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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

dralla said:
for balrog players, is there anything specific you can do after you land the headbut if you don't have ultra/super stored? since he has no cross up it's sort of a strange situation

EX dash light kick uppercut maybe?

Don't think so though.


iam220 said:
Well you DO want to get better right? So when that happens you'll be up there playing with the good players. Until then you fight with those who are on your level. I for one think it's brilliantly designed.

I personally don't believe that someone can get better at this game with playing against players, who jump around like monkeys.
Feels like I stepped into a time machine and I'm back at early ranked gaming. I was hoping I can mix up my characters, since I'm not losing points, but it looks like I was too slow. :(
Won said:
I personally don't believe that someone can get better at this game with playing against players, who jump around like monkeys.
Feels like I stepped into a time machine and I'm back at early ranked gaming. I was hoping I can mix up my characters, since I'm not losing points, but it looks like I was too slow. :(

I recommend just dominating them and moving up. THey obviously will move up in time but if you keep progressing against the scrubs you will be with people on your scale. Honestly it is a smart system in how it was designed. Don't give up. I enjoy reading your thoughts on the game and how you are progressing :)


So I managed to string a few lucky hits today. Managed to sell my 360 TE stick and in turn, found a brand new PS3 TE stick. Sold it for $160, bought it for $160. The pay off was very exciting. Now just waiting for the guy who's suppose to trade me the 360 version for the PS3 version of SFIV. Back to unlocking shit though.

When is that pack that unlocks all the alt costumes suppose to be out anyway?


dralla said:
for balrog players, is there anything specific you can do after you land the headbut if you don't have ultra/super stored? since he has no cross up it's sort of a strange situation

Nothing really. Just push forward and keep the pressure on with light jabs or trip them.

qcf x2

Wow, I completed Viper's hard trial #3. After about a month (seriously) of trying. I was about 5 minutes from giving up for the day (it was a daily ritual) and looking out the window when I heard the ultra go off and then "Success!".

I was stunned, and I'm still a little stunned. I couldn't do it before and I can't do it now...that shit should've been a bonus trial.

I'm seeing more jump kick --> sweep players in G2 now and that bothers me, especially since the road to G1 is soooooooooo long.


TurtleSnatcher said:

I recommend just dominating them and moving up. THey obviously will move up in time but if you keep progressing against the scrubs you will be with people on your scale. Honestly it is a smart system in how it was designed. Don't give up. I enjoy reading your thoughts on the game and how you are progressing :)

Well, not really looking forward to press the shit out of them over the next few days, but what can I do? :lol

Nearly lost a final against a Ken player. (a good one, but it was a Ken!) 1% victory....could bite myself in the ass for that slide in the third round. Uploaded the replay for laughs. :/

Edit: Ah damn, it didn't upload....stupid system, I pressed A! -.-


Ploid 3.0 said:
Why are you putting yourself though so much pain? It's almost transferring over to me, seeing your posts are like thinking about nails on a chalkboard. I have a friend trying to get platinum trophies, and it's the same thing there. He's putting himself through torture to max out a game he rented, and won't play anything else. It seem so horrible, 0 unlocks (if they unlocked the alternate costumes I'd understand and would be doing it too).

It's not a pain; I do this with ALL my Xbox games: trying to get all of the achievements. :) Plus, I've been playing Street Fighter since I was a little kid and these particular achievements are a lot more fun (even if they are frustrating at times :lol)

arstal said:
That's why I've barely touched that mode. It doesn't help your game at all either. All the effort spent in that could be used to learn the metagame and yomi aspects of Sf4.

I agree that it doesn't help your game....I'm just doing it strictly to do it.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
McBradders said:
Two things make me crazy in this game...

1. Turtley Guiles.

2. Dull Sagats.
I dont know how any Sagat player can be dull, Sagat has lots of tools. He can combo his super pretty much from anything.:lol


Fersis said:
I dont know how any Sagat player can be dull, Sagat has lots of tools. He can combo his super pretty much from anything.:lol

Man, I need to set up my camera to show you how Sagats try to play against me........


