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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Oichi said:
There are A LOT of players here in Japan that are more than capable of winning a major tournament here and capable of winning Evo... problem is that no one knows who they are because the ones who have won championships get all the hype. I mean, who the hell heard of Bea until he beat Daigo and Nuki at SBO qualifiers a few weeks back? People were like "who the hell is this random dude?" and then people find out he's the #2 Rufus in the country behind Kindevu.
Are there any video's out there of those matches (with Bea in 'em)? I'd like to see them.

Won said:
Haven't played championship mode the last few days, but it looks like G1 is filling up. 400 people in there on live. Even scrubs like MicVlaD are now there!
Also looks like France is pushing itself in the top 10. :lol

Also random in this games sucks. It is more likely to get one of the last 5 characters you just played than one of the 20 other characters. And the amount of shotos sucks too. Half of the time I'm fireballing and upperutting. Booooooooo.


Though to be perfectly honest, I grinded my way to G1-E (lawl), like half of the people who ended up there. Sans mind-boggling repetitive cheese tactics. Did find a surprising amount of legitimately good players over there on my first day however, so at least that's something.

MIMIC said:
Couldn't find a player's match for the life of me so I hop into Championship Mode to finish my final.

Completely on accident, I'm mashing the 'A' button and didn't realize that the guy I'm about to play has a 4% disconnection rate. And he had a higher GP/CP than me. Oops.

So as I'm playing, I realize that he is the scrubbiest, most garbage piece of shit player that I've ever played (maybe I'm exaggerating :lol). I almost perfect him and I'm thinking, "No way he doesn't disconnect".

So as the match progresses, he I keep whooping him and he doesn't leave. I'm wary all the way until the "Guile Wins" screen....and he never disconnected! Color me surprised.

Oh yeah...4 straight wins in finals :D
Eh, I think you're being rather strict with your disconnection rate policy. I've had some ragequits in Championship Mode, but most people (even with relatively high percentage) stick around until the match is finished, even when they've been "beasted" so to speak.

Hell, even fought an Abel once who had a 25% disconnection rate. 25%! Thought for sure he'd quit since I was teleporting all over the place so he'd have a hard time landing a combo, and yet that didn't happen. Slipstream LDN was his gamertag, I think.

catfish said:
I'd love to play some pros. I imagine the beatdowns you would face would probably lift your game 20% in a day or so, just because of how they play.

Anyone else have a problem with some scrubs?

I'm getting 'decent' at SF now, however my flatmate, who started with me and plays about 1/10th the time I do, seems to be able to play me and beat me with BULLSHIT still.

I dunno why. It's like a completely mental thing, he resorts to a small moveset, never changes his plan and spams everything. Doesn't even block if I start a combo/string and just kind of mashes everything instead.

He still would get nearly half games off me. :lol
I've lost like this too, as much as I hate it. I learned a lot playing against GAFers (that's all I did initially) during Player Matches and then when I first started playing Championship Mode when the patch just came out, I kept falling for the simplest of strategies because I was expecting more. Mind-games, complicated combo strings that do significant damage, the works. Turns out these are things the average XBL player (the kind that picks the shoto's or Sagat hoping for easy wins) didn't care about when Championship Mode was just available, and for a while it made me paranoid 'cause I couldn't tell whether they were playing seriously, mashy or randomly. Things became somewhat easier when I lowered my expectations.

I feel as if I've gotten worse over time because I'm hardly changing it up anymore thanks to common GP grind tactics. If I'm facing someone who can get the most of out his character and plays like he normally would, I feel more inclined to often mix my style up, but when I'm fighting someone who's just playing for the Grade Points and insists on using the same shit even it'll cost him the match? Yeah...

Dutch talk in this here spoiler:
Dat gezegd zijnde, misschien moet je eens een kijkje nemen bij Drakenslag als je verder wilt oefenen. 'k Heb mezelf daar nog niet ingeschreven, maar wel al tegen enkele van hun gespeeld (via willekeurige Championship Mode matches welteverstaan). Waren aardig goeie spelers die het me wel eens knap lastig maakten + op die site kom je ook wel wat te weten over enkele lokale toernooien.
FindMyFarms said:
This guy has a LOT of sf4 japanese footage


Also this link I posted from earlier


It's top players in general, so lots of japs in there.
Ah, I should've clarified that I specifically meant match video's of Bea vs other Japanese players.

