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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Won said:
Stupid replay system still doesn't allow me to save game, in which I actually play decent. -.-

Such a hard earned perfect and the world will never see it!
Aww.. sorry to hear =[ That sucks. Never had that happen to me.
FindMyFarms said:
On GAF ranbat - I'm definitely down, shouldn't be too hard on PSN if everyone hops on GafChat. Rice-eater what's your psn tag?

BTW if anyone wants to play a mean Dhalsim on PSN play xsinx210

You mean, little ol' me
, I'm Rice_Eater483

That reminds me, for all the time I've spent on this thread, I've never played another Gaffer. I guess it was always the stupid fear that everybody was better then me and that nobody wants to play another Ryu. But if you(FindMyFarms) or anybody is up for some games, I'd love to go some rounds with one of you guys.


Teknopathetic said:
GAF ranbat would be hot.
seems like it'd be hard to organize. takes us long enough to do tournies. this is why SFIV needs a tournament mode like HDR and bomberman on PSN...


dfyb said:
seems like it'd be hard to organize. takes us long enough to do tournies. this is why SFIV needs a tournament mode like HDR and bomberman on PSN...
well ranbats are held on certain days at certain times, ppl show up, play, and profit. If you dont come, too bad.

in that regards that should be how an online ranbat is ran... take a day and run all matches on that day, if u cant make it then you're excluded.


JEKKI said:
well ranbats are held on certain days at certain times, ppl show up, play, and profit. If you dont come, too bad.

in that regards that should be how an online ranbat is ran... take a day and run all matches on that day, if u cant make it then you're excluded.
which is why it's a shame SFIV is missing the tournament feature. i guess it wouldn't be too hard to organize via IRC or something. you guys want to try it tonight or what?
Rice-Eater said:
You mean, little ol' me
, I'm Rice_Eater483

That reminds me, for all the time I've spent on this thread, I've never played another Gaffer. I guess it was always the stupid fear that everybody was better then me and that nobody wants to play another Ryu. But if you(FindMyFarms) or anybody is up for some games, I'd love to go some rounds with one of you guys.

You can never get enough shoto practice in this game lol. Playin gaffers/srkers is the best practice you'll get outside locals.

For ranbat, someone would have to organize the contestants and figure out a time to get together. Won't have to irc since we can all just get on gafchat.
dfyb said:
seems like it'd be hard to organize. takes us long enough to do tournies. this is why SFIV needs a tournament mode like HDR and bomberman on PSN...

The beauty of RanBat would be that we wouldn't have as many of the factors that hold back gaf tourneys as is.

I'm willing to help coordinate this with a couple other people once relix's tourney finishes (in like a month?). I'll make sure to pick different times/days throughout the week so it isn't US time zone friendly only.
_dementia said:
in g2 now...

lost to a feilong for the promotion :(

i didn't know wtf to do

I had the same problem against a Gouken today. I feel that way against too much of the cast. If I run into a good player with a character I rarely play against, it always gives me trouble.

I had a tough match against a mediocre Seth because he had a few good mix ups. I wish there was a way to look for matches versus specific characters, even just for player matches.


Okay I'm a newbie so please have patience. Anyway I can consistently pull off Sagat's Ultra? It often keeps doing tiger knee instead. Tiger knee's command is that zigzag motion plus kick. But an alternative way to do the zigzag motion is down forward down forward which makes the tiger knee and ultra the same command. Am I missing something?
vazel said:
Okay I'm a newbie so please have patience. Anyway I can consistently pull off Sagat's Ultra? It often keeps doing tiger knee instead. Tiger knee's command is that zigzag motion plus kick. But an alternative way to do the zigzag motion is down forward down forward which makes the tiger knee and ultra the same command. Am I missing something?

The quarter circle motion is different than the shortcut motion. It involves the diagonal input inbetween down and forward.

