through fireballs, I have no idea.


Championship Mode and Fuerte's RSF made me forget all about finishing Viper's trials. Well, I went back to them and got Hard #3 finished :D

_dementia said:
I'm taking it slow as well, mainly because I'm exhausted. I managed to connect the LP -> Ultra by buffering (?) d,df,f,uf, LP, qcf + PPP. I'm having only sporadic success though.
I can't get the whole string down so I'm going to try again once I get some sleep.

If you get it first please post a pic for my encouragement!



My advice would be to first of all, practice the LP > High Jump (UF). Once you get that perfected, remember for the c. LP, you have to TAP down in order for the High Jump to come out; after the light kick, do NOT immediately hold down to start your c. LP. Instead, wait until the light kick is finished, and then tap down+LP simultaneously.

Then try to do everything EXCEPT the Ultra. What I did was practice Jumping HK > LK > c. LP > High Jump a million times. Then when you're comfortable with that, try to add the Ultra.

ETA: Nevermind....I see you have the LP > Ultra (bolded your post) so....just go for it! :D


MIMIC said:
My advice would be to first of all, practice the LP > High Jump (UF). Once you get that perfected, remember for the c. LP, you have to TAP down in order for the High Jump to come out; after the light kick, do NOT immediately hold down to start your c. LP. Instead, wait until the light kick is finished, and then tap down+LP simultaneously.

Then try to do everything EXCEPT the Ultra. What I did was practice Jumping HK > LK > c. LP > High Jump a million times. Then when you're comfortable with that, try to add the Ultra.

I think with her SJC into ultra, some people tend to do the normal move just before or during the first QCF, then they tiger knee into up+forward for the 2nd QCF+SJC. If you jump cancel and then QCFx2, you have to do like 6 inputs before you get off the ground or something.
This probably has been posted before, but here is footage of the Jab Strong Fierce Art Exhibition/Tournament.

A capcom-unity member filmed and narrated it, and did a great job of covering all aspects of it from cosplay, to the art, and to the semi and final matches including Combofiend and Edma. Though you may be surprised at who wins it all.




Is there some sort of glitch with Viper's Hard Trial #4? Everything registers up until her Heavy Burning Kick. The game even recognizes it as a combo, but it doesn't turn red.

Surely I'm doing something wrong.


LakeEarth said:
Shhhh! How many wins have I gotten from doing my ultra through fireballs, I have no idea.
No idea why but the shoto's ALWAYS do this to my Abel. Even after I've repeatedly caught them with the Ultra. "OMG HIS HEALTH IS LOW JUMP BACK AND EX FIREBALL SPAM!"


Gold Member
comrade said:
No idea why but the shoto's ALWAYS do this to my Abel. Even after I've repeatedly caught them with the Ultra. "OMG HIS HEALTH IS LOW JUMP BACK AND EX FIREBALL SPAM!"

Same, but with Chun Li. I'm not gonna complain, its pretty much the only way I can consistently get them with her shitty ass ultra.
I want to learn a new character but I like chun li too much.

Maybe rufus someday. If i can ever tear myself away from chun.

Chun vs Ryu matches are always the best. Even when I lose, I have so much fun fighting a good ryu.
MIMIC said:
Is there some sort of glitch with Viper's Hard Trial #4? Everything registers up until her Heavy Burning Kick. The game even recognizes it as a combo, but it doesn't turn red.

Surely I'm doing something wrong.
You're not executing her HBK, quick enough. Like her hard trial #3, where you have to execute the ultra, before leaving the ground with the super jump, you have to do the same with the burning kick. The difference, is that the HBK still comes out, if done in the air, so you think you're pulling the move off, and it's just not registering. However, you're doing an air HBK, when it requires a grounded HBK. Basically, execute the HBK, as soon as you do the input for the super jump. If done correctly, the HBK is noticeably slower to come out, than the air version.


Yeah...I watched a YouTube vid of it and I didn't know that I had to make the Burning Kick so low.

Finished it now. On to #5 :D

Does #5 have to be just like #4 with a low (ground) burning kick?
Mimic, I thought trial 4 would be a cake walk for you after two and three. Just do a Tiger Knee motion and the kick will follow.

You'll need this, as well as the TK cancel for the fifth trial.

Tiger knee kick after the ex seismic. Not a HARD combo except for the amount of dexterity necessary to get it to work. When I tried, it was usually the TK combo, low fierce punch, cancel into seismic that gave me the most problem (since I like to return to neutral positions to do cancels).

Splitreason has a pretty cool SF T-shirt:


Credit goes to Gootecks.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Good games Seer and Bob White!

