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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Yes that was me, AWESOME! Honda's neutral jumping fierce punch is the only move I know that stuffs Zangiefs damn lariat so I spammed it to perfection.

EDIT - aww man, I thought I comboed, but I didn't link the EX HHS into jab right, he just didn't block it.
LakeEarth said:
Yes that was me, AWESOME! Honda's neutral jumping fierce punch is the only move I know that stuffs Zangiefs damn lariat so I spammed it to perfection.

EDIT - aww man, I thought I comboed, but I didn't link the EX HHS into jab right, he just didn't block it.

Regardless, he ate it like Rashad Evans. You have a pretty decent Honda.

Speaking of Hondas, did anyone check out the SBO telethon Gootecks had? It was pretty enjoyable in just seeing them sweat bullets.

Hey Find, since you've been playing tournaments, is it that much of a difference playing lagless to online (duh, but is it a huge difference)?
To be honest I think some of that was played up a bit just to give people who donated the maximum amount of games possible and to make it a bit more interesting for the viewers. The only one I don't think was played up was the match against Marn, though who knows, maybe he's sandbagging for Devastation? I dunno if Mike Ross is going to that, though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
honda is a funny one, I used to have MASSIVE problems against him with blanka not so much anymore.

Kind of figured bison out as well. Sagat is the bastard I still can't beat routinely.

many euro XBLers playing still? Don't have enough gaffers on my list.
dralla said:
i just wanna know why he has a vega icon when he uses fuerte :\
maybe I like the art?

Christ who cares..

Thats like me saying.. "Why is your name dralla when you have some asian chick as your avatar that you will never bang?"


LakeEarth said:
Yes that was me, AWESOME! Honda's neutral jumping fierce punch is the only move I know that stuffs Zangiefs damn lariat so I spammed it to perfection.

EDIT - aww man, I thought I comboed, but I didn't link the EX HHS into jab right, he just didn't block it.

Don't ever spam air-wall against zangief. Once when he is beyond ex-green hand range is enough. Then the other on reaction if he jumps in.

If you ever spam air-wall, Gief can punish u pretty bad with roundhouse kick.

If you want, you can do your rh to poke, and air wall while moving back. You can steer to a certain extent with air walls. Dont ever get KD'ed. Honda is pretty downhill once he gets KD'ed. All sorts of nasty wake up mix ups will happen to u.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
god i've discovered my nemesis I think.

fucking guile. I've run across this 1 guile in championship a few times II ork*something* II

he turns me into a noob real bad. he's master of sonic booms and flash kicks and keeps my blanka away. he ALWAYS knows when I'm trying to anticipate a sonic boom and slide under and punishes with guiles shit boot of doom.

he's GREAT at blocking crossups as well. BLARGH.

Also had a ryu that handily beat my by doing nothing except blocking d/b and doing cr.HP when I would jump in. that was embarrassing.
catfish said:
many euro XBLers playing still? Don't have enough gaffers on my list.
I'm coming back in August. I'm spending the summer in Japan so no Live for me. Trying to learn how to play with the stick in the arcade. :(

Expensive lesson in the end.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Good stuff with the Honda LakeEarth!

But yet again, the more I hear that moron talk, the more I hate him - always complaining about some bullshit when it's no one else's fault but his - that video actually had a lot less bitching than the last one I saw though...


NeoGAF: my new HOME
catfish said:
honda is a funny one, I used to have MASSIVE problems against him with blanka not so much anymore.

Kind of figured bison out as well. Sagat is the bastard I still can't beat routinely.

many euro XBLers playing still? Don't have enough gaffers on my list.

Add me; Twin Twi5t

You can beast my scrubby Balrog.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
McBradders said:
Add me; Twin Twi5t

You can beast my scrubby Balrog.

however, even a scrubby balrog is an uphill battle for poor blanka. But man, do I need the practice with that matchup. I'll add you when I get home.

SFIV is so rad. wish the links weren't so hard to do though. otherwise the game is near perfect in my eyes. Lost too many games online trying for links and eating sagat uppercuts.


Spiderjericho said:
I'm on Live too. The only peeps I've played are Dartastic, MicVlad and N3ss (a long time ago). But I used to get down with Eggo, N33s and a few others on HD Remix.

It's just that the PSN community is more lively. CO Andy, Moxmaniac, Ferrio, Timekllr, GalacticAE, Qistoptier, Ermac and a few others are always on.

Timekllr, so far, I'd say Rufus is your best character. You seem to have a good grasp of his ultra setups. If you need pointers, play Moxmaniac. I hate his Rufus.

And if we can play random later, I'd appreciate it.