So it's like:

Down, Forward, Down, Forward+kick=tiger knee
Down, Down-forward, Forward, Down, Down-forward, forward+kick=Ultra

I'm surprised that issue didn't come up with you attempting Tiger Shot/Tiger Uppercut.


vazel said:
Okay I'm a newbie so please have patience. Anyway I can consistently pull off Sagat's Ultra? It often keeps doing tiger knee instead. Tiger knee's command is that zigzag motion plus kick. But an alternative way to do the zigzag motion is down forward down forward which makes the tiger knee and ultra the same command. Am I missing something?

The shortcut is not down, forward, down, forward (four joystick motions), it's down-forward, down-forward (two joystick motions). So it's nothing like the Ultra.


I have no trouble doing the tiger shot which is why I'm so frustrated. I'd figure if I can do the same thing twice as with the tiger shot I'd do an ultra but I just can't pull it off consistently. Maybe like 1 in 10 I'll actually get an ultra. I'm using the d-pad on the ps3 btw. Using the analog stick is much better I can get it consistently but I don't like using the analog stick. I'll try to get an arcade stick in the next couple months or I'll just give up on the game and sell it(good thing I have a CE which is worth a lot).
Ledsen said:
The shortcut is not down, forward, down, forward (four joystick motions), it's down-forward, down-forward (two joystick motions). So it's nothing like the Ultra.
Yea I figured that out just now when using the analog stick.


Just go into training mode and put on input display. That way you can see for yourself what you're doing wrong. Getting a shoryuken motion instead of an Ultra is a very common problem.


I'm kinda pissed off with my performance in this game at the moment. I still have huge issues with performing FADC. Finally figured out part of the problem was dashing too late, that I should be dashing AS I press MK+MP, not just after, so I dash now rather than just FA, but I still have a problem doing anything after that, it's either too late, or my hands just spaz out. It's the transition from the double tap of dashing to circular movements (especially DP motions) that I can't do.

I don't use Ken, but I simply cannot do his DP -> FADC -> Ultra trial, it's the first one in Hard Trials too! :lol - I've tried and tried, but I either EX DP or fireball too late or nothing happens at all - my hands just won't do it, I don't think my response time will ever be quick enough :(
BitchTits said:
I'm kinda pissed off with my performance in this game at the moment. I still have huge issues with performing FADC. Finally figured out part of the problem was dashing too late, that I should be dashing AS I press MK+MP, not just after, so I dash now rather than just FA, but I still have a problem doing anything after that, it's either too late, or my hands just spaz out. It's the transition from the double tap of dashing to circular movements (especially DP motions) that I can't do.

I don't use Ken, but I simply cannot do his DP -> FADC -> Ultra trial, it's the first one in Hard Trials too! :lol - I've tried and tried, but I either EX DP or fireball too late or nothing happens at all - my hands just won't do it, I don't think my response time will ever be quick enough :(
I can't do Ken's first one either because I mash and he does his super instead but.. if you give me a normal dummy and just tell me to do Shoryuken -> FADC -> Ultra then I more then likely will be able to do it.

Ken's is also a lot more stringent on time then Ryu's. You literally have to get it instantly after you dash forward.

Ryu you gotta wait a second then do the ultra motion so the guy can fall enough to take all hits of the ultra.
BitchTits said:
I'm kinda pissed off with my performance in this game at the moment. I still have huge issues with performing FADC. Finally figured out part of the problem was dashing too late, that I should be dashing AS I press MK+MP, not just after, so I dash now rather than just FA, but I still have a problem doing anything after that, it's either too late, or my hands just spaz out. It's the transition from the double tap of dashing to circular movements (especially DP motions) that I can't do.

I don't use Ken, but I simply cannot do his DP -> FADC -> Ultra trial, it's the first one in Hard Trials too! :lol - I've tried and tried, but I either EX DP or fireball too late or nothing happens at all - my hands just won't do it, I don't think my response time will ever be quick enough :(

Break it up, practice in steps. Can you ultra on command? Before doing anything practice just dashing forward -> ultra. Not dp, not FADC, just dash forward ultra. Don't even try anything else until you can do that.