Me n' Seer did a bunch of random select matches, which provided many LOLs, but the match of the night was against Bob White. I was Chun, he was Viper...first round, it looks like he's gonna get a perfect, then I hit my ultra and half his life is gone. Second round, it looks like I'm gonna get a perfect now, but then he comes back and takes a huge chunk of life away! It was awesome! :lol
MIMIC said:
Yeah...I watched a YouTube vid of it and I didn't know that I had to make the Burning Kick so low.

Finished it now. On to #5 :D

Does #5 have to be just like #4 with a low (ground) burning kick?
IIRC, yep. If the word "Air" doesn't precede HBK, it's grounded. Also, make sure you know the timing of the ultra, after the HBK. You have to hesitate, just a bit, to allow Dan to fall far enough, but not too far, for the ultra to connect. Practice it, until you get the timing down. Personally, I found the tk cancel into c.HP to be the harder part of the combo.


I just had a very bizarre match with my Honda against Bison. Lost the first round, spent the second round countering every head stomp and EX head stomp with jab headbutts in the left corner and won pretty easily. Third round, I get caught in the right corner, and every headbutt I do to counter a headstomp comes out backwards. I thought it might be a position or timing thing but it must have happened 4 times in a row, and it didn't look like Bison was drifting over me at any point..


Ummmm...I have to sign into Xbox Live to change my Icon/Title?

Scratch that....I have to sign into Xbox Live to go back to the fucking title screen??? WTF?


Gotta say I like Championship Mode a lot more then Rank. I'm getting a lot of Ryu and a good mix of every character so far. I think I've seen every character represent!


I still don't have the Perfectionist, Super!, or Bitter Victor titles. I only need a few more of each (IIRC). I should just go and spam some n00bs :)

Perfectionist: 25 (need 5 more)
Super!: 18 (need 12 more)
Bitter Victor: 13 (need 17 more)
TurtleSnatcher said:
Like in Trials (Not sure if you guys do this)

But I flinch in real life and close my eyes halfway through inputs.. I never keep my eyes fully open.. Its like its pinching me because I'm hoping it works or some shit.. Its so bad. :lol
I do this in trials. I sometimes do it during matches when I'm getting fatigued, too. I really gotta learn when to quit. Like tonight I hopped on and was doing real well. Won a few tourneys. Then it all fell apart but I kept playing. Always a mistake. Like, I'm playing this Blanka. We're a whole screen length apart. He has a sliver of health left. I have half of mine. I'm just waiting for him to come to me. After a few seconds he decides it's a good idea to throw out his ultra. A full screen Blanka ultra. And guess what? I went for my drill far too early, his ultra hits me and I get K.O.'d. Humiliation!

Next round he tried the full screen thing again but I didn't fall for it again at least! I fell for many other obvious traps throughout the night, though. Lots of me being the idiot throwing out the full screen ultra. Blinking. Losing. Shame!

Zabka said:
I just had a very bizarre match with my Honda against Bison. Lost the first round, spent the second round countering every head stomp and EX head stomp with jab headbutts in the left corner and won pretty easily. Third round, I get caught in the right corner, and every headbutt I do to counter a headstomp comes out backwards. I thought it might be a position or timing thing but it must have happened 4 times in a row, and it didn't look like Bison was drifting over me at any point..
The tracking can be really goofy sometimes. I wish you could save replays for any match because often I'd like to go back and make sure I wasn't seeing things. I also with they'd tone down the tracking and the reversal window and a whole bunch of other stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Good games MoodyShuffle > sorry I had to cut it short; dunno how much longer you intended to send me packing :D

I've always had trouble with Bison, but never before have I seen such vicious use of the scissor kick! It was seriously hard to get a word in edgeways. And when I did manage to get some distance between us, you were still pretty clever at long range.

Even though you beat me like, what, 11-2? I was satisfied with the (first and last, I believe) victories =) Couple of them came right down to the wire though, really good stuff!

God... thinking about it now, I almost wanted to cry from blockstun and that horrible flying knee crossup. Truly an awakening experience - although I still have more trouble against Blanka!

Cheers, hope there's more to come!
Ugh I did a player match today and went on a 20 game win streak.. I go to championship mode and lose 5 straight.

I did though get into G2-E finallly..

And I have yet to pass the 3rd round after like 6 attempts.

Fucking impossible. It pissses me off because I'm using Fuerte.. I look at replays at some guys who are up in G2-C or G2-B and are in the top 100 for CP.. and they are Fuerte users..

They do the exact same shit I do.. no RSF, nothing special and they fucking win?

What the fucking fuck fuck.

Argh Sorry bad night :(

I can only do RSF up to 2 hits.. and thats only like 25% of the time.. and I can't even get the slide in.. Sometimes I can't even get the Fierce + Slide to combo.. thats only 60% of the time :(

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
MIMIC said:
I still don't have the Perfectionist, Super!, or Bitter Victor titles. I only need a few more of each (IIRC). I should just go and spam some n00bs :)

Perfectionist: 25 (need 5 more)
Super!: 18 (need 12 more)
Bitter Victor: 13 (need 17 more)
how do you get these and how do you know how many whatevers are required?
Rocky_Balboa said:
Level 8 Boss, some good games again. Again I'm sorry that I can't play with anyone else but Boxer. In the end it makes player matches much more boring.