I finally moved up to G2D. Gah. I think I'm going to go AWOL and dedicate my life to SF. Gootecks only lives a few hours away, maybe I can shack in his house and we can try to net pan handle.

I'll try to grab you for randoms this week (that's if I don't have a ton of overtime to do again.. ugh).

So I'm switching to Rufus. I need to learn him a bit more in-depth since I don't have a total grasp of his normals - I'm so used to Abel having a crazy crossup game and I still have problems doing dive kick crossups consistently. I also rarely know what to do when I knock someone down - again I'm incredibly used to Abel. :)

In any case, yeah, I'll jump online this week and hopefully can do randoms against you. I was playing Armonix/Ermac last night and then I had to go but we'll resume that. :)
EraldoCoil said:
you know who else is fast!?!? and has power!?!?!?!?


The celebration goes on forever baby! I made a pretty penny that event thanks to machida and edgar:D Went 4/5 overall on my bets so really good day haha, had to recoup after the beating I took at the last WEC event.

LakeEarth said:
Yes that was me, AWESOME! Honda's neutral jumping fierce punch is the only move I know that stuffs Zangiefs damn lariat so I spammed it to perfection.

EDIT - aww man, I thought I comboed, but I didn't link the EX HHS into jab right, he just didn't block it.

Good ish Lake Earth!

Spiderjericho said:
Regardless, he ate it like Rashad Evans. You have a pretty decent Honda.

Speaking of Hondas, did anyone check out the SBO telethon Gootecks had? It was pretty enjoyable in just seeing them sweat bullets.

Hey Find, since you've been playing tournaments, is it that much of a difference playing lagless to online (duh, but is it a huge difference)?

Really, outside of Marn and Wong, I don't think anyone in the US can compete with Japan, they're just soooo far ahead!! My friend already qualified for one of the US spots at SBO, so I'm going to ask him to do a vid diary, would be pretty cool.

As for offline vs. online, yes, it makes a huuugggee difference. The main part is the footsies game. It's just so different playing footies due to split second reaction punishes not being as viable an option.

Oh yeah, do u have a link to said telethon?
TimeKillr said:
I also rarely know what to do when I knock someone down - again I'm incredibly used to Abel. :)

Meaty dive kick crossups! My friend said it best, "I don't know if I'm crossing them up, so they probably don't know either."

Also make sure you get his cr. lk to st. fp link. It's one of his most useful bnb's, as it's easy to land off a divekick and lets you combo into a GT as well.
Did anyone ever buy that Japan National Tournament DVD?

Well, it'll be interesting to see what Team Wong is able to do at SBO. Probably not much, as they're probably aiming to take him out after all of that raising the roof on Iyo.

And don't give him ideas Find, as it means he may practice on me. The game seems to randomly choose Rufus for him (hmm).

Here's a youtubeit of Marn vs. Arturo:


I guess it's all in fun, but watching another chubby asian kid gyrating and talking smack is grating on the nerves.

And he's supposed to be the second best player in the country?
Spiderjericho said:
Did anyone ever buy that Japan National Tournament DVD?

Well, it'll be interesting to see what Team Wong is able to do at SBO. Probably not much, as they're probably aiming to take him out after all of that raising the roof on Iyo.

And don't give him ideas Find, as it means he may practice on me. The game seems to randomly choose Rufus for him (hmm).

Iyo's good, but I don't think he's in japans top tier. The tournament they had was single elimination so you could get ncaa march madness upsets. I want to see how usa does against Japan's top Sagats, since they're godly and we don't really have any good ones over here.

All you have to do against Timekillr is pick akuma and spam raging demon :lol

And yeah, do u have that gootecks telethon link lol?
FindMyFarms said:
Iyo's good, but I don't think he's in japans top tier. The tournament they had was single elimination so you could get ncaa march madness upsets. I want to see how usa does against Japan's top Sagats, since they're godly and we don't really have any good ones over here.

All you have to do against Timekillr is pick akuma and spam raging demon :lol

And yeah, do u have that gootecks telethon link lol?

It doesn't seem to work now. I tried to rewatch the broadcast, as I missed the first couple of hours.



Watching that video again, I realize that after a blocked HHS, I almost always s.rh anyways. He picked up on that and started EX banishing fisting it, and the only reason I blocked it in the second round is because I (probably) accidentally pressed forward kick. I should work on stopping that.
There's been a delay in getting Dogface 3.4 out:


In the video, he takes a stroll through Denjin arcade. Man, they have a hella lot of SFIV machines. I'm not sure if it changed, but CTF only had two head to head cabs.

