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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Tashi0106 said:
you talk about bad matchups...Balrog for Cammy is the hardest fucking match up. All Balrog has to do is sit and turtle. Cammy has no overheads and all of her specials are highly punishable on block. You have to poke and FA and hope the other guy makes a mistake. It's soooo tough.

Agreed. I have minimal success in the beginning baiting headbutts but once they catch onto that there's little hope of being effective at all.

Man haven't played in so long. Hopefuly I can get back into it this week.
Everybody stop giving my future roommate a hard time. It's obviously not an Arcadia tier list.

And you shouldn't take it too seriously. I linked to a tier thread on SRK, which discusses further the different tier lists out there plus an interesting relevant ultra tier.

I think it would be too many characters but the next update should have two new characters and two returning. Rolento and Karin wouldn't be too bad. Or maybe Ibuki and Makoto. or Dudley.

A new boss would be welcome too. Or maybe make a Shin Seth.


I'm not big on giving gaming stories.. but... I finally got my PSN working (for a little) to finally try out my stick and my Boxer. I smoke the first 2 in Championship Mode (Ken, Ryu... surprise) and get ready to face... Ken. And, what do you know, upon my first round perfect shalacking..........

You have lost connection to opposing player.

What a wonderful reminder and welcome into the realm of online SFIV!
myDingling said:
Agreed. I have minimal success in the beginning baiting headbutts but once they catch onto that there's little hope of being effective at all.

Man haven't played in so long. Hopefuly I can get back into it this week.

I actually don't mind Balrog anymore. Bait the headbutt and you can get big damage. Focus attack is your friend, and stay where his crouching roundhouse hits, but his jabs don't. It's a gamble fight, and it would be made a lot easier if the reversal window wasn't so huge in this game.

And vs. Guile isn't horrible either, just watch out for that EX flash kick.

I think Honda is definitely worse for her, and if you fight a Sagat that knows what he/she is doing, then you might as well give up.

Cammy won't ever get higher than mid IMO, even though she has great damage output, top notch FA and the best dashes in the game, nothing she does is safe. I think Guile will end up at mid because of the console characters, really. He takes so much work though, that it makes you a better player in the end. He forces you to learn how normals work.
They should just remove Seth. His character design is terrible and he's no fun to play against. Hell, I'd be cool if they removed half the cast. Right now I'm back to wishing they hadn't brought back the old dudes. The new arcade characters are far more fun to play as and against.
Arpharmd B said:
That is not an Arcadia tier.

Arcadias has her with Abel, Dhalsim, and Blanka, below Ruf/Box/Dictator and top Ryu Zangief etc. That list is just random compiled whatever from a Japanese source (read the SRK thread).

Chun is OK but she is no way shape or form 1st or second tier.

Where did you see Chuns dominating an SBO qualifier? What? If it's true link me to some videos, otherwise I think you are confused with 3rd Strike.

Hey remember this one :

FindMyFarms said:
Good point lol. Cuz of the time of the month, I just assumed it was Arcadia, my bad.

Gaf is full of dirty fighters.

As for the Chun vids, check out the sbo qualifying thread in SRK. Also, Daigo's SBO partner (Nuki, also played 3s) is using Chun. I still prescribe to her belonging to the group right below Sagat/Ryu/Gief/Akuma. Tools in every department except for an instant reactionary AA w/o bar.

Lots of dominating chuns, you just gotta do the searching since most videos are via Japanese sites. Trust me, some of them will have you confused thinking you're watching 3s :lol


Spiderjericho said:
Did you see the roundhouse loop he did on Sagat? Akuma is evil. Glad that he takes a lot of damage. And Ultra'ing the devil reverse was ingenius.

Here's a decent Sakura match vid for those who kind of want an idea of how to play her:


Sakura vs. Balrog at a Ranbats:


Woah Nice! How come Sakura's Ultra connected so late into the EX tatsu combo? I'm having a hard time landing the Ultra consistently. It always whiffs or I hit them with the ending kick. Sakura is really nice. She suits my play style quite well.

EDIT: Oh wait he dashes in just before doing the Ultra, nice.
FindMyFarms said:
As for the Chun vids, check out the sbo qualifying thread in SRK. Also, Daigo's SBO partner (Nuki, also played 3s) is using Chun. I still prescribe to her belonging to the group right below Sagat/Ryu/Gief/Akuma. Tools in every department except for an instant reactionary AA w/o bar.

