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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
how do you back up your gamesaves? I don't want mine to go down the drain like that other dude. ouch.


entraik said:
i had originally a link copied and pasted for this thread.. then a friend sent me this link and i copyand pasted that to another im... and proceeded to copy and paste it here.. not knowing that i had the wrong link copy and pasted. :/

Tut tut always preview your post first and check the links.

Still :lol what a way to go.
Hey guys, latest Arcadia tier list from June via TitaniumBeast! on SRK

S: Sagat
A: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B: Dictator, Rufus, Boxer, Viper, Honda
C: Abel, Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun, Blanka
D: Ken, Guile
E: Claw

What do you think? I'm a firm believer in results influencing tiers, which is why I don't think Akuma should be A tier. No one in Japan's top 20 even uses Akuma except for Momochi, who already switched to Ryu for his main. For America, I can't think of a single top player that uses him.

Aside from that, I wish they'd include console characters into this along with match up numbers.


I'm kinda surprised Akuma's so high, what with his low health and hard to land Ultra.

Honda, too. He's got a pretty big weakness against fireballs, and not much in the way of anti-air and anti-crossups. I'd expect him to be a tier down.

Also kinda surprised Ken's so low.
KevinCow said:
I'm kinda surprised Akuma's so high, what with his low health and hard to land Ultra.

Honda, too. He's got a pretty big weakness against fireballs, and not much in the way of anti-air and anti-crossups. I'd expect him to be a tier down.

Also kinda surprised Ken's so low.

Honda, how about Mike Rawse!! The character has potential. It just takes an extremely good player to unlock it. Same for all of the Viper hype from several months back.

Though Akuma has low health and hard to land ultra, he is still a beast at reducing your damage to zero. Just check out the Momochi videos. He can be a good run away or rushdown character with is air fireballs, teleports and retarded double roundhouse. Has similar footsies as Ryu/Ken. I think his major weakness (besides the health) is his super/ultra. I'm surprised his super isn't his fireball, shoryu or kick super.

And Arcadia = arcades, which is what the Japanese mostly play. I'm surprised the game is a year old and Capcom hasn't rolled out a new upgrade to breathe in new life. Upgrades usually come after a year after (SF Dash, Second Impact, VF 5, Tekken 6 BR, etc).
i cannot for the life of me work out how to beat a bison with ryu, i just cant deal with his air moves, seems they always beat my shoryukens and nothing works, if i defend, he destroys me, if i pressure, he will just move away and finish me, its frutsrating!


Spiderjericho said:
Honda, how about Mike Rawse!! The character has potential. It just takes an extremely good player to unlock it. Same for all of the Viper hype from several months back.

Though Akuma has low health and hard to land ultra, he is still a beast at reducing your damage to zero. Just check out the Momochi videos. He can be a good run away or rushdown character with is air fireballs, teleports and retarded double roundhouse. Has similar footsies as Ryu/Ken. I think his major weakness (besides the health) is his super/ultra. I'm surprised his super isn't his fireball, shoryu or kick super.

And Arcadia = arcades, which is what the Japanese mostly play. I'm surprised the game is a year old and Capcom hasn't rolled out a new upgrade to breathe in new life. Upgrades usually come after a year after (SF Dash, Second Impact, VF 5, Tekken 6 BR, etc).

Yeah, Mike Ross is awesome. But one guy getting good with a character doesn't necessarily mean the character deserves a higher tier. I mean the guy who the Japan tournament played Dhalsim, and he held his own against three of the best players in the world, but I think Dhalsim's position is justified.

As for Akuma, eh, I guess. He is pretty damn good at running away, the bastard.

