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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


bob_arctor said:
On a side note, what's this business of 'Gief's Lariat making Gen's punch Super whiff completely?? *shakes head*

Just started using him too. Me and the old man have got some rough days ahead.
If you use the super as part of a combo that shouldn't be a problem, no?


BitchTits said:
If you use the super as part of a combo that shouldn't be a problem, no?

Problem was this: I had no idea his Lariat would be able to do that (I was going for chip damage to win as he was down to his last sliver of health). Like I said, first time taking Grandpa so I gotta learn.


OMG I keep loosing to everyone now!

I play like a fucking idiot!

Worst thing is not me being dominated, it's me dominating! I can get opponent to silver of health and somehow can't throw that last jab and loose even having fucktone of health :lol.

If you see me in championship, don't worry = free points!

I don't even want to look at me win lose/record, it would be too embarassing.

My e-dick is smaller then a pinky finger of a 5 year old girl right now.
Won said:
Well the question is....why are you trying to air throw her? :lol

Cause she is already in the air... She did the move before I even jumped so you'd think her falling animation would be throwable.. but its not.. Even jumping toward her with a kick motion well after she is in the air - you end up getting hit.

Her animation is her sky rocketing.. then staying in the same pose and slowly sinks down then flips back.. The small sinking down portion counts as a hit.. its the most stupid shit I have ever seen.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
GrayFoxPL said:
OMG I keep loosing to everyone now!

I play like a fucking idiot!

Worst thing is not me being dominated, it's me dominating! I can get opponent to silver of health and somehow can't throw that last jab and loose even having fucktone of health :lol.

If you see me in championship, don't worry = free points!

I don't even want to look at me win lose/record, it would be too embarassing.

My e-dick is smaller then a pinky finger of a 5 year old girl right now.
We should play more often, i suck too ! :lol
We can train our worst matchups


TurtleSnatcher said:
Jab SRK's are hard as hell to punish online. If they take the most minimal step back and do it and you try to punish they can spam out another and get you with it. Its annoying as shit.

And the thing with C. Spike that is retarded.. (This has happened to everyone im sure)

If Cammy does a HK C. Spike.. and you wait 1 second and try to jump up and lets say Air Throw them.. sometimes she still clips you even though she was in the air a whole second before you.. Its like my fucking braces or shit gets stuck on her boot.. wtf?!
The hitboxes for some moves are so silly. Like the j.HK for Ken and Ryu. It's a flying kick, it shouldn't be able to be used as a crossup! He's kicking with his left foot! Getting touched by his right toe shouldn't damage me!
TurtleSnatcher said:
Jab SRK's are hard as hell to punish online. If they take the most minimal step back and do it and you try to punish they can spam out another and get you with it. Its annoying as shit.

And the thing with C. Spike that is retarded.. (This has happened to everyone im sure)

If Cammy does a HK C. Spike.. and you wait 1 second and try to jump up and lets say Air Throw them.. sometimes she still clips you even though she was in the air a whole second before you.. Its like my fucking braces or shit gets stuck on her boot.. wtf?!

I agree it's kind of dumb and sometimes I find myself mouth agape thinking how that could have possibly hit. In my mind it's justified whenever I play shoto characters at least. C.Spike is kind of Cammy's variation on the SRK except instead of having that insane invincibility/priority on startup that punishes low-mid-jumping attacks, it's more towards the end of her animation maintaining priority against air. Give and take I suppose...if it's any consolation, El Fuerte's beat the shit out of me probably since I'm more of a Hooligan Cammy player than a C.Spike one.


Fersis said:
We should play more often, i suck too ! :lol
We can train our worst matchups

Last time you beat me 5:0. You're Daigo in comparsion! :lol

But yeah, we should. My slap happy Sakura and Fei's Long need some more beating!


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
GrayFoxPL said:
Last time you beat me 5:0. You're Daigo in comparsion! :lol

But yeah, we should. My slap happy Sakura and Fei's Long need some more beating!
Im trying to learn Balrog now (Lag is kills El Fuerte)


iam220 said:
Yeah, 'boring' has been my number one compliant. I'm not concerned with entertaining my opponents though.

Obviously, when I fight the more decent players I have to switch it up a bit since the mentioned strategy won't always work on them.

do u run into alot of ragequiters? i tend to just give them a heads up and ask to not waste my time with their tiger shot spamming and leave with both party happy.
iam220 said:
i'm getting so much hate mail it's not even funny. Might be the way I use my sagat, there has been rounds that were won exclusively with tiger shots. Whenever I knock my opponent down, instead of going for a crossup on wake up, I just ran to the opposite side of the screen and blast out those tiger shots. I also have a very cheap way of delivery tons of chip damage; crouching low kick, crouching low kick, medium kick cancel to tiger knee. perfectly safe and most people don't know how to defend against it, so i just rinse and repeat. Doing that same loop 5-6 times in a row.

