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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I'm just curious, how do these SF4 pros get the funds to travel around the country and play in tournaments? The tournament winnings seem to be a mere couple hundred dollars on average, they're not sponsored, and they don't seem to have jobs because they play SF4 24/7. Did they formerly have jobs which they quit to dedicate to SF4?


Rummy Bunnz said:
I wish everyone played like Poongko.
werd, hes awesome to watch :D
SnowWolf said:
I'm just curious, how do these SF4 pros get the funds to travel around the country and play in tournaments? The tournament winnings seem to be a mere couple hundred dollars on average, they're not sponsored, and they don't seem to have jobs because they play SF4 24/7. Did they formerly have jobs which they quit to dedicate to SF4?
iam220 said:
I don't see how its any more boring then guile, blanka or zangief for example.
It's more boring because it's SAGAT. He has super high health and can punch the hell outta anybody. He oughta make some show, baby! ENTERTAIN ME.


Bacon of Hope
SnowWolf said:
I'm just curious, how do these SF4 pros get the funds to travel around the country and play in tournaments? The tournament winnings seem to be a mere couple hundred dollars on average, they're not sponsored, and they don't seem to have jobs because they play SF4 24/7. Did they formerly have jobs which they quit to dedicate to SF4?

Money matches. I've seen Justin with a book of names of people he set up money matches with, seeking them out and winning. 20-50 dollars for like 3/5 or first to 5, you can make decent cash over a weekend.
Rummy Bunnz said:
I love that guy's name.

You play Cammy, right? The key with Blanka is patience. Just keep your distance and let him come to you. You can punish blocked balls with hk.drill or ultra. Stay a character length away when they wake up, and if they do electricity do c.MK > drill. Maybe there are better combos but that one's e-z. Hell, do it whenever you can - most of them fall for it like crazy. Once he gets ultra stay the fuck away, since most every Blanka I play likes to go for it on wakeup. This tends to frustrate them and many will just throw it out fullscreen. Then you can punish with an ultra if you have it. I find throwing doesn't work too well since Blanka's got some weird hitbox, plus electricity.

Yeahhhh. A lot of high-level SF4 videos are really fucking boring but this one...wow. But hey PLAY TO WIN.

I wish everyone played like Poongko.

Throwing is total shit against blanka. I think it's hard to be able to tell when he's standing or crouching, plus he has that weird parry move (cr+PPP). Also, I didn't know you could punish blocked balls with SA. The block stun on a ball always seemed really long to me, not to mention that they bounce back to about a character or more length away...I always figured if I tried to retaliate at all it would get punished. I'll try SA next time.
myDingling said:
Also, I didn't know you could punish blocked balls with SA. The block stun on a ball always seemed really long to me, not to mention that they bounce back to about a character or more length away...I always figured if I tried to retaliate at all it would get punished. I'll try SA next time.
It works really well and you have more time than you think to do it. I have problems punishing blocked Honda headbutts, though. The blockstun seems way longer than Blanka's ball, but it's probably just me being unaccustomed to fighting Honda.

I've also seen people recommend using FA against vertical balls, since he recovers too fast to throw him most of the time, but I always forget to do it.
<3 my job. So easy to find these MadCatz accessories.

Got another controller today. My current one was feeling a little mushy on the bottom of the D-Pad. Guess thats what 327 hrs of gameplay does to these things. Still works but I got one just in case. Amazingly the store I went too also had a SE Stick but I didn't get it..
BotoxAgent said:
god, Justin Wong is so douchey in that interview. And I like how tries to make it a point that he can beat Daigo, I guess he's still sore from that epic Evo loss. He's making it really hard for me to root for the US, lol.

It's funny. My cousin mentioned how he saw Justin at some recent tournament, I think it took place in Chicago, not sure on that. Focused more on the details of the story than of the venue.

He mentioned how Justin Wong was literally throwing a bitch-fest because the organizers of the tournament wouldn't pay X amount of money for him to play. Not only did they pay for his travel, hotel, food, entrance fee, and then some extra -- he wanted more! If not, he wouldn't play.

What a little bitch, tell that rolley-polley to go to graduate school and become a real professional. The fuck is this 'professional' Street Fighter player, dumbshit it's a game, and he's taking this professionalism too far.
C- Warrior said:
It's funny. My cousin mentioned how he saw Justin at some tournament, I think it took place in Chicago, not sure on that.

He mentioned how Justin Wong was literally throwing a bitch-fest because the organizers of the tournament wouldn't pay X amount of money for him to play. Not only did they pay for his travel, hotel, food, entrance fee, and then some extra -- he wanted more! If not, he wouldn't play.