Next, practice SRK -> focus cancel, dont' worry about dashing, just get the timing down for srk -> focus cancel (remember u have to do it after the 2nd hit.)

After mastering that do srk -> focus cancel -> dash forward. Master that so it comes out like butter.

Now this is where you put it all together, you have the dash -> ultra masterd, the srk -> focus masterd, and the dash. Try it a bunch and then you'll get it.

People have a problem of trying to do more complicated things when they can't even do the simple shit. Get your basics down first!

It's just muscle memory, practice and time is all you need.
Hell naw. I've played blazblue and enjoy it, but no way is it replacing sf4. KoF will be fun for the online aspects. People want it to be a godsend of a a game, but it's not. It's really fun but nothing special. What's going to make it for me is it's clan feature.

The only game that will probably take sf4 time out is Tekken 6BR, which is a ways off. SF4 is where my heart is <3

Once StarCraft 2 releases though I'm peacing out on fighting games :lol :lol
FindMyFarms said:
Hell naw. I've played blazblue and enjoy it, but no way is it replacing sf4. KoF will be fun for the online aspects. People want it to be a godsend of a a game, but it's not. It's really fun but nothing special. What's going to make it for me is it's clan feature.

The only game that will probably take sf4 time out are Tekken 6BR, which is a ways off. SF4 is where my heart is <3

Once StarCraft 2 releases though I'm peacing out on fighting games :lol :lol

Haha word to that. Strangely enough, the SFIV benchmark (which I got about a C running med settings at 1280x720) has saddened me about SC's release. If my two year old lappy cant handle SFIV it's gonna be effed for SC :-( Or maybe the two can't be compared, who knows.

I'm interested in KOF's clan mode but it's PS3 only right? If so, I'm gonna have to pass. Blazblu looks pretty but I'll wait for a price drop.


FindMyFarms said:
Break it up, practice in steps. Can you ultra on command? Before doing anything practice just dashing forward -> ultra. Not dp, not FADC, just dash forward ultra. Don't even try anything else until you can do that.

Next, practice SRK -> focus cancel, dont' worry about dashing, just get the timing down for srk -> focus cancel (remember u have to do it after the 2nd hit.)

After mastering that do srk -> focus cancel -> dash forward. Master that so it comes out like butter.

Now this is where you put it all together, you have the dash -> ultra masterd, the srk -> focus masterd, and the dash. Try it a bunch and then you'll get it.

People have a problem of trying to do more complicated things when they can't even do the simple shit. Get your basics down first!

It's just muscle memory, practice and time is all you need.
I can do ultras no prob. I'm gonna break it down exactly like you say and practice tonight - XBL is offline for 24 hours here, so it's the perfect opportunity.

Practice. Practice. Practice. :)
Teknopathetic said:
Still can't decide between KOF and BB or saying screw both and getting Mahvel. Tough decisions when you blow your budget on other silly hobbies.

KoF!!! Less loli hentai yelling spam on every move.


Teknopathetic said:
Still can't decide between KOF and BB or saying screw both and getting Mahvel. Tough decisions when you blow your budget on other silly hobbies.

I went the KOF route because of how more familiar I am with the series. BB is new. Granted with the exception that if you're familiar with GG, then you know what you're getting yourself into. Both games look great. I'll probably end up getting both in the end. As for Mahvel...maybe. I just keep hearing how broken the game is.
Teknopathetic said:
Still can't decide between KOF and BB or saying screw both and getting Mahvel. Tough decisions when you blow your budget on other silly hobbies.
BlazBlue takes priority for me since I own Marvel on DC and am quite honestly not the biggest KOF fan. C'mon, support new IPs!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
FindMyFarms said:
KoF!!! Less loli hentai yelling spam on every move.

Going the KOF route , mostly because the pacing of KOF isn't as ridiculous as Arc games. You can win playing slow in KOF.

