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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Won said:
If you miss for some reason with propeller, then revovery time shouldn't matter. You stand in a really really bad position.

In the end it doesn't matter. You should do both, I'm just too lazy most of the time. :lol

Im gonna incorporate more Fajita Busters now. Shocked no one SRK'd you! I'm more shocked that it actually grabbed someone out of a SRK. Seen it happen with Propeller but didnt think Fajita Buster did that.

Very nice!

If it fails.. I'm going to come for your first born!


They are both grabs, so of course both grab people out of SRK. Just watch out. Stupid overpowered "ha try to punish me!" jab SRK has throw invincibility. Not much, but it is enough for a easy ultra. -.-


How is it that some fights online are just fine when the opponent has one or no bars of connection stability, but some fights with more than two bars can screw up.
i get screwed by three bars alot lately. im ignoring anything below. 4 and 5 are 95% great, cant complain.

Sagat's links are indeed trouble. im constantly practicing, but cant get it consistently right, which leads to punishment =( i need more training.
Calcaneus said:
How is it that some fights online are just fine when the opponent has one or no bars of connection stability, but some fights with more than two bars can screw up.

Ive noticed this too. For some reason my 4 bar matches are consistently laggier than 3 or 5.

Also, yesterday I played someone where it started to lag EVERYTIME I was on the offensive. I heard someone here mention lag spike program, could that be a characteristic of someone using one?


TurtleSnatcher said:
You play exactly like me.


The only small diff would be you incorporate fajita busters more then I do.. I prefer to do propeller in those situations.

I fake out with slide by getting far then soon as they are up im running in and tripping them with the tip of my toes.

EDIT: I also use L2 Focus Attacks on their wakeup depending on the character to whip out super/ultra easier.

EDIT2: Wow do people fall for Fajita Busters that often?

I just find propeller so much more reliable because you can hit if they are crouching too.. and you can trick them by doing it so far away.

He plays just like me, too :lol Although I have NEVER used a Quesadilla Bomb in a match (although I can see how it would come in handy, like when he used it against the FA that Zangief was trying to do).

But I tend to try to fake people out more often (run, stop, run, stop) instead of just always running to them. Maybe I do it out of habit. And I use WAY more leg throws...sometimes I do it just to get close.


O_O I didn't think people could get hit by body slams so often... Also the Tortillas and Propellors basically all hit. God damn I need to polish my Fuerte.


damnit, I thought EX Psycho Crusher goes through fireballs? I just got hit out of 3 of them by Gouken? do they not go through or is it just the long start up time on the PC.

and one other thing, is the Light Scissor kick safer on block than the Fierce version? or can I link my crouching MK into the fierce version without any worries?


Sorry TurtleSnatcher. I hope you didn't expect something serious. Decided to end the night with a bit of Dan play. :lol

And man, it sure can be hard to win with Dan. Only got to the third round of a tournament twice. No finales. :/

But winning can be satisfying. Take that Ryu! Learn Saikyo or gtfo!
dralla said:
damnit, I thought EX Psycho Crusher goes through fireballs? I just got hit out of 3 of them by Gouken? do they not go through or is it just the long start up time on the PC.

and one other thing, is the Light Scissor kick safer on block than the Fierce version? or can I link my crouching MK into the fierce version without any worries?

Ex psycho crusher is weird. It has 3 different stages but can go through even EX fireballs if you want it.

1st stage is right after startup which has absorbing properties. You're then vulnerable in the middle of the Psycho Crusher in the 2nd stage. Towards the end of the move, you can absorb stuff again. If you happen to absorb an EX fireball during the final or first stages, you won't hit your opponent and the Bison will land in front of them. Not sure if he has a frame advantage or what at this point though.

Short scissors are always safe. HK scissors can be safe if they don't hit deep. You should always be safe with the HK scissors if only one of the 2 hits connects on block. When you link HK scissors from c.MK, you're setting yourself up for punishment if it's blocked as it will hit twice at that range.

Oh shit it's Star Trek tiem. Paece suckas

Get myself some Fudd Ruckas wit the ladies afterword. That is how I stuntin', Haunts.
So, I'm waiting around for Akachan to play my gafchat match. And only Galactic is in there.

So I proceed to play him in a few matches. Bad idea, he cleaned the dust of my fan, the cobwebs in the corner and the grit in the stove while he put on a Sagat clinic with me. Tiger. Tiger.


