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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Gootecks' commentary was fine. Only Sanchez or Rockefeller would've been better, but that's solely for entertainment value. Sanchez and Rockefeller *barely* actually commentate.
Teknopathetic said:
Gootecks' commentary was fine. Only Sanchez or Rockefeller would've been better, but that's solely for entertainment value. Sanchez and Rockefeller *barely* actually commentate.

Ed Ma PEE ECH DEE. I was dying.
hobart said:
I know Gootecks and EdMa are boys but... highlight of that whole vid for me was how the announcers were trashing Valle.... only to watch him run off like 6 in a row. I know he's considered a weaker player... but... damn... when he watches that vid... it's gotta be a little satisfying for him ;)

Yeah, I watched the stream and was getting annoyed by Ed Ma or Combofied/Peter this. They are great players, don't get it twisted. But Calipower was OWNING SF in the mid/late 90s. He still has the skills, but obviously can't play or devote himself like the younger crowd.

I'm sure if we asked Daigo what players in the U.S.A he respects and looks forward to playing, it's probably Alex Valle, John Choi and Justin Wong. The End.
I didn't really hear what you guys are hearing. Like prodystopian said, the only person ragging on Valle was Slasher, Gootecks was saying the entire time that you can't ever count someone like Valle out. Gootecks did say Valle's execution wasn't quite up to par, but on the flipside, Valle did miss a few ultras.
Killa Sasa said:
This has nothing to do with the quote.

Farms, how good is your Akuma? I'm going to a tournament in a month or so and the only person who's actually wrecked me there is an awesome, awesome Akuma. I need to learn that matchup for Guile and Cammy before then.

Anyone else on PSN have a solid or better Akuma? My PSN is Killasasa

My akuma is meh, nothing special. I should be getting my ps3 in 2-4 business days (so by friday?) and we can practice that matchup if you like.

Is the tournament your going to allowing you to play more than one character? If not, I think Guile would probably fare better against akuma (take my opinion w/ a grain of salt though) because he wouldn't get zoned out as bad as Cammy.
FindMyFarms said:
My akuma is meh, nothing special. I should be getting my ps3 in 2-4 business days (so by friday?) and we can practice that matchup if you like.

Is the tournament your going to allowing you to play more than one character? If not, I think Guile would probably fare better against akuma (take my opinion w/ a grain of salt though) because he wouldn't get zoned out as bad as Cammy.

I dunno, if it's a fireball spamming Akuma cammy will do fine with EX hooligan. I would also suggest brushing up on SBF execution if he ends up going with cammy.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
FindMyFarms said:
That's on me then lol. I could have sworn I heard/read him say he didn't like it. But obviously he knows his preferences more than I do :lol

And jeez, how many pages back was that? Do you read this thread in chapters lol?

Search function!

I forgot all about it, but went to Neo-Geo.com the other day and he had responded to me, hence the response here!
myDingling said:
I dunno, if it's a fireball spamming Akuma cammy will do fine with EX hooligan. I would also suggest brushing up on SBF execution if he ends up going with cammy.

He said he was a good akuma lol. Good fireball spamming akumas(Momochi) can destroy most people that don't have a fireball of their own. Now, does said player have momochi's fireball/zoning game? Probably not, but it never hurts to play it safe. Also Guile was KillaSasa's OG main.

What's SBF?

Lyte Edge said:
Search function!

Search function is for lazy noobs!
FindMyFarms said:
He said he was a good akuma lol. Good fireball spamming akumas(Momochi) can destroy most people that don't have a fireball of their own. Now, does said player have momochi's fireball/zoning game? Probably not, but it never hurts to play it safe. Also Guile was KillaSasa's OG main.

What's SBF?

Search function is for lazy noobs!

Spinning Backfist - Goes through balls, safe on block. Has shitty startup but if you play it safe it's a good way to change the flow of the match, especially with a rushdown cammy.
myDingling said:
Spinning Backfist - Goes through balls, safe on block. Has shitty startup but if you play it safe it's a good way to change the flow of the match, especially with a rushdown cammy.

Oh cool gotcha


he's Virgin Tight™
had great fun with XBL Tourneys today. It was just whim play, but immediately I met four amazing players in one tournament which pushed me far as I went through. I eventually won that tourney and learned a few tricks for Chun. Then I got pumped... and pumped... and pumped... till I got 550GP in 1 hour. These must have been one of the best sets of battles I've ever had online. Really, I had at least like 15 truly amazing fights which were close as heck. I also got one quitter :lol I followed with a HAHAHAHAHAHAHA message.

