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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I am Korean.
Lost Fragment said:
Am I like the only one who thinks that a perfectly balanced fighting game is a bad thing?
It'd just mean that every character had an equal chance of winning when played to their full potential. It could be boring I suppose... Rock paper scissors is balanced. Take a game like Street Fighter and make Sakura as viable as Sagat though, and the only downside would be more character diversity.

But then, I'm sick of the gnawing hole in my gut when a Zangief pops up. Poor Dhalsim... If I see a "I hate projectiles" or a Zangeif pic prior to the match, I dive to Blanka. I'll even count the number of spaces the other guy moves to help minimize nasty Zangeif surprises.)
Teknopathetic said:
I've been doing stuff like j.hk, cr.mk xx hadoken xx FADC cr.mk xx FK tatsu or cr.lp, s.lp, c.mp xx hadoken xx FADC xx s.fp xx fp shoryu.

Ahh gotcha.

On that one, you want to do a cr. lk instead of a cr. lp. cr. lp can be blocked high whereas cr. lk can't be blocked high, that way you have a greater chance of landing the combo.
Tonight I had a pretty good night.

I am now around 4260 GP or something..

Not too shabby. I'm close to C .. So close I can taste it!

I'm noticing the newbs coming into G2 thankfully. Cause they are on my scale :p

Rummy -

You now have a higher CP total to beat agst me. I raised my stakes today. I beat a 8.5k Zangief, a 5k Ryu, and 2.5k Ryu, and another 3.5k Ryu. Yea.. 3 RYUS!! Then the finals was the Gief.. Do you know how painful that was for my Fuerte? :p

My CP Rank when I logged off was 666.


I can get 2 hits on the RSF combo.. I finished all of Fuerte's trials but the last one.. ARGH. I always fucking Fajita Buster.. I just don't get it. Its like it never registers my stop motion and if I got any slower it just doesn't combo =[

Oh and in 1 of the finals I hit tonight.. I made the game and one of my favorite Fuertes I follow on YouTube joined.. I quickly left haha.. No way I'm doing mirror especially agst a guy who can do 7 hit RSF's like nothing :(
So I was playing at the arcade earlier and I had no idea I was playing a female. I beat her 3 games in a row without giving her a mercy round, and then some white knight comes to me and says "Dude, you're playing a girl, why do you have to be all serious?" I said I didn't know who I was playing because I couldn't see, but I apologized anyway just to end it.

But then the guy decides that he needs to show me who's boss so he decides to replace the girl and challenge me. I beat the guy two games in a row, and he leaves the arcade broken and ashamed, being pampered by the girl he was defending.

Felt so good.
Pop On Arrival said:
So I was playing at the arcade earlier and I had no idea I was playing a female. I beat her 3 games in a row without giving her a mercy round, and then some white knight comes to me and says "Dude, you're playing a girl, why do you have to be all serious?" I said I didn't know who I was playing because I couldn't see, but I apologized anyway just to end it.

But then the guy decides that he needs to show me who's boss so he decides to replace the girl and challenge me. I beat the guy two games in a row, and he leaves the arcade broken and ashamed, being pampered by the girl he was defending.

Felt so good.

I'm a little confused, you played at the arcade and couldn't you your human opponent who should be somewhere in the same vicinity? Shouldn't you two be right beside each other are are SF4 machines networked or something now?
Rice-Eater said:
I'm a little confused, you played at the arcade and couldn't you your human opponent who should be somewhere in the same vicinity? Shouldn't you two be right beside each other are are SF4 machines networked or something now?

A lot of arcades have their machines back to back, so you can't see the person on the other side.
"I'm a little confused, you played at the arcade and couldn't you your human opponent who should be somewhere in the same vicinity? Shouldn't you two be right beside each other are are SF4 machines networked or something now?"

SF4 cabs are head-to-head. Your opponent is sitting on another SF4 cabinet, often across from you where you can't see who it is.
Really? Is this the first for a capcom fighting game because all the old games have always been side by side from what I remember.

EDIT: Ok, I see now. Where I live we never had any arcades set up like that where you couldn't see your opponent.


Eh, I think I'm done with this game. I suck and I really don't think I'll be getting any better. Only reason I ever even though I was any good is apparently because I was playing nothing but scrubs.

I don't know why I keep deluding myself into thinking I don't suck at games. :/


Try and find people around your skill level to play against then Kevincow, I tend to just have more fun playing with friends over playing randoms online. Only reason I play anymore.


