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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


NorrenRadd said:
Go in training, turn the inputs on, and practice. This helped me almost immediately.
I may have to do that, I've been playing older fighters with my stick(mainly alpha 3) because I don't want to practice dragon punches on sf4 as it has the shortcuts, and I don't want to get into the habit of using that exclusively. Guess I'll just try this out, hopefully my execution goes up then maybe I can mod my stick with an octagonal gate.


good credit (by proxy)
myDingling said:
GGs Timedog (I was Nintendo Punk). Sorry I had to bail so soon, emergency came up. Who do you main? Is it Ryu? My piss poor Akuma was eating your Ryu revenge when I got called away, haha

Yeah, Ryu. I don't even know most of the the moves for any of the other characters.


Timedog said:
Yeah, Ryu. I don't even know most of the the moves for any of the other characters.



Haha got it. Same here! Except no drinking...yet. GT: Nintendo Punk


Is there a explanation of the whole "Championship Points" thing. Like how many it takes to level up and to have the ability to upload replays?


:lol :lol I'm taking a shot in the dark here, but anyone who is tired/and or frustrated with a Xbox 360 copy and is willing to sell it, let me know :)

Ronabo said:
Is there a explanation of the whole "Championship Points" thing. Like how many it takes to level up and to have the ability to upload replays?
Replays vary on what the top 4000 or 5000 CP on the leaderboard is. If you are high enough to fit in those requirements then you will be able to upload a replay. Thats why you see people on the leaderboards for "Top Relays" only in G2 or higher because G3 is too low now to get the pts needed to meet the replay upload requirements.

CP is in tiers..

G3 ends at 2000 CP (You will go through E, D, C, B, A ranks through that)

G2 ends at 15,000 CP (3000, 5000, 7000, 10000, 15000 are the barriers for each of the letter grades)

etc etc.
MoxManiac said:
Well, i'm not really sure what to do now.

My disconnect ratio is up to 6% or so thanks to capcom's incompetence. I'm afraid to play now because I know when the match concludes i'll get the now loading screen followed by the message that i've been disconnected from PSN, followed by another ding to my percentage. Pretty soon i'm going to start getting kicked from rooms and it's all because of this bug-infested patch and retarded ragequitter solution.

ever tried waiting 20-30 sec after every match and 1 minute after final? helped for me. dont mash buttons.

I don't know how SNK is getting away so easy. Last I checked there's laws against this.

laws for games? never heard of that. play marco rodriguez if you want a cool black guy from motw. i like him.


good credit (by proxy)

You basically beat my ass with your Bison and Akuma. Akuma's not even a that bad a match up for me usually, but I still was unable to win a round our first 3 matches. Great work.

I hope you're not on the west coast, cause now I'll have to call myself the #2 SFIV player on the west coast until I have a definitive answer to your Akuma.

I think my madcatz pad might be going out, I had so many whiffed moves. Not an excuse for my poor play, because the only time a whiffed move hurt me that I can remember was when i had you in the corner and my dp traded with your air move and I tried to ultra but a dp came out followed by an ultra, which killed me. Mostly I was just getting some whiffed fireballs, and no dp when i'd try to do a jab jab dp combo, which never really hurt me.

Anyways, it's my goal to beat your Akuma one day. We need to rematch sometime!

oh yeah, & HOLY SHIT at some of your combos. You have your timing for links down awesomely.
Don't know what precisely was the cause of it, but I had a embarrasingly terrible day with SF IV today. I repeatedly lost against opponents with an excruciatingly bare-bones offensive plan, often doing the same basic shit over and over, and the fact I actually allowed this happen ticks me off to no end. It's especially more aggrevating when you know for a fact they're feverishly mashing buttons under certain conditions (thank god for input displays during replays) as one of the characters with generous priority benefits, which sometimes adds an element of "randomness" to the game that I still can't properly handle. Said randomness somehow gets me extremely paranoid, which of course negatively influences my own gameplay, and it's sad to see that this so-called tactic also works against other players who are more deliberate / calculative with their strategies. Oh, and to add further insult to injury? Some of these button bashers not only acquired a fuckton of points (more than me as well), but also mashed their way as far as G1-E! I just can't get over that mid-game when I see it in front of me (always expecting mind-games that aren't there for example), and it clouds my concentration even though I shouldn't let it do that.