Believe it or not, zangief is my favorite match up.

Doesn't the knee double hit there? Don't you get thrown for free?

*needs to play more Sagat*


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
prodystopian said:
Doesn't the knee double hit there? Don't you get thrown for free?

*needs to play more Sagat*
We have to play more often too.

Ploid 3.0

myDingling said:
That's pretty assy.

Whenever I play runaway with shoto shots like that I seriously just jump everything. Ryu/Sagat/Akuma players love to just back off and spam that shit. I'll just jump until you get tired. Or if I have an ex bar I will so make you pay with Cammy's full screen jump.

I should start doing this. When people do that I usually try to get close to them asap. I like to stay active to make things interesting. I guess for SF4 I need to adopt the turtle.


prodystopian said:
Doesn't the knee double hit there? Don't you get thrown for free?

*needs to play more Sagat*

One of the many reasons why people think Sagat is overpowered. The recovery time on tiger knee is really good. Even if they are able to get a throw out, you're in a state where you can at the very least tech. :)
henhowc said:
One of the many reasons why people think Sagat is overpowered. The recovery time on tiger knee is really good. Even if they are able to get a throw out, you're in a state where you can at the very least tech. :)

I'm pretty sure if it double hits (Sagat does the knee in too close) Sagat can't tech. I could be wrong, though.

*throws up the haunts signal*


Wow, google image search for "Chun Li'' is....interesting.
henhowc said:
One of the many reasons why people think Sagat is overpowered. The recovery time on tiger knee is really good. Even if they are able to get a throw out, you're in a state where you can at the very least tech. :)
not really. tiger knee on block is very dangerous. :(


vexvegaz said:
do u run into alot of ragequiters? i tend to just give them a heads up and ask to not waste my time with their tiger shot spamming and leave with both party happy.

Ragequitters? No not really.

I didn't understand what you were trying to say after that.

prodystopian said:
Doesn't the knee double hit there? Don't you get thrown for free?

*needs to play more Sagat*

Nop single hit. If you're right next to your opponent and you do a double low light kick fallowed by a medium low kick it will create the perfect distance for you to do a medium tiger knee and after it hits you will land safely and you can then repeat the entire loop again.
Now after seeing turbo buttons video a couple days ago, some of this shit is starting to make sense....

I never accuse anyone of cheating, but this Ryu that I faced had to have been using it. He did a DP every time I stuffed his jumping attack with mine, most of his jumping attacks consisted of jab, and he whiffed throws a lot. I can admit that I lost to someone because they were better than me, but this wasn't the case. He started the first round with a rh. hurricane kick for crying out loud. :lol
Championship Mode, the bastion of non-stop turtle poking motherfuckers. Good grief.

Nonetheless, I had a few laughs despite claiming I was done with it earlier. I first of all saved a replay of an Akuma that puts these guys to shame (I like to call him Akumashy) and I faced a random girl gamer that fought noticeably more aggressive than any of the manly Ryu experts (with accurate profile information such as "Don't mess with the best, die like the rest") that plague the Championship Mode. Very amusing.
iam220 said:
Nop single hit. If you're right next to your opponent and you do a double low light kick fallowed by a medium low kick it will create the perfect distance for you to do a medium tiger knee and after it hits you will land safely and you can then repeat the entire loop again.

Gotcha. I need to mess around with Sagat some more. The timing on that link is pretty tight compared to Chun's links.


Good Art™
I think it must have been discussed already but.. Is that me or did the championship mode killed the entire online ! Now there are even less available players in every online modes. I got 5 "no player found" in a row...


good credit (by proxy)
KevinCow said:
What the fuck at Gief's piledriver range. I was standing like a Ryu's width away and he managed to grab me.

he can also grab you when you're still in the air, and he can grab you when he jumps in BEFORE he even hits the ground.

How are you supposed to intuitively grasp a game when there's a boatload of shit that makes NO fucking sense.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Rummy Bunnz said:
Learn to play and play to win SCRUB that's what fighting games are about
I like to be a scrub :3
Scrubs rulz!!! Winners droolz!!!


Geeez, just played some championship matches and wtf. You can t call this game anything but Turtlefighter IV :lol . Seriously, the most boring matches I have encountered since release.
I just had my first Championship quitter! A runaway Akuma who kept doing his ultra from across the screen. After beating the stuffing out of him both rounds I taunted him, he taunted back and quit mid taunt! High five, JULY271914!

I also lost to Saqs again agggh.
Fersis said:
I like to be a scrub :3
Scrubs rulz!!! Winners droolz!!!
no one likes being a scrub :<
a scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me
hanging out the passenger's side of his best friend's ride
trying to tiger shot at me!
KevinCow said:
What the fuck at Gief's piledriver range. I was standing like a Ryu's width away and he managed to grab me.
Sometimes he gets me with the SPD when I'm throwing jabs at him. Even though there's space between us, it almost seems like he takes the hitbox from my jab. Of course when I hit with my jabs, he can't throw me, but when they whiff...