And I'd be willing to bet that the reason Capcom's not being hasty to update SF4 is because that was a big reason fighting games kinda fell in popularity in the first place, and they don't want to ruin the momentum they have with SF4.
FindMyFarms said:
Hey guys, latest Arcadia tier list from June via TitaniumBeast! on SRK

S: Sagat
A: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B: Dictator, Rufus, Boxer, Viper, Honda
C: Abel, Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun, Blanka
D: Ken, Guile
E: Claw

What do you think? I'm a firm believer in results influencing tiers, which is why I don't think Akuma should be A tier. No one in Japan's top 20 even uses Akuma except for Momochi, who already switched to Ryu for his main. For America, I can't think of a single top player that uses him.

Aside from that, I wish they'd include console characters into this along with match up numbers.

This surprises me. In the Japanese lists I always see 2 Chuns in the top 10. I'm not arguing that she should be higher as she certainly has some downsides, but I'd be interested to know why she got pushed lower.

Also, I'm a bit surprised that Ken is so low.
have made g2 now. come to the conclusion that if sagat or ken play and theres lag, i have no chance, which sucks, because these players are generally pretty poor and predictable but nothing comes out...


Mrs. Harvey
Welp, all is not lost. It looks like Capcom keeps track of your BP and GP so I managed to get them back. Everything else, nope. I'll just have to re-unlock characters and so on. It looks weird seeing everything at 0 but your BP at 3000+ and GP at 700+.

Ken should definitely not be that low. Some of his moves have way too much priority and takes off a lot of damage. Obviously why casuals pick him. But I guess most top players like to be unique.


So after playing a bit of Ryu, Cammy and Dhalsim, I've decided to try a charge character, in this case Chun Li. The problem is, I lose basically every match I get into. I guess I'm not that used to not having a Shoryuken to get me out of most any situation, but this is ridiculous. Is she really hard to play or do I just suck major donkey balls? I'm leaning towards the latter.

Currently I'm practicing my lk,lk,ex legs,ultra in the corner and using j.hp and cr.hk as anti-airs when I don't have meter for EX SBK. My go-to for crumple combo is cr.hp, mk SBK. For pokes I mostly use mp, cr.hk and cr.lk or cr.lp for block strings. Other than that I'm not really sure what to do. I'm thinking I don't use Hazanshou and headstomp enough in my mix-up, and from watching some videos I'm thinking I should start using Kikouken a lot more as well.

Any advice, Chun players? What's her basic game so to speak?


Time for my weekly "I think I am going to give up SF4" post!
Okay, so after being beaten by Ken where after blocking a shouryuuken I get my next move beat by, surprise, a shouryuuken, I lose to a Gouken who perfected me by only fireballing me. This is infinitely frustrating. A guy drops my game because I guess I didn't hit ready as soon as he did. And then a Seth tore me a new one.

And either my stick is dying or my wrist has gotten retarded. And I've finally run into someone whose DC isn't 0.

Oh, he's a fireball spamming Akuma. Well, his win cause lord knows I still don't even begin to know how to beat that.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Honda moving up - nice! Makes me proud as a Honda player... my boy Balrog moving down is interesting...

I'd say Ken is that low because it'll be a cold day in hell for you to land his Ultra properly (when I say properly, I mean connecting with the initial punch, into the combo, into the Shinryuken, instead of just Shinryuken only) - he's got great pokes and anti-air, but weaker over-all nonetheless compared to the others...

Anyone good with Focus Attacks are deadliest against Kens because his only Armor Break is Hurricane Kick which you can't just throw out there, while other characters have much more useful ones that can be thrown out...

Again, this means nothing like Ken could never beat a Sagat, it's just how they rank against each other like every one of these lists - this is really the best balanced Street Fighter ever - unlike 3rd Strike for example...

Seeing how often this lists shift every single time is a testament to that, and they'll continue to shift in the future as well...
Finally got up to G3-B after winning a couple matches then booting ~10 people with shitty connections. The final was a bit of a let down as it was a scrubby Ryu.

Thing I need to work on: Recognizing Ryu's Super. I keep thinking it is the Ultra and taking my sweet time to punish (or throwing out the ultra which would punish the ultra) and paying for it.