After playing on Live yesterday and PSN today. Live is much better in finding matches and better connections. I keep getting search not founds.

Duke Togo

I'm fucking DONE with online. Trying to level up through G2 is impossible for me. Its the same shit over and over, and I'm just too fucking impatient to turtle like 75% of my opponents seem to. I played for 3 hours and it just pissed me off more and more with every match. Fuck back dashing ryus and kens, fuck jumping chun li's, and especially fuck Zangief.


dralla said:
damnit, I thought EX Psycho Crusher goes through fireballs? I just got hit out of 3 of them by Gouken? do they not go through or is it just the long start up time on the PC.

and one other thing, is the Light Scissor kick safer on block than the Fierce version? or can I link my crouching MK into the fierce version without any worries?
Light Scissors is completely safe on block, for people with slow reflexes try following up a blocked lk scissors with a cr.lk xx lk scissors again, and again and again until they bite. cr.lk comes out pretty fast (i dunno about mk i barely ever use it since im a crappy player) and usually beats any attempts at a special. from what ive seen at worst you will trade a hit (usually with the other guy's cr.lk)

Duke Togo said:
I'm fucking DONE with online. Trying to level up through G2 is impossible for me. Its the same shit over and over, and I'm just too fucking impatient to turtle like 75% of my opponents seem to. I played for 3 hours and it just pissed me off more and more with every match. Fuck back dashing ryus and kens, fuck jumping chun li's, and especially fuck Zangief.
yeah i agree G2 has been slow as hell for me.

I guess it's a good thing, but the problem seems to be the variety in playstyles, and not having enough matches to learn them.

A simple thing as a blocked tatsu can cost you a match. Will they try to grab or srk/ultra you right after? 50/50 shot at guessing right.

Duke Togo

Zabka said:
There's your problem.
I agree. That is why I'm only going to play local multiplayer or possibly player matches down the road. This championship addon has sort of soured my online experience.


Aite.. so I just got back from a friends place.... about 7 of us were playing SF4, brought my TE stick and felt all elite walking in fashionably late, then got my ass handed to me and didn't win a single game... LOL

god damnit! the worse is those guys aren't even good, so that must mean I'm THAT bad :p :p by "not good" I mean best guy there couldn't FADC into stuff, it was as if FA was disabled... everyone only used special moves and the better guys knew how to do 3-4 hit combos (ie: light punch x3 then fireball)

Anyone on PSN want to play me and give me huge tips sometime this weekend or tomorrow? :D

I was playing as sagat, and I mainly fought ken's and ryus. I dont know what to do vs ken... one of them kept jumping but my foward HK or standing HK wouldnt hit him 90% of the time.. also, I noticed that the ken stood at such a distance that I couldn't sweep him or hit him with any physical moves... so i couldn't do anything, so i would throw a tigershot out and THEN he would jump at me with fierce kick and go on to own me :( I didn't know what to do other than tigershot when he stands at that distance... far enough that I can't physically hit him, yet close enough he can jump in and punish me asap after I do something T_T


YakiSOBA said:
Aite.. so I just got back from a friends place.... about 7 of us were playing SF4, brought my TE stick and felt all elite walking in fashionably late, then got my ass handed to me and didn't win a single game... LOL

god damnit! the worse is those guys aren't even good, so that must mean I'm THAT bad :p :p by "not good" I mean best guy there couldn't FADC into stuff, it was as if FA was disabled... everyone only used special moves and the better guys knew how to do 3-4 hit combos (ie: light punch x3 then fireball)

Anyone on PSN want to play me and give me huge tips sometime this weekend or tomorrow? :D

I was playing as sagat, and I mainly fought ken's and ryus. I dont know what to do vs ken... one of them kept jumping but my foward HK or standing HK wouldnt hit him 90% of the time.. also, I noticed that the ken stood at such a distance that I couldn't sweep him or hit him with any physical moves... so i couldn't do anything, so i would throw a tigershot out and THEN he would jump at me with fierce kick and go on to own me :( I didn't know what to do other than tigershot when he stands at that distance... far enough that I can't physically hit him, yet close enough he can jump in and punish me asap after I do something T_T

Need more tiger knee strings by the sound of it.
SF4 is too god damn widescreen and the stages are too freakin wide

in SF2, you would run out of room.. quick and get cornered

but SF4.. forget it... run away... run away.. run away... turtle turtle run away run away

i hope they fix this in the next installment.. shorter stages bigger characters fuck this looooongg wide screen


Okay I've now moved from playing dan in Championship mode to just going random. Its a lot of fun. I actually won a tourney doing all randoms. I'm just trying to keep it fresh. With all the ryus kens blankas and sagats making matches stagnant I can at least mix it up myself. Good times. :D
GG Won with your Dan :p

You were my first match of the day.

