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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Lost Fragment said:
After racking in 3000 or so online matches, 5000 BP and 7000 or so GP, I'm officially sick of this game for the time being.

Think it's time to move on to something else for the most part and pick the game back up seriously when I get a stick. Not being able to do Gen's mk -> hands or a lot of Viper's moves reliably is so frustrating :(

I just started maining Gen and still can't pull off MK/Hands consistently but damn is he fun to use. He's easily my favorite character now. Been watching Yeb matches for ideas/tips. I'm sticking with the old man for the long haul I think. Here's who I use mostly:


Have you been able to incoporate Gen's roll at all?


FindMyFarms said:
It's not a standard by any means, just a common practice. I don't really know the reasoning behind it, just know it's common.

The versus city styl is one of the more popular back to back cabs :


That started in Japan I believe. When the cabinets were built for side by side gameplay, many people felt intimidated/shy coming up and interrupting somebody's game to challenge them.

A bold arcade owner, in Japan I think, "rigged" two singles cabinets so that they were back to back so that people could come up and challenge the other person anonymously. There wasn't the pressure of coming up to a stranger and interrupting his game. With this setup, you can jump in and challenge with no pressure and the other person had no idea who you were most of the time (unless they bothered to look).

That arcade owner's business with those machines took off and it caught on. Now its pretty standard, especially in Japan.
Today I accidentally did a EX kara Ultra with Boxer. I didn't have enough for Ultra but tried to do it anyway during my wakeup since the other player was throwing a hadouken. Instead of ultra, my boxer did a EX-straight which was immediately canceled into Ultra after the hit absorb.

Bumbed into MicVlad in the Champ mode. GG again.

Anyone else noticing their Live Rep going down? I think I had about 65/35 Preferred/Avoided percentage before I started and now it is 53/47% :lol About 46% in the unsporting category.
I think I play pretty offensive with Balrog (unless it is vs Gief) so it can't be from turtling. Bad losers?
Skilotonn said:
Highlight of the night for me was that EX Dash Straight cancel into Ultra .

Woah how do you do this? Did you fadc into his ultra? Or are you talking about the kara cancel?

Avatar1 said:
That started in Japan I believe.

Yeah, the Versus City cab I showed is actually from a sega arcade in Japan. Not sayin it's the og though. It gets imported to a lot of arcades in the US though, like Planet Zero in Houston.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
bob_arctor said:
I just started maining Gen and still can't pull off MK/Hands consistently but damn is he fun to use. He's easily my favorite character now. Been watching Yeb matches for ideas/tips. I'm sticking with the old man for the long haul I think. Here's who I use mostly:


Have you been able to incoporate Gen's roll at all?

Yeah, I use roll all the time. Don't underestimate the power of c.mp -> roll.

I mainly use roll after a meaty c.mp, or to punish after baiting a DP or whatever. But Shakudan -> c.mp -> roll is a great jump-in pressure combo. Especially so if you mix up a few FADCs in there every once in a while and go for a throw or a block string.


Lost Fragment said:
After racking in 3000 or so online matches, 5000 BP and 7000 or so GP, I'm officially sick of this game for the time being.

Think it's time to move on to something else for the most part and pick the game back up seriously when I get a stick. Not being able to do Gen's mk -> hands or a lot of Viper's moves reliably is so frustrating :(

I know how you feel. I feel like I can't play to my full potential playing with this xbox control. I can't FA/DC correctly, the left button/trigger are terrible while you are trying to combo and I can't react fast enough at times because my fingers are all over the place. Still beating people though and looks like you are too, don't quit!
GalacticAE said:
I hate what you are and everything you stand for.

You two are hilarious. All of the humor in this thread is provided by you and Find going back and forth.

