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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


FindMyFarms said:
What's up with all the GAF bitching about turtles? Come on guys step your game up!
Turtles are easy.

People who jump around every chance they get are hard (especially if you play chars that don't have decent anti-airs)


Whine Whine FADC Troll
MicVlaD said:
Nope, can't do certain follow-up combo's (including back mid-kick + Yoga Flame) solely because of a controller handicap. Will need an arcade stick for those, but who knows when mine'll arrive.
EX Headstomp is a fine example. When you know it's coming (or if you react fast enough) and you jump to counter Bison with an aerial move, it WILL still hit you instead despite said counter move literally clipping right through him. Stuff like this is - simply put - jarring.

If you know the EX headstomp is coming, walk forward and if whiffs.
As Chun-Li, how do you handle Guiles that do the generic sonic boom -> low fierce sweep -> jumping knee -> repeat similar combo? I feel like his sonic booms and jumping knees won't let me move, and then he'll just do the low sweep. I try to time a short focus attack with the low sweeps, but that seems so risky for what should have an easy counter. Another problem was the guy I was playing always knew to block high for the hazan-shuu and if I had an EX bar, he avoided the instant spinning bird kicks. I felt helpless for the first time ever in SF4. With his double sweep kick, Guile can feel like he's got constant pressure on you, but with other characters, I felt like I had a way out with a cheap special.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
As Chun-Li, how do you handle Guiles that do the generic sonic boom -> low fierce sweep -> jumping knee -> repeat similar combo? I feel like his sonic booms and jumping knees won't let me move, and then he'll just do the low sweep. I try to time a short focus attack with the low sweeps, but that seems so risky for what should have an easy counter. Another problem was the guy I was playing always knew to block high for the hazan-shuu and if I had an EX bar, he avoided the instant spinning bird kicks. I felt helpless for the first time ever in SF4.
That happened to me as well the other day. I pretty much got double perfected due to that loop that i just honestly had NO idea how to get out of. I tried FA'ing one of the hits to try to mount an offensive but just ate more america-normals.
C- Warrior said:
Anyone want to play some player match on xbox live.

I'm looking for someone who wants to try 'new - want to learn characters' or if you want to use your main and feel you're really terrible, that's fine to. I just don't want to practice with a new character

For me it'll be Viper and Bison.


is my gamertag

I'm down. I'll add you.

If anyone wants to player match add GT: Nintendo Punk. I feel like I haven't played GAF people in a while and you're all my barometer for being good, haha.


Question about tech throws: Does it matter what direction the stick is held while pressing LP+LK to tech throw? In other words, can I tech throw if the stick is neutral or held down?

Also, do most people jam on LP+LK a few times real fast, or try to time it just once?

I need to learn how to anticipate and tech throws better since I started playing as Honda lately. He's got such poor poking abilities that he's more vulnerable to them. I'll get thrown immediately after a blocked jump in, or long blocked hit string. So frustrating.
i hate chasing furte and vega across the stage.

dhalsim is picking up. it wont be long before that character gets hyped up and picked much more on the upper ranks i think. i fought alot of good dhalsim once more on PSN today. lots of trouble.....


Ugh wtf why does Sakura have zero useful crossups? She would have been godly.

The only crossup game I can pull of (that isn't shitty LK) is to the an EX tatsu, jump in with LK and land behind the player. But it's not very efficient for something that should be a fundamental way of playing.

Sometimes SFIV makes no sense.
_dementia said:
Yep, Digital is the way to go.

Yes. Set it to D-pad. That's what the sticks default to anyway out of the box.

I tried LS -- and there is movement lag. What I mean is that if you slap your joystick all the way to the right and release, your character will continue to walk to the right for about half a second after you've released.

It's odd.

So set it to DP.
ultim8p00 said:
Ugh wtf why does Sakura have zero useful crossups? She would have been godly.

The only crossup game I can pull of (that isn't shitty LK) is to the an EX tatsu, jump in with LK and land behind the player. But it's not very efficient for something that should be a fundamental way of playing.

Sometimes SFIV makes no sense.

Sakura has the like, the best anti-air regular eva. Her crouching fierce is better than Sim's standing back hk.

Also, not all characters are built the same. For fucks sake, Vega not only doesn't have a cross-up, he lacks an overhead as well.
Stantron said:
Question about tech throws: Does it matter what direction the stick is held while pressing LP+LK to tech throw? In other words, can I tech throw if the stick is neutral or held down?

Also, do most people jam on LP+LK a few times real fast, or try to time it just once?

