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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


he's Virgin Tight™
And just to remind some of you...

XBL Updated Brackets:


PSN is moving slow as heck =(


he's Virgin Tight™
Pop On Arrival said:
Most Ryu players just suck.

that is a factual fact.
They are just as repetitive as hell. Every once in a while someone poses a challenge. I do love Ultraing through fireballs. So hot.
Relix said:
Get one =O. We could have epic matches XD

Well since psn winner is playing xbl winner, you can get your shot if you win your side of the tourney ;)

Pop On Arrival said:
move back to the philippines so you can ultra me into oblivion.


if you know what i mean

Will you pop on my arrival?
Relix said:
They are just as repetitive as hell. Every once in a while someone poses a challenge. I do love Ultraing through fireballs. So hot.

I just want to bash my head through the wall every time I fall for this and Abel's Ultra. I've lost many matches because I try to hit Chun's and Abel's with chip damage after a knockdown via fireball. Then the Ultra animation appears and I'm cursing myself for being such a dumbass.

As for the matchup, although I have a winning record against Chun's(57% I think) I always kind of dread facing her. Like Blanka but in a different way she almost seems like she was built to beat Shoto's(in low level play at least). I don't know if other Ryu/Ken players feel the same way, but her moves seem to counter Ryu's IMO.


FindMyFarms said:
At no point did I ever bitch, all I did was laugh at your comparison of the effects Chun Li's ultra has compared to Ryu's.

As for the rest of your post, all you're doing is bring up points that have already been addressed. Don't be so serious bro:D

That comment wasn't directed at you. And I think the comparison is accurate in the sense that Ryu's shuts down stupid jump ins and chuns shuts down stupid projectiles.

Yeah, if you're getting FADC'd, then you're playing someone good, top 1%, but I find it hard to believe you're running into people online who can do that consistently enough to bitch about it. I'm still in G2, but have never had anyone land it on me or even attempt it. I've attempted it once and threw a ex-dp instead.


Rice-Eater said:
I just want to bash my head through the wall every time I fall for this and Abel's Ultra. I've lost many matches because I try to hit Chun's and Abel's with chip damage after a knockdown via fireball. Then the Ultra animation appears and I'm cursing myself for being such a dumbass.

As for the matchup, although I have a winning record against Chun's(57% I think) I always kind of dread facing her. Like Blanka but in a different way she almost seems like she was built to beat Shoto's(in low level play at least). I don't know if other Ryu/Ken players feel the same way, but her moves seem to counter Ryu's IMO.

I don't main a shoto, but when I do play Ryu and the match up comes up, I'm right with you. It's a tough match up and I usually rush down until she gets an ex bar and then turtle on what I hope is a life lead. Should she blow that ex, I'm back on my rush down.

That's the best I've come up with.
"Yeah, if you're getting FADC'd, then you're playing someone good, top 1%, but I find it hard to believe you're running into people online who can do that consistently enough to bitch about it. I'm still in G2, but have never had anyone land it on me or even attempt it. I've attempted it once and threw a ex-dp instead."

You do not have to be top 1% to FADC into ultra. I'm not even top 75% and I can do it pretty much at will.
Rice-Eater said:
I just want to bash my head through the wall every time I fall for this and Abel's Ultra. I've lost many matches because I try to hit Chun's and Abel's with chip damage after a knockdown via fireball. Then the Ultra animation appears and I'm cursing myself for being such a dumbass.

As for the matchup, although I have a winning record against Chun's(57% I think) I always kind of dread facing her. Like Blanka but in a different way she almost seems like she was built to beat Shoto's(in low level play at least). I don't know if other Ryu/Ken players feel the same way, but her moves seem to counter Ryu's IMO.

Shitty Chuns love their crouching round house, and that is the ultimate focus attack bait. You just gotta utilize focus attack against her properly, and she will be at your mercy. You don't have to completely stop throwing fireballs against her, as Ryu's FIREBALL has a quick enough recovery to block from Chuns dash ulta from full screen(not sure about this, but I only manage to do it against kens)

Also, she's pretty much fucked if you knock her down when she doesn't have an ex bar.

FindMyFarms said:
Will you pop on my arrival?

I'll try not to. :(

DD-11 said:



I don't know, I think if you took 10 random ryus, 9 of them can't do it, at least in a match. Perhaps 1 in a 100 is a stretch, but not by much. Plus the fact that I have 150 hours in this game and have never seen it online, leads to me to believe it's at least 10%.
At our next tournament I'm gonna bring a few cases of TIGER BEER.

