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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Vdragoon said:
you dont FA from full screen. you absorb > cancel > ultra. this will get those ppl who spam fireballs/jump b all day.

Like I said, you can punish FB w/ Chun's ultra without using FA. I don't see why you'd bother doing that. The only time I could see a purpose for that is if you're a hit away from getting ultra. If there's any other uses though feel free to drop that knowledge on me.
forward dash -> ultra is infinitely more effective. Too bad all my friends now expect it from me so they know better(fuck laggy ass ranked lolol)
Pop On Arrival said:
forward dash -> ultra is infinitely more effective. Too bad all my friends now expect it from me so they know better(fuck laggy ass ranked lolol)

Yup, if you read my post a lil bit earlier you'll know I agree ;)


Pop On Arrival said:
forward dash -> ultra is infinitely more effective. Too bad all my friends now expect it from me so they know better(fuck laggy ass ranked lolol)

It's prob the best way to use her ultra, but again for me pulling it off online is a giant pain. Aside from that, her best setups are against the walls if they're not countering something.
FindMyFarms said:
Oh snap wuts ur secretz

No sekrts. Just gotta get a counter hit with FP.DP. This puts the other dude in a special juggle state that lets you do things like jab reset. Because the Fire DP launches on the first hit instead of 2nd.

Setup like jump in short -> block string w/ jabs -> pause -> CH DP.

or after EX-Tatsumaki.
GalacticAE said:
No sekrts. Just gotta get a counter hit with FP.DP. This puts the other dude in a special juggle state that lets you do things like jab reset. Because the Fire DP launches on the first hit instead of 2nd.

Setup like jump in short -> block string w/ jabs -> pause -> CH DP.

or after EX-Tatsumaki.

No, we must keep this a srkt. Make sure the flowcharters don't get wind of this brokeness.


I always start the night with a losing streak and end up doing well. The "Here comes a new challenger!" announcer makes my heart jump and I'm spazzing through my first few games!
Oh God, just played a few mathches with a good gouken player and I just discovered that using chuns ultra on him in the corner is pretty useless, and his fireballs have faster recovery. Ended up taking the lead once i figured out the stuff I couldn't do against him. Still pretty weird that I can't juggle a big guy like gouken, though.

Ploid 3.0

Threi said:
speaking of chun...i saw her dizzy pose for the first time...




After some button re-configuration, I finally have Fuerte's RSF down. I can easily get 3 HPs now. Still workin on the 4th hit....
FindMyFarms said:
If by SA you mean her super/ultra then that's not true at all.
Pretty sure he meant Saving/Focus Attack.

She doesn't have an overhead, but if you get in close you can spam TK spike to get mad chip damage. Eventually they'll retaliate. You can bait a whiffed special, or just flat out beat footsies with it. Not to mention just walk up and throw after the pressure.
I have never seen or read about a Cammy spamming TK strike for chip damage. Building meter, yeah. Following up an EX TK with a regular as part of a combo, yeah. But never chip damage. Know of any videos that show this?

I know Cammy is currently mid or low tier, but with her fire power and mad footsies I guarantee you she'll be hitting upper mid tier very soon. If you're on PSN, try to look for Vietnamazing in the top replays. I think he had a video at number 6 recently. He plays a monster Cammy.
I also thought she was gonna shoot up the ranks as people discover more tricks, but now I'm not so sure. Girl's got issues.
Rummy Bunnz said:
Pretty sure he meant Saving/Focus Attack.

I have never seen or read about a Cammy spamming TK strike for chip damage. Building meter, yeah. Following up an EX TK with a regular as part of a combo, yeah. But never chip damage. Know of any videos that show this?

I also thought she was gonna shoot up the ranks as people discover more tricks, but now I'm not so sure. Girl's got issues.

Ahh, thought he was using 3s lingo w/ the SA, seeing as ALL focus attacks have bad recovery if you whiff them haha.

For the TK chip thing, never saw a video with it, but a couple of good Cammy players I know use it, and I use it as well. Easy as shit to bait something after doing 2 or 3 on block.

And don't worry, she'll climb the ranks :p
I dunno, if it was really all that effective I think more of these fancy pants Cammys on the youtube would be using it, and it would be brought up often to shush all the crybabies (like me!) on the SRK Cammy forum. It doesn't seem remotely safe, even if you ignore whatta bitch it is to pull off rapidfire TK strikes. Hell, I'm searching SRK right now and I'm finding posts saying it can be easily countered...? I'd test it myself but I'm pooped.
MIMIC said:
After some button re-configuration, I finally have Fuerte's RSF down. I can easily get 3 HPs now. Still workin on the 4th hit....
Fuck you DIAF.

Rummy Bunnz said:
Pretty sure he meant Saving/Focus Attack.

You both are wrong. He is saying "Spiral Arrow is extremely unsafe" which is is in many situations.

