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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

_dementia said:
I can't only be tourney winning though. I'm sure money matches are a large part of the professional SF player's income.

Don't forget online tutoring sessions. That Dbag charges $30 per.

edit - If we ever have a tournament where we play all the matches in one sitting, this guy has a pretty good idea of how to do it. CLICK ME


I think I heard on one podcast that Wong carries around a notebook full of money match requests, and just heads out and crosses them off. And you even get random people
like me for one >_>
donating money for plane tickets just so he can show up in your country and kick ass. It's a sure fire way to hype up a tournament if you can get someone that well known just to show up.

But yeah if he can make a living from SF, good on him. No hate from me, I just think there's very few people who can pull it off, and others seem to be trying to do the same thing now, but I don't think it's a very smart move, even for most "well known" players.


i'm going to try and make it to the ghettolan in denton. you guys that are going for SFIV -- are you also bringing your PC? i do like me some cs1.6


Whine Whine FADC Troll
that 46 win streak, I was like one more loss then I'll quit. Took me hour and a half to quit.

Still, I found out for those getting SFIV PC. Capcom announced two things

a) they're going to use SECURom no matter how much people complain about it, but

b) Steam and Stardock will use their own thing.

Therefore, I'd suggest getting the Stardock version. If you hate Impulse, get the Steam version, do NOT get any other version, as it will have SECURom.
arstal said:
that 46 win streak, I was like one more loss then I'll quit. Took me hour and a half to quit.

Still, I found out for those getting SFIV PC. Capcom announced two things

a) they're going to use SECURom no matter how much people complain about it, but

b) Steam and Stardock will use their own thing.

Therefore, I'd suggest getting the Stardock version. If you hate Impulse, get the Steam version, do NOT get any other version, as it will have SECURom.
I see, thanks for the heads-up


arstal said:
that 46 win streak, I was like one more loss then I'll quit. Took me hour and a half to quit.

Still, I found out for those getting SFIV PC. Capcom announced two things

a) they're going to use SECURom no matter how much people complain about it, but

b) Steam and Stardock will use their own thing.

Therefore, I'd suggest getting the Stardock version. If you hate Impulse, get the Steam version, do NOT get any other version, as it will have SECURom.

Steam it is then.


Relix said:
Ah shit and I was gonna get the boxed version because of the controller =(

couldn't you just activate the game on steam by putting the product key? I'm sure you can do that(I did it for L4D).


LakeEarth said:
Last night I finally brought my Rufus and Fuerte to G2 to see how I've improved.... yeah my Fuerte is still crap, and my Rufus couldn't get to the finals. I've got some practicing to do!

Good session last night, Lake. You were playing me and my best friend--he was Viper and I was Gen and we switched off back and forth between taking other characters as well. Some really good rounds mixed in there--the Viper matches were intense, some dope finishes for the old man with his KKK ultra/super and moments of greatness mixed between losses. Pretty even overall though you got that 8 game streak on us for a second. We blamed it on the blunt we kept passing each other though. :D


bob_arctor said:
Good session last night, Lake. You were playing me and my best friend--he was Viper and I was Gen and we switched off back and forth between taking other characters as well. Some really good rounds mixed in there--the Viper matches were intense, some dope finishes for the old man with his KKK ultra/super and moments of greatness mixed between losses. Pretty even overall though you got that 8 game streak on us for a second. We blamed it on the blunt we kept passing each other though. :D
Haha, yeah I believe we ended with a 21 me 17 you final. Your Gen was quite good, and when your Ryu was on offense I had a hard time stopping you. What do you think about my Rufus? I've just started to get good with him. I apparently need to learn Balrog as well, as I keep winning when I get him picking random.

I hope you didn't hear me when I started swearing when your Balrog got that dash punch -> super, "I was blocking FUCK GAAHHHHHH!!"

Seriously though, good Gen, TWICE I jumped into the ultra! Tricky cross-ups, and that damn shallow jump always shuts down my offense.


I don't understand the SF4 japanese blog (reading it through SRK). When they talk about the characters that they might add (Rolento, Cody, Karin, Ibuki) are they talking about this game or the future SFIV dash?
Dizzy-4U said:
I don't understand the SF4 japanese blog (reading it through SRK). When they talk about the characters that they might add (Rolento, Cody, Karin, Ibuki) are they talking about this game or the future SFIV dash?

Link me up, I'll try and translate.

