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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


What is the point of Dan's Legendary taunt? I mean, it's funny....but is there a situation where it becomes possible and reasonable to use?

Legendary Taunt: 2QCF + HP/K (to be used when opponent's controller disconnects)


MIMIC said:
What is the point of Dan's Legendary taunt? I mean, it's funny....but is there a situation where it becomes possible and reasonable to use?

Legendary Taunt: 2QCF + HP/K (to be used when opponent's controller disconnects)

You can cancel it with an ultra...but not really useful.


I see. I was doing Dan's trials and I figured that since it canceled so easily into the Ultra that maybe THAT was the reason.

Dan, you make me laugh with your funny moves and your exclusive cancellable Super


i dont know i think it is quite easy to connect.

c.mk>fireball>super taunt>cancel ultra. the c.mk can catch anyone quite easily.

edit: c.mk and ya it's funny when you do the super taunt then they try to counter and you ultra cancel.


Vdragoon said:
i dont know i think it is quite easy to connect.

mk>fireball>super taunt>cancel ultra. the mk can catch anyone quite easily.

Pretty easy yeah, and if they do manage to block, you can just delay the ultra cancel and sometimes catch them off guard, which is even funnier.


Jesus fucking christ. I'm getting my ass kicked by a Balrog who's doing almost nothing but spamming the dash punch. There's like no way around it! As soon as I'm out of my blockstun, he's doing another one! This is utterly ridiculous. The only way to counter it is to guess when he's going to do it and hit him out of it.


I only have Fei Long, Akuma, Gouken & Seth left, and these were the top 5 most difficult trials (for me) so far.

1. Ken - #5
2. Gen - #3
3. C. Viper - #2
4. C. Viper - #3
5. Chun-Li - #5 (so....many...moves)

Ken still trumps them all for me because the other 4 were relatively easy once I figured out what to do exactly. With Ken, I knew what to do but it JUST NEVER WORKED because it wasn't fast enough. It's still only trial that took me a week to complete after numerous attempt.


KevinCow said:
Jesus fucking christ. I'm getting my ass kicked by a Balrog who's doing almost nothing but spamming the dash punch. There's like no way around it! As soon as I'm out of my blockstun, he's doing another one! This is utterly ridiculous. The only way to counter it is to guess when he's going to do it and hit him out of it.

you can throw him before you finishes his dash.


KevinCow said:
Jesus fucking christ. I'm getting my ass kicked by a Balrog who's doing almost nothing but spamming the dash punch. There's like no way around it! As soon as I'm out of my blockstun, he's doing another one! This is utterly ridiculous. The only way to counter it is to guess when he's going to do it and hit him out of it.

I fucking hate Balrog. That's why I love Fuerte cuz he can bait a lot of characters to counter.

(and I'm sure that's why a lot of people hate Fuerte :lol)
I had a few matches against Grifter tonight but wanted to do Championship so I bailed on him after 2 matches.

Honestly Grifter you are on a completely different league then me.. You are at least 6 tiers ahead of me.. You FADC like its as natural as picking your nose.. its disgusting.

Later I had 40 matches against Rummy. Eff you Rummy and your random Canon spikes :lol

Your Cammy is slightly better then my Fuerte.. I did win some early matches though and some mixed in later when you started to roll with her.

Canon Spike is officially the gayest move in the game. You can jump and a HK Canon Spike will hit you.. also wtf at Hooligan Throw.. I was crouching and the shit still grabs you? Also your walk up throws .. ARGH .. I started countering them toward the end but they were driving me crazy.

Unfortunately I have no fucking clue on how to do Run Stop Fierce so I'm worthless and its a reason why I never did any FA's.. other then the once against your Rufus or Honda I think then dashed into my Super.

As for Championship mode.. This shit is hard. Everyone is leagues better then me. Tonight I couldn't even win a damn tournament and I attempted at least 30 different 1st round attempts.. I'd get to the finals a few times but lose or get to the Semis and lose.. or just lose in the 1st round.

I don't get it.. Why do I suck so much :( Who are these people that are pwning me nonstop and where the fuck did they come from. RAGE! Also why the fuck do they choose BLANKA AND RYU every fucking time.