It wouldn't irk me so much if I also consistently lost against genuinely good players who really know the ins and outs of their respective character, but on a good day I'd like to think I can usually keep up with those players unless they're freakishly good. Case in point: my match with Ronstoppable a few hours ago. I expected the worst since my performance was quite frankly piss-poor during all my previous matches and he was doing really well despite the lag (nothing major), and yet that turned out to be a really close match. Dude even "complimented" me afterwards surprisingly, so I just don't understand how I can let myself get handily beaten by those who can barely intentionally pull off more "complex" (probably using the wrong word but eh) techniques for their character of choice.

Maybe I just allow myself to get riled up too easily... *mocks self*

*Disclaimer: I'm also fully aware just how irrational some of the above sounds, but I needed to rant for a bit. Wasn't using my arcade stick either, FYI.

TurtleSnatcher said:
Pshh your not best friends with Ronstoppable though. He replied back to me with "lol" .. Yea we be tight now.


qcf x2 said:
@MicVlad- I personally hate the inconsistency of jabs. If I jab and I hear the jab but I get thrown, there's something slightly off there. I don't like how massive combos can start with a jab, though. ffs Ken can give you a half-stun just from jab-->ex hurricane.
I like how some characters can jab their way out of anything, including throws when I go in for the grab, but when I want to jab / poke my way out of a grab? No can do!

I'll refrain from elobarating on that, otherwise I'll end up writing something completely non-sensical.

catfish said:
why not go the SE/sanwa mod route?

That is essentially the same as a TE as far as I understand it and it'll run you less money, by around fifty E bux I think.

I get my sanwa bits probably monday 'rubs hands'
Because it's bigger!




RevenantKioku said:
Took some more videos last night. This is almost more fun than just playing. :lol
No more mirrored video, either.
Have you ever seen videos of Sabre's Sakura?

Obviously he's a pro player and people like you or me can't really compare to his skill level at this point, however he has several videos on youtube that you can use to take notes of his approach tactics, rush down strat, as well as learning more of Sakura's zoning game.

Sakura vs Seth/Rufus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT2EOoxdT6g

Sakura vs C.Viper: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srFGHIYjXn4&feature=related

Sakura vs Sagat 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAT7hrJM98o&feature=related

Sakura vs Sagat 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0qFjKbAzoI&feature=related

Sakura vs Honda 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_c3tmAip4dE&feature=related

Sakura vs Honda 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4uoQlL5PjQ&feature=related

Some of the most obvious things you can see is how Sabre is utilizing Sakura's excellent AA c.HP as both AA and combo followup into tatsumaki.
Other than that, he also utilized a variety of Sakura's good jump attacks to approach the opponent.

Also, start practicing that crazy cr.MK to SRK. That thing is pretty crazy good.


Timedog said:

You basically beat my ass with your Bison and Akuma. Akuma's not even a that bad a match up for me usually, but I still was unable to win a round our first 3 matches. Great work.

I hope you're not on the west coast, cause now I'll have to call myself the #2 SFIV player on the west coast until I have a definitive answer to your Akuma.

I think my madcatz pad might be going out, I had so many whiffed moves. Not an excuse for my poor play, because the only time a whiffed move hurt me that I can remember was when i had you in the corner and my dp traded with your air move and I tried to ultra but a dp came out followed by an ultra, which killed me. Mostly I was just getting some whiffed fireballs, and no dp when i'd try to do a jab jab dp combo, which never really hurt me.