Also for the low price of free, a Justin Wong interview while he was in France:


More chest thumping by Wong on MTV:


It's funny...he says he plays the fat American guy...the irony.
noire said:
Having a ton of trouble unlocking Gouken even with the instructions on how :/

Set it to one round, 30 seconds. Unlock all of the other characters, then unlock Gouki, then Gouken. Just spam perfects and ultras/supers. I guarantee he'll come out. Or if you want to thump your chest, play with Zangief and spam 3P.

qcf x2

I reached G1 yesterday with my Rose/Viper hybrid. Played a few matches and decided I'm unofficially retiring from SF4. I won't be seeing good connections in G1 anytime soon, and lag tactics seem to take precedence now. The powerhouses that don't have to block just power their way to victory while any character that relies on defense, technique or strict timing (hello Rose/Viper) is left wondering why they should bother guess-blocking since the latency removes half of the window to counter. That's not really why I'm done, though. More importantly, I'm just getting tired of the game. The months that I've played it have been more of a chore and a grind than anything else. The thrills were few and far between, and I kept thinking that if I kept playing and learning the game then maybe, just maybe the flaws would seem to disappear. Maybe new things would be discovered that would make the uneven aspects seem level. Not so. I'm up for Player Matches now, but that's about it. Time for me to re-learn what I've forgotten in 3rd Strike. :D
Holy Ish. Check out the combo Marn does to Laugh at the end (7th video). SICK!! So far I seen Marn beasting with Rufus and Boxer. You maybe right Find. Marn saved the U.S. Team from defeat, as they were getting OCV'd by that Honda.

QCFX2, are you referring to the lag spiking that Find was talking about, where they ping, torrent or whatever to get the lag absolutely unplayable. Congratulations on getting to G1. And you shouldn't force yourself to love something you're not feeling. There are things about the game I don't like, but for the most part, it's a worthy followup to Third Strike.

Noire, again, just get like five perfects, then start spamming ultras. If you let them take you down to half life and ultra, you'll get to Gouken. Just remember, Gouki/Akuma has to be unlocked already.


Spiderjericho said:
There's been a delay in getting Dogface 3.4 out:


In the video, he takes a stroll through Denjin arcade. Man, they have a hella lot of SFIV machines. I'm not sure if it changed, but CTF only had two head to head cabs.
lol. they only got 4 cabs there, all linked together. If you have one SF4 board tho, u hafta hook it up to 2 machines so there's only 2 boards.

I was there 2 days ago for the ranbat, I did better than I thought I would! Playing Blanka, I got beat in my first match by Ryu, but proceeded to beat 2 Rogs and a Chun in losers, finally getting peaced out by a Honda.

there's only one more ranbat left for the season, I'd love to go but I may not have the time... I hope I can make time!!
qcf x2 said:
I reached G1 yesterday with my Rose/Viper hybrid. Played a few matches and decided I'm unofficially retiring from SF4. I won't be seeing good connections in G1 anytime soon, and lag tactics seem to take precedence now. The powerhouses that don't have to block just power their way to victory while any character that relies on defense, technique or strict timing (hello Rose/Viper) is left wondering why they should bother guess-blocking since the latency removes half of the window to counter. That's not really why I'm done, though. More importantly, I'm just getting tired of the game. The months that I've played it have been more of a chore and a grind than anything else. The thrills were few and far between, and I kept thinking that if I kept playing and learning the game then maybe, just maybe the flaws would seem to disappear. Maybe new things would be discovered that would make the uneven aspects seem level. Not so. I'm up for Player Matches now, but that's about it. Time for me to re-learn what I've forgotten in 3rd Strike. :D

If you don't enjoy the game because of the online segments, understandable, the netcode isn't that great :(. But don't try to say you're not enjoying the game because it's flawed or something. It's a great game, and the only reason you wouldn't like it is because it's not your cup of tea, not because there's nothing there to learn/take advantage of. This is coming from someone that loves 3s btw.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So yeah, random SF4 thoughts:

-The Pantheon of World Warriors must be a very big place. Also, for the GameStop tourney, they should've made a little trophy in the shape of a pantheon and etched Wong's name in it.

-My new pet peeve is motherfuckers with 1-bar connections who rejoin my games again and again after I kick them. What the fuck, motherfuckers? You might like playing laggy shit, but I don't.

-Why in the hell can I still barely hear music when I turn it all the way down in the options? "Indestructible" is subliminally lodged into the deepest parts of my brain now, I'm afraid.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Spiderjericho said:
More videos (guess I have nothing to do today except go for a run, watch the best of UFC 2008, SFIV):

Team USA vs. Team World (possibly Europe or France):


Marn and Justin represent.

And Justin being good with Abel, Rufus and Boxer (insane). His Abel in the first video was sick. The pressure.

