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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Spiderjericho said:
I've seen you complain about it. It's not perfect. Some say it's a little better than HD Remix. But of course, it's not used legally by any company. The technology isn't there yet. We need faster internetz.

HDR uses a variant of it. Blazblue is rumored to be using it.
EraldoCoil said:
hey find, i been foolin around with rog here and there, what are some good situations to use TAP? i can't seem to find the right time to use it.

the ones mentioned already ->

- get closer after knockdown to keep charge

- use on wakeup to escape crossup situations

and also...

- if you make the read on someone jumping back you can TAP them, if you catch em in the air you can follow up w/ an ultra.

- mid screen TAP a fireball, NEVER full screen TAP, EVER, on anything or you're eating it big time. You can prob. do it on scrubs, but any good player is ultraing you.

- you can stick it into your mixup/pressure, but it's risky since TAP isn't safe on block. I.E., dash straight, followed up by an immediate tap if they try a counterattack afterwards

For the most part, TAP isn't too big a part of rog's game, it's highly situational and most of the the time has to be set up.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Holy shit.. Just played this guy.

He played nothing but Ryu and I chose random characters that I kind of know and 2 that I knew pretty well.

I beat him once out of 4 or 5 times with Fuerte. The other time I used Fuerte I got it to the 5th and last round.

Gen I only beat him 1 round.. and then Vega I got swept.

I tried Honda and got it to 5 rounds as well.

His Ryu was amazing.. He was doing Poongko's freaking combo against me consistently :lol

I asked him if he was pro and he said no, but that he has PLAYED some pros and got raped :lol

Also, I meant to say the score was 3-7. No way could I beat him 7 times.

And for some reason, my Fuerte is acting weirder than usual. When I go for a leg throw, Ultra comes out and when I go for an Ultra, the leg throw comes out.

It's kinda funny though: when I accidentally do the Ultra, it lands 99% of the time, and when I accidentally do the leg throw, that, too, lands 99% of the time. :lol

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I'd love to play some pros. I imagine the beatdowns you would face would probably lift your game 20% in a day or so, just because of how they play.

Anyone else have a problem with some scrubs?

I'm getting 'decent' at SF now, however my flatmate, who started with me and plays about 1/10th the time I do, seems to be able to play me and beat me with BULLSHIT still.

I dunno why. It's like a completely mental thing, he resorts to a small moveset, never changes his plan and spams everything. Doesn't even block if I start a combo/string and just kind of mashes everything instead.

He still would get nearly half games off me. :lol
Finally got to G2 and now I'm getting my ass handed to me. I fear for my winning percentage now which is only like 52 I think. I was middle of the row in G3 with a basic Ryu. But that's just not good enough in G2, I finally feel like a true scrub :lol
catfish said:
Anyone else have a problem with some scrubs?


This cammy scrub beat me in championship last night. I kept falling for the cannon drill > cannon spike...and fell for a wakeup ultra. And then I fell for his ultra again in the next round (he whiffed his super, tried to punish, but immediately followed it with his ultra, lol).

but I found him and fought him again, and I easily won :)
Ryu/Ken/Akuma went from being my best matchups to now my worst. It's either I really suck at block strings or online play is bullshit.

It's probably a mix of both, but goddamn how the fuck can a dragon punch blast right through Chun li's 2 low kicks? HOWWWWWW. I don't play online for maybe a 2 weeks and everyone on my friendslist is doing that shit.
Pop On Arrival said:
Ryu/Ken/Akuma went from being my best matchups to now my worst. It's either I really suck at block strings or online play is bullshit.

It's probably a mix of both, but goddamn how the fuck can a dragon punch blast right through Chun li's 2 low kicks? HOWWWWWW. I don't play online for maybe a 2 weeks and everyone on my friendslist is doing that shit.
Yeah, online I kinda restrain myself on links when latency lets the opponent just reversal DP 24/7

local multi is the best, F online
FindMyFarms said:
No I mean, I wish they'd put GGPO(the net code implementation) on consoles. I actually really enjoy playing online in ggpo.

edit - I will say that's pretty hard to infer from one word and an emoticon lol

2nd edit - Have you tried it? It really does make games feel lagless, even with up to 200ms delay.

No, not yet. But if you want to privately discuss it, then we can. Hit me up via pm.