Relix said:
had great fun with XBL Tourneys today. It was just whim play, but immediately I met four amazing players in one tournament which pushed me far as I went through. I eventually won that tourney and learned a few tricks for Chun. Then I got pumped... and pumped... and pumped... till I got 550GP in 1 hour. These must have been one of the best sets of battles I've ever had online. Really, I had at least like 15 truly amazing fights which were close as heck. I also got one quitter :lol I followed with a HAHAHAHAHAHAHA message.


Awesome, those nights can be fun. I had the exact same opposite run last night though. So much so that I got this message from one guy "u must of messed up right cause u should of won." SF4: the game of ultimate win or fail, no in-betweens >_<
Relix said:
had great fun with XBL Tourneys today. It was just whim play, but immediately I met four amazing players in one tournament which pushed me far as I went through. I eventually won that tourney and learned a few tricks for Chun. Then I got pumped... and pumped... and pumped... till I got 550GP in 1 hour. These must have been one of the best sets of battles I've ever had online. Really, I had at least like 15 truly amazing fights which were close as heck. I also got one quitter :lol I followed with a HAHAHAHAHAHAHA message.


Interesting. I had a really good night with Chun last night. However, quite a few of the people I played were pretty weak.


Can we still view these matches anywhere? They seem pretty sweet. Too bad Haunts got tooken out!

Just got back from a week in Cali for E3 so I missed the exciting SBO stuff :(
Justin Wong was taking on all comers in the Evil Controllers booth (on their stock looking pads). His rog was looking pretty decent but didn't see anyone good play him.
Funny how the people who lost were complaining about not having sticks etc. I mean hellooo...they're trying to push evil controllers.. As if it would have made a difference anyways.
I played him in MvC2 (on TE sticks) and at least managed to kill one of his guys! (small victory :lol ) He then did an infinite and some billion hit combo lol. bastard.
Gootecks was chillin for a bit at the gaffer station but I had a lunch meeting.
On a side note: TvC is awesome and the Wii Hori sticks work well on it (first time i played it).
As far as the update is concerned, I'd like to see new Ultras or Supers. I'd like to see Capcom provide some variety instead of just two versions of the same move like Ryu having two fireball types or Akuma having two Raging Demons. For Ryu it'd be nice to bring back his Super Hurricane as a Ultra or create a new one altogether which I wouldn't mind at all.
Man.. the other night.. I played a Cammy that was doing some of the cheesiest crap ever.. Just random Spiral Arrows and Cannon Spikes and hitting me each time.

He destroyed me the first round.. 2nd round I barely won.

3rd Round he was DESTROYING me. Literally had a perfect going and stunned me and was taunting me.

I had 0 pixels on my life bar.. and was thinking I was screwed but managed to catch a few splashes on him and then I ran away.. he kept arrowing and spiking forward as 1 hit from me on chip dmg would have been my doom.

But I caught him after a Spiral arrow with my Ultra.. and killed him.. It was the most insane comeback EVER!

I was actually about to message him like "Holy shit!" but he messaged me first saying "LOL WTF just happened?!!? as he was in the most disbelief ever...

I told him I capitalized on his mistakes (Random Arrows and Spikes) and he congratulated me on how awesome I played that last round to comeback. Very cool player and it was a fun game!


TurtleSnatcher said:
Man.. the other night.. I played a Cammy that was doing some of the cheesiest crap ever.. Just random Spiral Arrows and Cannon Spikes and hitting me each time.

He destroyed me the first round.. 2nd round I barely won.

3rd Round he was DESTROYING me. Literally had a perfect going and stunned me and was taunting me.

I had 0 pixels on my life bar.. and was thinking I was screwed but managed to catch a few splashes on him and then I ran away.. he kept arrowing and spiking forward as 1 hit from me on chip dmg would have been my doom.

But I caught him after a Spiral arrow with my Ultra.. and killed him.. It was the most insane comeback EVER!

I was actually about to message him like "Holy shit!" but he messaged me first saying "LOL WTF just happened?!!? as he was in the most disbelief ever...

I told him I capitalized on his mistakes (Random Arrows and Spikes) and he congratulated me on how awesome I played that last round to comeback. Very cool player and it was a fun game!

So you Haunts'ed him? :lol

Well, the more polite term is, you Ross'ed him? :)


Arde5643 said:
So you Haunts'ed him? :lol

Well, the more polite term is, you Ross'ed him? :)
:lol as if it wasn't enough that the image of mike ross ultra meeting his low tigershot being seared into his mind wasn't enough, now he's got hit own gaf meme. This shit is grimey.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
That haunts stuff is not cool guys. He doesn't deserve that. :(

FindMyFarms said:
That's not getting owned sir, getting owned is what's going to happen to you if you play me in the tournament! WHAT!!


No really, what? I don't know either!


