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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Pop On Arrival said:
I guess I would already consider myself a little above average with Chun. I really like her, don't get me wrong; it's just that everytime I get hit with Ryu's ultra and lose a round, I can't help but feel a little helpless. His ultra has so many setups, it's ridiculous.

And when you factor in that all of chuns attacks are FA bait, then it only gets worse from there. At least give EX Hazanshu armor break capabilties, OH GOD.

I know the feeling.

It is fun to play around with Ryu every once and a while. I think I might get a little more serious with him, but I could never leave Chun.

Yes I realize the ambiguity in those sentences. I'm not rewording it.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Pop On Arrival said:
I really wish I immediately started playing Ryu the moment I got this game, now it's too late to turn back. Ryu is by far the best character in this game, fuck the dweebs calling Sagat out. Ryu is the complete fucking package.

And yes, I just played our number one player, and big fucking surprise, he uses Ryu.

Super to Ultra
air mp to ultra
ex hurricane to ultra
shoryu fadc ultra

yea he's probably the best, Sagat's normals are insane though, heavy damage.

as an Abel player, Sagat give's me more trouble than Ryu, his armor breaking Knee is far worst to manage than Hurricane kick, i cant punish Tiger Knee unless its a double hit. And Sagat's Fierce kick jesus christ, i think he recovers from Tiger Shot faster than Ryu's Hadouken(true?)
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Super to Ultra
Sagat's Fierce kick jesus christ, i think he recovers from Tiger Shot faster than Ryu's Hadouken(true?)

I think this is true. I hate the fierce kick. Why does it have to hit twice? It breaks my Boxer's EX-dashes. :(


Re: Valle's execution -- which actually could fit into ANYONE's execution...

I'm not a very good SF4 player by any means. I have fun with it.. and it has become a masochistic pleasure for me. But, cmon, at 2am, for a chance to go to SBO... I'm really not sure how amazing ANYONE's execution would be with all that at stake. I know it's muscle memory and these guys play this game constantly... but c'mon... there has to be a "little" difference. Ha.

Actually to prove my point, you only have to look at KenI missing that Snake Strike and Combofiend countering for the win. I'm sure execution and being able to manage pressure is the difference between an amazing player and an absolutely sick player (this is what strikes me about Daigo, btw)... but gotta cut some guys a little slack, you know? That's why I really enjoyed this feed -- watching EdMa literally shake and feel the pressure... seeing the human side of their characters... was pretty cool.

I mean I see it in sports all the time... but... it was nice to turn around and see these guys sweat it out till the bitter end.


Read earlier today that the german organizers of the EU tournament decided to not invite players from other countries after all. :lol
Thumbs up Germany!
I really hope we get some videos from the tournament. Sounds like it will be a fierce competition. :lol


Pop On Arrival said:
I guess I would already consider myself a little above average with Chun. I really like her, don't get me wrong; it's just that everytime I get hit with Ryu's ultra and lose a round, I can't help but feel a little helpless. His ultra has so many setups, it's ridiculous.

And when you factor in that all of chuns attacks are FA bait, then it only gets worse from there. At least give EX Hazanshu armor break capabilties, OH GOD.

You complain, but Chun's ultra goes across the entire screen and through fireballs. Once you have ultra, projectiles are not an option.
DD-11 said:
You complain, but Chun's ultra goes across the entire screen and through fireballs. Once you have ultra, projectiles are not an option.

You're comparing chun li shutting down ONE option on SOME characters, to Ryu being able to hit confirm into his super from just about every single scenario?

:lol :lol :lol


I'm not complaining, I'm just saying Chun isn't exactly bad.

Also, sure you can m.punch and srk into ultra, but getting that to work on a good player almost never happens. Super and hurricane kick only works in corners, and many characters have corner ultra setups. Not saying Ryu is bad, but I think there are many ultras that are easier to land (Rog, Rufus, Sagat, gief).

I'm just sick of people complaining about characters. If they are so great use them. If you don't want to, live with your choice and stop making it so easy for ryu to land an ultra. If you're jumping in on Ryu, you've got way more problems than his easy ultra set up.

Mr Jared

DD-11 said:
You complain, but Chun's ultra goes across 2/3 the screen and through fireballs. Once you have ultra, projectiles are not an option.