I am a fucking genius.

edit: I would give my left nut to be able to play semi lag free online matches, but that's not a possibility from where I live. I have to actually get my ass out of my apartment if I wanna play people.
I'm far from a good Ryu player but I can SRK>FADC>Ultra, well in about half of my attempts anyways. You don't have to be good to be able to do it, you just have to have confidence and find a practical way for yourself to land it. Pro's will hit confirm, I don't hit confirm because I can't. My preferred method is a cross up and go straight into DP. Most players still can't block cross ups so every now and then I'm able to land a Ultra after FADC.

I'll admit, you're not going to see me landing it often, but it's there at least.
DD-11 said:
That comment wasn't directed at you. And I think the comparison is accurate in the sense that Ryu's shuts down stupid jump ins and chuns shuts down stupid projectiles.

Yeah, if you're getting FADC'd, then you're playing someone good, top 1%, but I find it hard to believe you're running into people online who can do that consistently enough to bitch about it. I'm still in G2, but have never had anyone land it on me or even attempt it. I've attempted it once and threw a ex-dp instead.

It's not accurate at all, chun's ultra only shuts down one aspect for some characters while Ryu's shuts down a wide variety, but I'm just repeating myself.

I haven't played online in a month, so I can't comment on that. But, where I play, everyone can FADC effortlessly. But if only 1% can do it online, that's just pitiful lol. It's easy to do (especially compared to execution requirements in other games) and is one of the most basic features in the game.

If you're playing online, find good people that you can play against in player matches, and leave tourney mode for the times no one is online. If you're on psn, feel free to pm me and I can give you a list of good players.


FindMyFarms said:
It's not accurate at all, chun's ultra only shuts down one aspect for some characters while Ryu's shuts down a wide variety, but I'm just repeating myself.

I haven't played online in a month, so I can't comment on that. But, where I play, everyone can FADC effortlessly. But if only 1% can do it online, that's just pitiful lol. It's easy to do (especially compared to execution requirements in other games) and is one of the most basic features in the game.

If you're playing online, find good people that you can play against in player matches, and leave tourney mode for the times no one is online. If you're on psn, feel free to pm me and I can give you a list of good players.

That'd be cool, but I'm on xbla. It takes practice in training mode to do FADC, you can't really just pick it up in game and most people don't bother with that stuff. I can do it in training regularly, but in struggle in matches. I was comforted to see that even pros whiff ultras in clutch situations.


i don't know how you can put up with those lag spikes, galactic. gave me grave memories of smash brawl random tripping -- except instead of my character tripping, the lag spike would happen in the middle of a combo and i'd sit there wide open.


Anyone have that youtube link where the Canadian wrestler is doing the street fighter moves? It was posted a while back in this thread but I can't find it. Thanks.

qcf x2

DD-11 said:
Yeah, if you're getting FADC'd, then you're playing someone good, top 1%, but I find it hard to believe you're running into people online who can do that consistently enough to bitch about it. I'm still in G2, but have never had anyone land it on me or even attempt it. I've attempted it once and threw a ex-dp instead.

I don't even play the game anymore but: lolwhut? Ryu's FADC is absolute easy mode. Scrubs can do it. I saw it all the time when I was in G2. Most of the people who do it don't even understand the purpose of FADC outside of that combo. Hell most of them don't know how to block either. They just do double SRKs on wakeup. :lol


DD-11 said:
That comment wasn't directed at you. And I think the comparison is accurate in the sense that Ryu's shuts down stupid jump ins and chuns shuts down stupid projectiles.

Yeah, if you're getting FADC'd, then you're playing someone good, top 1%, but I find it hard to believe you're running into people online who can do that consistently enough to bitch about it. I'm still in G2, but have never had anyone land it on me or even attempt it. I've attempted it once and threw a ex-dp instead.
I don't even main ryu, but FADC'ing to ultra is easy as hell for me, I'm nowhere near top 1%, so that's really exaggerating.
Ken Masters said:
is there a new tier list? Has much changed since the game came out (tier ranking wise)?

Ryu is still better than you Ken. Until you can LP SRK trade => Ultra you will be a nothing.

Sort of off topic, what's the recovery time on Ken's SRK? Is it significantly shorter than the other shotos? I find myself walking up to them for an FP>C.Spike combo that works for every other shoto consistently except Ken. He always manages to bust another SRK and fuck me up, what gives?