All I fought today was those two.. and an occasional Sagat and Balrog. Annoying as SHIT. Especially for a Fuerte user..

Also Jump in Fierce Punch sucks with Fuerte.. it never works on anyway because everyone waits for his jump ins and DP's or some shit. I just want to do Jump in FP + FP + Quesadilla Bomb but can only get it on the occasional spamming fireballer but those are rare in this new mutant god breed of players.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Later I had 40 matches against Rummy. Eff you Rummy and your random Canon spikes :lol

Your Cammy is slightly better then my Fuerte.. I did win some early matches though and some mixed in later when you started to roll with her.
I've been trying to play a calmer game these last few days. All these turtles in championship have been frustrating me so I figured hey, maybe they have the right idea. Such a fucking mistake. I've been losing constantly since I tried that approach. When I try to think I just crouchblock and don't poke, then throw out a random special and get punished. Or an ultra. Oh the ultras! It wasn't until I looked up and saw it was like...1-8 in your favor that I realized that trying to play smart is stupid.

Canon Spike is officially the gayest move in the game. You can jump and a HK Canon Spike will hit you.. also wtf at Hooligan Throw.. I was crouching and the shit still grabs you? Also your walk up throws .. ARGH .. I started countering them toward the end but they were driving me crazy.
I thought you were teching well from the start! I'm not used to playing people who throw as much as I do. Also not used to Fuerte at all. I run into him with surprising regularity but I also have my highest win % against him...or Viper. They're top 2 at least. So it was interesting to play one who made heavy use of his splashes and throws so I could try and figure out how to counter them. I'm still not entirely sure. Same with his ultra. Does it have throw properties like Giefs? I assumed it did so I never tried to block it. So GGs!

And no way is the spike as bad as anything Sagat has, or Ryu's bullshit anti-air DP > ultra. That thing gets you even if it trades!

I had never really played Guile or Seth before. Now I have a tiny bit of sympathy for Guile players. I can kinda understand why so many just throw sonic booms and crouch now...but I still hate them. Seth can still suck a dick. I hope he isn't in the next revision.

I'm kinda wishing I'd put time into learning Chun. She seems a lot more fun than I initially thought. She scared me off cuz it's hard for me to get used to the idea of her having a fireball and specials other than SBK and the legs! It is all still SF2 in my head. That's why I still haven't accepted that meaties are nearly useless in this stupid game.

Tomorrow I need to swap out these Sanwas for Seimitsus. I liked having them for other fighters but in SF4 the lax inputs + negative edge = lots of accidental moves for me. It's funny when a whiffed hooligan followed by an accidental SBF actually connects though.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Canon Spike is officially the gayest move in the game. You can jump and a HK Canon Spike will hit you.. also wtf at Hooligan Throw.. I was crouching and the shit still grabs you? Also your walk up throws .. ARGH .. I started countering them toward the end but they were driving me crazy..

No it doesn't. I has in every other game, and it should, but in SF4 it doesn't. Only one of the reasons Cammy sucks now :(


TurtleSnatcher said:
I hate it because i have to turtle back because his HK sweep has two hits and he can just constantly come at you with an attack it feels.

Always focus the second hit of sweep...you have time to do it after blocking the first hit
Mmmmm, I'm really enjoying playing as Abel now. He is still nowhere near as good as my Chun/Dictator/Sagat, but he's still awesome. Just rushing down and bamboozling fools is so satisfying.

I love picking up frail ol' dhalsim and just slamming his rubbery ass all over the ground.
THIS is a Yomi
Naomi Watts
. Many mind games to be played if you know what I mean ;)


You played Buktooth's Fuerte yet? He's been maining him and placing top 5 in tourneys here in tx. His psn is Buktooth also.

FOCUS ATTACK Balrog's dash straights. You'll get a crumple then punish. Trust me when I say Rog won't be spamming straights when he eats 25% every time.

I don't know if I should be showing you this, but if you start pullin this shit on me next time we play I'll know where u got it from haha! Here's a sick Guile OCV'ing a pretty good team at Arcade Infinity. -----> Guile Ownage<----- His footsies and zoning are out of this world.