What a little bitch, tell that rolley-polley to go to graduate school and become a real professional. The fuck is this 'professional' Street Fighter player, dumbshit it's a game, and he's taking this professionalism too far.

Dang, I guess the "jwong seems like a dick" feeling I got from those videos of him at the nationals seem justified.
He was grateful and nice when we interviewed him. He was so appreciative and like thanked everyone for how awesome of an event was and he considered it his greatest moment in gaming which was cool. (Nat'l Tournament)
Well, Fatal1ty is a professional gamer, and it seems like the next video game industry related job.

A part of me is entertained by watching match vids of Daigo, Poongko, Iyo, Mago, Tokido, Nuki, etc. So, I don't see anything wrong with inviting them to an event and paying them to appear.

I'm just blown away by the fact they're able to etch out a living from it.
myDingling said:
Dang, I guess the "jwong seems like a dick" feeling I got from those videos of him at the nationals seem justified.

Yeah, after I heard this story I'm totally rooting for Daigo which seems like a nice, modest guy.

This, in your face extreme professional Street Fighter IV is a sport son that Justin deals out is kind of retarded. MLB, NFL -- sure...SFIV hardc0re justin wong style...noooo.

I can understand some would argue that Justin should get paid, considering his presence is kind of attracting more attendees, but you take care of that shit privately and quietly, not throw a hissy fit and start talking shit, yellling, and talking down to other players. And it just sounds like a dickhead move to threaten people about leaving if you won't get paid to play a fun game with peers. It's like, really?! REEEAAALLLLY?!
TurtleSnatcher said:
He was grateful and nice when we interviewed him. He was so appreciative and like thanked everyone for how awesome of an event was and he considered it his greatest moment in gaming which was cool. (Nat'l Tournament)

In most competitive activities, top participants will almost always be mr. nice guy in front of the media. Michael Jordan is a prime example of this. He was the picture perfect nice guy in front of the cameras, but people would tell countless stories of his doucherey when the cameras weren't watching.

Now obviously, Justin Wong is nothing even close to Michael Jordan, but don't be surprised if he acts the same way.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Ive been tempted to try that in Champ mode.. Take Ryu and just do LP Shoryukens nonstop and see how far I'd get.

Then if I traded I'd Ultra.

I never play Ryu.. NEVER. But last night I used him against Arde5643 and actually won a round because I traded my DP and ultra'd on his fall.. and got a super in a combo. And I was against Ardes best character - El Fuerte.

Why the FUCK is Ryu the easiest whore to use in the game.. Not to mention his cross up was easy as hell to do.

By the way - Good Games Arde. Feel the wrath of my Honda/Gen/Fuerte! :lol (I have no idea what I'm doing with any of the other characters =[)
Haha, for some reason for that time you won with Ryu I did a splash hoping it will trade with your SRK since you didn't have any life left.

I guessed wrong. :lol


C- Warrior said:
And it just sounds like a dickhead move to threaten people about leaving if you won't get paid to play a fun game with peers. It's like, really?! REEEAAALLLLY?!

Maybe at this point it is almost like work to him. What if he loses?
But yeah no need to be a douche...which is why i'm rooting for Daigo lol.
Today in Championship Mode (G2):

Turtle Ryu
Turtle Ryu
Turtle Ryu
Turtle Ryu
Flowchart Ken
Turtle Ryu
Normal Ryu
Turtle Ryu


Even had a guy who had Dhalsim as his main before (he "challenged" me some time ago) pick Ryu today, only so he could turtle. What the hell...

arstal said:
If you know the EX headstomp is coming, walk forward and if whiffs.
Haven't gotten the chance to try this out yet, but does this work with everyone? I'm doubting because Dhalsim's walk speed is pretty slow compared to other's.

Rocky_Balboa said:
MicVlad, I spotted your replay against that Sagat. Pretty awesome stuff. Good job. I've been having some problems against that one sometimes. :(
Won due to luck there, but thanks anyway.