Second-rate Anihawk
Wasn't the all in one costume DLC supposed to come out April 30? I'm looking at the marketplace and can't find it.
Ledsen said:
So after playing a bit of Ryu, Cammy and Dhalsim, I've decided to try a charge character, in this case Chun Li. The problem is, I lose basically every match I get into. I guess I'm not that used to not having a Shoryuken to get me out of most any situation, but this is ridiculous. Is she really hard to play or do I just suck major donkey balls? I'm leaning towards the latter.

Currently I'm practicing my lk,lk,ex legs,ultra in the corner and using j.hp and cr.hk as anti-airs when I don't have meter for EX SBK. My go-to for crumple combo is cr.hp, mk SBK. For pokes I mostly use mp, cr.hk and cr.lk or cr.lp for block strings. Other than that I'm not really sure what to do. I'm thinking I don't use Hazanshou and headstomp enough in my mix-up, and from watching some videos I'm thinking I should start using Kikouken a lot more as well.

Any advice, Chun players? What's her basic game so to speak?

Just saw this. Note: I'm not that great.

1. Be careful using EX SBK too much for AA because you'll need that meter for EX Legs and SBK for people rushing you on wakeup.

2. I love cr. hp xx SBK, but be wary of getting punished coming out of it.

3. I don't use hazan sho enough either, but a great way to use it is to get them blocking low, and bam, it's an overhead.

4. I've begun to use Kikouken A LOT. Be careful as it can be punished, but it is good as a meaty. Also, for opponents that try to constantly block or focus it, dash in and mix up throw, cr. HK, and st. FP.

5. d/f+RH on wakeup is easy to fall in love with, but it can be hit by SRKs and even worse, if you try to combo after landing it, you can get hit between the hit and the first normal you throw out (thanks farms!). So use this as a mix up, but don't use it too often because it will hurt your game.


APerfectCircle said:
i cannot for the life of me work out how to beat a bison with ryu, i just cant deal with his air moves, seems they always beat my shoryukens and nothing works, if i defend, he destroys me, if i pressure, he will just move away and finish me, its frutsrating!
block high on Headstomp/Devil's reverse or just walk forward.
On a blocked DR sweep.
If he is stupid and uses HK scissors to pressure, throw after it blocks.
Don't FA, It is like candy for us.
If anything hop backwards alot.


As a Blanka player myself, I'm starting to see why he's dropping. He's got some tricks to be sure, but every one of his defining moves are so easy to punish on block!

I'm finding out the hard way now as I play better people just how weak his Ultra can be. First of all, everybody knows how to block it so it's basically only good for "chip finish", but so many other Ultras flat out beat it.

Cammy players see my Ultra start up and think "gotcha bitch" and start their own and it's all over. Learned that this week.


Do you guys think it's going to suck when people start hitting G1? The amount of tourney wins that it's going to take to get to that position, by the time people actually reach there, there will be so few people. I ran into a 15000k Cammy (who raped) and I'm thinking, when he reaches G1 he'll have to wait a month before more than 50 other people will reach that mark.


noob question for u guys...

when performing a cancel move during something like a fierce dragon punch, do i have to keep HP pressed when hitting mp & mk ? i cant for the life of me do cancels consistently.

also, do i hit mp/mk after the first hit of the dragon punch and can do cancels even if the move is blocked?


vexvegaz said:
noob question for u guys...

when performing a cancel move during something like a fierce dragon punch, do i have to keep HP pressed when hitting mp & mk ? i cant for the life of me do cancels consistently.

also, do i hit mp/mk after the first hit of the dragon punch and can do cancels even if the move is blocked?

No, you don't have to keep holding HP. Just press MP+MK as soon as the dragon punch starts and it should focus cancel (not just cancel, that's something else entirely) every time. And yes you can focus cancel on block, I see Ken's doing it all the time. SRK, FADC (focus attack dash cancel), throw. Most people just keep blocking and get thrown because they expect an easy hit when the Dragon Puncher slowly floats down.