Also, what's up w/ the GP? I was on my buddies ps3 tonight, and won a bunch of tourneys in G2. But somehow, we went down in GP at the end of the night. Went from 2700 or so, to like 2600. Each time I won a tourney it would say I gained 100 or so GP, but then that wouldn't translate to the profile. Am I missing something here? Also I could never seem to upload videos :/ GAF help me.


I've been playing championship mode, and god damn. I've definitely seen a bit more variety character-wise, increasing the game's apparently playable roster to 7 or so. The thing is, it doesn't matter who the hell someone chooses, as there's something like a 90% chance they're playing straight turtle style. It doesn't matter what you do. I'm way ahead on life and Ryu's jumping back and fireballing until the time runs out and I damn near fall asleep jumping over hadoukens. Turtle chun-li? What the hell? I can't even count the guiles/balrogs that spend the entire match crouch blocking. I can see why people switch to Sagat as he can at least force the opponent to do something. Matches are a test of who gets bored at their edge of the screen and decides to actually do something. I'm not the most aggressive player, but I definitely get in and try to mix it up as much as I can. The sooner downloadable third strike comes out, the better.


Well, so much for using Sakura in Championship--the sheer amount of work you have to do to get a win with her just isn't worth the frustration. It's really a shame as she's so much fun to use. For all this talk of balance, I just don't see it with the weaker/low-stamina fighters. Back to Gouken and Honda it is.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Canon Spike is officially the gayest move in the game. You can jump and a HK Canon Spike will hit you...
glad you feel my pain. Cannon Spike is almost as bad as lariat in the "crush everything in your moveset if timed properly" sense.

Future said:
Always focus the second hit of sweep...you have time to do it after blocking the first hit
I figured that out, but it almost never EVER works online. Lag or shitty timing i guess.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Zissou said:
I've been playing championship mode, and god damn. I've definitely seen a bit more variety character-wise, increasing the game's apparently playable roster to 7 or so. The thing is, it doesn't matter who the hell someone chooses, as there's something like a 90% chance they're playing straight turtle style. It doesn't matter what you do. I'm way ahead on life and Ryu's jumping back and fireballing until the time runs out and I damn near fall asleep jumping over hadoukens. Turtle chun-li? What the hell? I can't even count the guiles/balrogs that spend the entire match crouch blocking. I can see why people switch to Sagat as he can at least force the opponent to do something. Matches are a test of who gets bored at their edge of the screen and decides to actually do something. I'm not the most aggressive player, but I definitely get in and try to mix it up as much as I can. The sooner downloadable third strike comes out, the better.

With Honda- some matches I really try to rush in, mostly vs Guile, Ryu, Sagat, and Chun. Others I have to turtle HARD- Balrog, Blanka. I tend to play runaway turtle more then sit around turtle though.

The thing is my style of turtling I try to use a lot of feint attacks to bait turtles into trying to punish something that isn't there. Good players anticipate the feints though.

To me, 3S was more of a turtle game then SFIV. If you want an offensive fighter- play VF or KOF98UM, or even STHD.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
bob_arctor said:
Well, so much for using Sakura in Championship--the sheer amount of work you have to do to get a win with her just isn't worth the frustration. It's really a shame as she's so much fun to use. For all this talk of balance, I just don't see it with the weaker/low-stamina fighters. Back to Gouken and Honda it is.

I feel you, sir.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I think I might give up on trying to seriously play Viper until I get a stick. Too many of her combos I just miss too often :(.

It sucks because she's my favorite new character, moveset wise. But trying to pull some things off on the 360 analog is a crapshoot sometimes. Even though Viper is supposedly like S+ tier and Gen's on the bottom, I find I have a much easier time waylayin suckas with Gen.
Future said:
Always focus the second hit of sweep...you have time to do it after blocking the first hit
I never time it right and get hit.. NEVER

And when I do hit it he doesnt crumple or stun enough for me to do anything :(

Or its too laggy online.