Surprisingly, I've had less trouble with Sagats than with flowchart / turtle shoto's. Hate how tedious bouts against those characters can be. :[


just started messing around with rose. holy shit, I am so used to QCF P or QCB P from Crouching MK, the crouching MP to QCF K is messing me up. anyway..does she have a "get the fuck off me" move, I got trapped in the corner by chun li and got pwned. I actually try using her soul reflect, it actually worked once.
I am a cross-up magnet now that everyone has figured out that my Sumo is fodder to cross-up hell when I have no EX meter left

I hate my Ultra!! Zanief's cannot be hit in the mid section while Lariating which is Ultra retarded and see Honda stay stuck in mid-air and Zangief unharmed until the Ultra end and the Lariat that is still spinning for 5 hours hits Honda's Ultra's end


I can't wait for Champion Edition 2nd Impact to fix this retardity


FindMyFarms said:
Just wondering, for all the people that are complaining about turtles, what is it exactly that you wish your opponent would do instead?
true. I would much rather someone who is my skill level turtle than someone who is my skill level attempt a rushdown style.
FindMyFarms said:
Just wondering, for all the people that are complaining about turtles, what is it exactly that you wish your opponent would do instead?
the screen is tooo wide-screen, Vega and Bison can run away all match long.
Some moves are too prioritorish while others are completely not.
If I have a lead against Blanka, Im gonna say fuck you Blanka, I am going to sit on my Lead because you a retarded.
Stupid Ultras, STupid Ultras, STupid Ultras, I hate Ultras, I just want SUpers
FindMyFarms said:
Just wondering, for all the people that are complaining about turtles, what is it exactly that you wish your opponent would do instead?

Attack? It's just annoying when you're put into a position where your opponent has a better than normal chance of punishing whatever advance you make. I guess some characters have to turtle to play effectively but it's still annoying.


FindMyFarms said:
Just wondering, for all the people that are complaining about turtles, what is it exactly that you wish your opponent would do instead?
interesting thought lol..
i just want them to die?


Archie said:
God I love playing Honda.
Yeah I am starting to warm up to him. But like gutter trash said you kind of need to save bar because he doesn't really have many anti-crossup options.

Dictator is still the most fun to play though.
myDingling said:
Attack? It's just annoying when you're put into a position where your opponent has a better than normal chance of punishing whatever advance you make. I guess some characters have to turtle to play effectively but it's still annoying.

Why do you want them to attack? Is it in hopes that they leave themselves vulnerable and thus make it easier for you to punish them? All this meaning, it's easier for you to win?
FindMyFarms said:
Why do you want them to attack? Is it in hopes that they leave themselves vulnerable and thus make it easier for you to punish them? All this meaning, it's easier for you to win?

You're right! It's decided, let's all back into a corner and crouch block until time runs out and then talk about how cool our outfits look afterward.
FindMyFarms said:
Just wondering, for all the people that are complaining about turtles, what is it exactly that you wish your opponent would do instead?
Not sit in a corner all the time?

I mean, today was so bad, I even had a turtle Ryu who refused to make a move after I absorbed nearly every one of his Hadokens with the Focus Attack (EX-version not included naturally). I wanted to see if he'd go on offensive if half my lifebar was on the line, and yet he still stood there doing next to nothing (other than throwing fireballs of course). Apparently not even ludicruously easy wins are enticing enough for turtle Ryu's to crawl out of their shell.
myDingling said:
You're right! It's decided, let's all back into a corner and crouch block until time runs out and then talk about how cool our outfits look afterward.

I'm not sure what question you're answering, but it's not mine. I didn't ask at all what you were doing, just what you wanted your opponent to do.

MicVlaD said:
Not sit in a corner all the time?

I mean, today was so bad, I even had a turtle Ryu who refused to make a move after I absorbed nearly every one of his Hadokens with the Focus Attack (EX-version not included naturally). I wanted to see if he'd go on offensive if half my lifebar was on the line, and yet he still stood there doing next to nothing (other than throwing fireballs of course). Apparently not even ludicruously easy wins are enticing enough for turtle Ryu's to crawl out of their shell.

But in that situation you're both turtling. You can't get mad at the Ryu player for doing the same thing you are.


FindMyFarms said:
Why do you want them to attack? Is it in hopes that they leave themselves vulnerable and thus make it easier for you to punish them? All this meaning, it's easier for you to win?

I start to believe that you actually never played the game. :p

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
TurtleSnatcher said:
He was grateful and nice when we interviewed him. He was so appreciative and like thanked everyone for how awesome of an event was and he considered it his greatest moment in gaming which was cool. (Nat'l Tournament)

Weren't you part of the team running the event? Let's not be so naive.
After almost 2000 matches with Boxer, I'm thinking to start playing with Abel also. Any tips?