GG, Rummy. Never bumped into a person on my friend's list two times in one day before. :) I haven't used my Guile in FOREVER and for whatever random reason, I brought him out against you....and I forgot how good I was :lol I haven't played Championship mode since the patch came out and after we played, I confidently went in as Guile and swept through a tournament....I even beat a fellow Guile along the way.

Don't know what I was before, but I ranked up to G3-B. But I know that as soon as I get comfortable with Guile again, my thumb is going to fall off.

BTW, Rufus' falcon kick.....GRRRRR

I can get 2 hits on the RSF combo.. I finished all of Fuerte's trials but the last one.. ARGH. I always fucking Fajita Buster.. I just don't get it. Its like it never registers my stop motion and if I got any slower it just doesn't combo =[

Well if you can get 2, you can get 5. You're on your way. Just takes time :)


I decided to take a look at the top players' videos.

Ryu vs. Ryu
Zangief vs. Zangief :lol
Sagat vs. E. Honda
Ryu vs. Zangief
Sagat vs. Ryu

And then I couldn't take it anymore.
KevinCow said:
Eh, I think I'm done with this game. I suck and I really don't think I'll be getting any better. Only reason I ever even though I was any good is apparently because I was playing nothing but scrubs.

I don't know why I keep deluding myself into thinking I don't suck at games. :/
Who cares if you suck?

I suck and I still play.. yea GP is a bit of a grind for me but honestly I enjoy playing the game even if it brings frustrationg at times.. Its just fun :)
Rice-Eater said:
Really? Is this the first for a capcom fighting game because all the old games have always been side by side from what I remember.

EDIT: Ok, I see now. Where I live we never had any arcades set up like that where you couldn't see your opponent.

All the old school american Sf2 cabs had both players on one cab. The back to back thing has been more of a recent thing (past 7 years or so) where fighting games mainly existed as a niche and/or imports from japan, and thus the emulated japanese style.

KevinCow said:
Eh, I think I'm done with this game. I suck and I really don't think I'll be getting any better. Only reason I ever even though I was any good is apparently because I was playing nothing but scrubs.

I don't know why I keep deluding myself into thinking I don't suck at games. :/

Why's it matter if you suck? You're enjoying the game when you play it right? That's all that matters ;)


TurtleSnatcher said:
Who cares if you suck?

I suck and I still play.. yea GP is a bit of a grind for me but honestly I enjoy playing the game even if it brings frustrationg at times.. Its just fun :)
I care. Getting my ass kicked isn't fun. Especially when it's against someone who jumps around to like eight different characters and destroys me with every single one, including Honda, the one character I've been struggling to get even decent with. I've already slammed one controller on the ground and broken the battery pack out of frustration.

And on the flip side, beating up on scrubs isn't any fun either.

Playing against someone right at my skill level would be awesome, if I could find someone like that. But I always have this problem, where I bet better than the scrubs but not as good as the people who really know what they're doing, and then I can't find anyone at my skill level.
KevinCow said:
I care. Getting my ass kicked isn't fun. Especially when it's against someone who jumps around to like eight different characters and destroys me with every single one, including Honda, the one character I've been struggling to get even decent with. I've already slammed one controller on the ground and broken the battery pack out of frustration.

And on the flip side, beating up on scrubs isn't any fun either.

Playing against someone right at my skill level would be awesome, if I could find someone like that. But I always have this problem, where I bet better than the scrubs but not as good as the people who really know what they're doing, and then I can't find anyone at my skill level.

Well ask yourself first, do you feel like you have a good understanding of the games mechanics at a fundamental level? If so then the next thing to look at is your approach to specific situations. Break your game down man!

When I used to get beat down by better players, I'd look at ONE thing they'd always use against me, and concentrate on shutting that one thing down and not even think about anything else. Once I figured out that aspect, then I'd move on to the next one, and repeat the cycle. Once you get to the point where you're comfortable in every situation, THEN you get to play mind games and really hit the depth in Street Fighter.

Do you have any videos? Objective criticism will always help.
KevinCow said:
I care. Getting my ass kicked isn't fun. Especially when it's against someone who jumps around to like eight different characters and destroys me with every single one, including Honda, the one character I've been struggling to get even decent with. I've already slammed one controller on the ground and broken the battery pack out of frustration.

And on the flip side, beating up on scrubs isn't any fun either.

Playing against someone right at my skill level would be awesome, if I could find someone like that. But I always have this problem, where I bet better than the scrubs but not as good as the people who really know what they're doing, and then I can't find anyone at my skill level.
Any game causes frustration if you can't take it then games just may not be for you at all.