Fixed. Her Ultra is nowhere near as good as it was in 3rd Strike. As of a month ago, Chun-Li has become my main and once you really get into her game, you realize how crappy of an Ultra she actually has.

Go into practice mode and do cr.lk > cr. lk > EX Legs > Ultra in the corner on Ryu. Now go try the same thing on Balrog.

Sure, it goes through projectiles extremely easily, but her B&B Ultra misses half the cast for no reason.
Mr Jared said:
Fixed. Her Ultra is nowhere near as good as it was in 3rd Strike. As of a month ago, Chun-Li has become my main and once you really get into her game, you realize how crappy of an Ultra she actually has.

Truth. It is hard for me to bait out a projectile at the right range. At full screen she misses, and too close and I can't react fast enough.


:lol I used to get caught by it all the time. Now I just don't throw a fireball.

Yeah, there are some odd character specific quirks which I'm sure will never get patched. I didn't know that about Chun, but I know I've been corner combo ultra'd by her and it sucks.


You'd think people would catch on about a wake up Ultra. :lol Not to mention the people who think they can widdle down the last little bit of life from an Ultra. Wish PSN was more netcode friendly with finding people. Takes a little bit extra effort but you can find them.
CcrooK said:
You'd think people would catch on about a wake up Ultra. :lol Not to mention the people who think they can widdle down the last little bit of life from an Ultra. Wish PSN was more netcode friendly with finding people. Takes a little bit extra effort but you can find them.

That can be a huge part of some character's strategies though. If you're ultra is easily avoided like Ryu's or Gief's then it's a moot point but for others that do some some serious chip dmg like Blanka or Cammy, it's totally worth forcing that block + chip.


myDingling said:
That can be a huge part of some character's strategies though. If you're ultra is easily avoided like Ryu's or Gief's then it's a moot point but for others that do some some serious chip dmg like Blanka or Cammy, it's totally worth forcing that block + chip.

Ah, but you see...countering someone's Ultra with an Ultra is just as sweet. Ryu comes to mind with my Boxer. :D

Mr Jared

prodystopian said:
Truth. It is hard for me to bait out a projectile at the right range. At full screen she misses, and too close and I can't react fast enough.

Or better yet, you react a little too fast, nail them with the first hit and eat the projectile, interrupting the whole thing. Either way, SUPER RAD!


dfyb said:
is it just me or does the ps3 version lack the sound effect that happens shortly after the focus attack dust poof? o_O

360 version has this more pronounced bass sound. just using TV speakers via HDMI on both versions.

anyone have a video of the arcade version with good audio? i think i heard it when i was in japan, but i want to make sure. i'll also be testing on my roomate's 5.1 sound system... i just think it's weird that something like this is different -- it doesn't seem like a difference in quality, it seems like it's just not there on PS3.

update to this --

tested on friend's sound system. it's at least as pronounced on ps3 as it is on 360. i still find it weird that it's practically not there on my TV speakers...

btw, SFIV sounds awesome on a sound system. i love it when general sound effects use multiple channels for the hell of it.
DD-11 said:
I'm not complaining, I'm just saying Chun isn't exactly bad.

Also, sure you can m.punch and srk into ultra, but getting that to work on a good player almost never happens. Super and hurricane kick only works in corners, and many characters have corner ultra setups. Not saying Ryu is bad, but I think there are many ultras that are easier to land (Rog, Rufus, Sagat, gief).

I'm just sick of people complaining about characters. If they are so great use them. If you don't want to, live with your choice and stop making it so easy for ryu to land an ultra. If you're jumping in on Ryu, you've got way more problems than his easy ultra set up.

Rufus is the only character that has more setups than Ryu. Watch top ryu players playing other top players, 9/10 times they're landing their ultra. I'm not complaining, I'm just pointing out some inaccuracies in your statements. (I learned this technique from Lyte Edge)
I've got an hour to play and no one is on playing SF4 right now and I can't do local casuals today. Someone get on ASAP and play me.

PSN ID: GalacticAE
GalacticAE said:
I don't see you. Were u at, fisty?



I see ultras landed by most top players. Sagat always seems to land his. And there was even a demon landed in the finals of SBO.

And it's not like anyone has data on how many ultras pros land so it's a silly thing to even bring up.
DD-11 said:
I see ultras landed by most top players. Sagat always seems to land his. And there was a demon landed in the finals of SBO.

