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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Finally got this game for myself, hope the excitement hasn't died down yet. Won't be be able to start playing until late afternoon (finals), but I wish my fellow noobs are still around.
C- Warrior said:
So, a good match should only have about 100 to 200 ms delay response. So that's about 12 frames of delay, shouldn't be too bad. So why the fuck do you have hardc0re dudes like Darksydephil constantly bitching about online play? Unless things like tech throwing you only have fewer than 20 frames to input the tech.

Having played a lot of PC games, I stopped noticing lag in FPS's games at around 20 ms. 100 ms is HUGE in fighting games. Things that require split second reactions (such as blocking an ex tiger shot while walking forward) are impossible with that much lag. It has nothing to do with human reaction, and everything to do with the input delay. You might have reacted to the tiger shot on time, but the 100 ms lag is gonna cause you to get hit.

On to to throws. (BTW u play claw right)

If you're having trouble teching throws, there's always other options. (you play vega right?) Always remember that you're opponent has to earn your respect before you give it to him.

-If he's in the process of ticking you, you can always just hold back/up and mash fierce punch. If he has the slightest gap in his block string, or attempts a throw, he'll get hit by it.

- Another option you have is to just hold up. If he goes for the throw, he'll whiff and you can use FK on the way down. If not, you might eat a jab. Now this is what I was talking about with regards to respecting your opponent. If they're good, they'll hit confirm that jab into a srk and possibly ultra. If not, you can punish that all day. Also you can just hold up after a blocked cross up as well. Remember, block string timing in this game is REALLY tight.

- Flip kick! If you think they'll throw, just blast em w/ this bad boy if you have the charge. Ex if possible so u can follow w/ the lk flip kick.

- Ex Izuna drop is also good if you know they'll go for the throw.

- KKK or PPP. You can't use this too much, but it's not bad every once in a while to catch em off guard.

At the end of the day, it is Street Fighter, and there are mind games. Try to read em and see when they're going for the throw. If it gets predictable, make sure you're punishing them!


FindMyFarms, Got any throw avoiding advice specific to Honda? That's who I'm maining now. I'll try the jumping back/up tactic. Hopefully Honda isn't too slow off the ground. Playing good shotos can be hella frustrating for Honda as when they cross up, I'm constantly guessing to tech throw against their throw, but then getting caught with a linked combo or SRK. :/
Stantron said:
FindMyFarms, Got any throw avoiding advice specific to Honda? That's who I'm maining now. I'll try the jumping back/up tactic. Hopefully Honda isn't too slow off the ground. Playing good shotos can be hella frustrating for Honda as when they cross up, I'm constantly guessing to tech throw against their throw, but then getting caught with a linked combo or SRK. :/

The jump back tactic is Vega specific, since you can hit crouchers w/ his j. fp instantly when you jump back.

With honda the main things I can think of are

-mash out some ex ochio's in block strings, any gap will be punished.

-cr. lk beats usually comes out way faster then walk up throws after a tick, you can hit confirm into a headbutt.

-lk butt stomp is also pretty good.

Aside from that, I'm not to familiar with Honda's options. GUTTER TRASH can probably step in here and give you better tips lol.


FindMyFarms said:

I remember we were talking about punishing Rufus' EX Messiah earlier. The vid amarphadb linked actually has an example of this, and he does it on wake up to boot!

Click me (*_*)
Yeah there's definitely some space to punish, but is he on the ground long enough to throw. I guess I'll just have to try it out online myself and report to you guys later tonight.

Oh if you hate tick throwers, play Abel, who has an unthrowable command throw. The thing about online is most people tick the same way. Jump kick tick into throw, jump kick, 1 light punch/kick into throw, or the ever rare 2 light punch/kick into throw. They usually don't change it up. The same people always go for the tick throw when you're 1 throw away from death. I love throwing their asses, and you know they don't know that the tornado throw is unthrowable :lol


Junior Member
Teknopathetic said:
"So, a good match should only have about 100 to 200 ms delay response. So that's about 12 frames of delay, shouldn't be too bad. So why the fuck do you have hardc0re dudes like Darksydephil constantly bitching about online play? Unless things like tech throwing you only have fewer than 20 frames to input the tech."

Not quite. Not only do you have your average human response time of 100-200ms, you've also got to add the delay from online play which could be however many frames extra. Using your throw tech example, you have a 10 frame window to tech a throw from when your opponent inputs the throw command. It's not really that cut and dry because you can anticipate the throw and attempt a throw tech, but yeah, a fairly small window.