Some points and questions:
*f.mk -> is a good for pressure and starting combos. If the kick hits what is the most safest combo after that?
*Wheel kick is good for OH and sometimes AA. Also with EX I can dodge some fireballs.
*j.mk for cross-up
*I think I know how to use CoD with combos and the EX-version to counter some pokes. Anything else that I need to know about CoD?
*Roll? When to use it? How to use it on wake-up? EX-version?
*Using the Tornado Throw. Good for punishment. What else do I need to know?
*SKy Fall is useless outside a combo, am I right?
*Anti-Air moves pretty much suck, right?

Also I hate the df,df/db,db shortcut because instead of ultra I get the stupid ass Sky fall!!! I guess I have to practice to be more precise with the FightPad.
Won said:
I start to believe that you actually never played the game. :p

You lose a match by losing life. You lose life by getting attacked. This is extremely basic. Now tell me again, why would you want your opponent to attack you? Don't call people out if you can't answer the question.


Rocky_Balboa said:
After almost 2000 matches with Boxer, I'm thinking to start playing with Abel also. Any tips?

Some points and questions:
*f.mk -> is a good for pressure and starting combos. If the kick hits what is the most safest combo after that?
*Wheel kick is good for OH and sometimes AA. Also with EX I can dodge some fireballs.
*j.mk for cross-up
*I think I know how to use CoD with combos and the EX-version to counter some pokes. Anything else that I need to know about CoD?
*Roll? When to use it? How to use it on wake-up? EX-version?
*Using the Tornado Throw. Good for punishment. What else do I need to know?
*SKy Fall is useless outside a combo, am I right?
*Anti-Air moves pretty much suck, right?

Also I hate the df,df/db,db shortcut because instead of ultra I get the stupid ass Sky fall!!! I guess I have to practice to be more precise with the FightPad.
uh you pretty much got everything down, just learn the different properties of tornado throw:

lp = most range, least dmg
mp = medium range, medium dmg
hp = least range, most dmg (more than EX tornado)

And apparently EX version has priority over hits, while regular throw has priority over throws.

So basically you can use regular and EX tornado throws as a mixup.

and also CoD is very unsafe, so try to keep some bars for a FADC.

and of course his ultra goes through fireballs, so when you have a full gauge try to bait it out of people (and by people i mean NOT guile).
Rocky_Balboa said:
After almost 2000 matches with Boxer, I'm thinking to start playing with Abel also. Any tips?

Some points and questions:
*f.mk -> is a good for pressure and starting combos. If the kick hits what is the most safest combo after that?
*Wheel kick is good for OH and sometimes AA. Also with EX I can dodge some fireballs.
*j.mk for cross-up
*I think I know how to use CoD with combos and the EX-version to counter some pokes. Anything else that I need to know about CoD?
*Roll? When to use it? How to use it on wake-up? EX-version?
*Using the Tornado Throw. Good for punishment. What else do I need to know?
*SKy Fall is useless outside a combo, am I right?
*Anti-Air moves pretty much suck, right?

Also I hate the df,df/db,db shortcut because instead of ultra I get the stupid ass Sky fall!!! I guess I have to practice to be more precise with the FightPad.

EX CoD is gonna be your go to anti air, you can even ultra off of it when used as anti air.

Remember, you can CANCEL out of your cr. fk. Lots of people get caught off guard from a cr. fk xx wheel kick or cr. fk xx roll mixup.

Off of cr. fp, you can go for the immediate SF, or you can roll first to build bar then SF. Other options are cr. fp xx lk roll xx cr. fp xx lk/mk roll. It's a nice reset, for the second roll lk puts you in front of them, mk puts you behind them. It's an easy way to sneak in a tornado throw for unsuspecting people. For people that try to throw on landing, a meaty cr. fp will beat that and you can start the mix up all over again.

There's a lot of stuff to Abel, but those are my 2 favorite nuances to his game.


Lost Fragment said:
Ugh, my sticklessness is driving me insane. Insane.
Tell me about it. I should have ordered mine much earlier.

So, is it just me, or am I right to assume that something fishy is going on when horrendous lag starts to kick in as soon as my opponent is low on health? In the first round I wasn't suspecting anything, hiccups happen, no big deal even though I lost that round because of it. The connection recovered too, so whatever. Then the same thing happens in the second round and I get the distinct impression that this was no coincidence.


FindMyFarms said:
Other options are cr. fp xx roll xx cr. fp xx roll. It's a nice reset, for the second roll lk puts you in front of them, mk puts you behind them. It's an easy way to sneak in a tornado throw for unsuspecting people.
somebody did that to me once, it was pretty cool. I just have this sneaking feeling that a flowcharter could mash out of it though.
FindMyFarms said:
Remember, you can CANCEL out of your cr. fk. Lots of people get caught off guard from a cr. fk xx wheel kick or cr. fk xx roll mixup.
cr.fk is a sweep right. So will the canceling work or is just for blocked sweeps?
Rufus said:
Tell me about it. I should have ordered mine much earlier.