I finally got to 5150ish GP tonight.. Started around 4700.

I am now G2-C! WOOOT!

I'm hoping to hit G2-B by the end of the weekend but I'm doubting it. G2 is going fucking slow. I'm terribad. But at the same time its making my gameplay better. I can honestly say my Fuerte is better today then the past few days.

I'm also really hating Akumas that teleport on wake up and jump back fireball or fireball from the corner.. I can't keep them down and its killing my Fuerte =[


I can't do El Fuertes damn last trial :( I get so close.. I can get 2 Hits about 90% of the time but the 3rd hit is always too far.. and if I let myself run a bit more then Dan blocks the damn hit or Fajita buster or some shit..



Got to G2-A tonight. A lot of Ryus and Blankas tonight for me. There was a 11k Bison that was beating the shit out of me. Played him twice and still whooped me the 2nd time.


TurtleSnatcher said:
I'm also really hating Akumas that teleport on wake up and jump back fireball or fireball from the corner.. I can't keep them down and its killing my Fuerte =[

If you know they are going to tele just run and counter that shit. If I know they are going to tele I just pretend to stand next to them and move right away and punish. If they are near the wall they will most likely tele the opposite way.


myDingling said:
Ive noticed this too. For some reason my 4 bar matches are consistently laggier than 3 or 5.

Also, yesterday I played someone where it started to lag EVERYTIME I was on the offensive. I heard someone here mention lag spike program, could that be a characteristic of someone using one?
If the connection is fine when you are far away and suddenly goes to shit up close almost every single time, then yeah, it's definitely lag spiking.

Had this happen to me fighting a guy with the GT willychen14 who was using Gief and didn't know how to deal with my Fuerte at all.
Suddenly lag spikes occur - when I'm far away, everything's fine and dandy, once I try to get close or when he gets close, it lags to hell and back. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
So I got my stolen Gamer Tag recovered and am back on XBL!

What's up with the 360 version post-Championship patch? Every time a match is over in Championship mode, it takes almost 20 seconds for the game to save!

Is everyone having this happen?


Lyte Edge said:
So I got my stolen Gamer Tag recovered and am back on XBL!

What's up with the 360 version post-Championship patch? Every time a match is over in Championship mode, it takes almost 20 seconds for the game to save!

Is everyone having this happen?

Happenes to me too from time to time, seems only to happen when using fight request for me.

It has even totally lagged out for me and given me a disconnect. Those times it takes like 2 minutes for it to save. After the disconnect the whole game gets messed up, and I actually have to restart to be able to play.

Great patch! :D

99% of the time it works perfectly however.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
west said:
Happenes to me too from time to time, seems only to happen when using fight request for me.

It has even totally lagged out for me and given me a disconnect. Those times it takes like 2 minutes for it to save. After the disconnect the whole game gets messed up, and I actually have to restart to be able to play.

Great patch! :D

99% of the time it works perfectly however.

Just tried a match without using fight request; same result. Maybe it will work better if I turn the system off and on or something. :lol

I want to try clearing the cache, but doesn't doing that erase all downloaded files?


Lyte Edge said:
So I got my stolen Gamer Tag recovered and am back on XBL!

What's up with the 360 version post-Championship patch? Every time a match is over in Championship mode, it takes almost 20 seconds for the game to save!

Is everyone having this happen?

Takes 2-3 seconds for me.
I was reading that Sirlin piece on banning players(like actual people, human beings, etc.) from tourneys. Seemed like most people agreed with it, what do you guys think?

I don't think there's anything wrong with the principle itself, seeing as most activities that are competitive and popular practice it as well. If your company is having an intramural basketball league, you can't just roll up there with Kobe on your team, that would be really unfair lol. Also in chess, Gary Kasparov can't just roll up to amateur tournaments. Same example applies to just about every sport/hobby/etc. Even Starcraft has amateur leagues.