Anyways, it's my goal to beat your Akuma one day. We need to rematch sometime!

oh yeah, & HOLY SHIT at some of your combos. You have your timing for links down awesomely.


I'm on the east so your title remains intact. That would explain the lag some possibly your missed dp combos. I got an ass beating for trying to punish your dp-craziness. Some good shit with your going into the ultra too.

BTW, when you juggle me and don't have ultra, I think the ex fireball is a better option than ex dp.


bob_arctor said:
Big props for being so aggressive unlike so many people online. Love seeing that.
Mind you I'm a bad player, but I've always felt that Sakura needs to be a little spazzy in moving around.
But I've also got my turtling matches. Zangief is the big one where I have to stay back and try to punish his lariat after a fireball.

Arde5643 - No, I haven't but after taking a peek at one it seems I'll have to watch those later. Thanks! I know about the cr.HP but I never seem to get the timing right so I end up getting used to blocking instead.


MicVlaD said:
long ass MicVlad emo rant...


I agree with you - I'd rather face an opponent who's good and can really destroy me rather than one who gets me because he's randomly mashing his way through plus input lag.

This is why I hate how the rounds are set to 2 out of 3 instead of 3 out of 5.
With 3 out of 5 rounds, usually I get enough time to know whether or not my opponent is a mashing frenzy player who's lucky because of input lag.
I think Fuerte's and Dhalsim's low health makes it downright sucky to get hit because of randomness of the priority and input lag due to button mashing.

They really should set the rounds to 3 out of 5 online instead of 2 out of 3 - input lag adds a lot of randomness so a lot of the times I have to make sure the input lag is not different from my previous games.


good credit (by proxy)
Grifter said:

I'm on the east so your title remains intact. That would explain the lag some possibly your missed dp combos. I got an ass beating for trying to punish your dp-craziness. Some good shit with your going into the ultra too.

BTW, when you juggle me and don't have ultra, I think the ex fireball is a better option than ex dp.

yeah ex fireball does more damage for sure, ex SRK sucks. Usually I whip out ex SRK because I'm trying to do ultra and haven't glanced down at the meter in awhile and don't know if i have ultra or not, which is really stupid.

the dp craziness is because usually after a whiffed dp where the opponent isn't in perfect position to immediately attack free from punish, they still try to attack at a time where any other move other than dp would hurt me, so I dp and have a good chance of hitting. This was a bad idea against your abel though. You hit me so many times with that awesome combo where you'd grab me out of the air when I'd try to mash out a dp. Empty forward jump dp's tend to work really well for me, but you seemed immune to my game.

great games! who's your main?


Mr_Furious said:
Found some 360 Tournament Sticks at my local Frys today (LA) for those still searching. Store had around 5 or 6.

I'm not from the US but I've been seeing TEs in every other game store that I go to these days.

I bought the HRAP3 SA though because it's cheaper and because there are scattered reports of TEs being broken out of the box, etc.


I am Korean.
Lyte Edge said:
He seemed to be a lot more subdued in this video. Is it because he knew who he was playing, or have all the angry responses to his shit-talking toned him down? :lol
He usually doesn't rant when he's up against someone who knows what they're doing. He was very complimentary to a Gen player earlier in the set too.


Whoever created "Indestructible" needs to be water-boarded. FUCK! The first few times, it was laughably cheesy, but this shit is starting to become torturous when searching for a match. It makes me think of those sesame street muppets doing the side to side dance.
I can feel it comin' over me, I feel it all around me ~

indestructible is aweosme! Don't hate. If I was ever a UFC fighter, you bet your sweet ass that it would be my entrance music.


Pop On Arrival said:
I can feel it comin' over me, I feel it all around me ~

indestructible is aweosme! Don't hate. If I was ever a UFC fighter, you bet your sweet ass that it would be my entrance music.
OK, I thought about how awesome that would be, and now I don't hate it as much. Thanks for the piece of mind. :lol
Stantron said:
You need to zone him out. Use s.HK and j.HP. Headbutt if he gets close. FA is pretty effective against lariat. I'm not a pro, but this works for me.

