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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Nose Master said:
Fuck Dan's second hard. Crouching to a shoryuken always makes me super cause I'm sloppy with the motion :(. I can do each part of the trial by itself, but linking it all including the jump in... :lol
If you're still having probs, try using the DP shortcut of df,df P. Buffer it with the crouching punch (df+P, df+P)

RE: Ken's SRK eating every combo attempt - I actually think this is what most of the flowchart Kens do constantly, either that or just wiggle back and back forth whilst hammering punch. smh.
YakiSOBA said:
KillaSasa just destroyed me in the PSN SF4 GAF tourney haha, I need feedback!!! :)

GJ KillSasa, gl rest of tourney man! Kick their asses =]

DOH, forgot to record on my camera.. I was gonna post it on youtube T_T

There were a bunch of good rounds, I just got lucky at the end of a couple rounds. Thx for the well wishes - try and tear up the loser's bracket so we can get a rematch in :p.

Glad you didn't record it so no one could see me getting owned multiple times in a row in those casual matches :lol

The first tip I'd say is to rely less on jumping with someone like Sagat - zone people with tiger shots, and use your standing RH/ TU/ TK when people try to close the distance. And only ultra when you know it's gonna connect, it's pretty damn hard to psychic ultra, especially online where a couple frames can make a difference.

Play Galactic and Findmyfarms (if he ever decides to play the game again) too for more tips. They're the two best that I've played. (On that note - I think Galactic has taken your title Farms, since you haven't been around. Whose cuisine reigns supreme between you two?)
Arde5643 said:
The problem with Boxer/Fuerte matchup isn't really the wake-up part since Boxer has crappy wake-up options.

It's trying to get boxer knocked down. :/

Fuerte has such a hard time getting boxer knocked down.

I know, but Mimic asked how to deal with the headbutt.

Killa Sasa said:
Whose cuisine reigns supreme between you two?)

Yeah, I've been strictly locals/tourneys lately, got a big one this Sat actually. Galactic and I are doing a $20 first to seven money match if he ever comes up to dallas:D

@Galactic - are u goin to devastation next week? That pot prize looks fucking sick.

Oh yah, I have a new ps3 arriving around 6/18, so you'll see be seeing me in gafchat again ;)
_dementia said:
posting on behalf of Threi


He'd like tips/comments on his play style.

I don't play Bison, but now I kinda want to.

The main things you have to worry about are what NOT to do.

1 - Absolutely do not fish for j.mp into ultra.

2 - Do not use cr.rh outside of punishing whiffs

3 - Zone so that you don't get both hits on block for your scissors.
Learn the ways of the S.RH. It's your main anti air and good poke. EX Purple torpedo is your ticket out of corners and can be used in mixups. Learn to charge for your BnB combo after a crossup. J.mk is a nice crossup.
Learn to be patient while getting zoned out by fireballs. Get in s.rh distance and work your way in. Far jump in fierce is also good sometimes. C.rh sweep is good for closing gaps while charging when opponent is down and sets you up for the wakeup mixup game.
Don't abuse headstomp and you don't always need to be charging. Bison is a good offensive character too .

FistyFarms: My plan was to go to both Dev and Evo but I can only afford Evo right now.


WTF? I was just about get to a G2-E semi-final and AFTER the match ended the game told me the match didn't end correctly and that I have to start from the beginning? It ended, I won!

Do I get penalized for this????


_dementia said:
posting on behalf of Threi


He'd like tips/comments on his play style.

I don't play Bison, but now I kinda want to.
I played him today, didn't realize who I was choosing to play until the matchup screen. His Bison was clearly his main and he gave me much trouble. I eventually got fed up and finally got my revenge with a Honda vs Bison match, where he did a fake stomp into whatever you call it when he goes punching down in the distance and on reaction I ultraed him on his way down across the screen. Good time, but yes he did slide a bit too much.
Finally dusted off the controller after two weeks. I managed to win only one final (in maybe four or five tournaments). I was a runner up a couple times and peaced in the semi (but got top 3).

I feel like my style is stale. I need some Odabo to spice up my chicken. Maybe a new character.


Felium Defensor
_dementia said:
I'm terribad at this game.

Been losing to the worst Kens and sagats in G3 today.