KevinCow said:
Turtley Guiles are so annoying with Honda.

"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
Jump over Sonic Boom
"Flash Kick!"
Fuck! :lol

I used to main as Guile but I was never a turtle. I used a Sonic Boom to rush my opponent. But I got sick of just using two damn moves so I switched to Blanka and then Fuerte. Plus, Guile's Ultra is one of the worst in the game.
KevinCow said:
Turtley Guiles are so annoying with Honda.

"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
Jump over Sonic Boom
"Flash Kick!"
Fuck! :lol
I hate it because i have to turtle back because his HK sweep has two hits and he can just constantly come at you with an attack it feels.


KevinCow said:
Turtley Guiles are so annoying with Honda.

"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
Jump over Sonic Boom
"Flash Kick!"
Fuck! :lol
Just wait till you fight one who's good with the air throw.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
some of the Biggest mistake i think Capcom made combat design wise is NOT SIMPLY SWEEP Zangief out of Lariets and Blanka out of Shock at any distance(or at least like in the other SFs)

it simply makes no sense ethat Gief's Lariet hits you while crouching.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
FindMyFarms said:
It helps with execution. Plus, Capcom nerfed that yomi yogi stuff in sf4.

I disagree. Yomi still plays a great role, you can't really overpower chars as much in SF4- which makes stuff like sagat and gief lariat more noticeable.
So I haven't been following the state of SF4 on the PS3. A couple of questions:

Are all Championship finals matches saved as replays? And are the replays even working at this time? Also: has anyone experienced issues with being unable to get into a match after a while and needing to quit the game to be able to play online again?


TurtleSnatcher said:
I hate it because i have to turtle back because his HK sweep has two hits and he can just constantly come at you with an attack it feels.

Twice the hits means twice the time to punish him! *splash*
arstal said:
I disagree. Yomi still plays a great role, you can't really overpower chars as much in SF4- which makes stuff like sagat and gief lariat more noticeable.

No I disagree. Yomi is cheap. If someone online starts yoming me, then they deserve the ragequit coming their way! I think capcom should nerf yomi even more, it still does too much damage.


KevinCow said:
Turtley Guiles are so annoying with Honda.

"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
"Sonic Boom!"
Jump over Sonic Boom
"Flash Kick!"
Fuck! :lol

Guile should lose that battle. Get close enough and do buttstomp. Some normals should at least trade with him too unless its EX.


dralla said:
back up, throw fireballs, fierce k on jump in?

Just take away the fireballs and the kicks on jump in and you got what I had to play today several times.
Doesn't make sense, but it happened.

qcf x2

Witchfinder General said:
Fuck Seth is cheap. It's ruining my enjoyment of this game so much that I almost regret buying it and the TE stick. What a fucking mess.

1 player or when used by someone else? On 1P as long as you didn't install the game he should be a piece of cake. Just keep out of throw range but within jump-in range and you'll destroy him. IDK who you use but if you knock him down with Ryu, take two steps back, hurricane kick....and do that till the match is over. He never blocks it.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
qcf x2 said:
1 player or when used by someone else? On 1P as long as you didn't install the game he should be a piece of cake. Just keep out of throw range but within jump-in range and you'll destroy him. IDK who you use but if you knock him down with Ryu, take two steps back, hurricane kick....and do that till the match is over. He never blocks it.

I do use Ryu. Thanks.


I am Korean.
FindMyFarms said:
No I disagree. Yomi is cheap. If someone online starts yoming me, then they deserve the ragequit coming their way! I think capcom should nerf yomi even more, it still does too much damage.
Yomi sux. Juggles are always better.
few days ago it was cammy, now blanka is back in full force! fought a whole armada of blanka in championship mode. few of them were good, but all that green can get boring really fast.

also i lost another 500 GP. yay for bugs and glitches.

trials: havent finished another trial in a month now. the last for me are balrog, cammy, gen, abel, ken, viper and fuerte. just a single/few left on them, but no motivation to finish up. cammys last breaks my fingers.......