FindMyFarms said:
_dementia said:
pretty sure MS recently extended RROD-related warranty coverage
totally understandable if you simply don't want to bother though. being out of commission for up to a month is total bullshit either way you slice it.

yeah, unfortunately i bought it at launch and even with their extensions, mine is out of warranty.

offer still stands though! your ps3 TE stick for my 360 TE!


MicVlaD said:
Eh, I think you're being rather strict with your disconnection rate policy. I've had some ragequits in Championship Mode, but most people (even with relatively high percentage) stick around until the match is finished, even when they've been "beasted" so to speak.

Maybe I am. But some guy that had a 1% disconnection rate rage quit on me and that rubbed me the wrong way :-/ He ruined it for everybody =p

But don't you BOTH lose points if one person disconnects? That's fucked up if both people get punished.


I am Korean.
MIMIC said:
Maybe I am. But some guy that had a 1% disconnection rate rage quit on me and that rubbed me the wrong way :-/ He ruined it for everybody =p

But don't you BOTH lose points if one person disconnects? That's fucked up if both people get punished.
The disconnection percentage is kinda strange. It changes depending on who I'm matched with. I've never intentionally dropped a match, but connection issues have popped up during a few fights, so I hover around 0-1%.


played a good deal today, getting the hang of how fast the game plays and getting the combos downs and ultras. I might be cannon fodder soon for some of you guys...can't wait!



good credit (by proxy)
suicideeyes said:
yeah, unfortunately i bought it at launch and even with their extensions, mine is out of warranty.

offer still stands though! your ps3 TE stick for my 360 TE!

it broke after over 3.5 years? That not that bad, really.

I ragequit pretty much every time and I'm still at 0%. By "ragequit" you mean win tournaments, right?

My thing I'm doing right now is to send players a message telling them that they'll lose when it's still on the character select. Then message them afterwards saying "don't quit your day job younube, I'm better than gootecks"
For the love of god, if anybody actually knows DarkSydePhil, somebody teach this moron:

1) When you call people out on random ultras, don't do one yourself and claim it on "intelligent guessing."

2) Saying you can't do anything to prevent A FUCKING COMBO STRING is not a problem due to lag, it's because IT'S A FUCKING COMBO STRING.

3) Stop doing moves and blaming it on "your controller" -- there is no such thing as "why did I do a random psycho crusher." You baboon, you did a Psycho crusher because you held back, then forward + Punch.
Timedog said:
it broke after over 3.5 years? That not that bad, really.

I ragequit pretty much every time and I'm still at 0%. By "ragequit" you mean win tournaments, right?

My thing I'm doing right now is to send players a message telling them that they'll lose when it's still on the character select. Then message them afterwards saying "don't quit your day job younube, I'm better than gootecks"

Actually, I hopped on for a session of ranked matches (this was a while back lol) after having a really bad day(the place I was working at shut down and I was really pissed/jobless because of it) and was just a total douche. I'd do things like messaging people before the match started and tell them to get ready to ragequit because I'd own the shit outta them, then after winning I'd tell them they shoulda ragequitted. That and just general smack talk, and completely rubbing it in after I won.

It's weird, cuz after the session, I was even angrier lol.
Timedog said:
it broke after over 3.5 years? That not that bad, really.

I ragequit pretty much every time and I'm still at 0%. By "ragequit" you mean win tournaments, right?

My thing I'm doing right now is to send players a message telling them that they'll lose when it's still on the character select. Then message them afterwards saying "don't quit your day job younube, I'm better than gootecks"

I don't know if this is happening to anyone else, but I have a 2% disconnect rating yet every single 'disconnect' - I always assumed it was on the part of the other person. Is there something wrong with my fucking connection?