And I'm SOOOO going to download the costume patch. I want my Ryu to be a vagabond.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Just got back to Osaka after 10 days back home in Toronto and downloaded the championship pack last night... got up to G3-A with like 1500GP or something? What's the next level after that? G2? I'm guessing I have to get up to 2000GP for that or something?


bob_arctor said:
I just started maining Gen and still can't pull off MK/Hands consistently but damn is he fun to use. He's easily my favorite character now. Been watching Yeb matches for ideas/tips. I'm sticking with the old man for the long haul I think. Here's who I use mostly:


Have you been able to incoporate Gen's roll at all?

No more love for the Rog?


Rocky_Balboa said:
Anyone else noticing their Live Rep going down? I think I had about 65/35 Preferred/Avoided percentage before I started and now it is 53/47% :lol About 46% in the unsporting category.
I think I play pretty offensive with Balrog (unless it is vs Gief) so it can't be from turtling. Bad losers?

I give bad rep to all rog players. Stupid online lag abusers! >.<


I cannot STAND Balrog. It is the lamest, stupidest matchup for my Blanka. All they do is fucking sit there and wait for you to do something. It's ridiculous.

I used to love playing as Blarog in SF2, but SF4 turtle - Gootecks clones ruined him for me.


I've been out of the SFIV loop. I thought we all hated Ken and Sagat. Is Balrog the new rage target now? What's this lag shit about?
Oichi said:
Just got back to Osaka after 10 days back home in Toronto and downloaded the championship pack last night... got up to G3-A with like 1500GP or something? What's the next level after that? G2? I'm guessing I have to get up to 2000GP for that or something?
2000GP = G2-E
3000GP = G2-D
5000GP = G2-C
7000GP = G2-B
10000GP = G2-A
15000GP = G1-E
FindMyFarms said:
Um, if you have the life lead and you're opponent doesn't attack you, that's a guaranteed victory via time out. The second your opponent mounts an offensive, you lose that guarantee. So I'll ask it again like I keep doing, why would you want your opponent to attack you?
Because I'd rather lose a fun match than win a boring one.

I'm not seeing many complains about losing to opponents who refuse to engage. I think everyone knows how to take them out. It just isn't very fun. Most of us do not seem to enjoy turtle-style, keep away play. I don't think it's all that hard to understand why. It's a fighting game. So most of us would like to fight, not re-enact Shamrock vs. Severn.

MIMIC said:
GG, Rummy. Never bumped into a person on my friend's list two times in one day before. :) I haven't used my Guile in FOREVER and for whatever random reason, I brought him out against you....and I forgot how good I was :lol I haven't played Championship mode since the patch came out and after we played, I confidently went in as Guile and swept through a tournament....I even beat a fellow Guile along the way.
GG! I ran into SO many Fuertes yesterday in player. It was so weird! And fun. I'm never gonna get the hang of playing him, though I'd love to cuz I love lucha.

BTW, Rufus' falcon kick.....GRRRRR
Yesssss. I finally got that thing down! I wish I'd put more time into him from the start. I couldn't get the hang of the triangle kicks so I was hopeless with him. The last few days he seems to have clicked and I am totally in love with Rufus. Though I haven't fought many Ryus or Sagats with him yet....


Rummy Bunnz said:
Because I'd rather lose a fun match than win a boring one.

I'm not seeing many complains about losing to opponents who refuse to engage. I think everyone knows how to take them out. It just isn't very fun. Most of us do not seem to enjoy turtle-style, keep away play. I don't think it's all that hard to understand why. It's a fighting game. So most of us would like to fight, not re-enact Shamrock vs. Severn.

I said this before but I'll say it again, you're supposed to be putting them in the corner, then mixing it up with overheads, lows and throws. It doesn't matter if they run away or not, them being in the corner is your objective and it shouldn't annoy you.


Uhh what a bad day. Only won one championship. :(

I blame the...uhm...weather. Yeah, the weather outside sucked today!


Lost Fragment said:
Yeah, I use roll all the time. Don't underestimate the power of c.mp -> roll.

I mainly use roll after a meaty c.mp, or to punish after baiting a DP or whatever. But Shakudan -> c.mp -> roll is a great jump-in pressure combo. Especially so if you mix up a few FADCs in there every once in a while and go for a throw or a block string.