Not completely sure though.

Nose Master

Championship mode is pretty awesome. It's encouraging my room mates to play the game more online, cause now they don't have to risk losing my ranked points, but still have a sort of feeling of "progression." It's nice. Add a lobby system and we'll be good to go.
Anyone want to play some player match on xbox live.

I'm looking for someone who wants to try 'new - want to learn characters' or if you want to use your main and feel you're really terrible, that's fine to. I just don't want to practice with a new character

For me it'll be Viper and Bison.


is my gamertag
Spiderjericho said:
That was a good match. You had him in the first round, but the slide when he ultra'd was the nail in the coffin. The third round, you sort of just started doing predictable teleports which got hit with a counter. Are you able to combo from his standing forward? I noticed a few times when you did it, but didn't follow it with anything (like the super).
Nope, can't do certain follow-up combo's (including back mid-kick + Yoga Flame) solely because of a controller handicap. Will need an arcade stick for those, but who knows when mine'll arrive.

GrayFoxPL said:
OMG I keep loosing to everyone now!

I play like a fucking idiot!

Worst thing is not me being dominated, it's me dominating! I can get opponent to silver of health and somehow can't throw that last jab and loose even having fucktone of health :lol.

If you see me in championship, don't worry = free points!

I don't even want to look at me win lose/record, it would be too embarassing.

My e-dick is smaller then a pinky finger of a 5 year old girl right now.
I know what you're talking about. It's especially irritating when you somehow lose against someone with an extra-ordinarily simple game plan / strategy too; it's quite honestly baffles that someone can frequently win like that, to the point it's very distracting for me every time it occurs mid-match. :[

TurtleSnatcher said:
Her animation is her sky rocketing.. then staying in the same pose and slowly sinks down then flips back.. The small sinking down portion counts as a hit.. its the most stupid shit I have ever seen.
Oh I've seen worse, and I'm not talking about Cammy either.

EX Headstomp is a fine example. When you know it's coming (or if you react fast enough) and you jump to counter Bison with an aerial move, it WILL still hit you instead despite said counter move literally clipping right through him. Stuff like this is - simply put - jarring.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire


Has anybody here had trouble with the PS3 Pad like this??? Shit is just blinking and not picking up my pads, new batteries and all.

Why could'nt they make this Fucking thing bluetooth


I need some newb help. I finally got my hands on a Fightstick (non-TE) and I really need some help getting in stick-work. It's really an issue for me considering that I'm having a hard time throwing simple Hadokens in Trial. I'm thinking of importing a new stick+gate.... but even there I'm unsure of what I'm doing.

So... honestly... I don't know where to begin. It's frustrating for me right now that I can't even pull off simple specials. I know I'll need patience as well... but... some simple tips and tricks with the stick would be very helpful (ie- simply how to best hold it... finger placement on buttons... etc.)



ultim8p00 said:

Seriously. This is how almost all my matches are playing at the moment.
I've seen many players just like this! Ken, Sagat, Akuma, Zangief, QUIT!

The part about doing Raging Demon so true! From the other side of the screen (trying and trying before they finally get it to come off!) :lol
hobart said:
I need some newb help. I finally got my hands on a Fightstick (non-TE) and I really need some help getting in stick-work. It's really an issue for me considering that I'm having a hard time throwing simple Hadokens in Trial. I'm thinking of importing a new stick+gate.... but even there I'm unsure of what I'm doing.

So... honestly... I don't know where to begin. It's frustrating for me right now that I can't even pull off simple specials. I know I'll need patience as well... but... some simple tips and tricks with the stick would be very helpful (ie- simply how to best hold it... finger placement on buttons... etc.)

Execution is different from what you're used to on a pad.
Go to training mode and turn input display on
You can see exactly what directions are registering and why your moves aren't coming out correctly.
Adjust your input execution accordingly.

a general tip is to not ride the stick all the way to the gate, the directional microswitch should register before then.


_dementia said:
Execution is different from what you're used to on a pad.
Go to training mode and turn input display on
You can see exactly what directions are registering and why your moves aren't coming out correctly.
Adjust your input execution accordingly.

a general tip is to not ride the stick all the way to the gate, the directional microswitch should register before then.

Is it better to have the switch on DP or LS (meaning, D-pad or Left Stick)? I'm not sure which one is more responsive. Do I even want it more responsive?

Thanks for the quick tip.


I am Korean.
hobart said:
Is it better to have the switch on DP or LS (meaning, D-pad or Left Stick)? I'm not sure which one is more responsive. Do I even want it more responsive?

Thanks for the quick tip.
You want it on digital.
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