Also that guy whos like 4th in GP on XBLive mains Cammy.. He is a beast with her.

I watched the guy who is from Switz who is #1 on CP tonight.. He was using Gen and uses Turbo for Hands. :p

Anyways. I had a bad start to tonight.. Couldn't get past the first round or if I did I'd get ousted in the 2nd round.

Getting 5 pts in the 2nd round on G2 is so demoralizing. Then I went to the finals 4 straight times and lost 4 straight times. I was literally on the verge of running to the kitchen and going emo on myself. Then I got to the finals again and finally won. I'm now up to nearly 2900 GP with only casual play in Champ mode. I'm pretty happy. Ranked 1500 for GP on XBLive and about 1800 for CP. My rank 300 CP point total from 2 nights ago has already dropped 1500 spots.. Fucking crazy.

Ran into a lot of Bisons and Chuns tonight. Lots. I beat most of them. My Fuerte game is getting better.. I am building up some more mind games as of late. Feels good.

Guacamole Leg Throw is the most awesome move in the game. Oh and I double perfected a Blanka. It was the highlight of my night. Oh and I got this sick FA on a Viper who was using Flame Kick at me.. I release the FA.. dash in without realizing and just spam out a super and won. It was epic.

Okay.. I'm done :)


TurtleSnatcher said:
Fuck you DIAF.

I have it perfectly now. :lol I'm *this* close to making a YouTube tutorial video about it because there's a LOT about the combo that many people didn't explain (that I pretty much had to find out on my own). And IIRC, all of the YouTube videos are explaining how to do it on a stick, and not a pad/controller.

In theory, my execution is 100%. In reality. it's only about 60% because my follow-up QCFs aren't flawless yet. In training mode, sometimes they turn out to be "d, df" or "df, f". Pisses me off to no end.
MIMIC said:
I have it perfectly now. :lol I'm *this* close to making a YouTube tutorial video about it because there's a LOT about the combo that many people didn't explain (that I pretty much had to find out on my own). And IIRC, all of the YouTube videos are explaining how to do it on a stick, and not a pad/controller.

In theory, my execution is 100%. In reality. it's only about 60% because my follow-up QCFs aren't flawless yet. In training mode, sometimes they turn out to be "d, df" or "df, f". Pisses me off to no end.
Please please make a you tube tutorial.. A slow mo.. and maybe explaining it verbally..

The videos out now just don't do it for me.. I cant get it down.
Fuck, I forgot they renamed her drill. Cannon Drill is a much better name! It's pretty much always a mistake to use it outside of a combo or as punishment. It's so unsafe. Though I use it a ton anyway. Too many leftover HDR habits!
Rummy Bunnz said:
I dunno, if it was really all that effective I think more of these fancy pants Cammys on the youtube would be using it, and it would be brought up often to shush all the crybabies (like me!) on the SRK Cammy forum. It doesn't seem remotely safe, even if you ignore whatta bitch it is to pull off rapidfire TK strikes. Hell, I'm searching SRK right now and I'm finding posts saying it can be easily countered...? I'd test it myself but I'm pooped.

I'm sure the tactic will get popular and eventually get some coverage. It's not something you just spam, it's just an added tool to her mixup. TK strike twice, wait for a whiff and punish. Or if you're anticipating a ground footsie, tk srike beats those out and is safe on block. You should definitely try it out.

TurtleSnatcher said:
You both are wrong. He is saying "Spiral Arrow is extremely unsafe" which is is in many situations.

Ahhh gotcha. Well you shouldn't be guessing with it anyways. It's a really easy hit confirm and does great damage, not to mention it just punishes focus baiters.

Rummy, have more faith in you character!
Well, this game just destroyed a real life friendship. I was playing with this buddy of mine who was better than me a few weeks ago, and when we played earlier, I just happened to destroy him. Don't know if he was having an off day or what, but I guess he took the losses personally.

lolol this game is awesome
I had my first ragequitter after the patch. French guy with the gamertag MAJINSEB. He quit on me in the 3rd round with a sliver of hp left. Then he sent me hate mail in French. :lol


haunts said:
Finally got into G2... -_-

Finally got to G2 as well, Haunts!

I won my third round and thought it was the final. I was like WTF, where is my replay upload? My GP stayed the same and my high score for CP was unchanged.

Then I find out that there are FOUR matches in G2 to win. Wanted to do a face-palm. lol.

I like the competition here so far.

Had to keep kicking a 6% disconnector from my lobby because the bastard just kept trying to join, probably just to annoy me. :lol
FindMyFarms said:
Like I said, you can punish FB w/ Chun's ultra without using FA. I don't see why you'd bother doing that. The only time I could see a purpose for that is if you're a hit away from getting ultra. If there's any other uses though feel free to drop that knowledge on me.