I mean to critique and ask for people in Champ Edition to be on your equal level now would be tough when everyone is floating in G2. You are open to the full range.

Ranked battles I don't even know about.. maybe search for something below your skill it would be damn close to what you are now.

Either way you never get better without losing a ton or by learning from mistakes.

Threi is a good example. He said he was at like 38% win percentage and is now past 50%..

I was at like 58% and now I'm at 68% to 69%.. I was actually 71% before Champ Edition.

Oh and I hit 4500 matches tonight! Woot me


FindMyFarms said:
Well ask yourself first, do you feel like you have a good understanding of the games mechanics at a fundamental level? If so then the next thing to look at is your approach to specific situations. Break your game down man!

When I used to get beat down by better players, I'd look at ONE thing they'd always use against me, and concentrate on shutting that one thing down and not even think about anything else. Once I figured out that aspect, then I'd move on to the next one, and repeat the cycle. Once you get to the point where you're comfortable in every situation, THEN you get to play mind games and really hit the depth in Street Fighter.

Do you have any videos? Objective criticism will always help.
I usually know what I'm doing wrong. And when it's on an issue of simply figuring out a counter-strategy to something they're doing, I can fix it. I understand this game on that level pretty well. But my problem is that I just have slow reactions, and that's something that's not going to be fixed.

Like, take Abel's autocombo move for example. I know that I should block high, unless he pauses for a second and then attacks, in which case I should either block low or hit him back. But I'm not fast enough to go from registering that he has paused for a second to realizing that I should do something about it to actually doing something about it in the time that it takes him to actually do it, so I pretty much invariably get hit if they decide to do a low attack.
KevinCow said:
I usually know what I'm doing wrong. And when it's on an issue of simply figuring out a counter-strategy to something they're doing, I can fix it. I understand this game on that level pretty well. But my problem is that I just have slow reactions, and that's something that's not going to be fixed.

Like, take Abel's autocombo move for example. I know that I should block high, unless he pauses for a second and then attacks, in which case I should either block low or hit him back. But I'm not fast enough to go from registering that he has paused for a second to realizing that I should do something about it to actually doing something about it in the time that it takes him to actually do it, so I pretty much invariably get hit if they decide to do a low attack.

Believe it or not, reflexes actually don't play a large role in upper level play. What plays a large role is muscle memory. Having a mental reaction, and then formulating the proper reaction in a scenario takes way more time than your body just reacting to a stimulus. You know how when you see a car coming at you, you automatically swerve? It's the same thing in Street Fighter. With practice, after seeing him throw the first part of the CoD, you'll begin to turn your reaction into muscle memory, as opposed to having to react then think about what you have to do. It's a lot easier to react to a situation when you both know and expect it to happen.

I've played that clicky mouse game, and my reflexes are in the upper .20's, which is supposedly a little below average lol. That doesn't stop me from being decent at SF4. Or at least from thinking I'm decent haha.

Edit - just had to point out also that not a lot of people can react to that move 100% either. Also, if you know they're going for the mixup after blocking the first hit, then you can punish them before their second hit comes out.

Yes Boss!

FindMyFarms said:
It's simply the tournament mode under network/online play.

Thanks, I hadn't even downloaded the update yet as I thought it was an auto update and not through the Marketplace. :lol

All is good now!


Some decent variety tonight on PSN. Actually fought an Abel and Vega which is a rarity. Also fought a bad ass C-Viper. Stole one match, but I saw him again in championship mode and got destroyed. Dont play her enough to know all the ways she can cross you up with her flamin kick, so I get trapped easily. Might need to main her myself for awhile to learn this shit, heh.

Still have problems with Ryu. Mainly cuz it seems like he can take so much damage from super simple combos. Mind numbingly easy to land his ultra too and many ways to do it...you can definitely understand why he's top tier. Also, small dragon punch + lag = not easily punsihed. I get double dragon punched way more often than I should. I rush down with Chun Li a lot so I need to learn to back off and counter a bit more.


Not sure if it's common knowledge or not so I'll just throw it out there. When looking at leaderboards, pressing left or right will scroll the rankings by +/- 100. You probably knew that already, BUT while holding x (on 360) and then pressing left or right, the rankings will scroll by +/- 1000. Pretty cool feature.


I knew about the back to back arcade cabinets, but what's the reasoning behind them?

When we had arcades here, they were nice, spacious sitdown ones, room enough for two, so is it just a case of not wanting to sit next to your opponent, or even have to see them?