Lots of dominating chuns, you just gotta do the searching since most videos are via Japanese sites. Trust me, some of them will have you confused thinking you're watching 3s :lol



I just won my first championship! Breezed through a ken and rose, then fought a ryu in the finals who wanted a fireball war against my Sagat! :D I also leveled up from G3C to G3B haha (*ashamed*)

Also, before I started playing tonight I tried setting the option to search for "free" championship games, and I started getting all these G2 and up people... I guess they were pros who were bored and wanted to destroy some noobs like me lol
YakiSOBA said:
I just won my first championship! Breezed through a ken and rose, then fought a ryu in the finals who wanted a fireball war against my Sagat! :D I also leveled up from G3C to G3B haha (*ashamed*)

Also, before I started playing tonight I tried setting the option to search for "free" championship games, and I started getting all these G2 and up people... I guess they were pros who were bored and wanted to destroy some noobs like me lol
Free is open to any class.. so they were just playing whoever they wanted ..


Probably already known but did anyone know you can punish balrogs turn punch with akumas ultra and his super. You need to do it just after he turns or you get hit. I just throw a fireball out full screen wait for the turn punch and punish:lol. I did it twice in one round to a high level balrog player.
jdub03 said:
Probably already known but did anyone know you can punish balrogs turn punch with akumas ultra and his super. You need to do it just after he turns or you get hit. I just throw a fireball out full screen wait for the turn punch and punish:lol. I did it twice in one round to a high level balrog player.

That's GP right? Cuz it's definitely not skill wise lol.

Full screen TAPing anything (especially a fireball) is something only inexperienced balrog players do. You'll never see a good balrog player do that.
So I decided to play online again because the cabinet next to where I live is borked, and what the fuck, doods. Does mashing DP during block strings actually work offline? I was playing with a friend (4 bar match) and he just kept doing that shit. Well, for a round at least until I just kept baiting that shit and he eventually stopped doing it, but according to him, it works offline.

I always thought it was just another shitty lag tactic.


FindMyFarms said:
That's GP right? Cuz it's definitely not skill wise lol.

Full screen TAPing anything (especially a fireball) is something only inexperienced balrog players do. You'll never see a good balrog player do that.

yeah GP. I guess he wasn't skillful at all.


Pop On Arrival said:
So I decided to play online again because the cabinet next to where I live is borked, and what the fuck, doods. Does mashing DP during block strings actually work offline? I was playing with a friend (4 bar match) and he just kept doing that shit. Well, for a round at least until I just kept baiting that shit and he eventually stopped doing it, but according to him, it works offline.

I always thought it was just another shitty lag tactic.
It is a lag tactic, but if you can still leave a hole in your block strings offline. Just much easier for the lag to screw your timing.
LakeEarth said:
It is a lag tactic, but if you can still leave a hole in your block strings offline. Just much easier for the lag to screw your timing.

Yeah, it never happens to me at the arcade, and I play MUCH better players over there. Maybe because they don't do it? Goddamn, shit was so fucking annoying. I swear, it threw me off my whole game as I was too fucking afraid to poke him. Even clk clk would get fucking DP'd.

The game didn't feel laggy at all too.
LakeEarth said:
It is a lag tactic, but if you can still leave a hole in your block strings offline. Just much easier for the lag to screw your timing.

Yeah, I've started to notice people doing it more and more since they're well versed with the Ryu/Kens. But since I never play offline/head-to-head, I didn't realize it was so hard to do. I wish I had some local comp to see the difference between local and online play.

So what do you think? Since they haven't been generating any new sales, do you think an update announcement will occur at E3 or the September Arcade show?


I played some online matches tonight. I'm so much worse than before! Luckily street fighter is the kind of game where I can lose 100 times in a row and not even care.


Couldn't find a player's match for the life of me so I hop into Championship Mode to finish my final.

Completely on accident, I'm mashing the 'A' button and didn't realize that the guy I'm about to play has a 4% disconnection rate. And he had a higher GP/CP than me. Oops.

So as I'm playing, I realize that he is the scrubbiest, most garbage piece of shit player that I've ever played (maybe I'm exaggerating :lol). I almost perfect him and I'm thinking, "No way he doesn't disconnect".

So as the match progresses, he I keep whooping him and he doesn't leave. I'm wary all the way until the "Guile Wins" screen....and he never disconnected! Color me surprised.

Oh yeah...4 straight wins in finals :D

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
If I am doing Player Matches and I am just getting my ass drilled, I always stay in there a lose ten times in a row, that way the other person can get the Trophy against me. :lol

... I think everyone should be as courteous as me.
Mimic, you do realize the disconnect rate doesn't necessarily mean they're a rage quitter?