A lot of people *hate* to play on certain TVs because of a handful of frames of lag like 3 or 4. 12 frames of lag is *massive*.

To add, the startup of a crouching light punch for Ryu is 3 frames. It hits on the 4th frame. The startup of a crouching strong kick is 5 frames, hits on the 6th.
A lot happens in 12 frames. Having 3 frames of input lag basically equals the difference of reacting to something with a light punch or a sweep.

12 frames of unbuffered lag would mean you can't block anything. I would have made a poke, recovered it and strated a throw before you even saw me moving. That's where netcode comes in to make things playable at all.

If the lag is a bit too high, you'll get hit by stuff over and over that's retarded... slightly hurts to loose to that -.-
MIMIC said:
You can't go THAT slow! :) That's just showing what the combo looks like in slow motion. I don't have the game in right now, but I think the actual tempo for the combo might be a few seconds earlier (like around 3:53).
Ill try tonight on my madcatz pad.. The bigger buttons are going to make this difficult I have a feeling.. Can't glide off the butttons like the 360 pad since those are rounded and the madcatz buttons arent.

Not to mention I tried to fingers and its just awkward.
random player matches are utterly garbage since the patch. you get kicked after winning just one time, or people disconnect on you faster than before. also if you want to accumulate hatemail, player matches are your best bet! it seems all the filth has finally gathered there.

championship is starting to get easier. i havent lost a match in 2 hours now, im getting the flowcharters on the first battle alot. its time to rank up.


:( i havent been in thread in so long but on a brighter note...my 360 is on the way back! I was clooose to picking up the ps3 version but I have like 4 friends on my ps3 list lol. Hope this new mode is really as fun as it seems!

and yeah Jwong seems like douchier by the minute.
I should support my fellow NYer but I kinda want Daigo to wreck him.

I saw a think at playNtrade where you can pay $20 to go against Jwong and he will break down your game and give tips.

Still don't know how these people don't need jobs! :lol
Augemitbutter said:
random player matches are utterly garbage since the patch. you get kicked after winning just one time, or people disconnect on you faster than before. also if you want to accumulate hatemail, player matches are your best bet! it seems all the filth has finally gathered there.

championship is starting to get easier. i havent lost a match in 2 hours now, im getting the flowcharters on the first battle alot. its time to rank up.
Man.. I never see flow charters anymore..

I have seen maybe one in the 200+ Champ matches I've had..

I have no idea why people say they see flow charters. People are becoming so smart with the DP or crossing up or if they do DP they do LP DP from a bit of a distance so I can't walk up and throw anymore =[


Augemitbutter said:
random player matches are utterly garbage since the patch. you get kicked after winning just one time, or people disconnect on you faster than before. also if you want to accumulate hatemail, player matches are your best bet!



TurtleSnatcher said:
Man.. I never see flow charters anymore..

I have seen maybe one in the 200+ Champ matches I've had..

I have no idea why people say they see flow charters. People are becoming so smart with the DP or crossing up or if they do DP they do LP DP from a bit of a distance so I can't walk up and throw anymore =[
I played a Ryu with about 3500GP which a playstyle i frankly have NEVER seen before.

Literally did NOTHING except lp SRK. I mean constantly lp SRK.


I was finally allowed to upload a replay again! Woohoo! 63533 CP...probably my last replay for this week. :lol
Threi said:
I played a Ryu with about 3500GP which a playstyle i frankly have NEVER seen before.

Literally did NOTHING except lp SRK. I mean constantly lp SRK.

Ive been tempted to try that in Champ mode.. Take Ryu and just do LP Shoryukens nonstop and see how far I'd get.

Then if I traded I'd Ultra.

I never play Ryu.. NEVER. But last night I used him against Arde5643 and actually won a round because I traded my DP and ultra'd on his fall.. and got a super in a combo. And I was against Ardes best character - El Fuerte.

Why the FUCK is Ryu the easiest whore to use in the game.. Not to mention his cross up was easy as hell to do.

By the way - Good Games Arde. Feel the wrath of my Honda/Gen/Fuerte! :lol (I have no idea what I'm doing with any of the other characters =[)
TurtleSnatcher said:
Why the FUCK is Ryu the easiest whore to use in the game.. Not to mention his cross up was easy as hell to do.

I'm going to guess that it is because Ken was good in 3S and Ryu was not. Gotta balance that out.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Ive been tempted to try that in Champ mode.. Take Ryu and just do LP Shoryukens nonstop and see how far I'd get.