I was asking about non-fireball FAing. Either absorbing a normal or just hitting them with the FA, then landing the Ultra. Playing around in training, the opponent usually flies out of the Ultra even when I'm buffering the first charge during the FA. Looks like a dash will help alleviate this, though.

Pop On Arrival said:
Well, this game just destroyed a real life friendship. I was playing with this buddy of mine who was better than me a few weeks ago, and when we played earlier, I just happened to destroy him. Don't know if he was having an off day or what, but I guess he took the losses personally.

lolol this game is awesome

That's dumb. My friend just picked up a stick yesterday and we played. Usually we are about even, but I beat him 19-1 last night and even taunted him a few times. He was cool after.


I find it amazing that taunting people actually works online. I've had numerous people break off their turtling (or repeated backwards jumping) to rush in after being taunted.
TurtleSnatcher said:
You both are wrong. He is saying "Spiral Arrow is extremely unsafe" which is is in many situations.

Also that guy whos like 4th in GP on XBLive mains Cammy.. He is a beast with her.
yeah, i was talking Spiral Arrow. I should just call it "Drill".

I am working on my game to try to stop using drills except after a hit-confirm. a blocked rh drill gets punished so damn bad.

Right now the best cammy's i've seen are Allen, Alouine & evildrakefang. also check out a japanese player IyKiske. youtube search any of those names and enjoy how good cammy can be.


Lost 6 finals yesterday :*(

lost to a ryu i should have beat and the rest were close except for a crazy akuma that didn't fireball spam. i wasn't ready for the beastly akuma.
Zabka said:
I find it amazing that taunting people actually works online. I've had numerous people break off their turtling (or repeated backwards jumping) to rush in after being taunted.
The psychological effect is great


Zabka said:
I find it amazing that taunting people actually works online. I've had numerous people break off their turtling (or repeated backwards jumping) to rush in after being taunted.

I love it when people taunt me without realising I have a headstomp charged.
Cromulent_Word said:
yeah, i was talking Spiral Arrow. I should just call it "Drill".

I am working on my game to try to stop using drills except after a hit-confirm. a blocked rh drill gets punished so damn bad.

Right now the best cammy's i've seen are Allen, Alouine & evildrakefang. also check out a japanese player IyKiske. youtube search any of those names and enjoy how good cammy can be.
Yea EvilDrakeFang is #4 on GP listing for Xbox.

EDIT: I love when people taunt after knocking me down.. then I get my ultra on wake up and .5 secs later I'm on there shoulders pointing to the sky.. No idea why they don't break it or wake up :lol
Teknoman said:
Didnt think it was still going on :lol
It was just a little jab at how poorly the first one is being managed.
A second one would be fine if people would actually play each other in a timely fashion.
_dementia said:
It was just a little jab at how poorly the first one is being managed.
A second one would be fine if people would actually play each other in a timely fashion.

You sir are a douchebag.

If you want to take over managing that first one then go right ahead.

I had disqualified so many people and we get to the last few participants after all the work they put in to get to those spots and they fucking flake out too. Its like giving a free pass to win.

Why don't you fucking manage something of that size and get back to me about how easy it was and how non frustrating it was.

Making some spite comment like that. Go F yourself.


TurtleSnatcher said:
You sir are a douchebag.

If you want to take over managing that first one then go right ahead.

I had disqualified so many people and we get to the last few participants after all the work they put in to get to those spots and they fucking flake out too. Its like giving a free pass to win.

Why don't you fucking manage something of that size and get back to me about how easy it was and how non frustrating it was.

Making some spite comment like that. Go F yourself.
I thought you did a good job :)
still trying to get my match with grifter ;)
Good glad you will take the reigns. Have fun. If you have the same amount of participants I can give you my bracket template.

Fuck that thing was so frustrating.. Sorry for exploding but people nitpick yet I checked daily and updated every day or every other day (in later rounds with less matches) and it still progressed as slow as molasses. Not to mention I even offered prizes.

GalaticAE - I told you I'd send you prizes when the XBL went out to save up on my time in shipping but Ill just ship yours now since the XBL one obviously isn't finishing.

EDIT: Hell I even checked up on it when I was at freaking GDC for work..!


Working with the new stick... thanks again for the tips. Watching the input list really really helps giving me an excellent idea of how far I need to move the stick in order to get the appropriate input. The next thing for me now is simply familiarity and practice -- not too simple actually.

I'm having an issue of understanding canceling. For example, with Sagat, I wanna do his c.lk, c.lk, c.lp cancel hp.tiger uppercut. I don't know how to CANCEL there. Is it a mere dash forward? Something else?

Also on a sidenote... I can't play on PSN for anything. Like, at all. I'm not sure if it's me (I don't think it is... my Xbox worked wonderfully... my computers all work perfectly)... but I can't FIND games... and when I did a handful of times... It wasn't even playable.

Is there something I should do to the PS3 to help me get a better connection? Is it PSN? Help!
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