It's on now! :lol
FindMyFarms said:
He said he was a good akuma lol. Good fireball spamming akumas(Momochi) can destroy most people that don't have a fireball of their own. Now, does said player have momochi's fireball/zoning game? Probably not, but it never hurts to play it safe. Also Guile was KillaSasa's OG main.

What's SBF?

Search function is for lazy noobs!

I was actually leaning towards Cammy instead of Guile because she has better tools to close the distance than Guile does, mostly because EX Arrow keeps people more honest than going FB for FB (or in this case, air fb for boom). Also, once I'm in, i can do a lot more damage with Cammy.

I don't know who I'm going to go with for sure though, the tournament isn't for a little while.


Mrs. Harvey
People are thinking Haunts was the one that guy slapped into a headbutt super? :lol Poor haunts indeed. That goes against a statement I made that when winning and being more on the offensive, you better be careful of surprise Ultras. I lost so many matches because of surprise Ultras.


Kadey said:
People are thinking Haunts was the one that guy slapped into a headbutt super? :lol Poor haunts indeed. That goes against a statement I made that when winning and being more on the offensive, you better be careful of surprise Ultras. I lost so many matches because of surprise Ultras.
It's still not as bad as being Liston'ed though.

Now that is bad, bad, bad - it's like the highlight reel you see in UFC of Machida KOing Rashad.
so i played Champion mode for the first time

i suck lol

I won 2/5 of the finals... in G3 :(


I did Abel's thingy where you cancel EX COD into Ultra today for the first time accidentally. opponent was like WTFFFFFF
I can't imagine it's practical, I was using it to go through a fireball anyway


is it just me or does the ps3 version lack the sound effect that happens shortly after the focus attack dust poof? o_O

360 version has this more pronounced bass sound. just using TV speakers via HDMI on both versions.

anyone have a video of the arcade version with good audio? i think i heard it when i was in japan, but i want to make sure. i'll also be testing on my roomate's 5.1 sound system... i just think it's weird that something like this is different -- it doesn't seem like a difference in quality, it seems like it's just not there on PS3.
I just shinku hadoken my modem, no standing required. expensive though.

edit - Karasu, u might want to post your character:lol There's no "everyone" strategy for gettin around fireballs
You heard of Ivylicious? Was a 3d player from NM. Mostly Soul Cal and Tekken. He's been playing SF4 now and he's just beastly. I usually get casuals with him every other day and I think he can hang with the big guys in the 2d world. We'll see at Evo. We're gonna play and party together.


FindMyFarms said:
I just shinku hadoken my modem, no standing required. expensive though.

edit - Karasu, u might want to post your character:lol There's no "everyone" strategy for gettin around fireballs

I don';t really have one. I got tired of losing with Fei Long so I'm randomly playing with everyone now. But I really love Abel, Fei Long, Dan, and Rose.


karasu said:
I don';t really have one. I got tired of losing with Fei Long so I'm randomly playing with everyone now. But I really love Abel, Fei Long, Dan, and Rose.
Doesn't the EX version of Fei Long's flying kick thing go through fireballs? Rose has Soul Reflect, Abel has roll and Ultra to get through fireballs.

I quite like Fei Long actually. A lot like Sakura, I find a lot of characters to be a difficult match up, but just enjoy using him, his c.MP is a great poke.
I really wish I immediately started playing Ryu the moment I got this game, now it's too late to turn back. Ryu is by far the best character in this game, fuck the dweebs calling Sagat out. Ryu is the complete fucking package.

And yes, I just played our number one player, and big fucking surprise, he uses Ryu.
Pop On Arrival said:
I really wish I immediately started playing Ryu the moment I got this game, now it's too late to turn back. Ryu is by far the best character in this game, fuck the dweebs calling Sagat out. Ryu is the complete fucking package.

And yes, I just played our number one player, and big fucking surprise, he uses Ryu.

I've started playing around with Ryu. I main Chun and was playing around with Sagat, but I got tired of how tight his links are and some other things that make him not as versatile (despite being a beast). It is NOT 'too late' to start playing with another character. The game hasn't even been out 6 months!
prodystopian said:
I've started playing around with Ryu. I main Chun and was playing around with Sagat, but I got tired of how tight his links are and some other things that make him not as versatile (despite being a beast). It is NOT 'too late' to start playing with another character. The game hasn't even been out 6 months!

I guess I would already consider myself a little above average with Chun. I really like her, don't get me wrong; it's just that everytime I get hit with Ryu's ultra and lose a round, I can't help but feel a little helpless. His ultra has so many setups, it's ridiculous.

And when you factor in that all of chuns attacks are FA bait, then it only gets worse from there. At least give EX Hazanshu armor break capabilties, OH GOD.
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