I need to learn how to anticipate and tech throws better since I started playing as Honda lately. He's got such poor poking abilities that he's more vulnerable to them. I'll get thrown immediately after a blocked jump in, or long blocked hit string. So frustrating.

It doesn't matter what direction your press, you can tech regardless. It's be retarded stupid if you could only tech a left+throw with a left+throw tech.

You have to sense what the other player is going to do. If you yourself feel that "hey, I'm starting to block a lot of shit and turtle" you can bet the other player is thinking "let's throw this bitch, block that!"

Also, when players fuck up and jump in too high with a kick etc., you can bet their going to follow with a throw. When they come in deep, they aren't going to throw (obviously, it's out of the throw range)

holy shit triple post for the win.


he's Virgin Tight™
It feels so good to grab a Bison out of his headbutt everytime. I owned this guy with Chun when he tried doing that. Felt SO good.

Also, I faced a Guile who just air grabbed me in the first round. The second round I repeated the process and owned him. In the third one, repeat and rinse. He changed his tactics to common Guile tactics but those are easy for Chun. Guy then replied with a "lol :)". Was a nice guy so got into a nice conversation with him.

To the guy asking about the sonic boom, low sweep, kick... just focus attack the SB and dash back, then jump. Or something. Mix it up.

Won four torneys today on G2. Ranked 2000 or so following the Championship Points thing. Not too bad I guess.


Rodent Whores
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
As Chun-Li, how do you handle Guiles that do the generic sonic boom -> low fierce sweep -> jumping knee -> repeat similar combo? I feel like his sonic booms and jumping knees won't let me move, and then he'll just do the low sweep. I try to time a short focus attack with the low sweeps, but that seems so risky for what should have an easy counter. Another problem was the guy I was playing always knew to block high for the hazan-shuu and if I had an EX bar, he avoided the instant spinning bird kicks. I felt helpless for the first time ever in SF4. With his double sweep kick, Guile can feel like he's got constant pressure on you, but with other characters, I felt like I had a way out with a cheap special.
You can't focus attack/dash out of the second sweep?
C- Warrior said:
Sakura has the like, the best anti-air regular eva. Her crouching fierce is better than Sim's standing back hk.

Also, not all characters are built the same. For fucks sake, Vega not only doesn't have a cross-up, he lacks an overhead as well.
cammy too is without a real crossup and no overhead.... and her SA is super unsafe. and her knuckle is her armor break. definitely not all characters created equal.

but yet i still use her as my main. and enjoy the shit out of it.
Rentahamster said:
You can't focus attack/dash out of the second sweep?
Probably, but that seems like a dexterous counter to a crouching kick. He'd just throw a sonic boom and then jump at me again anyway, starting the process over again.

Cromulent_Word said:
cammy too is without a real crossup and no overhead.... and her SA is super unsafe. and her knuckle is her armor break. definitely not all characters created equal.

but yet i still use her as my main. and enjoy the shit out of it.
Plain fierce jump kick combos into her ultra. Not really what you want, but it's the easiest ultra combo in the game for me.


Relix said:
It feels so good to grab a Bison out of his headbutt everytime.
bison has a headbutt?

Rentahamster said:
You can't focus attack/dash out of the second sweep?
Different Guile = Different Connection = Different amounts of lag = You will probably eat a few before you get it right

well at least for me that's true :lol
Stantron said:
Question about tech throws: Does it matter what direction the stick is held while pressing LP+LK to tech throw? In other words, can I tech throw if the stick is neutral or held down?

Also, do most people jam on LP+LK a few times real fast, or try to time it just once?

I need to learn how to anticipate and tech throws better since I started playing as Honda lately. He's got such poor poking abilities that he's more vulnerable to them. I'll get thrown immediately after a blocked jump in, or long blocked hit string. So frustrating.


If someone's got you with a block string, and you think they might be ticking you somewhere in between pokes but not sure when, just mash LP+LK while holding db. This way you'll be blocking pokes, but if they decide to stop and throw you, you'll tech it as well.


Relix said:
Err.... oops. Headstomp =P
Yeah a headstomp that isn't used as a meaty is pretty much a free grab/combo

However near the end of a match I always seem to forget this and try to finish the match with a lucky EX Stomp.


Abel's 4th trial...everything I can execute about 60-70% of the time, except for the damn last falling sky. It ALWAYS comes out as a super, despite me putting my hands off the pad in between.
Cromulent_Word said:
cammy too is without a real crossup and no overhead.... and her SA is super unsafe. and her knuckle is her armor break. definitely not all characters created equal.

but yet i still use her as my main. and enjoy the shit out of it.