And it's not like anyone has data on how many ultras pros land so it's a silly thing to even bring up.

That was Ed Ma, he landed like 6 demons in the whole tourney. I watched the actual stream and no one landed more ultras than ryu/rufus. Sagat also has a lot of setups(definitely near the top), but not as much as Ryu and Rufus.

There's no stats, but Ryu(only beaten out by rufus) being able to land his ultra off of almost anything is something that almost all players agree on. All you have to do really is watch videos and see how much ultras Ryu lands.


Any advise for a Boxer vs turtletastic Vega match? I just can t find a way to approach a turteling Vega as Boxer. Jump in -> Flip Kick. Dash Punch -> block + poking, you ll end up half a screen away again. Ex dash punch (+ overhead) -> Flip Kick (breaks armor). Walk in -> slide/pokes/flip kick. I am completly out of ideas here.
Rektash said:
Any advise for a Boxer vs turtletastic Vega match? I just can t find a way to approach a turteling Vega as Boxer. Jump in -> Flip Kick. Dash Punch -> block + poking, you ll end up half a screen away again. Ex dash punch (+ overhead) -> Flip Kick (breaks armor). Walk in -> slide/pokes/flip kick. I am completly out of ideas here.

Jump in w/ rh, beats out flip kick most of the time.


FindMyFarms said:
That was Ed Ma, he landed like 6 demons in the whole tourney. I watched the actual stream and no one landed more ultras than ryu/rufus. Sagat also has a lot of setups(definitely near the top), but not as much as Ryu and Rufus.

There's no stats, but Ryu(only beaten out by rufus) being able to land his ultra off of almost anything is something that almost all players agree on. All you have to do really is watch videos and see how much ultras Ryu lands.

Yes, I watched the stream too, but I'm not sure why this is relevant.

I'm not trying to get into a pissing match. I'm not disputing that Ryu has many setups, but most of them only work against desperate or weak players. The setup that sees the most use in high level play is the FADC. Most people here aren't crying about that.

If you get caught jumping in on Ryu with an ultra, that's your fault. Just as if you get caught with Chun's super throwing a fireball. Ryu is a top tier character, and top tier characters are there for a reason.


GalacticAE tooled me hard. I took a single round off his Fei Long with my silly turtle Boxer. Other than that... I wasn't touching him! I like it tho... not fun for him... but I can learn a lot from beatdowns like that :)

Thnx bro! Sorry about the connection... my PS3 is so iffy it's silly.
Boxer is my main so if you have any questions or want to get more matches in let me know. Knowing your normal attacks is basic but pretty important. Learn some basic links like c.jab c.jab headbutt.
It just occurred to me that the range of characters at the tournament was pretty good. Of course a few more Ryus and Sagats, but watching the stream, I never thought, 'ugh another ____'
FindMyFarms said:
Rufus is the only character that has more setups than Ryu. Watch top ryu players playing other top players, 9/10 times they're landing their ultra. I'm not complaining, I'm just pointing out some inaccuracies in your statements. (I learned this technique from Lyte Edge).

Pros that play Ryu land his Ultra almost exclusively through FADC'ing a SRK. I've only see one pro land Ryu's Ultra through a LP SRK and haven't seen one landed through a jumping MP. I don't know if it's not considered practical or maybe that's just the way most want to play Ryu. But I just wanted to say, for all the set ups he has only one gets the time of day by pros while the others are only used by low level Ryu players like myself.
It's not that pros don't use other options for easy ultra. It's just that the opportunities aren't presented as frequently as they are in low level play. FADC is just a safe setup which is why you see it more.
Rice-Eater said:
Pros that play Ryu land his Ultra almost exclusively through FADC'ing a SRK. I've only see one pro land Ryu's Ultra through a LP SRK and haven't seen one landed through a jumping MP. I don't know if it's not considered practical or maybe that's just the way most want to play Ryu. But I just wanted to say, for all the set ups he has only one gets the time of day by pros while the others are only used by low level Ryu players like myself.

It's not just about landing the ultra through other set ups, it's that he CAN land it in any situation. Just like how chun li shuts down fireball games with her ultra, ryu completely shuts down air game, corner footsies, safe baits, etc. Which is why his ultra is such a deadly deterrent.