Isn't it a waste of space/customer revenue? 2 cabs/2 players, 2 cabs/4 players?


BitchTits said:
I knew about the back to back arcade cabinets, but what's the reasoning behind them?

When we had arcades here, they were nice, spacious sitdown ones, room enough for two, so is it just a case of not wanting to sit next to your opponent, or even have to see them?

Isn't it a waste of space/customer revenue? 2 cabs/2 players, 2 cabs/4 players?
I think I remember reading that it has something to do with Japanese societal norms.
BitchTits said:
I knew about the back to back arcade cabinets, but what's the reasoning behind them?

When we had arcades here, they were nice, spacious sitdown ones, room enough for two, so is it just a case of not wanting to sit next to your opponent, or even have to see them?

Isn't it a waste of space/customer revenue? 2 cabs/2 players, 2 cabs/4 players?

It's not a standard by any means, just a common practice. I don't really know the reasoning behind it, just know it's common.

The versus city styl is one of the more popular back to back cabs :


Here's what a row of them in an arcade space looks like :


A lot of arcades still employ the American style though as shown here(note 2 sets of joystick/buttons per cab as well as happiness of the ppl for being in America) :

Pop On Arrival said:
I think it's different in America? All cabinets here are back to back, including all the previous Street Fighter cabinets.

The arcade closest to me has SF4 in Net city cabs, which are japanese but they're side to side. Ironically, they also have MVC2 on american-style cabs that are back to back. :p
Archie said:
The all in one DLC is up on the marketplace. 1000 moon dollars for a 208kb unlock key, lol.
Thanks for the info. I'm a big enough whore to buy this.
still cheaper than buying the 3 remaining individual packs I don't yet have separately :X


Dartastic said:
Who is this "KhaoZ SoLjaH" and why is he fucking up my championship searches?


This used to happen all the time on Ranked matches, but when I called Capcom's support, they said it was entirely the fault of my own connection, not theirs. (I also don't think he had any clue what issue I was describing, thinking back though)


Dartastic said:
Who is this "KhaoZ SoLjaH" and why is he fucking up my championship searches?

I've had this too, not with the same person. Seems to me like the search gets clogged/stuck or something. After a while online I get couple of people coming up in the searches no matter what I do. Going to a different mode usually seems to 'refresh' it.

I actually played one of my 'stuck searches' yesterday for the first after notticing they had a 4 bar connection. They were awful, used Ryu and only pressed medium punch, no special moves at all - For the amount of time I see them online, I would've thought they would be better at the game :lol


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Last again I decided to give strangers a try again - some managed to stay longer than one round, but in the end, every person I played quit in the end, mostly when the match was over, but one still did mid-match...

So I moved on to Championship mode, won the first match, and every other match I searched for after that was red bar connection so I didn't want to risk getting into a laggy match so I called it a night and went to play Gears 2...

Highlight of the night for me was that EX Dash Straight cancel into Ultra with Balrog I nailed on a player to win the match - I never practiced it, not even once, but I saw the opportunity to do it point blank - and booooy did it feel good to pull it off, my first try even... :D

Gonna play again today though, see how that works out...

Archie said:
The all in one DLC is up on the marketplace. 1000 moon dollars for a 208kb unlock key, lol.

I would buy this right away had I gotten enough free points from that Coca Cola deal thing - I actually kinda do since MS seemed to have included me when they refunded those who charged extra when they were supposed to have the Gold Subscription discount, so 500 from that plus the measly 600 I got from the giveaway might make me buy them today - we'll see... I definitely wouldn't have used points that I spent money on to buy these though...

I fucking love Capcom this gen, but I can't side with them making us pay for something the arcade version would let you unlock for free...

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
After racking in 3000 or so online matches, 5000 BP and 7000 or so GP, I'm officially sick of this game for the time being.

Think it's time to move on to something else for the most part and pick the game back up seriously when I get a stick. Not being able to do Gen's mk -> hands or a lot of Viper's moves reliably is so frustrating :(

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Lost Fragment said:
After racking in 3000 or so online matches, 5000 BP and 7000 or so GP, I'm officially sick of this game for the time being.

Think it's time to move on to something else for the most part and pick the game back up seriously when I get a stick. Not being able to do Gen's mk -> hands or a lot of Viper's moves reliably is so frustrating :(

I bought 2x hori ex2 fighting sticks and essentially learned street fighter with them.

those pieces of shit both broke and I sent em back. The SE editions are not in stock and my parts are also back order by fucking ages on lizard lick. :( :(

I tried playing with the standard xbox pad and couldn't even pull off a basic combo, find the button layout impossible to learn.