If by SA you mean her super/ultra then that's not true at all. You can easily hit confirm her super off cr. mk xx lk drill. You can also hit confirm super off cr. fp xx cr. mk link. For her ultra, you can land off a FADC Spike, or punish stupid shit on reaction.

She doesn't have an overhead, but if you get in close you can spam TK spike to get mad chip damage. Eventually they'll retaliate. You can bait a whiffed special, or just flat out beat footsies with it. Not to mention just walk up and throw after the pressure.

I know Cammy is currently mid or low tier, but with her fire power and mad footsies I guarantee you she'll be hitting upper mid tier very soon. If you're on PSN, try to look for Vietnamazing in the top replays. I think he had a video at number 6 recently. He plays a monster Cammy.
Read that the all in one costume pack was released in Japan. I hope they decide to release it here in the states...and then announce the next round of costumes (all new).


Finished all of the trials :D


Spiderjericho said:
Hey Mimic, give me some tips for the fifth Abel trial. I'm going to try it this weekend.

I had a LOT of trouble with this one because of the link at the end. Which part of it are you having trouble with?


What a difference a few days makes... G3 has become a Ken-ridden cesspool already. I need to get out of there pronto but I haven't been playing as much as I should.


I'm sure everone has experienced this, but don't you just hate it when you have a bad habit, and you know it's bad, but your muscles and your mind keep subconsciously doing it? I hate that. I'm like "Ok, I'm not gonna do fireballs or I'll just eat a tp to the face" then a few minutes into the match I throw a fireball, and then eat a tp to the face.

Or having the habit of doing a dp on wakeup? I've pretty much axed this one, but when I and the other guy are both close to dying, it somehow always comes back and you think "maybe this time he'll eat it" but he never does. He blocks and throws your ass. Always.
MIMIC said:
I had a LOT of trouble with this one because of the link at the end. Which part of it are you having trouble with?

The timing for the kick into the Fierce punch. It's the only difficult part besides FADC after the first hit of his rekka like move.
ultim8p00 said:
I'm sure everone has experienced this, but don't you just hate it when you have a bad habit, and you know it's bad, but your muscles and your mind keep subconsciously doing it? I hate that. I'm like "Ok, I'm not gonna do fireballs or I'll just eat a tp to the face" then a few minutes into the match I throw a fireball, and then eat a tp to the face.

Or having the habit of doing a dp on wakeup? I've pretty much axed this one, but when I and the other guy are both close to dying, it somehow always comes back and you think "maybe this time he'll eat it" but he never does. He blocks and throws your ass. Always.

Start using a character that doesn't have a key-dragon punch like wake-up reversal, or even better yet, a charge character who doesn't even have that Z-like dragon punch motion.

It'll clear you up big time, and you might just learn a new character while you're at it.


Spiderjericho said:
The timing for the kick into the Fierce punch. It's the only difficult part besides FADC after the first hit of his rekka like move.

What I did was: "hold forward + MK > dash > HP" instead of "tap forward + MK > dash > HP"

I dunno why, but it made linking the Fierce punch much easier. See if that makes any difference.


C- Warrior said:
Start using a character that doesn't have a key-dragon punch like wake-up reversal, or even better yet, a charge character who doesn't even have that Z-like dragon punch motion.

It'll clear you up big time, and you might just learn a new character while you're at it.

Yeah I'm trying Gouken and Sakura right now just to get rid of that bad habit. Balrog is beastly, so when I get Gouken and Sakura down, he's next.


WTF I just played someone with 12,000 GP. I only have 2100. Should I have been playing him. How much GP do you need to advance to G1
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
My favorite move in the game.

I've gotten EX Legs > Ultra in the corner down pretty well, but I really want to hit someone with EX SBK > Ultra. I kind of forgot about it to work on other set ups.

Question for Chun players: Can you guys get FA > Ultra to work? Most of the time they end up flying out of the Ultra so I don't use it much.


FindMyFarms said:
Me too, so easy to bait it out of Chuns :p

Haha, it's like her only good AA. Not to mention its a great GTFO of me move. I wish my execution for it was more solid online though.

Relix: 100% agree, it feels so good to air throw bison's headstomp :D It usually scares them off from ever trying it again, at least non vets anyway.


he's Virgin Tight™
EX SBK is so awesome :lol I have been coming with new stuff around to use it and managed to pull it out since it surprises people. Example... I jumped over this Bison and used the fierce punches in the air, which hit Bison, so I of course continued with the crouching fierce punches (that awesome 4 hit combo). Just when he was gonna attack back and win the championship fight (we both had no life at this point) I used the EX SBK I was storing and won. So so so awesome :lol

I've gotten the hang of EX Lighting Kicks to Ultra but I usually fail to set it up correctly. Need to practice that.