*high five!*

Hit G2-E and can't win a damn final. This is how I know I don't really have the time to put into learning a character properly. I'm playing on the 360 pad and can't FADC into Ultra to save my life; I am a scrub. :lol

I think my timing is someone decent at times, but I sooooooo lack execution.
Honestly, my habit of playing this game in bursts has a profoundly negative effect. I spend a few days training intently, getting much better, only to pass on it for a week and return to find my execution and muscle memory have taken a massive shit.
Dementia, I have the same problem. I only have 90 hours (maybe 20 spent on Challenge). This game really requires extensive playing to level up. I'm only decent with one character. I'm okay with others.

I think that's how some of these top level players are able to bounce between characters, as they've played the game so much that they've learned the combos and matchups.

Kindevu action (OCV, time attack on Iyo's team):


And Find, I think FADCing is easy in the game. It didn't take me very long to incorporate into my game. I won't lie, I can't do the psychic DP into FADC Ultra, but combos in this game are pretty easy (except for the crazy links).


I got my shit pushed in at the arcade today making me quite sad.

I did have the revelation that they need to release Too Spicy on Wii with Balance Board, Nyko Perfect shot and online play integration. I'd actually got off my ass and pay the 80 bucks to fix my wii drive for that.


That was a cool write up. I love the dedication of the SF community. I just watched most the tournament stream, and I was super drained myself doing nothing. I couldn't even stay awake for the last 2 match ups. I can't even imagine how tired those world warriors were.

Was there gaf hate on Haunts? Everyone loves Haunts.

I still need a life.


DarkSloth said:
That was a cool write up. I love the dedication of the SF community. I just watched most the tournament stream, and I was super drained myself doing nothing. I couldn't even stay awake for the last 2 match ups. I can't even imagine how tired those world warriors were.

Was there gaf hate on Haunts? Everyone loves Haunts.
It wasn't hate, but it was more like teasing.

Sucky thing is, he's banned so he can't reply back to us. :lol


hyperbolically metafictive
played for the first time in a few weeks, and my execution is way off, but otherwise i haven't gotten too rusty. strangely i was winning with abel much more than ryu or guile
I just finished readings Haunts report. Ive been kind of away from this thread but I guess there was some big ass mocking going on him from people here.. What douchebaggery from some people in this thread.

The guy was in effin SBO and got to play some insane teams and eliminate some other insane ones..

All we have to show is "LOL I GOT INTO G2 IN CHAMPIONSHIP MODE!"

Mass props to Haunts. Sick Sagat.. under nerve racking instances.

Oichi you are right - We are all just scrubs. :lol


Arpharmd B said:
The sweeping was pretty scrubby for starters. Dunno how those were connecting, the Sagat should have easily punished those for insane damage.

I was just about to say. I play Bison a fair bit and I can never, never get away with doing those sweeps against the people I play with. They get blocked every time. I pretty much just never use that move.


GalacticAE said:
My Dhalsim downloaded that El Fuerte. Realness.

JK I lov u DFYB. Let's play again.
yeah but your dhalsim got whooped by my gouken -- and that was my sloppy gouken. spent most of the time playing fuerte just trying to see what would work against dhalsim -- conclusion: nothing works and fuerte sucks
dfyb said:
yeah but your dhalsim got whooped by my gouken -- and that was my sloppy gouken. spent most of the time playing fuerte just trying to see what would work against dhalsim -- conclusion: nothing works and fuerte sucks

LOL I don't play Dhalsim -- was my WTF am I doing Dhalsim. My conclusion: Dhalsim's BnB from teleport is hard.

Also: I got your Gouken on lock.


dfyb said:
yeah but your dhalsim got whooped by my gouken -- and that was my sloppy gouken. spent most of the time playing fuerte just trying to see what would work against dhalsim -- conclusion: nothing works and fuerte sucks
If you're fishing for Dhalsim's teleport, best move to do is cr.HP.

If Dhalsim fireballs, either EX run it or jump back. Don't block and don't focus attack it.

If Dhalsim likes to jumping attacks with either one of his long limbs, guacamole air throw will catch it.

Walljump usage:
1) If Dhalsim just keeps moving back, don't wall jump towards him - instead just land close to the wall to slowly corner Dhalsim.
2) If Dhalsim is using b.HK to stuff jump ins, use tostada press since it will either beat or trade. Either way, Dhalsim's down and you can start mix-ups.

Dhalsim has really bad wake-up options. His best bet is either dash back, focus attack, block, or teleport.