And Devil Trigger, Akuma is either going to A) Play runaway, hoping to either catch you with a mistake or chip away your health or B)assault you like Ed Ma.

Catfish, you could always go to Evo. There will be beatdowns a plenty waiting there. But G2 is good practice (though not perfect with the lag and what not). I enjoy playing G2. I just can't stand the one bar matches, especially against Zangief.


Arde5643 said:
Most notably Gief, Sagat, and Akuma - all three are probably his worst match-ups.

Akuma and Gief are the worst though.

What? No.

Gief is far from being hard for Abel since he can EASILY counter all of Gief's crappy stuff: jab TT beats all of Gief's command throws, s.MP beats Lariat, etc.

Abel's so low on the tier list because of his definite lack of options in most matchups. He doesn't have a reliable anti-air aside from EX CoD and mostly relies on VERY HEAVY pressure from f.mk setups. The problem is those setups aren't very easy to do and are counterable by most of the cast if they know what's coming.

I love Abel, but I've recently come to realize his massive shortcomings when playing against very good players. Galactic showed me the way :)


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Attention all Akuma fighters:

Abel finds you boring, change your directions or stop fighting.

thank you,

If you think this is bad with Abel, try doing it with Rufus.

Good luck. At least with Abel there are ways to very safely advance through Akuma's crap.
_dementia said:
Yeah, online I kinda restrain myself on links when latency lets the opponent just reversal DP 24/7

local multi is the best, F online

Arcade cabinet close to where I live took a shit. I'm basically forced to play online at the moment, and it's pissing me off. People who are way worse than me fucking beat me because once I eat a bullshit reversal DP, my entire game is fucked. (can't play when frustrated)

I don't remember the last time I squealed BULLSHIT while playing a video game, but I've been saying that word a lot since yesterday.
Pop On Arrival said:
Ryu/Ken/Akuma went from being my best matchups to now my worst. It's either I really suck at block strings or online play is bullshit.

It's probably a mix of both, but goddamn how the fuck can a dragon punch blast right through Chun li's 2 low kicks? HOWWWWWW. I don't play online for maybe a 2 weeks and everyone on my friendslist is doing that shit.

even worse is how lag totally fucks up Chun's already difficult AA normals, esp against shotos. It's like online = free jump ins on Chun Li :-/ I just end up doing neutral jump RH a lot or Focus absorbing jump ins and backdashing.
Pop On Arrival said:
I'm not even talking about shitty 1-3 bar matches. I'm playing seemingly lagless 4 bar matches and I still run into this bullshit.
Stop dealing with online play and game with local friends. It does wonders for the blood pressure.
prodystopian said:
Is this why I see Gootecks TAP after an Ultra when the opponent is in the corner?
He seems to do that.. or he does dash upper.. but not even sure why they do that :lol

MIMIC said:
I asked him if he was pro and he said no, but that he has PLAYED some pros and got raped :lol

Also, I meant to say the score was 3-7. No way could I beat him 7 times.

And for some reason, my Fuerte is acting weirder than usual. When I go for a leg throw, Ultra comes out and when I go for an Ultra, the leg throw comes out.

It's kinda funny though: when I accidentally do the Ultra, it lands 99% of the time, and when I accidentally do the leg throw, that, too, lands 99% of the time. :lol

LoL yea.. I asked him if he was a Pro. He said no and only plays every once in a while. He said that he wanted to play me again because he thought I was decent and thought he was being rude since he kept choosing Ryu.

I have flocked back to the pad consistently for my Fuerte.. I just can't get over the stick.. Half my moves don't fucking come out after FADC's..

I can't dash correctly on the stick.. its like I need a bat top maybe?

Either way I do great with Charge Characters on a stick. I may pick up Balrog using the stick..

Pop On Arrival said:
My friends are all terrible

I will not stop whining.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. I guess I rarely experience that mainly because I main a character with little to no links (Fuerte) other then RSF which I can't even do :lol


TurtleSnatcher said:
I have flocked back to the pad consistently for my Fuerte.. I just can't get over the stick.. Half my moves don't fucking come out after FADC's..

I can't dash correctly on the stick.. its like I need a bat top maybe?

How are you holding it? Maybe you'll feel more comfortable holding it in a different way.
I need to practice my Chun Li matchups. I'm looking for Sagat, Blanka, and Claw players to fight against. GT: NakedSushi

Feel free to send me an invite if you see me on and kick my ass.
Ledsen said:
How are you holding it? Maybe you'll feel more comfortable holding it in a different way.
ball in palm.. kind of like gripping it from the left side..