Lost Fragment said:
I think I might give up on trying to seriously play Viper until I get a stick. Too many of her combos I just miss too often :(.

It sucks because she's my favorite new character, moveset wise. But trying to pull some things off on the 360 analog is a crapshoot sometimes. Even though Viper is supposedly like S+ tier and Gen's on the bottom, I find I have a much easier time waylayin suckas with Gen.

Tiers mean nothing in our style of play honestly.. Either way so many different tier listings out there.. The newest on on EventHubs has her mid tier now.


I think someone is playing games with me.....just had an insane shoto streak and they all played the same way with the jumping backwards/shoryuken spam....can't be coincidence!

I was actually happy to see a Zangief in the final round.....poor guy....looked so smashed after I was done. :(
TurtleSnatcher said:
I never time it right and get hit.. NEVER

And when I do hit it he doesnt crumple or stun enough for me to do anything :(

I wouldn't try to focus hit the sweep online, lag just kills your timing window. You play Fuerte right? If you have ex bar, you can just ex run backwards (after the first sweep hit) then press. Really easy to do on reaction.


i'm getting so much hate mail it's not even funny. Might be the way I use my sagat, there has been rounds that were won exclusively with tiger shots. Whenever I knock my opponent down, instead of going for a crossup on wake up, I just ran to the opposite side of the screen and blast out those tiger shots. I also have a very cheap way of delivery tons of chip damage; crouching low kick, crouching low kick, medium kick cancel to tiger knee. perfectly safe and most people don't know how to defend against it, so i just rinse and repeat. Doing that same loop 5-6 times in a row.

Believe it or not, zangief is my favorite match up.
FindMyFarms said:
I wouldn't try to focus hit the sweep online, lag just kills your timing window. You play Fuerte right? If you have ex bar, you can just ex run backwards (after the first sweep hit) then press. Really easy to do on reaction.

Mm good idea.. sometimes I try to jump in between the sweeps behind him then grab him.

Since he still has to finish the other animation and can't flash kick.

I just wish I knew how to do RSF and how to properly do focus attacks.. I have the tendency to hold it down too long or not do the dash out of it in the heat of the moment.


iam220 said:
i'm getting so much hate mail it's not even funny. Might be the way I use my sagat, there has been rounds that were won exclusively with tiger shots. Whenever I knock my opponent down, instead of going for a crossup on wake up, I just ran to the opposite side of the screen and blast out those tiger shots. I also have a very cheap way of delivery tons of chip damage; crouching low kick, crouching low kick, medium kick cancel to tiger knee. perfectly safe and most people don't know how to defend against it, so i just rinse and repeat. Doing that same loop 5-6 times in a row.

Believe it or not, zangief is my favorite match up.

Might? I'd send you hate mail, too. :lol


iam220 said:
i'm getting so much hate mail it's not even funny. Might be the way I use my sagat, there has been rounds that were won exclusively with tiger shots. Whenever I knock my opponent down, instead of going for a crossup on wake up, I just ran to the opposite side of the screen and blast out those tiger shots. I also have a very cheap way of delivery tons of chip damage; crouching low kick, crouching low kick, medium kick cancel to tiger knee. perfectly safe and most people don't know how to defend against it, so i just rinse and repeat. Doing that same loop 5-6 times in a row.

Believe it or not, zangief is my favorite match up.

Jeez. Even reading your description is boring as hell. Can't imagine doing that over and over.
Had a super fun (probably only for me) match yesterday where I think I literally threw the guy for about 60% damage to win the match. I kept mixing up ground throws, air throws, and hooligan's combo/cancel throw. It was amazing! I must have made about 6 throws in a row.

I've actually noticed that so much of my Cammy game now is doing mind games so I can provoke a throw situation. After a knockdown I'll usually hooligan combo for a throw. Then I'll move right up against them so they try and do some kind of wake up punish (SRK, flash kick, head butt etc.) block immediately and punish with throw. When they stand up spiral arrow (after they've completely forgotten about that annoying little move) and then just do a simple throw when they wake up and block low expecting a spiral arrow. Hahah, so much fun. I had a good cammy night yesterday:D


bob_arctor said:
Jeez. Even reading your description is boring as hell. Can't imagine doing that over and over.