See: http://www.streetfighterdojo.com/sf4/matchups/ehonda_vs_zangief.html
great find
will tomorow during breakfast

**sorry for my absence all week to GAF, I got cooked up on allergy meds and it gave my bad side-effects of mood swings, fatigue, irritability, and dry mouth.

I gave up the meds, im back to normal

lets fight!
Just got back from my first ever RanBat. FindMyFarms and I went to the same one here in Dallas.

I amazingly finished better then I expected but I think it was sheer luck. I also had to play FindMyFarms in 2 out of 4 of my matches (fuck!). I beat him the first time because he chose random characters.. Then he raped me the 2nd time when I got into the losers bracket.

I have no answer to Rufus with Fuerte..! Anyways.. Placed 5th.. Buktooth has an amazing Fuerte.. AMAZING. Its like he's psychic and he doesnt use RSF that much.

1. Campbell "buktooth" - Elf
2. Logan "amodf" - Ruf
3. Adnan "findmyfarms" - BLASTEDDDDDDDD
4. JW "doesn't post" - Chu
5. Jorge "dest some numbers" - Box
5. Adam "TurtleSnatcher" - Elf/Gen
7. Arthur "Retekin or something" - Cam
7. Dallas "also don't know" - Chu
9. Tony "insert srk handle here" - Ros
9. Chris "some name maybe some numbers" - Cam
9. Ryan "kimcicle" - Ryu I think? maybe ros pick a dude that isn't ros she suxxxx
9. Andrew "i forgot again entitroph i think handles" - Ryu/Ruf
13. Adrian "EPPPPP" - Ken

Anyways.. I'm proud.. This was fun too great group of guys.

Oh and FindMyFarms was playing Logan for the Losers Bracket Finals. Last match last round last sliver of health on both Logans Rufus and FMF's Boxer. FMF pulls out ultra and then Logan EX Messiahs it.. GREATEST SHIT EVER. It was insane. The whole place erupted.


Honda players on XBL: check out a replay from "lorddvd Jaws" (he's currently 14 on CP leaderboard). He dominates a match versus Ryu. That's a match up that always gives me problems.

Trick I learned and will use from now on. Honda's neutral jump HP can sway forward or backward after the punch, thus making it an effective tool to get over fireballs without jumping too far into harms way.


This Honda player just kept spamming this one move (Flies up in the air, drops down on you). I kept getting trapped under it. He beat me twice like this. I have no idea what to do. Every attack button I hit got beat, every block got beat. Moving didn't work either. What the fuck was I doing wrong?
RevenantKioku said:
This Honda player just kept spamming this one move (Flies up in the air, drops down on you). I kept getting trapped under it. He beat me twice like this. I have no idea what to do. Every attack button I hit got beat, every block got beat. Moving didn't work either. What the fuck was I doing wrong?
He was crossing you up with it so you needed to block the opposite direction and then you would have blocked.


Well, spank my ass and call me Charlie. That was one of the most frustrating things I had ever encountered.


Getting killed by Ken's Ultra is hilarious. It's like the game freezes in a way to ask you, "How the FUCK did you get caught by this shit?" :lol


This image lasts FOREVER. I've only had to witness it once, however :)
MIMIC said:
Getting killed by Ken's Ultra is hilarious. It's like the game freezes in a way to ask you, "How the FUCK did you get caught by this shit?" :lol


This image lasts FOREVER. I've only had to witness it once, however :)
Yea it literally freezes the 360 for 5 secs with that pose

But remember Ken can combo into his ultra just with a jump in I believe..


RevenantKioku said:
This Honda player just kept spamming this one move (Flies up in the air, drops down on you). I kept getting trapped under it. He beat me twice like this. I have no idea what to do. Every attack button I hit got beat, every block got beat. Moving didn't work either. What the fuck was I doing wrong?
Block the cross-ups or FA as it's coming down on you and then dash away if he's behind you or crumple him if he's in front of you.