The difference between Street Fighter and more popular/competitive activities is that Street Fighter doesn't have a Pro vs. Amateur distinction. That means that when it comings banning players from tournaments, your only criteria then is your own personal discretion. That, I believe is unfair.
Lyte Edge said:
Just tried a match without using fight request; same result. Maybe it will work better if I turn the system off and on or something. :lol

I want to try clearing the cache, but doesn't doing that erase all downloaded files?
It just deletes the 'updates' on games so any game you open now will have to have that message that says XBOX needs to update the game.. etc.

Clearing the cache will fix your issue btw.


woohoo got my 360 back! not woohoo....trying to clear off the rust! had to go back to my pad to get the few championships i won lol.


question about sagat:

if i'm sagat and i'm jumping into a ryu/ken, is there anything I can do that has higher priority/beat out their SRK?

edit: should I be jumping in ever really? im always scared to jump in because I think i'll get caught by an uppercut...


YakiSOBA said:
question about sagat:

if i'm sagat and i'm jumping into a ryu/ken, is there anything I can do that has higher priority/beat out their SRK?

edit: should I be jumping in ever really? im always scared to jump in because I think i'll get caught by an uppercut...
Probably not, SRK has huge priority. It's not that you should never jump in, but make it rare enough that they don't see it coming and may not have the reaction to SRK. I dunno if Sagat has a good cross-up, but I sometimes jump over SRK-having opponents so that if they SRK, it'll miss, if they don't, mix it up.


TurtleSnatcher said:
You play exactly like me.


The only small diff would be you incorporate fajita busters more then I do.. I prefer to do propeller in those situations.

I fake out with slide by getting far then soon as they are up im running in and tripping them with the tip of my toes.

EDIT: I also use L2 Focus Attacks on their wakeup depending on the character to whip out super/ultra easier.

EDIT2: Wow do people fall for Fajita Busters that often?

I just find propeller so much more reliable because you can hit if they are crouching too.. and you can trick them by doing it so far away.
hah i saw won's video and I was like hey thats turtle! :lol


Ahh man, still haven't won a tournament with Dan. His kick tatsu is sooo awesome, but the rest makes me cry.
But it is an interesting feeling to have a SRK on wake-up. No wonder everyone plays a shoto. :lol

JayDub said:
You're...you're a fuckin asshole! :lol My god, I find myself rooting for your opponents EVERY TIME.



I can't do El Fuertes damn last trial :( I get so close.. I can get 2 Hits about 90% of the time but the 3rd hit is always too far.. and if I let myself run a bit more then Dan blocks the damn hit or Fajita buster or some shit..

Try doing the 2nd hit a little slower. I've found that a good 2nd hit basically sets up whether or not you can do a successful 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Try to get a feel for the block stun (am I using this term right?) between the 1st & 2nd hit.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So I finally become financially stable enough to be able to spend money on a decent stick, and every retailer I can think of is sold out of the SE fightsticks.

MIMIC said:
Try doing the 2nd hit a little slower. I've found that a good 2nd hit basically sets up whether or not you can do a successful 3rd, 4th, and 5th. Try to get a feel for the block stun (am I using this term right?) between the 1st & 2nd hit.
Guess Ill try.. I tried slowing the 2nd hit down and he seems to always block.

God hates me. :(

Lost Fragment said:
So I finally become financially stable enough to be able to spend money on a decent stick, and every retailer I can think of is sold out of the SE fightsticks.

Zip Code?
damn, i got so pissed losing a lag-ridden final earlier. i couldnt punish anything that newbie thew at me and got caught in every cheap mouse-trap you could ever think of. it was embarassing. i need better internetz. somebody bring me a time-machine.....

i think this thread slowed down some. i know i know, you must be all excited about mature and elisabeth from KOF XII like i am.
YakiSOBA said:
question about sagat:

if i'm sagat and i'm jumping into a ryu/ken, is there anything I can do that has higher priority/beat out their SRK?

edit: should I be jumping in ever really? im always scared to jump in because I think i'll get caught by an uppercut...


IF they react too late, it'll flat out beat DP's


YakiSOBA said:
question about sagat:

if i'm sagat and i'm jumping into a ryu/ken, is there anything I can do that has higher priority/beat out their SRK?

edit: should I be jumping in ever really? im always scared to jump in because I think i'll get caught by an uppercut...
jumping strong punch can beat it I believe, or maybe it'll just trade.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Could give a shit about KOF.. and that can stay out of this thread. (Ill still get it but SF4 > all for me)
I can only handle one fighting game at a time. SFIV has enough depth to last me a long while. Maybe until the next Virtua Fighter rev. I can't be bothered with KOF.
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