Yeah, 'boring' has been my number one compliant. I'm not concerned with entertaining my opponents though.

Obviously, when I fight the more decent players I have to switch it up a bit since the mentioned strategy won't always work on them.


iam220 said:
i'm getting so much hate mail it's not even funny. Might be the way I use my sagat, there has been rounds that were won exclusively with tiger shots. Whenever I knock my opponent down, instead of going for a crossup on wake up, I just ran to the opposite side of the screen and blast out those tiger shots. I also have a very cheap way of delivery tons of chip damage; crouching low kick, crouching low kick, medium kick cancel to tiger knee. perfectly safe and most people don't know how to defend against it, so i just rinse and repeat. Doing that same loop 5-6 times in a row.

Believe it or not, zangief is my favorite match up.

Wow, that sounds like so much fun to play against. Wee.


arstal said:
With Honda- some matches I really try to rush in, mostly vs Guile, Ryu, Sagat, and Chun. Others I have to turtle HARD- Balrog, Blanka. I tend to play runaway turtle more then sit around turtle though.

The thing is my style of turtling I try to use a lot of feint attacks to bait turtles into trying to punish something that isn't there. Good players anticipate the feints though.

To me, 3S was more of a turtle game then SFIV. If you want an offensive fighter- play VF or KOF98UM, or even STHD.

Some characters are really fun to fight against. I play Blanka, so against a good Abel, Zangeif, Rose, or whoever, an enjoyable fight happens. Unfortunately, a huge percentage of matches are against shoto characters, and the vast majority all play exactly the same. I wish there was some custom filter to not fight Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Balrog/Guile. 3S is certainly a defensive game, but it seems like turtling is a much less effective strategy; get cornered, especially by characters like Urien or Necro, and you're toast. I'd love to play VF online, but I've got the PS3 version with PS3 sticks, and it'd be another huge investment to get set up with my 360. Hopefully KOF XII or Blazblue suits me better, as I'll be giving both a shot.
iam220 said:
i'm getting so much hate mail it's not even funny. Might be the way I use my sagat, there has been rounds that were won exclusively with tiger shots. Whenever I knock my opponent down, instead of going for a crossup on wake up, I just ran to the opposite side of the screen and blast out those tiger shots. I also have a very cheap way of delivery tons of chip damage; crouching low kick, crouching low kick, medium kick cancel to tiger knee. perfectly safe and most people don't know how to defend against it, so i just rinse and repeat. Doing that same loop 5-6 times in a row.

Believe it or not, zangief is my favorite match up.

That's pretty assy.

Whenever I play runaway with shoto shots like that I seriously just jump everything. Ryu/Sagat/Akuma players love to just back off and spam that shit. I'll just jump until you get tired. Or if I have an ex bar I will so make you pay with Cammy's full screen jump.
FindMyFarms said:
I don't know if I should be showing you this, but if you start pullin this shit on me next time we play I'll know where u got it from haha! Here's a sick Guile OCV'ing a pretty good team at Arcade Infinity. -----> Guile Ownage<----- His footsies and zoning are out of this world.

Also, what's up w/ the GP? I was on my buddies ps3 tonight, and won a bunch of tourneys in G2. But somehow, we went down in GP at the end of the night. Went from 2700 or so, to like 2600. Each time I won a tourney it would say I gained 100 or so GP, but then that wouldn't translate to the profile. Am I missing something here? Also I could never seem to upload videos :/ GAF help me.

:lol I saw that video already, and almost all the local tourney players here have linked me this video, saying never to get that good or they'll be pissed :D. Fuson is insane, not a ton of huge Gilley-like combos in there, just straight ass-kickery. I've watched it a couple times now, trying to incorporate a lot more st. fierce into my game (which is easy), the rolling sobat (meh) and the knee bazooka (hard to use but definitely worth the time to close the distance and surprise throwers while maintaining charge). Glad to see a "low tier" character just destroy people. For pretty much all the characters in the game, it comes down to the player, not the actual character, and I think that's a sign of pretty solid balance. Guile and Cammy aren't totally hopeless :p .