Fuerte's cr.HK beats both dash backs and focus attack - it also has even or frame advantage on block, and it recovers fast enough for you to try to catch Dhalsim if he goes for teleport.

f.MK is also another good one to use, since most people will be blocking low to block the cr.HK. Frame advantage on block, recovers fast enough to try to catch teleporting Dhalsim. And on hit, you get an assortment of mix-up choices.

After that, tortilla propeller is also a good one to use if Dhalsim decides to focus attack to back dash or block.

If you can smell a teleport coming up, a run stop is a good feint so that you can catch Dhalsim's teleport and do either s.HP or s.HK to combo of your choice (s.HK will require strict timing due to its long startup).

I usually use tostadas only when I know the Dhalsim is getting desperate to run away and starts jumping or backdashing carelessly on wakeup. :)

It's a tougher match for Dhalsim than Fuerte since Fuerte has an assortment of tools to get close to Dhalsim. However, at the same time, a good super combo from Dhalsim can even the score pretty quickly.

Dhalsim's ultra should be no threat at all for Fuerte as long as you have EX meter. EX Guacamole will escape all of Dhalsim's ultra wake-up traps.


Tiktaalik said:
I was just about to say. I play Bison a fair bit and I can never, never get away with doing those sweeps against the people I play with. They get blocked every time. I pretty much just never use that move.

I only use the slide to close the gap on a downed opponent but that's it; it causes too much trouble & I eat way too many combos if I try & use it offensively.

Of late I seem to be getting more & more latency in matches - 3 bars used to be nice & smooth, but it's a bit hit & miss at the mo. Makes going for links a nightmare, as they get mashed out of more often than not :(
TurtleSnatcher said:
I just finished readings Haunts report. Ive been kind of away from this thread but I guess there was some big ass mocking going on him from people here.. What douchebaggery from some people in this thread.

The guy was in effin SBO and got to play some insane teams and eliminate some other insane ones..

All we have to show is "LOL I GOT INTO G2 IN CHAMPIONSHIP MODE!"

Mass props to Haunts. Sick Sagat.. under nerve racking instances.

Oichi you are right - We are all just scrubs. :lol

I think I know what he's referring to. But most of us have respect for Haunts and Magus along with the rest of NorCal. Just gotta let Haunts know how it is if he's reading this.

Hopefully we can get some games at Evo or something. Seems like a cool guy.


I receive some more insulting IM messages along the way and decide to call it a night and pass out.
Wtf? People have been sending him PMs to mock him directly? That's pretty low.

I hope nobody from Gaf was doing this...


Whine Whine FADC Troll
TurtleSnatcher said:
I just finished readings Haunts report. Ive been kind of away from this thread but I guess there was some big ass mocking going on him from people here.. What douchebaggery from some people in this thread.

The guy was in effin SBO and got to play some insane teams and eliminate some other insane ones..

All we have to show is "LOL I GOT INTO G2 IN CHAMPIONSHIP MODE!"

Mass props to Haunts. Sick Sagat.. under nerve racking instances.

Oichi you are right - We are all just scrubs. :lol

Well, douchebaggery goes hand in hand with the fighting game community in general.

I could tell he knew his stuff. I'm not at that level, and never will get there. Then again, I have the excuse of low-tier Honda. ^_^


any gouken players on psn wanna spar? GODHAND04. Better yet if there are any bison/balrog players, those are easily my worst matchups and I need practice, I have no idea what works against them.
Imm0rt4l said:
any gouken players on psn wanna spar? GODHAND04. Better yet if there are any bison/balrog players, those are easily my worst matchups and I need practice, I have no idea what works against them.

Dude are you on XBL? I swear I see that handle all the time, we've probably played before.


myDingling said:
Dude are you on XBL? I swear I see that handle all the time, we've probably played before.

nah, I've been without a 360 for months, I'm sure their are other godhand handles, I know one on srk.


When I am playing good then I give a good battle... :| But what really sucks is that when I play people who have 10,000+ points, they usually drop after they lose a round. This sucks. :(
Zapages said:
When I am playing good then I give a good battle... :| But what really sucks is that when I play people who have 10,000+ points, they usually drop after they lose a round. This sucks. :(
only play people with 0% disconnect ratios
Imm0rt4l said:
any gouken players on psn wanna spar? GODHAND04. Better yet if there are any bison/balrog players, those are easily my worst matchups and I need practice, I have no idea what works against them.

when i get home from work ill hit you up. i play rog and bison frequently. my psn is longmeat. ill be home ~6 or so
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