People say netgear wireless is a shitty router, maybe I should take that to heart. I'll start using a direct connect from now on, and just switch the wire manually when I want to go back on my MAC.
GalacticAE said:
That's not the Jackie Chan I know and love. I heard you were mad everytime I styled on you online though.

Like that time I beat you 3-1 in our Rog mirror and you left in a tantrum?:lol :lol

And actually I was graceful in my singles tourney defeat to you.

I'm nice and mean at the same time, WUT1
I have so many CE Matches and I'm still at 0%..

I've also had no one ragequit on me.. no matter what %..

I really like CE.. the % really does leave an effect on people doing it or not.
FindMyFarms said:
Like that time I beat you 3-1 in our Rog mirror and you left in a tantrum?:lol :lol

And actually I was graceful in my singles tourney defeat to you.

I'm nice and mean at the same time, WUT1

Oh that 1 time you beat me? Yea I kinda remember that. It was so long ago it's kinda fuzzy now, JC.
GalacticAE said:
Oh that 1 time you beat me? Yea I kinda remember that. It was so long ago it's kinda fuzzy now, JC.

Don't worry, memory loss is normal after frequent beatdowns :p

I don't know what JC is, r u calling me jackie chan again lol


I just played about 8 player matches in a row where no matter if I won or they won, they always quit. Weird, and I was picking random too.
FindMyFarms said:
Don't worry, memory loss is normal after frequent beatdowns :p

I don't know what JC is, r u calling me jackie chan again lol

Yes, JC is your name. You told me that was your name once.

Guess we'll have to settle this at Evo. You. Me. $10 FT7 money match,
GalacticAE said:
Yes, JC is your name. You told me that was your name once.

Guess we'll have to settle this at Evo. You. Me. $10 FT7 money match,

Come on, you can do better than $10 :p Make it $20 and I'm down. More than likely I'm not going to Evo though, so we'll have to do it when you come up to Dallas. Since you too are a gambling man there's a Winstar(great hold'em crowd) about an hour away from Dallas, right on the Oklahoma border. Great place.

And I don't go by JC, they call me Fist of Legend now.


good credit (by proxy)
Goddam. I just did a j. fp => cr. lp => cr. fp xx EX tatsu => EX SRK FADC => EX fireball => Super fireball => ultra fireball for like 80% damage on some poor Sagat n00b in a finals match WHILE simultaneously getting a blowjob from 2 nymphos. I had my headset on and I could hear the distorted, white noise of what sounded like dozens of people watching on the other end chanting "CHI-CKEN-Y! CHI-CKEN-Y! CHI-CKEN-Y!". It was Gootecks. I know that I can beat JWong too. He never had me below 80% health.
Timedog said:
Goddam. I just did a j. fp => cr. lp => cr. fp xx EX tatsu => EX SRK FADC => EX fireball => Super fireball => ultra fireball for like 80% damage on some poor Sagat n00b in a finals match WHILE simultaneously getting a blowjob from 2 nymphos. I had my headset on and I could hear the distorted, white noise of what sounded like dozens of people watching on the other end chanting "CHI-CKEN-Y! CHI-CKEN-Y! CHI-CKEN-Y!". I was Gootecks. I know that I can beat JWong too. He never had me below 80% health.
Dang you and your special SF4 version with bigger Super bar! Jealous!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Augemitbutter said:
getting lots of hatemail with guile lately. it seems the wall of sonic boom is too powerful for people to handle.

S Rank confirmed!

I actually have ALOT of trouble with guile and his sonic boom shit. he's my current most feared matchup for blanka except my standing hate with Sagat.

GOOD Bisons still give me trouble as I still have trouble with the stomp in certain situations, but for now it's


2 of the lower tiered characters that school me SOO BAD.
catfish said:
I actually have ALOT of trouble with guile and his sonic boom shit. he's my current most feared matchup for blanka except my standing hate with Sagat.

GOOD Bisons still give me trouble as I still have trouble with the stomp in certain situations, but for now it's


2 of the lower tiered characters that school me SOO BAD.

Didn't you hear, Guile never walks forward. The oddity goes beyond our brains, we can't adjust.
prodystopian said:
Thanks for posting these matches. I don't get over to SRK enough lately and I like seeing these.