As for the second part, I've had problems with replays/GP as well. I don't think I've last 24 hours before getting the GP Walmart rollback. I've lost about 1400 that way. And I've only been able to watch 3 replays out of about 20 tries. Uploaded 1 of 5 successfully. They need to repatch the PS3 version, these bugs are ridiculous.

And CSpike's priority isn't that bad, the only weird thing it beats out is Bison's ultra :lol Come on, Cammy doesn't have any safe chip, they had to give her something. And besides, it's still no jab SRK.

I think that's a fine Sagat strat btw. Haters gotta find a way to beat it :p That's what SF is about. Sagat especially can play offensive or defensive; i find defensive ones easier to play than rushdown ones.

I love playing a defensive Guile in the first round, maybe even losing that, and then turning it on in the second and full on rushdown. It's what got me Perfectionist:D

Found this old ytmnd on SRK http://sonicboomyourfamily.ytmnd.com/


myDingling said:
That's pretty assy.

Whenever I play runaway with shoto shots like that I seriously just jump everything. Ryu/Sagat/Akuma players love to just back off and spam that shit. I'll just jump until you get tired. Or if I have an ex bar I will so make you pay with Cammy's full screen jump.

Yeah I have to be careful with certain characters, cammy being one of them.

As for jumping, there have been quite a few people who have tried that, I just mix up the speed of my tiger shots and eventually catch them with it. Even if you successfully avoid all the fireballs it's still not very smart of you to be doing that as you're giving your opponent a free super meter.
Killa Sasa said:
And CSpike's priority isn't that bad, the only weird thing it beats out is Bison's ultra :lol Come on, Cammy doesn't have any safe chip, they had to give her something. And besides, it's still no jab SRK.

Seriosuly...that shit gets me everytime and it's like a full quarter to a third of my health bar. Also, just like SRKs C.Spikes are so stupidly punishable when they miss. If you can predict a C.Spike it's money in the bag. Whenever you start getting C.Spiked out of the air consistently, it's basically a call to stop jumping and work on your ground game.Unless of course you play Fuerte like Turtle Snatcher and being in the air is like all of your game :(


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Zissou said:
Some characters are really fun to fight against. I play Blanka, so against a good Abel, Zangeif, Rose, or whoever, an enjoyable fight happens. Unfortunately, a huge percentage of matches are against shoto characters, and the vast majority all play exactly the same. I wish there was some custom filter to not fight Ryu/Ken/Sagat/Balrog/Guile. 3S is certainly a defensive game, but it seems like turtling is a much less effective strategy; get cornered, especially by characters like Urien or Necro, and you're toast. I'd love to play VF online, but I've got the PS3 version with PS3 sticks, and it'd be another huge investment to get set up with my 360. Hopefully KOF XII or Blazblue suits me better, as I'll be giving both a shot.

Blazblue might be better, but I hate Arc, so I'm passing on that. (Arc= boring to me)

KOFXII I don't have much hope for. That's why I recced 98UM. 98 has a good balance of offense and defense, and balance is pretty good also.

3S is worse because it devolves into gain meter, then random poke or parry into hit-confirmed easymode super combo. This is one reason balance was so terrible in 3S as well- only 2 chars really catered to that style of play (Yun and Chun). Ken and Urien were ok because they were solid overall, Makoto was gimmicky enough to steal wins. That's it. The other 14-15 chars weren't worth playing at all, they were all practically Dan, and Sean was too weak to even be Dan.

Blanka is my ugliest matchup, Honda can't rush Blanka at all, it's all about trying to bait Blanka's safe stuff into unsafe stuff. At least vs Balrog Honda should at least attempt a little offense to keep Balrog honest, that doesn't even work vs Blanka.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
arstal said:
Blazblue might be better, but I hate Arc, so I'm passing on that. (Arc= boring to me)

KOFXII I don't have much hope for. That's why I recced 98UM. 98 has a good balance of offense and defense, and balance is pretty good also.