Yeah, c.mp>roll is the only time I've been able to use it to any real advantage. I was actually able to win a match by doing that combo twice in a row--the 2nd time I was very lucky in that my opponent just stood there carelessly after the 1st clean combo, not realizing the long range of the cr.mp--and then at the end of it, I transitioned to PPP and did cr.LP/Hands for chip to end it. All this happened with him in the corner though. Thing is, that would never work on a good player but damn it felt good to mess with his mind that way. Which is why I love Gen. I'm even gonna go back to Alpha 2 to use him there. :D

He actually makes a better player in that I am not careless with him as I usually am. I am more patient, more locked in to counters and spacing and such.

Also, on the Shakudan--does it whiff often on crouching opponents?


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
ggs to Tre today! I think the score was lopsided but that isn't an indication of the difference in abilities, just difference in luck and in lag tactics. :lol
I recorded it for all to see. Fucking EX headbutt is bullshit.

Never trust anyone who says Honda sucks. They're just fucking with you. Latest Arcadia confirms it, these motherfuckers are out to get you!


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Teknopathetic said:
I recorded it for all to see. Fucking EX headbutt is bullshit.

Never trust anyone who says Honda sucks. They're just fucking with you. Latest Arcadia confirms it, these motherfuckers are out to get you!



Teknopathetic said:
I recorded it for all to see. Fucking EX headbutt is bullshit.

Never trust anyone who says Honda sucks. They're just fucking with you. Latest Arcadia confirms it, these motherfuckers are out to get you!

heh Never understood why anyone would say it at all. Honda's a friggin' tank with an ill command throw. He was the only way I could take out Vlad's Dhalsim!


Teknopathetic said:
I recorded it for all to see. Fucking EX headbutt is bullshit.

Never trust anyone who says Honda sucks. They're just fucking with you. Latest Arcadia confirms it, these motherfuckers are out to get you!
No bullshit about it. EX Headbutt is one of his only good moves. It's also an EX move, which means it is often unavailable.
He was the only way I could take out Vlad's Dhalsim!
I only fought MicVlad once, but he didn't use Dhalsim's knee to counter any of my jump-ins. The Dhalsims I've fought who do use it, plus all his other tools, can zone Honda pretty effectively.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
FindMyFarms said:
Woah how do you do this? Did you fadc into his ultra? Or are you talking about the kara cancel?

Whoops, forgot it was called the EX Kara cancel - my bad...

Yup, that's what I did, and I pulled it off later again tonight, this time against my friend, and he was wondering how the hell I pulled it off - I just laughed and didn't explain it... :lol

And I love Balrog in SFIV - he was always good in every Street Fighter, but damn he's a beast now! I finally started incorporating the overhead punch into my combos today, and I'm starting to get my opponents dizzy in almost every round now! :lol

The annoying thing about it is yet another input priority problem I assume, because I can do Headbutt > Ultra all day everyday from all sorts of start-ups, but yet I cannot get the damn Ultra to come out after doing overhead punch > LK > Headbutt - and it is driving me crazy to the point where I turned the inputs on in training mode, see that my directions are all fine, and it will NEVER come out...

Very, very annoying, because again, it comes out just fine on the stick, and I have no clue as to what could be the reason for the input not giving me the Ultra...


Just lost 100 GP after I got disc from a lobby : ( I just won and that happened. Oh well, I just the next final so kinda made up for it... not really : (


People who have the balls to pick random scare the shit outta me. I pick Guile....he picks random, and it lands on.....Guile! :lol

It's best of 5. And sure enough, it goes to 5 rounds. The shit was INTENSE. This guy was REALLY good (only fell for wake-up bait once, FADCing, understands the zoning properties, has some Guile combos, etc.).

And none of that mattered since I won :D My confidence skyrocketed :lol If I picked someone else, I probably would have gotten trashed.


i keep getting kicked from player matches after 1-2 rounds, and my rep is also getting affected.