So, is it just me, or am I right to assume that something fishy is going on when horrendous lag starts to kick in as soon as my opponent is low on health? In the first round I wasn't suspecting anything, hiccups happen, no big deal even though I lost that round because of it. The connection recovered too, so whatever. Then the same thing happens in the second round and I get the distinct impression that this was no coincidence.

Yeah it's definitely fishy >.> People out there do use lag spike programs, and it sucks :/ I've definitely played people that spiked me repeatedly in tense moments only to find myself KO'd.


FindMyFarms said:
But in that situation you're both turtling. You can't get mad at the Ryu player for doing the same thing you are.

He could have been a run away player which I hate the most.
Rocky_Balboa said:
cr.fk is a sweep right. So will the canceling work or is just for blocked sweeps?

It works on hit too, cr. mk gives you a crossup after knockdown. Also I forgot which and where it is, but one of the wheel kicks when spaced right gives you a body crossup on their wakeup.
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah it's definitely fishy >.> People out there do use lag spike programs, and it sucks :/ I've definitely played people that spiked me repeatedly in tense moments only to find myself KO'd.

Yeah. I was playing a guy and everything would be smooth. However, lag would oddly kick in the moment I land a headbutt with a charged ultra... Hm, how odd. This happened in all 4 rounds (we were playing best out of 6).

And LOL at people bitching about turtles. You can punish them so badly. Build up some ultra meter by focus absorbing their bullshit. FA absorb --> cancel to get close, and just throw their ass, cross them up etc.

People who turtle tend to get lazy fingers since their mindset is totally defensive based. Bum rush those fuckers. As a Vega player, this happens to me all the time. All I do is a slide, a downfoward+K to pop in close, tick throw, cross up EX wall attacks etc. I love turtles.

In fact, I do poorly against rush down characters -- but that probably more has to do the with the fact that I'm using Vega.


gutter_trash said:
I am a cross-up magnet now that everyone has figured out that my Sumo is fodder to cross-up hell when I have no EX meter left

I hate my Ultra!! Zanief's cannot be hit in the mid section while Lariating which is Ultra retarded and see Honda stay stuck in mid-air and Zangief unharmed until the Ultra end and the Lariat that is still spinning for 5 hours hits Honda's Ultra's end


I can't wait for Champion Edition 2nd Impact to fix this retardity
I've pick up using Honda recently (almost caught up to Chun in play %), and I can attest to the frustration. Not being able to have priority over Zangief's Lariat is fucking retarded. Also, I've done my ultra on wake up (hard, for me at least since you need to time it just right) against a Ryu player who threw a fireball to KO me with chip damage. He was less than half a screen away, yet by the time the Ultra connected, he was able to block. Bullshit. Timing the ultra to hit a jumping in opponent is also tricky, and seems to need to be very precise. I think I need to learn how to do the FADC>Ultra and incorporate that into my game.

On the bright side, I love catching people with oicho throw after a blocked butt slam. :D
FindMyFarms said:
But in that situation you're both turtling. You can't get mad at the Ryu player for doing the same thing you are.
Only because he started it. If I walk forward and the turtle Ryu immediatedly jumps backwards during the very first round, then I have every right to "get mad" and waste his time as well (not that I consider my time as precious or anything) by directly copying his behaviour.

And regarding the lifebar: I mean, it's somewhat understandable if they don't want to risk losing their lead against a decent opponent, but to even go as far as turtle when they're behind? By a lot? Yeah, screw that.


MicVlaD said:
And regarding the lifebar: I mean, it's somewhat understandable if they don't want to risk losing their lead against a decent opponent, but to even go as far as turtle when they're behind? By a lot? Yeah, screw that.
Perhaps as mind games to lead up to round 2/3.
SnowWolf said:
Weren't you part of the team running the event? Let's not be so naive.
Um its not like the guy is a spokesperson for my company. He was honestly nice.. go see the interview.. I've linked to the piece that was made. He was honestly nice. Yes that was in front of a camera but he had a completely different personality in front of another interviewer we saw the link before.

I guess he was just in the shock of the moment and just extremely happy.

EDIT: Not defending the guy just stating what I saw. SnowWolf its not like you've sat down with the guy so your opinion should mean even less then anyone elses.
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