Same here.

Not good for me lol, I just need to find a way to deal with Balrog. I think I have a psychological fear of Balrog, I just choke whenever I see him.


Lyte Edge said:
Good games Seer and Bob White!

Me n' Seer did a bunch of random select matches, which provided many LOLs, but the match of the night was against Bob White. I was Chun, he was Viper...first round, it looks like he's gonna get a perfect, then I hit my ultra and half his life is gone. Second round, it looks like I'm gonna get a perfect now, but then he comes back and takes a huge chunk of life away! It was awesome! :lol

Dan vs. Dan. Best mirror evar
Level 8 Boss said:
Not good for me lol, I just need to find a way to deal with Balrog. I think I have a psychological fear of Balrog, I just choke whenever I see him.

It's the same with me against Blanka. Whenever I play a Blanka, I just lock up and end up doing really stupid shit. Also, to some extent, it's the same with Edmond Honda for me. I know he's a pretty shit character, but his battle cries just piss me the fuck off and I end up doing stupid shit again.
Pop On Arrival said:
It's the same with me against Blanka. Whenever I play a Blanka, I just lock up and end up doing really stupid shit. Also, to some extent, it's the same with Edmond Honda for me. I know he's a pretty shit character, but his battle cries just piss me the fuck off and I end up doing stupid shit again.

Who do you main? I used to have problems against Blanka but my Ryu/Ken is pretty effective against him now.
Level 8 Boss said:
Who do you main? I used to have problems against Blanka but my Ryu/Ken is pretty effective against him now.

I play a pretty aggressive Chun and it doesn't seem to do too well against Blanka, and the fact that I have no normal means to punish the blanka ball is pretty frustrating. I mean, I can beat the shitty Blanka's that just turtle, but when I play a good one, I get bamboozled.

I've had some success these past few days just zoning him out and letting him come to me, though. Problem is: I get bored of this and I eventually rush in until I take massive damage for as a wake up call and go back to playing defensive.

Can you guys suggest a secondary character that LIVES off the rushdown?
Pop On Arrival said:
It's the same with me against Blanka. Whenever I play a Blanka, I just lock up and end up doing really stupid shit. Also, to some extent, it's the same with Edmond Honda for me. I know he's a pretty shit character, but his battle cries just piss me the fuck off and I end up doing stupid shit again.

Who do you main? I used to have problems against Blanka but my Ryu/Ken is pretty effective against him now.
Level 8 Boss said:
Who do you main? I used to have problems against Blanka but my Ryu/Ken is pretty effective against him now.

I play a pretty aggressive Chun and it doesn't seem to do too well against Blanka, and the fact that I have no normal means to punish the blanka ball is pretty frustrating. I mean, I can beat the shitty Blanka's that just turtle, but when I play a good one, I get bamboozled.

I've had some success these past few days just zoning him out and letting him come to me, though. Problem is: I get bored of this and I eventually rush in until I take massive damage for as a wake up call and go back to playing defensive.

Can you guys suggest a secondary character that LIVES off the rushdown?



NeoGAF: my new HOME
arstal said:
Abel maybe? Sakura?

You will be in a lot of pain if you go Sakura. Not sure how the transition from Chun is, but I fared terribly with Sakura, but then I was transitioning from full Shoto to her Shoto jr. stylings and taking terrible beatings all over. I've fought at least two awesome Sakura's who were in my face the whole time, but I just can't play like that :(

I'd honestly suggest Balrog... a lot of people seem to get super flustered when you're in close and lashing out with poke-strings.


he's Virgin Tight™
Pop On Arrival said:
I play a pretty aggressive Chun and it doesn't seem to do too well against Blanka, and the fact that I have no normal means to punish the blanka ball is pretty frustrating. I mean, I can beat the shitty Blanka's that just turtle, but when I play a good one, I get bamboozled.

I've had some success these past few days just zoning him out and letting him come to me, though. Problem is: I get bored of this and I eventually rush in until I take massive damage for as a wake up call and go back to playing defensive.

Can you guys suggest a secondary character that LIVES off the rushdown?


I learned to fierce punch balls, never Hassan Shou a Blanka unless he absolutely never expects it, avoid overheads, kep distance. A fierce punch will beat any Blanka ball. If he comes with the overhead attack just s.FP and it will stop the attack. I learned that and have been winning against Blankas. But yeah, Chun vs. Blanka is a different kind of match, need to get rid off certain habits.

Also, Ultra'ing through fireballs = Win.
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