Every other way of holding it feels weird.. Im not laying my hand flat on the thing.. but from the left with my palm going over it and the top of the ball being visible if you looked straight down on it.


TurtleSnatcher said:
ball in palm.. kind of like gripping it from the left side..

Every other way of holding it feels weird.. Im not laying my hand flat on the thing.. but from the left with my palm going over it and the top of the ball being visible if you looked straight down on it.

I scrolled down all the way and only read this post :lol :lol :lol so wrong!


hyperbolically metafictive
god, there needs to be some kind of filter that keeps people with one bar connections from joining your lobbies. so close to just hooking up the 360. why do i need two consoles to play one game
catfish said:
I'd love to play some pros. I imagine the beatdowns you would face would probably lift your game 20% in a day or so, just because of how they play.

This is true. When I was really new to SF4 and finally getting a hang of the mechanics, I played some of the top players in my area and got immensely better. I'd routinely lose 20-30 matches in a row against them but I'd learn so much in the process, and it's made me a better player for it.

spiderjericho said:
No, not yet. But if you want to privately discuss it, then we can. Hit me up via pm.

Nothing too much to discuss really, it just has a different approach to netcode. The result makes you feel like you're playing without lag even though there is.

prodystopian said:
Is this why I see Gootecks TAP after an Ultra when the opponent is in the corner?

Yes sir


drohne said:
god, there needs to be some kind of filter that keeps people with one bar connections from joining your lobbies. so close to just hooking up the 360. why do i need two consoles to play one game

I agree. There needs to be a lobby setting to filter for minimum connection.

What's worse is when the same people try to join the room over and over and you just have to keep kicking!


Mrs. Harvey
Capcom servers blew up or something? I'll be lucky to get 2 bars nowadays. I've been trying 30 minutes now to get one match in.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
drohne said:
god, there needs to be some kind of filter that keeps people with one bar connections from joining your lobbies. so close to just hooking up the 360. why do i need two consoles to play one game

Man, hook up your 360 already! :lol


Nose Master said:
Man. My roomie borrowed our copy of SF4 and the xbox got knocked over while the disc was spinning. Gonna try to get it resurfaced :(

Go to GameCrazy. They fix discs for $2 each


I don't trust the connection speed bars at all. I still go by how long it takes from going from a search to the players lobby as an indicator of connection speed.

I wasn't paying attention today when I clicked 'Ready' and then realised it was a one bar match, it played like a 5 bar, it was flawless. Then I got a 3 bar match that was laggy as hell. I've had terrible 4 bar ones too.


343i Lead Esports Producer
I got my ass kicked so bad in championship mode today. I probably won 3/15. I couldn't even think straight, I was doing such noobish shit. I said fuck it and turned off the 360.


Nifty AND saffron-colored!
Nose Master said:
Man. My roomie borrowed our copy of SF4 and the xbox got knocked over while the disc was spinning. Gonna try to get it resurfaced :(
as long as there's no really deep scratches on the bottom and none on the top it'll be fine. The bottom part of the disc is just a protective layer so yeah, should be fine.
GalacticAE i always start off good against you, but then it's like you flip some switch and go into super ass kick mode.......every time....lol

sorry about the controller malfunction, POS Madcatz.
suicideeyes said:
anyone wanna trade me a ps3 TE stick for my 360 TE stick?

my 360 just red-ringed AGAIN and is now out of warranty, so i'm done supporting ms.

You can always find a local stick builder and have it dual modded. That way you can play it on any system, and anywhere you go for local sessions you'll know you can use it.

oh yeah TurtleSnatcher

I posed a question for you in your tourney thread :p

TurtleSnatcher said:

This honda that DSP played.. man I played him last night.. He's fucking good :(

He did the super cancel ending on me when I cross him up.. I didn't even know how he did that or knew to predict that..

LOL He did the Gutter_Trash combo to finish off DSP
suicideeyes said:
anyone wanna trade me a ps3 TE stick for my 360 TE stick?

my 360 just red-ringed AGAIN and is now out of warranty, so i'm done supporting ms.
pretty sure MS recently extended RROD-related warranty coverage
totally understandable if you simply don't want to bother though. being out of commission for up to a month is total bullshit either way you slice it.
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