Remember Street Fighter 101, the threat is just as important as the action!


WHY CANT WE USE OUR CUSTOM SOUNDTRACKS ONLINE?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


ok i'm done :(

anyone wanna play?
i use lots of chars but my best are guile/dhalsim/blanka/zangief
add me psn: str8upawesome
junkster said:
WHY CANT WE USE OUR CUSTOM SOUNDTRACKS ONLINE?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


ok i'm done :(
You can

on 360


_dementia said:
You can

on 360

i know :(

worst part is i have like 10 capcom fighter soundtracks ripped and no one lives local anymore

someone add me im pretty good, but havent played in awhile
GalacticAE said:
It's not that pros don't use other options for easy ultra. It's just that the opportunities aren't presented as frequently as they are in low level play. FADC is just a safe setup which is why you see it more.

Yeah, this is what I figured. It just kind of seems like Bison and Rufus players look for landing there Ultra off of their own multi hit jumping attack, but not Ryu players.

FindMyFarms said:
It's not just about landing the ultra through other set ups, it's that he CAN land it in any situation. Just like how chun li shuts down fireball games with her ultra, ryu completely shuts down air game, corner footsies, safe baits, etc. Which is why his ultra is such a deadly deterrent.

Remember Street Fighter 101, the threat is just as important as the action!

I agree for the most part. But one of the best reasons to be afraid of his Ultra is that he gets full damage(minus damage scaling) off of a juggle. Some guys like Ken and Rog have Ultras that are almost useless when juggled because they do almost no damage unless your opponent has a full or almost a full health bar.


FindMyFarms said:
It's not just about landing the ultra through other set ups, it's that he CAN land it in any situation. Just like how chun li shuts down fireball games with her ultra, ryu completely shuts down air game, corner footsies, safe baits, etc. Which is why his ultra is such a deadly deterrent.

Remember Street Fighter 101, the threat is just as important as the action!

All top tier characters shut down aspects of other character's games, I don't see how that makes Ryu special. This is about ultra setups, and landing ultras anyway.

And it doesn't shut down anything for smart players. You can still jump in and you can still throw projectiles, you just have to be smart about it. My whole point is that it's stupid play that is the problem, not the character. So stop bitching about it.
DD-11 said:
All top tier characters shut down aspects of other character's games, I don't see how that makes Ryu special. This is about ultra setups, and landing ultras anyway.

And it doesn't shut down anything for smart players. You can still jump in and you can still throw projectiles, you just have to be smart about it. My whole point is that it's stupid play that is the problem, not the character. So stop bitching about it.

At no point did I ever bitch, all I did was laugh at your comparison of the effects Chun Li's ultra has compared to Ryu's.

As for the rest of your post, all you're doing is bring up points that have already been addressed. Don't be so serious bro:D


man, my worst match ups are bison and balrog. I feel like switching my main, cuz my Gouken when cornered plays like a bitch. I don't like turtling so I play him a little more agressively at times, which is a no no since his rushdown is non existent. I find I've been doing pretty good with demonflip mixups/shenanigans, but that'll only go so far Doesn't help that his jab is 4 frames and none of his normals link. Its laughable that Gootecks and Bebop say he's broken, the old man is mid tier at best.
DD-11 said:
All top tier characters shut down aspects of other character's games, I don't see how that makes Ryu special. This is about ultra setups, and landing ultras anyway.

And it doesn't shut down anything for smart players. You can still jump in and you can still throw projectiles, you just have to be smart about it. My whole point is that it's stupid play that is the problem, not the character. So stop bitching about it.

I'm the one bitching about it, and I will not stop, sir. I never get hit with his ultra doing a random jump in and getting lp dp'd into ultra or air to air mp into ultra.

I do get fucking jabbed then clk'd and the clp'd then shoryukened into ultra, though. I mean, you can't even try to grab when Ryu has 2 stock ex bars and an ultra. You'll just get fucking dp'd and ultra'd into oblivion.

The ONLY positive thing Chun has going in the Ryu match up is that her ultra does decent damage when juggled in the corner. Expect to see me bitching about Gouken, Boxer, Dictator, when her fucking useless ultra does shit all damage to those characters and cost me a game.



Can't stop, wont stop.
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