Also, I reached a new peak of SFIV stupidity. Last night I dreamed Arturo Sanchez called me on the phone. I told him he got rocked at SBO quals and then, even while dreaming, I remembered how much more I must suck and apologized. I'm about as far from the east coast as you can be too @_@
Dizzy-4U said:
I don't understand the SF4 japanese blog (reading it through SRK). When they talk about the characters that they might add (Rolento, Cody, Karin, Ibuki) are they talking about this game or the future SFIV dash?

They flat out say they're not looking to add any characters at the moment (which I doubt personally, but that's their official line). I think at the end, someone asked for Karin to be added and (it's a bit hard to understand) I think the blog writer says something about preferring Ingrid more. The final exchanged seemed to be more in a joking sense, rather than seriously asking/answering a question. I didn't see anything about any other chars though, just saw the names Karin and Ingrid. I'll skim through it again.

Also, translating from my phone, could do more in-depth translation when I'm at home. This is fun, finally get to use my Japanese since graduating.

EDIT: Dang, I missed most of that webpage because I was browsing on a phone. The gist of it is that they're constantly looking for fan's input on who they want in the game. When someone asked about Cody the reply was basically "this is what we want to hear, Cody will definitely be considered in the future." Ibuki is the character that the blog writer (I can't read his name) would want most in the next SF4 release.

SF4 Dash is all but officially confirmed given the stuff the blog writer writes. I wouldn't be surprised if they announce it at TGS with a winter release.
GalacticAE said:
Got some local casuals in tonight. Balrog jabs 2 good. Akuma RD kara is dumb. Dee Jay is still my homie in ST. Can't wait for Evo.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but his f.mp super kara is the only one that catches u on crouch no? I know u can punish footsies w/ st.rh ultra kara, but not anything else.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
why are people asking for rolento....nobody wants Rolento!!!!

I love Rolento. I think a Final Fight row of Guy, Hugo, Rolento, and Cody would be awesome.

Then a row of Alex, Ibuki, Dudley, Yun

Then a 3s row of Remy, Q, Makoto, Twelve

I'm an SF fanboy.
we need more new characters. abel/viper is awesome, and rufus is.....rufus. fuerte sucks because i keep losing against him.

Old char are cool, but they did such a good job with the 4 new chars.
bdizzle said:
we need more new characters. abel/viper is awesome, and rufus is.....rufus. fuerte sucks because i keep losing against him.

Old char are cool, but they did such a good job with the 4 new chars.

Agreed, no more old char, give us that new shit.
FindMyFarms said:
Agreed, no more old char, give us that new shit.
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous.

SFII had a dramatically different cast from SF
SFIII had a dramatically different cast from SFII
SFIV has ...every ST char minus T.Hawk and DeeJay, some Alpha favorites + 4 newcomers.

_dementia said:
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous.

SFII had a dramatically different cast from SF
SFIII had a dramatically different cast from SFII
SFIV has ...every ST char minus T.Hawk and DeeJay, some Alpha favorites + 4 newcomers.


Well, it's actually 6 newcomers, but they also rehashed 4 alpha characters


fucking ryu and ken players in championship mode. Did these dudes get any new moves at all? These flowchart fuckers have been doing the same shit for twenty years, I swear.
karasu said:
fucking ryu and ken players in championship mode. Did these dudes get any new moves at all? These flowchart fuckers have been doing the same shit for twenty years, I swear.
or perhaps they passed scrubbyness to their offspring
karasu said:
fucking ryu and ken players in championship mode. Did these dudes get any new moves at all? These flowchart fuckers have been doing the same shit for twenty years, I swear.

Just beat them and get some sweet CP. Or get beat by them and contemplate all that is fair in the universe.
karasu said:
fucking ryu and ken players in championship mode. Did these dudes get any new moves at all? These flowchart fuckers have been doing the same shit for twenty years, I swear.

How do you think we get such high win streaks ;)
:lol :lol :lol :lol



bdizzle said:
whos the 3 alpha char. the orig 8, the 4 bosses, akuma/gouken/seth, and the 4 newbs...am i missing something?
Top row is Super Street Fighter 2 characters + Gouken.
Next two rows are Street Fighter 2 Characters.
Next row, boss and random.
Next row, Street Fighter 2 bosses.
Next row, new characters.
Next row, Alpha characters (Gen being a semi-exception).
karasu said:
fucking ryu and ken players in championship mode. Did these dudes get any new moves at all? These flowchart fuckers have been doing the same shit for twenty years, I swear.

maybe it's because I main Chun Li, but everytime I run into these shoto flowcharters....they are extremely jump crazy. It does throw me off at times mainly because Chun's AA options are kinda tricky. Do they jump a lot when you see them? It's almost comical and sad how they do it.
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