They disconnect, and I'm unsporting? I freaking send them "ggs" messages which they don't even respond to.

fucking xbl kids


Threi said:
i keep getting kicked from player matches after 1-2 rounds, and my rep is also getting affected.

They disconnect, and I'm unsporting? I freaking send them "ggs" messages which they don't even respond to.

fucking xbl kids

After I went back to playing as Guile, I'm getting kicked out of more and more matches, too :lol


Is there a bug where the other person disconnects but it counts against you? Someone dced on me and I lost points plus got a 1% disconnect rating -.-
Are there any Street Fighter IV teams, meet-ups, garage tourneys in Las Vegas. I just got back in yesterday, taking a semester off before I start rotations in med school. And I'll be in Vegas that entire time (EVO 09 here I come).
I played a little tonight. Didn't get a chance to practice RSF :(

Fucking won a tournament soon as I got on.. I was awesome. Then I kept getting past the first battle but losing the second for like an hour straight. It was horrible. I only gained 300ish points today for a little bit of play. Won a tournament right at the end. I beat a Fuerte with 8.5k GP and I only had 4k. Also took out a Blanka and Sagat to get there. Oh and a Ryu with 6.5k GP who I actually perfected.. It was awesome.

I'm now around 4510 GP. Close to G2-C!!!

My Fuerte game is getting a bit better.. I was really using the Level 2 FA on people and getting Ultra or Super off efficiently today.

Also I saw a replay on the Top Replay list of a G1-E 15,000 GP player vs a G3-A 1000 GP player.

It was Cammy vs Akuma.. (Akuma was the 1k guy).. How the hell did they pair up?

The Akuma won.. it was hilarious. Pretty decisively in the last round. He hit her low on the ground and ultra'd but it pushed her in a corner and she couldn't jump out.. Then she woke up with Ultra (wtf) and he Super'd her when he blocked and landed. It was the funniest shit ever.
fought the most annoying bison yesterday. he was constantly crossing me up with his regular + ex stomps and i had trouble punishing him for any of that. his slides were also barely punishable. he was constantly moving, so if you want to fight the anti-turtle, seek him out.

what happened to honda? it seems people are starting to discover him. i keep getting good honda on G2. two hits and you are dead :lol


I'm looking for a good Rog player to spar against. Im a Blanka player and need real practice with this matchup. If anybody is interested, reply here, send me an IM to FuriousRGD, or send me a friend request. I have today off so today is great for me.

I'm going to a tourney next week and need the matchup practice.

Oh, and Grifter... I'm hoping to catch you to play against you soon. I need some real Dictator to help kick me (literally :D ) into shape with that matchup as well. That and we haven't played each other since SF2THD.

Anybody else want to spar, on 360 or PS3, let me know. I want to play against you guys and be part of the overall GAF SF4 community more.


Augemitbutter said:
fought the most annoying bison yesterday. he was constantly crossing me up with his regular + ex stomps and i had trouble punishing him for any of that. his slides were also barely punishable. he was constantly moving, so if you want to fight the anti-turtle, seek him out.

what happened to honda? it seems people are starting to discover him. i keep getting good honda on G2. two hits and you are dead :lol

I don't think the Hondas are going to last long. He really has no answer to cross-ups. Or maybe I just suck...:lol
Avatar1 said:
I'm looking for a good Rog player to spar against. Im a Blanka player and need real practice with this matchup. If anybody is interested, reply here, send me an IM to FuriousRGD, or send me a friend request. I have today off so today is great for me.

I'm going to a tourney next week and need the matchup practice.

Oh, and Grifter... I'm hoping to catch you to play against you soon. I need some real Dictator to help kick me (literally :D ) into shape with that matchup as well. That and we haven't played each other since SF2THD.

Anybody else want to spar, on 360 or PS3, let me know. I want to play against you guys and be part of the overall GAF SF4 community more.

Add GalacticAE on PSN. Also ask for an invite to gafchat.

Teknopathetic said:

Good stuff Tekno. Also dig your choice in Game/music with the audiosurf and Rokysopp epl, love that group!
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