Then if I traded I'd Ultra.

You would probably be stopped by the first opponent with fireballs....so probably in round 1 against another Ryu. :lol
Glix said:
I'm at 1500 CP, I've been winning a ton lately.

My Gief has all kinds of issues with charge characters, but really, its Cammy and Blanka who drive me totally nuts.

I'm probably 3-7 against Cammy's and 1-20 against Blanka. The Blanka thing is, like, in my head now, which psyches me out even more when I play one.
This game is so great.

Hahaha me too. It's gotten to the point where I reach the final in a tourney and a Blanka comes up on blind select and I'm like fuck it, I might as well just hand over my CP to you on a platter with fries.

Nose Master

Nikashi said:
Whoo, ranked up to G3-A finally! I think I might be the only Dan user in Championship on 360, I haven't seen a single other Dan yet o_o

I'm also a Dan user, and I'm also in G3-A. I got raped by a Green Goblin dan last night.
myDingling said:
Hahaha me too. It's gotten to the point where I reach the final in a tourney and a Blanka comes up on blind select and I'm like fuck it, I might as well just hand over my CP to you on a platter with fries.
I turtle against Blankas and try to take advantage of mistakes. With my Fuerte if I can get a knockdown then I will start going beserk on them and mix stuff up. Then when he has ultra I will purposesly do cross up tostadas so I can make sure I avoid the ultra.
haunts said:
Ricky has a solid Chun Li, yeah, but he got 1st at the last tournament here using Rog and Sagat. lol.

Haha, I've seen both cases. The latest tier list has Chun a bit lower. It seems in America at least that no big names main her without switching away from her.
Checked out my local arcade for a bit this weekend (little tokyo in Los Angeles) since they have an SF4 machine and I haven't played DDR in a while. The machine was kind of busted. One side was pretty decent but had a baseball bat stick (which I actually prefer on most occasions, but I'm not used to it since the TE stick is the ball style) and the other had a ball style with a Jab button that was completely busted. That meant no throws or PPP ultras on the right side @_@ Seems like something easy to fix but that place has bad ownership so I doubt it ever will.

That said it was still a pretty fun night. At one point this Japanese guy comes in, with a beanie, dark rimmed glasses, and sitting with one leg over the over (it seems like all JPN players play like this at the arcade, haha!). He was owning pretty bad. He was incredibly methodical and all his moves seemed to come out with an impeccable precision. His play was notably different from all the American players that night.

I played a couple rounds myself here and there but got wasted on almost all accounts. Cammy is pretty much the only character I feel comfortable with so I have very little to choose from at the arcades. What are the chances that capcom will update the machines with the new chars?

So the main thing I learned that night was the importance of combos. I know I'm a pretty big noob and I seem to get along quite fine with normal moves, setups, and throws, but being there main me have an appreciation for precise planning and timing into a string of attacks. Beyond the fact that it does more damage, I think on a psychological level getting comboed by a 3+ hit attack is just dmeoralizing.

The other thing I noticed, the machine had a good amount of traffic throughout the night. This game will have a looong life, I can tell. Even though I could have spent the night at home playing online bymyself with a char I enjoyed, it was so much better playing with actual people and laughing, exchanging strats. I really wish I could play in person more often but it seems like the only people who do that consistently are tourney players. Where are my casual SF4 meetups?!

Anyway, fun times. I need to pick an arcade only char to alt. Probably Sagat, that asshole.


Question to rufus players:

Any tips on landing his messiah kick, low kick, fadc, ultra? i keep fadc'ing but then doing ex snake strike :(
Threi said:
I played a Ryu with about 3500GP which a playstyle i frankly have NEVER seen before.

Literally did NOTHING except lp SRK. I mean constantly lp SRK.
With a good amount of lag it's actually tough to punish.


FindMyFarms said:
The jump back tactic is Vega specific, since you can hit crouchers w/ his j. fp instantly when you jump back.

With honda the main things I can think of are

-mash out some ex ochio's in block strings, any gap will be punished.

-cr. lk beats usually comes out way faster then walk up throws after a tick, you can hit confirm into a headbutt.

-lk butt stomp is also pretty good.

Aside from that, I'm not to familiar with Honda's options. GUTTER TRASH can probably step in here and give you better tips lol.
Good tips, thanks.


YakiSOBA said:
Question to rufus players:

Any tips on landing his messiah kick, low kick, fadc, ultra? i keep fadc'ing but then doing ex snake strike :(

I suck at it too and stopped practicing it but try letting the stick go back to its neutral position after dashing.