Finally got to G2, and now I lose first round a lot more often. Still some cheap strategies, but more advanced cheap strategies. Doesn't help that my pad was horrible today. I literally did an Abel air grab accidentally FIVE TIMES IN ONE ROUND. I need to find an alternatives.


Oh wow, it feels like I just rediscovered this game. Where the hell was Ryu when I needed him lol? Man, he has so many awesome setups. I can believe I always played with all shotos including Sakura and Dan, but never Ryu. Ryu is the best of the bunch solely because of how newb-friendly his setups are. I've been winning a lot more rounds in one sitting recently than I ever.

Also why the heck can't I find good matches in Championship mode? Everyone I play is laggy as hell.


my bison is stagnating...

but championship mode is really getting on my nerves.

Fighting Ryu after Ryu after Ryu after Ryu after Ryu after Ryu is really starting to take it's toll on me. They all play the fucking same with one small gimmick that always catches me off guard and causes me to lose the match. And of course it is only set to 3 rounds :/

I usually just laughed at the overuse of shotos in this game, but it is really starting to annoy me now.


Threi said:
my bison is stagnating...

but championship mode is really getting on my nerves.

Fighting Ryu after Ryu after Ryu after Ryu after Ryu after Ryu is really starting to take it's toll on me. They all play the fucking same with one small gimmick that always catches me off guard and causes me to lose the match. And of course it is only set to 3 rounds :/

I usually just laughed at the overuse of shotos in this game, but it is really starting to annoy me now.

same here, but replace 'bison' with blanka and three of those Ryus with Kens and Sagats :/


STG said:
same here, but replace 'bison' with blanka and three of those Ryus with Kens and Sagats :/
Holy shit you are right. So many Blanka's today. At least I think I got a good strategy against them that seems to be working well. Thank you hit-invulnerable EX Tornado Throw!
slayn said:
does cammy have a good crossup? I have no idea.
j.LK crosses up some characters. It's terrible. You can crossup with the c.strike too. I used to use it a lot but not so much nowadays. Maybe it's more effective than I think...but if it was Cammy probably wouldn't have such problems with downback.

TurtleSnatcher said:
I really hate Cammy though. Just random Cannon Spike and you will win. I've seen Rummy do it and he's like in the top 300 in CP! :lol

I hatechu Rummy! :p

EDIT: I think Spike has more priority then DP.
It doesn't.

MicVlaD said:
I think I'm done with Championship Mode, at least for the time being, because I'm enjoying it a lot less ever since I reached the G2 division. G3 frequently offered a variety of characters I usually hadn't seen before like Seths or Fei-Longs, while G2 has been a significantly more boring affair so far. It kind of bugs me how most people not only play really conservative the second the match starts (not everyone outright turtles but still), but how they also do this with some of the better fighters at that. Characters that are good to great at offense. Yet at the start of almost every match (against total strangers), what do I see? Balrog / Ryu / Sagat / etc. players backing the fuck away against a frail character like Dhalsim... So stale and mindnumbingly tedious.

Oh, and another great thing. By the time I do advance to the finals, I practically always have to fight against the umpteenth Ryu. Exciting!
Yeah, it's almost exclusively top tier characters turtling with the occasional Ken. Who also turtles. It's fucking ridiculous. I don't have the patience for it.


C- Warrior said:

Thought it referred to playing mind games, knowing what your opponent is going to do, conditioning your opponent.

But the way they are using it...probably means there is some kind of joke that you and I are not aware of. :lol


good credit (by proxy)
So I've been messaging everyone that beats me with "u suks", and one guys messaged me back with the reply "winston?" :lol


Rice-Eater said:
All the bitching about Shoto's makes me not want to play as I main Ryu and have used him 91% of the time in over 2,000 matches :lol
When they game first came out it was understandable. It really has been a lot less recently...I mean when you consider 1/4 to 1/3 of the roster is shotos its not that bad. I've been seeing quite a bit of blanka/bison/balrog/cammy recently though.
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