Completely annoyed, my game was just starting to improve beyond semi competent as well. Have about 1300 Gp and 2k BP and was looking forward to making decent inroads into that.

DAMNIT. The disc sits there taunting me :(


Learn how to CoD>FADC>cr.HP>ultra. I think this is the most reliable way of doing it.
I actually do that quite a bit now when I have a full ultra meter, its just i always mistime the ultra input and wind up either doing it too early or too late. :lol

KevinCow said:
Eh, I think I'm done with this game. I suck and I really don't think I'll be getting any better. Only reason I ever even though I was any good is apparently because I was playing nothing but scrubs.

I don't know why I keep deluding myself into thinking I don't suck at games. :/
As did everyone. Like I said though you got better from the last time I played you, your Honda is starting to worry me now :lol

Why don't you try picking up a secondary char? The game can get kind of boring if you focus solely on one character.


Made an agreement with another GAF member, refused to honor it because he was broke, but then had no problem continuing to buy video games.
Damn! I'm using Blanka and I'm kinda good at it but there is a problem.. fuckin GUILE.

Whenever I tried to dosomething he use the down plus kick move, or flashkick,

When I bounce cause they block me they do the downkick move and ruin my hopes and dreams...

Any good Anti-guile technique with Blanka??


dgenx said:
Damn! I'm using Blanka and I'm kinda good at it but there is a problem.. fuckin GUILE.

Whenever I tried to dosomething he use the down plus kick move, or flashkick,

When I bounce cause they block me they do the downkick move and ruin my hopes and dreams...

Any good Anti-guile technique with Blanka??

I'm not a blanka player but if you space correctly and time it right you can do his slide under gules sonic booms and trip him. That will make him hesitant to throw out so many sonic booms when your close.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Lost Fragment said:
After racking in 3000 or so online matches, 5000 BP and 7000 or so GP, I'm officially sick of this game for the time being.

Think it's time to move on to something else for the most part and pick the game back up seriously when I get a stick. Not being able to do Gen's mk -> hands or a lot of Viper's moves reliably is so frustrating :(

I know exactly what you mean.

Even with the Fight Pad, or a modified 360 d-pad, I cannot get Balrog's Dash Upper to come out consistently because of the game's new screwy input priorities, which messes up my gameplan a lot with Balrog - the only way I can get it to come out consistently is with my Hori EX2 stick, and I HATE that thing - I can't dash properly which means I can't do FADC's properly, and even though I slam all three punches or kicks hard, there is a small, maybe 5% chance that it won't register and a super will come out instead...

It works for the most part, but it really is a low-end stick as others say - it was supposed to be my 'tweener till the TE stick arrived, but I gave up all hope of that, and even if I wanted it again, it still hasn't arrived in Europe yet as of yesterday...

For the most part the 360 pad gets the job done, but it's a pain to do the complicated stuff, which only comes out when I'm not the one who's pressured - if I am, I just stick to raw damage & small combos, even though I have all those sweet combos in my head ready to bust out...

Oh well, I still like to put the game in every now and then though...


dgenx said:
Damn! I'm using Blanka and I'm kinda good at it but there is a problem.. fuckin GUILE.

Whenever I tried to dosomething he use the down plus kick move, or flashkick,

When I bounce cause they block me they do the downkick move and ruin my hopes and dreams...

Any good Anti-guile technique with Blanka??

I've never seen a good guile online so this might be bad advice but here's what I do.

Try to get in close. They usually just hold down back at the start so you can lp ball to throw at first to get in close. Then crossup mixup game (mk, c.mk, throw or mk,cmk ball). Once they learn to time your crosses with with jump throw or well timed flash (don't remember for sure if the flash is auto aim...or if it's fast enough to counter crosses) they tend to get more agressive and that makes guile lot easier to win against imo. Be careful with the slides. He can punish the shit out of those. If you have good distance you can bait the flash and punish with up ball. Good luck!


Nice little ending to a match I had last night. This guy has been doing d.mk -> fireball on my wakeup almost every time, and I had Abel's super stocked, which has the ability to be invulnerable. Third round, I'm down to 2% of life, he has about 20%, so I activate it on wakeup. Of course, this time he decided to try to cross me up with a jump kick, so my character falls flat on his face, and his kick misses me.

He activates his ultra fireball, it's a pixel away from hitting me when I activated my ultra the millisecond after I recovered from the whiffed super. Good times, I wish I could've saved the replay.
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