YakiSOBA said:
Question to rufus players:

Any tips on landing his messiah kick, low kick, fadc, ultra? i keep fadc'ing but then doing ex snake strike :(

Stick or pad?

The thing that helped me do his FADC ultra was realizing I don't need to visually confirm the dash before starting the ultra motion. You can do the FADC motion (hold mp+mk, dash motion, etc) part a little bit before the lk followup connects and it should still come out, giving you more time to do the ultra motion. I find if I violently do the ultra motion on my stick it comes out right more often, haha.
SF4 SouthWest 5on5 Invitational Qualifier for Evo

So the way this goes is that the best 5 players from each state get to represent their team at Evo. The other stipulation is that there can't be repeat characters in the team, i.e. team can't have 2 balrogs or 3 Sagats, etc.

I'd really like to qualify and somehow get a chance to play at Evo teams. I'm not a pro by any means, but I enjoy the game a lot and the experience would be unforgettable. Tx may not be Cali or the east coast when it comes to competition, but we still got some really tough players. An Austin Zangief player OCV'd Justin Wong's team at Tx showdown, so you know we don't play haha.

Now, my shot at making this is very slim, but it's a shot none the less. I've consistently performed at the top of the Dallas scene, and have put up SOME competitive matches against Houston's best. I've gotten win streaks against Kensou (that guy from the Final round video where he stood up because he thought he lost then ran back and won) and went about 3-7(me 3 lolz) against our very own Y2dvd.

The problem therein is, teams are going to be made based on tournament results. I haven't been to anywhere near as many as other Tx players, so my only hope really is to make a mad dash to every tourney from here until June and try my best to win as many as I can. What I do have going for me is that no one else really plays Balrog lol, so at least I don't have to worry about changing characters if I make it (BIG if rofl.)


needs to show more effort.
FindMyFarms said:
Obviously not high level, if he was so good then he wouldn't be playing so cheap. amirite or amirite?
it certainly makes me hope I *never* reach high level play.

my god that was the most boring thing ever to watch.


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
SF4 SouthWest 5on5 Invitational Qualifier for Evo

So the way this goes is that the best 5 players from each state get to represent their team at Evo. The other stipulation is that there can't be repeat characters in the team, i.e. team can't have 2 balrogs or 3 Sagats, etc.

I'd really like to qualify and somehow get a chance to play at Evo teams. I'm not a pro by any means, but I enjoy the game a lot and the experience would be unforgettable. Tx may not be Cali or the east coast when it comes to competition, but we still got some really tough players. An Austin Zangief player OCV'd Justin Wong's team at Tx showdown, so you know we don't play haha.

Now, my shot at making this is very slim, but it's a shot none the less. I've consistently performed at the top of the Dallas scene, and have put up SOME competitive matches against Houston's best. I've gotten win streaks against Kensou (that guy from the Final round video where he stood up because he thought he lost then ran back and won) and went about 3-7(me 3 lolz) against our very own Y2dvd.

The problem therein is, teams are going to be made based on tournament results. I haven't been to anywhere near as many as other Tx players, so my only hope really is to make a mad dash to every tourney from here until June and try my best to win as many as I can. What I do have going for me is that no one else really plays Balrog lol, so at least I don't have to worry about changing characters if I make it (BIG if rofl.)

Same sort of situation here in NorCal. John Choi is picking the team at EVO and most of it is based on Tournament results over the past couple months. I've been pretty solid over all but still no 1st place at anything major you know?

I'd like to be on the team but at the same time its a lot of stress. I was on the 5 man team for NorCal vs SoCal at Cali Reigonals and its just stressful as all hell. I feel like like in singles it whatever, if you do good then great, but if you lose then its like whatever, you're somewhere in the results where no one is reading. lol. but on a team you are playing for not yourself but everyone else too so its a lot to think about.


So far the sure fires for team norcal is-

1. Crackfiend
2. Ricky Ortiz

Everyone else is up in the air.

Side note its ridiculous how Ricky can pick up a new game so quickly. That dude plays everything too. lol
haunts said:
Same sort of situation here in NorCal. John Choi is picking the team at EVO and most of it is based on Tournament results over the past couple months. I've been pretty solid over all but still no 1st place at anything major you know?

I'd like to be on the team but at the same time its a lot of stress. I was on the 5 man team for NorCal vs SoCal at Cali Reigonals and its just stressful as all hell. I feel like like in singles it whatever, if you do good then great, but if you lose then its like whatever, you're somewhere in the results where no one is reading. lol. but on a team you are playing for not yourself but everyone else too so its a lot to think about.