3S is worse because it devolves into gain meter, then random poke or parry into hit-confirmed easymode super combo. This is one reason balance was so terrible in 3S as well- only 2 chars really catered to that style of play (Yun and Chun). Ken and Urien were ok because they were solid overall, Makoto was gimmicky enough to steal wins. That's it. The other 14-15 chars weren't worth playing at all, they were all practically Dan, and Sean was too weak to even be Dan.

Blanka is my ugliest matchup, Honda can't rush Blanka at all, it's all about trying to bait Blanka's safe stuff into unsafe stuff. At least vs Balrog Honda should at least attempt a little offense to keep Balrog honest, that doesn't even work vs Blanka.





arstal said:
Blazblue might be better, but I hate Arc, so I'm passing on that. (Arc= boring to me)

KOFXII I don't have much hope for. That's why I recced 98UM. 98 has a good balance of offense and defense, and balance is pretty good also.

3S is worse because it devolves into gain meter, then random poke or parry into hit-confirmed easymode super combo. This is one reason balance was so terrible in 3S as well- only 2 chars really catered to that style of play (Yun and Chun). Ken and Urien were ok because they were solid overall, Makoto was gimmicky enough to steal wins. That's it. The other 14-15 chars weren't worth playing at all, they were all practically Dan, and Sean was too weak to even be Dan.

Blanka is my ugliest matchup, Honda can't rush Blanka at all, it's all about trying to bait Blanka's safe stuff into unsafe stuff. At least vs Balrog Honda should at least attempt a little offense to keep Balrog honest, that doesn't even work vs Blanka.

Yeah, at super high levels of play, 3S becomes a battle of Chuns and Yuns, but that's really only top tier tournament players. I've seen plenty of excellent videos of people playing the whole cast, give or take (Sean, have you even done anything worthwhile?). I think that if they did some rebalancing of Chun/Yun's incredibly abusable supers and gave a little more power to the absolute bottom tier characters, third strike would be unparalleled.

As for the other games; I'll have to give both a shot in the arcade and see how they suit me, though that's never a good (economical) substitute for just buying the home version and getting some good time in with it. We'll see how it goes. Where the hell is my PS3 VF5:R with awesome netcode, Sega?
myDingling said:
Seriosuly...that shit gets me everytime and it's like a full quarter to a third of my health bar. Also, just like SRKs C.Spikes are so stupidly punishable when they miss. If you can predict a C.Spike it's money in the bag. Whenever you start getting C.Spiked out of the air consistently, it's basically a call to stop jumping and work on your ground game.Unless of course you play Fuerte like Turtle Snatcher and being in the air is like all of your game :(

Jab SRK's are hard as hell to punish online. If they take the most minimal step back and do it and you try to punish they can spam out another and get you with it. Its annoying as shit.

And the thing with C. Spike that is retarded.. (This has happened to everyone im sure)

If Cammy does a HK C. Spike.. and you wait 1 second and try to jump up and lets say Air Throw them.. sometimes she still clips you even though she was in the air a whole second before you.. Its like my fucking braces or shit gets stuck on her boot.. wtf?!


TurtleSnatcher said:
Jab SRK's are hard as hell to punish online. If they take the most minimal step back and do it and you try to punish they can spam out another and get you with it. Its annoying as shit.

And the thing with C. Spike that is retarded.. (This has happened to everyone im sure)

If Cammy does a HK C. Spike.. and you wait 1 second and try to jump up and lets say Air Throw them.. sometimes she still clips you even though she was in the air a whole second before you.. Its like my fucking braces or shit gets stuck on her boot.. wtf?!

Well the question is....why are you trying to air throw her? :lol


iam220 said:
Yeah, 'boring' has been my number one compliant. I'm not concerned with entertaining my opponents though.

I meant boring to you actually--to do the same routines over and over has gotta be tedious, no? Especially with Sagat. Dude's got a million ways to utterly dismantle people it seems. I say cross the scrubs up and combo the ever-livin' crap outta them! :D

On a side note, what's this business of 'Gief's Lariat making Gen's punch Super whiff completely?? *shakes head*

Just started using him too. Me and the old man have got some rough days ahead.
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