BTW if you don't want to deal with learning FADC in SF, use a char that doesn't really use them- there are a few, especially the chargers. Then again, I've always felt more natural with the chargers for some reason- why I play them.
arstal said:
Going the KOF route , mostly because the pacing of KOF isn't as ridiculous as Arc games. You can win playing slow in KOF.

Actually BB is really fucking slow, easily the slowest this year. It may sometimes look fast, but don't be fooled, it's a slow slow game.
All of them for me.

MvC2 - play with just my friends who don't assist spam for the entire game
KOF - I just hope this has legs as I know a bunch of diehard KOF fans who will pick it up but nobody else.
BlazBlue- Loved GG, I am sure to like this too.

Now I need to build my PS3 stick.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
arstal said:
BTW if you don't want to deal with learning FADC in SF, use a char that doesn't really use them- there are a few, especially the chargers. Then again, I've always felt more natural with the chargers for some reason- why I play them.
What do I use FADC (or even FA) for with Balrog? I know I can FADC out of a dash punch to carry a block string or whatever, but are there any better uses for it? I almost only use FA to eat single hit moves and counter...
Brobzoid said:
What do I use FADC (or even FA) for with Balrog? I know I can FADC out of a dash punch to carry a block string or whatever, but are there any better uses for it? I almost only use FA to eat single hit moves and counter...

Block strong with a special. If they're still blocking you can FADC into more links or just throw, a good way of keeping the pressure on people. Don't much about charge characters but I'd imagine that's the best way to use FADCs


Brobzoid said:
What do I use FADC (or even FA) for with Balrog? I know I can FADC out of a dash punch to carry a block string or whatever, but are there any better uses for it? I almost only use FA to eat single hit moves and counter...

you can actually FADC through a fireball into his ultra. charge back, FADC through the fireball (the forward, forward will register as part of his ultra), back, forward + 3P or 3K. it's not very practical since his ultra goes through fireballs, but it's fun to pull off.

using the FADC to punish blocked low jabs/straights with a throw is a pretty common strategy with balrog too.
Teknopathetic said:
Still can't decide between KOF and BB or saying screw both and getting Mahvel. Tough decisions when you blow your budget on other silly hobbies.

Had KOF and BB preordered up until last week when I realized I really don't want to spend as much time (and money) on them as I have with SF4. BB is deinitely not my style either (once we start getting into double jumps and air dashes my brain startes to die). That's why I really dig SF: perfect blend between cartoony/over the top and serious realistic VF style.

Will definitely dl MvC2 though.
I totally feel like king of the world today.

So over the past 2 weeks I've dominated the corporate side of my company in SF4.. just dominated. People actually avoid me during breaks or try not to play me.

So I decided I would head over to the warehouse (we have a distribution center hooked next to us) and play some of there regulars. So I went over there yesterday.. I only got 1 round before they had to go back on there shift. Then today I went over and they wanted me to start early since I didnt get much of a chance yesterday.

I never lost. I went on a 9 match win streak with Gen, Fuerte, Honda. Came close a few times but I took my time and it all worked out. I finished the last match with a Gen Super -> Ultra which they gawked at funny enough and they had to go back to work. I never got off until there break ended.


Now I have no friends at my workplace after this lol


Whine Whine FADC Troll
KOF doesn't have double jumps or air dashes. It has hops, but those are slowed down supposedly from KOFXI (Whcih they needed to be)

BB looks fast to me. At least with the execution requirements. Also I absolutely hated GG.
"KoF!!! Less loli hentai yelling spam on every move."

Don't even remind me about that shit. Apparently you can turn it off in the console versions, though? I dunno. And I'm basically thinking like UnholySpectacle. I'm not really expecting either game to light the world on fire, but I don't think anyone but the super hardcore KOF fans are going to be sticking with KOF after a week. Same with BlazBlue/ArcSys fans, really, but there's more of them.
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