Ledsen said:
No, you don't have to keep holding HP. Just press MP+MK as soon as the dragon punch starts and it should focus cancel (not just cancel, that's something else entirely) every time. And yes you can focus cancel on block, I see Ken's doing it all the time. SRK, FADC (focus attack dash cancel), throw. Most people just keep blocking and get thrown because they expect an easy hit when the Dragon Puncher slowly floats down.

thanks a mill... and now that you mentioned it, i need to step my throwing game up a bit. i tend to get grab/thrown far too much. but to my defense when blocking HP dragonpunch i have about 80-90% chance of punishing em with my own dragonpunch as they descend down. is there a sure way to punish players after a block thier dragonpunch?

i main with akuma BTW


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
hitsugi said:
why is guile consistently so low? the guy's a pain in the ass just about every time I go up against one.

Being a charge character is the only thing that keeps him afloat in my book - coming from Guile in HDR being my most-used main character to what he is in SFIV was like a ostrich kick to the nuts for me - I only use him if I'm in one of those "pick any character" moods, and at most it's that one match only because I had to struggle to get that win...


vexvegaz said:
thanks a mill... and now that you mentioned it, i need to step my throwing game up a bit. i tend to get grab/thrown far too much. but to my defense when blocking HP dragonpunch i have about 80-90% chance of punishing em with my own dragonpunch as they descend down. is there a sure way to punish players after a block thier dragonpunch?

i main with akuma BTW

just throw them ;)
So last night I had a finals match that would have given me a top 100 spot in Champ Points on the XBL Leaderboards.. Beat some guy with 12k CP so the CP was insane.

I lost in the finals though =[

Then I won another finals that gave me like top 300 or something so at least I'm satisfied.

Im now G2-D finally. Getting to G1 will take me about 2 months I think.. =[

Everyone is so good.. My Fuerte sucks =[



Mah...I hate losing to stupid turtle Balrogs....or any turtle....stupid slow animals.

And I still don't understand the requirements for uploading a replay. I just added up a crazy amount of CP, but nothing. Checked the newest replays and most of the new stuff had less points than me.

Also lol at 10k gp Zangiefs getting destroyed by me like 1 gp Zangiefs....why do they even bother playing.
Won said:
Mah...I hate losing to stupid turtle Balrogs....or any turtle....stupid slow animals.

And I still don't understand the requirements for uploading a replay. I just added up a crazy amount of CP, but nothing. Checked the newest replays and most of the new stuff had less points than me.

Also lol at 10k gp Zangiefs getting destroyed by me like 1 gp Zangiefs....why do they even bother playing.
Its usually the highest you've ever had.. So if you've had higher then it won't replace it.


Second-rate Anihawk
The replay system is disappointing. I was hoping that I would have the opportunity to save every match I play in. I'm would be much more interested in my losses so I could go back and analyze where I fucked up.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Its usually the highest you've ever had.. So if you've had higher then it won't replace it.

Well that sucks. I end up uploading one replay per day at this point....and most of the time it isn't even a good game. :(


TurtleSnatcher said:

I'm still hungover (and have vomit to clean up) :lol

Also, do you have any videos of yourself playing as Fuerte? I wanna see if I'm qualified to even give you any advice =p
Just got back from my first tournament!

Got all the way to the semi-finals before getting knocked out by my buddy! We both agreed to play random since we already knew each others style well enough, but he still got his fucking main (zangief), and I got stuck with a character I don't even fucking use (fei).

Managed to upset two popular faces in our local scene, first one was probably dumb luck, the other was a pretty definitive beatdown. But yeah , the entire event really made me nervous. Knowing like 50+ people were watching me on the big screen really killed me. Specially as they were watching me fumble around with Fei long and lose horribly. :lol
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