I've given up on trying to do the RSF (3 HPs) with Fuerte in a match. 90% of the time, the last HP doesn't connect. However, HP > HP > Slide works ALL the time :lol Using that as the last move while getting a perfect on someone is so fulfilling.

Also, does anyone have any tips for the Balrog match-up? That damn headbutt is so annoying. The only thing I can think of doing is baiting it. It's a perfect wake-up move: it either avoids the splash or beats it.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
MIMIC said:
I've given up on trying to do the RSF (3 HPs) with Fuerte in a match. 90% of the time, the last HP doesn't connect. However, HP > HP > Slide works ALL the time :lol Using that as the last move while getting a perfect on someone is so fulfilling.

Also, does anyone have any tips for the Balrog match-up? That damn headbutt is so annoying. The only thing I can think of doing is baiting it. It's a perfect wake-up move: it either avoids the splash or beats it.

yea, just keep baiting with run, and punish when he lands. He'll stop eventually and you can splash on and off

some characters have the luxury of good wake ups

Nose Master

Fuck Dan's second hard. Crouching to a shoryuken always makes me super cause I'm sloppy with the motion :(. I can do each part of the trial by itself, but linking it all including the jump in... :lol


good credit (by proxy)
myDingling said:
Ryu is still better than you Ken. Until you can LP SRK trade => Ultra you will be a nothing.

Sort of off topic, what's the recovery time on Ken's SRK? Is it significantly shorter than the other shotos? I find myself walking up to them for an FP>C.Spike combo that works for every other shoto consistently except Ken. He always manages to bust another SRK and fuck me up, what gives?

lets do this.


myDingling said:
Sort of off topic, what's the recovery time on Ken's SRK? Is it significantly shorter than the other shotos? I find myself walking up to them for an FP>C.Spike combo that works for every other shoto consistently except Ken. He always manages to bust another SRK and fuck me up, what gives?

THIS! :lol

I don't even try to do anything special anymore. I'll just walk up to them and throw. If I try anything else, I'm eating a flaming SRK.
YakiSOBA said:
What did Haunts do to still be banned? lol
he violated the TOS

something about asking for a port of some game to another system

I still want to know what Threi did though. I never figured that out. He said it was in this thread too.


in other news, I'm probably going to another SFIV even this weekend. It's just casuals, but I'm always up for leveling up my game locally.


good credit (by proxy)
my madcatz controller is fucked. dpad doesn't click anymore, and when pressing down it doesn't really give so it doesn't feel like i'm pressing down.


KillaSasa just destroyed me in the PSN SF4 GAF tourney haha, I need feedback!!! :)

GJ KillSasa, gl rest of tourney man! Kick their asses =]

DOH, forgot to record on my camera.. I was gonna post it on youtube T_T
MIMIC said:
That damn headbutt is so annoying.

Balrog's non ex headbutt gets beat out by almost any ground level crouching attack such as ryu's cr. mk, any character's cr. lk, and fuerte's slide.

If you think he's going to wakeup headbutt, use the slide to stuff it every time. If he ex's it, then he'll just fly over you. Once he starts blocking that, you go to your splashes, and if he starts backdashing out of it, then you do your fajita buster.
Imm0rt4l said:
I don't even main ryu, but FADC'ing to ultra is easy as hell for me, I'm nowhere near top 1%, so that's really exaggerating.

same here, I main Chun...but srk>FADC>ultra comes off naturally for me.

but I still fuck up Chun's dash ultra though :lol


FindMyFarms said:
Balrog's non ex headbutt gets beat out by almost any ground level crouching attack such as ryu's cr. mk, any character's cr. lk, and fuerte's slide.

If you think he's going to wakeup headbutt, use the slide to stuff it every time. If he ex's it, then he'll just fly over you. Once he starts blocking that, you go to your splashes, and if he starts backdashing out of it, then you do your fajita buster.
The problem with Boxer/Fuerte matchup isn't really the wake-up part since Boxer has crappy wake-up options.

It's trying to get boxer knocked down. :/

Fuerte has such a hard time getting boxer knocked down.
FindMyFarms said:
Balrog's non ex headbutt gets beat out by almost any ground level crouching attack such as ryu's cr. mk, any character's cr. lk, and fuerte's slide.

If you think he's going to wakeup headbutt, use the slide to stuff it every time. If he ex's it, then he'll just fly over you. Once he starts blocking that, you go to your splashes, and if he starts backdashing out of it, then you do your fajita buster.

Yep this.

But I agree to Arde because he can react quickly to a possible knockdown.. and his jabs are annoying and beat Fuerte in any close up wars.
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