Congrats on placing 5th on the ranbat! Do you know if anyone took any footage of Bucktooth's Fuerte?
Also, that's an awesome variety of characters used in the ranbat.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Just got back from my first ever RanBat. FindMyFarms and I went to the same one here in Dallas.

I amazingly finished better then I expected but I think it was sheer luck. I also had to play FindMyFarms in 2 out of 4 of my matches (fuck!). I beat him the first time because he chose random characters.. Then he raped me the 2nd time when I got into the losers bracket.

I have no answer to Rufus with Fuerte..! Anyways.. Placed 5th.. Buktooth has an amazing Fuerte.. AMAZING. Its like he's psychic and he doesnt use RSF that much.

1. Campbell "buktooth" - Elf
2. Logan "amodf" - Ruf
3. Adnan "findmyfarms" - BLASTEDDDDDDDD
4. JW "doesn't post" - Chu
5. Jorge "dest some numbers" - Box
5. Adam "TurtleSnatcher" - Elf/Gen
7. Arthur "Retekin or something" - Cam
7. Dallas "also don't know" - Chu
9. Tony "insert srk handle here" - Ros
9. Chris "some name maybe some numbers" - Cam
9. Ryan "kimcicle" - Ryu I think? maybe ros pick a dude that isn't ros she suxxxx
9. Andrew "i forgot again entitroph i think handles" - Ryu/Ruf
13. Adrian "EPPPPP" - Ken

Anyways.. I'm proud.. This was fun too great group of guys.

Oh and FindMyFarms was playing Logan for the Losers Bracket Finals. Last match last round last sliver of health on both Logans Rufus and FMF's Boxer. FMF pulls out ultra and then Logan EX Messiahs it.. GREATEST SHIT EVER. It was insane. The whole place erupted.

I clearly remember you agreeing NOT to post the ex messiah
business lol >.<
Anyways, I learned a good lesson, galactic tornado is ALWAYS SAFE on block, even when he ex's it and Rufus friggin JIGGLES afterwards.

It was fun playing with you Turtle! Nice putting a face to the tag. You're good, and as you can see, you weren't the only pad user there either. We also proved once again that Vega is indeed trash in this game (Vega defense force in 3,2,1...)

Lastly, I really think Buktooth has the best Fuerte in America. I've seen Kai's ELF and while he's obviously great , I don't think he uses his footsies to set up run mix ups anywhere near as well as Buk.

I know most people think it's just west coast / east coast, but we have a lot of really strong players here in TX (remember, Jan OCV'd JWong's team in Tx showdown). Don't be surprised if we Tx boys lay some wupass on ya! :p

RevenantKioku said:
Well, spank my ass and call me Charlie. That was one of the most frustrating things I had ever encountered.

Also know that you can focus attack Honda's butt stomp and punish accordingly.
Alright, after 32,000 posts, what's the consensus?

Street Fighter IV, better on 360 or Ps3 and why?

Which has better online play? I'm leaning toward Ps3 due to d-pad issues, but is there ANY other thing I should consider?
Kureishima said:
Alright, after 32,000 posts, what's the consensus?

Street Fighter IV, better on 360 or Ps3 and why?

Which has better online play? I'm leaning toward Ps3 due to d-pad issues, but is there ANY other thing I should consider?

most people here are playing on ps3. join the party :p

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
ugh. just had the worst run ever :(

beaten in the first round 4 in a row on championship, then beat a 10000 blanka with my measly 4500 to be followed up with a beatdown by the next blanka with 2k points.


Fuck ryu as well, I think ALL kens have graduated to ryu now. had more than one championship where it's just ryu all the way to the final.

I can't deal with VEGA at all. I KNOW he sucks, but that doesn't keep him from kicking the shit out of me on a regular basis. FUCKING DAMNIT

I'm going outside.
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