Yeah no problem!

If you check the rest of the videos in the TRF tourney list, you should see some good chun li's.
Yea saw all the videos of that Fuerte. Amazing control.. He timed his ultra perfectly every match and never missed it and used it quite often. I'm amazed how well he could pull that off.. And he barely or never used RSF which gives me hope that I won't be so crappy!
Yo Timedog, GGs last night even though I took it hard most of the time (Cammy/Nintendo Punk, if you don't remember). Guess you are the best in the west. Which makes me second best now? At least until mike ross and gootecks challenge me, if they ever get the balls.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Yea saw all the videos of that Fuerte. Amazing control.. He timed his ultra perfectly every match and never missed it and used it quite often. I'm amazed how well he could pull that off.. And he barely or never used RSF which gives me hope that I won't be so crappy!

I mean, RSF is just a damage tool, it's not something you use for zoning/punishing/spacing/mindgames etc., it's just there for damage when you can punish, it won't actually affect your playstyle.


FindMyFarms said:
I mean, RSF is just a damage tool, it's not something you use for zoning/punishing/spacing/mindgames etc., it's just there for damage when you can punish, it won't actually affect your playstyle.

I use it for mindgames. I want my opponent to say, "HOLY SHIT! HE CAN DO THE RSF!!"

Even if I get raped :lol


Works for Bungie
Aw yeah. After like 3 months, the Sanwa parts for my Hori stick have finally arrived in the mail.

BEWARE, G2. G2-E Chun Li is going to be every bit as ineffective against you as she was before.

Er, I mean, she's going to claw her way to the top.

(Every bit as ineffective as before =( )

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Nothing like a 20-game losing streak to feed the ego.

I'm tempted to plug in my 360 controller to confirm to myself that I don't suck that much, but I think it would do me more bad than good.
Lost Fragment said:
Nothing like a 20-game losing streak to feed the ego.

I'm tempted to plug in my 360 controller to confirm to myself that I don't suck that much, but I think it would do me more bad than good.
Learning on a stick I presume?

Keep at it!
Lost Fragment said:
Nothing like a 20-game losing streak to feed the ego.

I'm tempted to plug in my 360 controller to confirm to myself that I don't suck that much, but I think it would do me more bad than good.

Learning arcade stick I'm guessing? Like any activity, you just need some downtime in between sessions to reinforce your muscle memory. You'll be surprised at how much your comfort level will increase in your next session after sleeping on it for a bit.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Yeah, still trying to get used to my SE.

I'm thinking maybe I should start playing HDR until I get really used to it. I have a feeling that SF4 and its input correction stuff is giving me bad habits.


Is there anyway to see how many "flashy background" finishes you have? I feel like I should have hit the achievement number by now but I haven't.

Also, Gen can combo his super into his ultra? Crazy.
BigAT said:
Is there anyway to see how many "flashy background" finishes you have? I feel like I should have hit the achievement number by now but I haven't.

Also, Gen can combo his super into his ultra? Crazy.
Yea he can't. But since his super does so many hits it really cuts back on what is already one of the weaker ultras in the game. His KKK ultra is even worse..


BigAT said:
Is there anyway to see how many "flashy background" finishes you have? I feel like I should have hit the achievement number by now but I haven't.

Also, Gen can combo his super into his ultra? Crazy.

You can go to Player Data and check the medals for Ultra/Super Combo finishes. Also, you can get the flashy background achievement in Arcade Mode/Survival/Time Attack/etc
TurtleSnatcher said:
Yea he can't. But since his super does so many hits it really cuts back on what is already one of the weaker ultras in the game. His KKK ultra is even worse..
Really? In training mode I tired Crane cr.LK to mantis' Super (Fierce) to 100% Revenge PPP Ultra and it did massive damage and Gen was all like "dat's 50%, Welcome to USA!!"

I forget who the dummy was, but it did real substantial damage.


Finally made it to G2 since deciding to play more Championship matches. :D

Pretty much stick to Dhalsim and Gen for championship matches, although I used Claw a couple of times with good results.
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