The Honda goes on a tear.

wow, Justin fucked up there. his Abel is great but his lost patience there vs Honda

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Lost Fragment said:
So yeah, random SF4 thoughts:

-The Pantheon of World Warriors must be a very big place. Also, for the GameStop tourney, they should've made a little trophy in the shape of a pantheon and etched Wong's name in it.

-My new pet peeve is motherfuckers with 1-bar connections who rejoin my games again and again after I kick them. What the fuck, motherfuckers? You might like playing laggy shit, but I don't.

-Why in the hell can I still barely hear music when I turn it all the way down in the options? "Indestructible" is subliminally lodged into the deepest parts of my brain now, I'm afraid.

but do you feel coming over you?
~Devil Trigger~ said:
wow, Justin fucked up there. his Abel is great but his lost patience there vs Honda

That Honda spazzed. I'm thinking he maybe at the same level or better than Rawse!! I love the ish talking he did after every win.

And LOL at Justin trying to do cheese win with the Balrog super and getting Ultra'd by Sagat.

Evo and SBO are going to be hype with the energy surrounding SFIV (and I'm sure Tekken 6).
Screw Capcom for not having any other way than grinding to unlock characters. I don't think I'll ever put aside the time to unlock Seth :lol Haven't missed him yet.


LK, MK or HK? Nothing works with Dan. I don't know what's happening atm. I never had these kind of problems with Seth when playing other characters.


Spiderjericho said:
Holy Ish. Check out the combo Marn does to Laugh at the end (7th video). SICK!! So far I seen Marn beasting with Rufus and Boxer. You maybe right Find. Marn saved the U.S. Team from defeat, as they were getting OCV'd by that Honda.
That Honda was really good - the match he had with Marn went down to the wire where it was pretty much a flip of a coin on who will win.

But yeah, if Marn lost to that Honda, he'll probably sweep the whole US team.


dk_ said:
LK, MK or HK? Nothing works with Dan. I don't know what's happening atm. I never had these kind of problems with Seth when playing other characters.

When I was going for the Storied Reputation achievement, I just set all the rounds to 30 and just played a reactionary/turtle game. With Dan, I probably just did DP whenever he jumped in and used his hadoken to counter the sonic booms.
qcf x2 said:
I reached G1 yesterday with my Rose/Viper hybrid. Played a few matches and decided I'm unofficially retiring from SF4. I won't be seeing good connections in G1 anytime soon, and lag tactics seem to take precedence now. The powerhouses that don't have to block just power their way to victory while any character that relies on defense, technique or strict timing (hello Rose/Viper) is left wondering why they should bother guess-blocking since the latency removes half of the window to counter. That's not really why I'm done, though. More importantly, I'm just getting tired of the game. The months that I've played it have been more of a chore and a grind than anything else. The thrills were few and far between, and I kept thinking that if I kept playing and learning the game then maybe, just maybe the flaws would seem to disappear. Maybe new things would be discovered that would make the uneven aspects seem level. Not so. I'm up for Player Matches now, but that's about it. Time for me to re-learn what I've forgotten in 3rd Strike. :D

damn, I've expected you to finish your rant with KoF or BB, but here comes 3rd strike :D

also: fook viper! honda is much more fun.
dk_ said:
LK, MK or HK? Nothing works with Dan. I don't know what's happening atm. I never had these kind of problems with Seth when playing other characters.

Just jump kick, foot sweep with Hard Kick/Roundhouse. He always starts off the round with either a sonic boom or low fierce. The only thing you have to worry about is his ultra.

If you're playing on the easiest level, you don't have to worry about his teleport shenanigans. It shouldn't take you more than a few hours to unlock everyone and get Seth.

At least they weren't a-holes and made the secret characters unlockable by trials like KOF 98UM (WTF????).

Yeah, Marn is the ish. It was funny when he kept challenging Gootecks and Mike Ross on the Road To SBO stream. He killed Mike Ross with Rufus. It's all good entertainment.

And SBO DVDs are way too expensive.
Augemitbutter said:
already on it!

wut?!!? sagat's for noobs! u noob!

Spiderjericho said:
Yeah, Marn is the ish. It was funny when he kept challenging Gootecks and Mike Ross on the Road To SBO stream. He killed Mike Ross with Rufus. It's all good entertainment.

And SBO DVDs are way too expensive.

Was marn a standout in any game before sf4?


Second-rate Anihawk
I faced MicVlad in a random championsihp match today. He handed my ass good. And LakeEarth has a really sick Honda. Much better than mine. :p


I'm not crazy right? the game has gotten a whole lot more laggier recently right? I can't even count how many times I couldn't punish blocked/whiffed moves today because moves were not coming out.
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