Thanks for the personal insight man.

I was wondering, how is 5on5 played? Does winner stay on? Or are players matched up individually?
god, Justin Wong is so douchey in that interview. And I like how tries to make it a point that he can beat Daigo, I guess he's still sore from that epic Evo loss. He's making it really hard for me to root for the US, lol.
FindMyFarms said:
SF4 SouthWest 5on5 Invitational Qualifier for Evo

So the way this goes is that the best 5 players from each state get to represent their team at Evo. The other stipulation is that there can't be repeat characters in the team, i.e. team can't have 2 balrogs or 3 Sagats, etc.

I'd really like to qualify and somehow get a chance to play at Evo teams. I'm not a pro by any means, but I enjoy the game a lot and the experience would be unforgettable. Tx may not be Cali or the east coast when it comes to competition, but we still got some really tough players. An Austin Zangief player OCV'd Justin Wong's team at Tx showdown, so you know we don't play haha.

Now, my shot at making this is very slim, but it's a shot none the less. I've consistently performed at the top of the Dallas scene, and have put up SOME competitive matches against Houston's best. I've gotten win streaks against Kensou (that guy from the Final round video where he stood up because he thought he lost then ran back and won) and went about 3-7(me 3 lolz) against our very own Y2dvd.

The problem therein is, teams are going to be made based on tournament results. I haven't been to anywhere near as many as other Tx players, so my only hope really is to make a mad dash to every tourney from here until June and try my best to win as many as I can. What I do have going for me is that no one else really plays Balrog lol, so at least I don't have to worry about changing characters if I make it (BIG if rofl.)

Some of us here in my local scene might try for my spot at the southwest on that Friday. Keep in mind that this also includes Arizona and Colorado which both have good comp from my experience.


Bacon of Hope
FindMyFarms said:
Thanks for the personal insight man.

I was wondering, how is 5on5 played? Does winner stay on? Or are players matched up individually?

At CR it was basically winner stays on. So Mike Ross killed LPN, Dave and myself then Crackfiend went on to beat Mike Ross and some other Rog player (Keno?) and I forget the rest, I think MAGUS1234 beat someone too... but yeah thats how it works.

I think its the same way for EVO. Either way it should be hype as fuck to watch even if I dont get to participate. Im actually more concerned about making it out of my pool than anything else. Ive been to EVO twice and never made it out of my pool. :lol
GalacticAE said:
Some of us here in my local scene might try for my spot at the southwest on that Friday. Keep in mind that this also includes Arizona and Colorado which both have good comp from my experience.

Wait, separated by state no?

SaBrE said:
whoops, mis worded, top 5 from each of the 5 states(az,nv,nm,co,and tx) sorry about that

You're NM right? How would the CO and AZ guys be able to compete for a spot on the NM team, since it's based on previous tourney results?

I'll be honest and say that I haven't heard of any top players from those three areas, I think you should be able to hold your spot pretty easy.
BitchTits said:
I love that guy's name.

myDingling said:
Hahaha me too. It's gotten to the point where I reach the final in a tourney and a Blanka comes up on blind select and I'm like fuck it, I might as well just hand over my CP to you on a platter with fries.
You play Cammy, right? The key with Blanka is patience. Just keep your distance and let him come to you. You can punish blocked balls with hk.drill or ultra. Stay a character length away when they wake up, and if they do electricity do c.MK > drill. Maybe there are better combos but that one's e-z. Hell, do it whenever you can - most of them fall for it like crazy. Once he gets ultra stay the fuck away, since most every Blanka I play likes to go for it on wakeup. This tends to frustrate them and many will just throw it out fullscreen. Then you can punish with an ultra if you have it. I find throwing doesn't work too well since Blanka's got some weird hitbox, plus electricity.

slayn said:
it certainly makes me hope I *never* reach high level play.

my god that was the most boring thing ever to watch.
Yeahhhh. A lot of high-level SF4 videos are really fucking boring but this one...wow. But hey PLAY TO WIN.

I wish everyone played like Poongko.
FindMyFarms said:
Wait, separated by state no?

You're NM right? How would the CO and AZ guys be able to compete for a spot on the NM team, since it's based on previous tourney results?

I'll be honest and say that I haven't heard of any top players from those three areas, I think you should be able to hold your spot pretty easy.

Ah ok. 5 from each state according to Sabre. I thought it was top 5 from the region.
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