On PSN, I have a 3 percent disconnect rate. Not too far behind your opponent. The online code for this game is admirable. I suppose it's the best they could do given today's technology.

So far, HD Remix is the best online experience in console fighting (and even that title was severely flawed).
Spiderjericho said:
Mimic, you do realize the disconnect rate doesn't necessarily mean they're a rage quitter?

On PSN, I have a 3 percent disconnect rate. Not too far behind your opponent. The online code for this game is admirable. I suppose it's the best they could do given today's technology.

So far, HD Remix is the best online experience in console fighting (and even that title was severely flawed).

ggpo :(
FindMyFarms said:

I've seen you complain about it. It's not perfect. Some say it's a little better than HD Remix. But of course, it's not used legally by any company. The technology isn't there yet. We need faster internetz.
Spiderjericho said:
I've seen you complain about it. It's not perfect. The technology isn't there yet. We need faster internetz.

No I mean, I wish they'd put GGPO(the net code implementation) on consoles. I actually really enjoy playing online in ggpo.

edit - I will say that's pretty hard to infer from one word and an emoticon lol

2nd edit - Have you tried it? It really does make games feel lagless, even with up to 200ms delay.
MIMIC said:
So....ummm....I think I just played a pro :lol He was, hands down, the best player that I have ever played on this game. LA PandaExpress. Look him up. I think he did Gen's hard trial #5 on me @_@ (he definitely did #2 on me). And then continued to abuse me with some of Fei Long's trials. lol

It was kinda scary. Sometimes I would just watch him move and it was almost like he knew what I was gonna do before I ever did it.

But get this: the score was 7-3. :D

My only criticism of him is that it was almost like he didn't know how to throw. We never teched because I always managed to get him. It was kinda weird....for him to be so good and to never use such a basic move.
Holy shit.. Just played this guy.

He played nothing but Ryu and I chose random characters that I kind of know and 2 that I knew pretty well.

I beat him once out of 4 or 5 times with Fuerte. The other time I used Fuerte I got it to the 5th and last round.

Gen I only beat him 1 round.. and then Vega I got swept.

I tried Honda and got it to 5 rounds as well.

His Ryu was amazing.. He was doing Poongko's freaking combo against me consistently :lol

EDIT: Oh and I had a player match today where a guy instantly ran to Fuerte and chose him.. I then scrolled to him and we did a mirror match. He started the match with a taunt..

I then perfected him.

The next round starts and I perfect him again.

It was pretty sad. Both rounds had stuns and played almost exactly the same.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
I've decided to learn an additional character or two after feeling a little bored with the game lately. Did pretty well with Sakura today and I think Abel is going to be the other character I start playing. Kind of tempted to go with Honda too.

Also I had no idea that playing free championship mode gives you the same GP as the regular version! That would explain why there are some shitty 10,000+ GP players out there.

The most fun I've been having is doing player matches and going random; that's always a blast if the other player goes along with it!

FindMyFarms said:
No I mean, I wish they'd put GGPO(the net code implementation) on consoles. I actually really enjoy playing online in ggpo.

edit - I will say that's pretty hard to infer from one word and an emoticon lol

2nd edit - Have you tried it? It really does make games feel lagless, even with up to 200ms delay.

Not addressed to me, but I still can't seem to get GGPO working. ;_; I can watch matches, but can't ever connect to play one.
hey find, i been foolin around with rog here and there, what are some good situations to use TAP? i can't seem to find the right time to use it.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
I played an amazing Sakura yesterday, I feel bad for taking the win because they worked so, so hard for it and I won with a poke string they thought was over before I stopped.

Great fight. Had to send a "Great Sakura" message and was met with an equally respectful reply despite how scrubby I played.

Also, G2 is fucking brutal. I got matched with a G2-A Abel and was shown what "shut out" really means. :(
EraldoCoil said:
hey find, i been foolin around with rog here and there, what are some good situations to use TAP? i can't seem to find the right time to use it.
Use tap to close the gap after a knockdown while retaining your charge.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Adam Prime said:
If I am doing Player Matches and I am just getting my ass drilled, I always stay in there a lose ten times in a row, that way the other person can get the Trophy against me. :lol

... I think everyone should be as courteous as me.
uhhh I believe the trophy is for ranked wins only.

I have 10 as my best record. No achievement :(


drohne said:
gen is a lag tactic

heh. Finally getting mk>hands down more consistently. Such a pivotal tool for him. Feels dope to link it twice for a fast 10 hit combo after only blocking a shoto sweep. Satisfying as hell.
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