Also, Hassan Shou is fucking awesome, especially the EX Version. Takes so much life off.

@Prody: FA> Ultra works well on corners. Chun's Ultra is kinda of hard to set up. I usually do it through fireballs or as a wakeup when I see an opponent is about to attack me. Also the Back MK, Neutral MK and Down-UP MK then Ultra is a good setup though it can leave you open if you miss the first two steps or they are blocked. You can FADC to surprise opponents though, but its not worth it.

Also, is it possible to do a Hassan Shou, FADC, Ultra?

And final questiooon!! I need guides on how to make your own 360 Fightstick :D


prodystopian said:
I've gotten EX Legs > Ultra in the corner down pretty well, but I really want to hit someone with EX SBK > Ultra. I kind of forgot about it to work on other set ups.

Question for Chun players: Can you guys get FA > Ultra to work? Most of the time they end up flying out of the Ultra so I don't use it much.

charge b>FADC>ff>bf>3xk

the dash will buffer your ultra motion. this is insanely hard to do on my stock x360 control. once you master this move fireball spammers are free wins.
Actually, chun li's back jump FP is a ridiculously good AA.

On Chun's FA -> ultra

I don't really see any reason to do this. If they throw a fireball at any distance, you can punish with ultra on reaction anyways. If you wait to FA it at full screen then ultra, they'll have recovered already.

A more practical use in my opinion is just forward dash into ultra. There's a lot of things you can gauge after doing this. If they throw a fireball after you dash, you just ultra through it. If they dash back, you can catch them with an ultra. Also, you throw a full screen lp fb, and start holding your charge. If they stay far and try to FA the ball, then you can ultra. If they dash back from the FB, you can ultra them after the dash as well. Lots of options with this one.


FindMyFarms said:
Actually, chun li's back jump FP is a ridiculously good AA.

On Chun's FA -> ultra

I don't really see any reason to do this. If they throw a fireball at any distance, you can punish with ultra on reaction anyways. If you wait to FA it at full screen then ultra, they'll have recovered already.

A more practical use in my opinion is just forward dash into ultra. There's a lot of things you can gauge after doing this. If they throw a fireball after you dash, you just ultra through it. If they dash back, you can catch them with an ultra. Also, you throw a full screen lp fb, and start holding your charge. If they stay far and try to FA the ball, then you can ultra. If they dash back from the FB, you can ultra them after the dash as well. Lots of options with this one.

you dont FA from full screen. you absorb > cancel > ultra. this will get those ppl who spam fireballs/jump b all day.


Relix said:
I <3 charge characters.
I made a few posts questioning their validity earlier in the thread, but I've found that I like them more too. I wish the charge time was shorter, though. Apparently they actually increased charge times from previous games. I mean, what the hell?


he's Virgin Tight™
KevinCow said:
I made a few posts questioning their validity earlier in the thread, but I've found that I like them more too. I wish the charge time was shorter, though. Apparently they actually increased charge times from previous games. I mean, what the hell?

Trust me, charge characters are more tactical than QFC characters. The game is so well balanced that charge characters can defeat any of the other ones. Yes, you need to think and yes you need to keep charges and the most important element is to predict what your opponent is gonna do.

I vastly prefer charge characters since SF2, and that was one of the reasons I didn't really dig SF3. I am not a guy of moving sticks around like a mad man. I prefer to take my time, think and then execute. Has worked wonders for me. You need to remember that you can charge at ANY time. Be it on the ground, Ultra animation, your own attack, etc.


SF4 is actually the first SF where I have actually used charge characters extensively. It is really like playing a different game, more tactical and less about who has faster reflexes.

However I can't stand playing as Guile or Balrog. I like Dictator the most because although he is a charge character he is extremely mobile.


Threi said:
SF4 is actually the first SF where I have actually used charge characters extensively. It is really like playing a different game, more tactical and less about who has faster reflexes.

However I can't stand playing as Guile or Balrog. I like Dictator the most because although he is a charge character he is extremely mobile.

Again same here, I'm exclusively using charge now. It was always usually shotos or something.

FindMyFarms: Agreed on that on the back jump fp. Generally her target combo is really nice in most forms. I love linking into it and playing mind games. What's also good is her back jump fk actually. Good when you're in close as a counter measure.
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