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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
MIMIC said:
God dammit. I hate the Honda match-up so much. :lol In fact, I hate Honda in general. Every move of his does a shit ton of damage. I had a hard time even as Guile trying to beat him. But as Fuerte, even when I got close to beating him, I had to turtle my Mexican ass off.

Who does Honda have trouble with?

Honda has trouble with Sagat, Dhalsim, Abel, Guile and Chun. Every other match up he has is pretty much even IMO, but you really have to know your matchups to get the wins.
GalacticAE said:
Did you ever officially start with SF4?

Yea odd for someone to just come in the thread and rant.. I don't think ive ever seen him post in the thread.. or he's just wanting attention.. And he got some.. 2 posts!

I'm starting to get better with stick finally. I think playing locally against some really good players and only using stick has most definetly helped.

I actaully dont mind losing too since its just good fun with others and what not.

Oh and tonight I totally got 1 round off Buktooth with my Fuerte vs his.. ACCOMPLISHED! FindMyFarms though consistently always goes on win streaks at these local things.. Personally FMF has the best Balrog in Dallas hands down. (Not Ryu.. ! I stopped watching after your losing streak got to 15)


Oichi said:
Honda has trouble with Sagat, Dhalsim, Abel, Guile and Chun. Every other match up he has is pretty much even IMO, but you really have to know your matchups to get the wins.

Rufus gets free crouching HP off blocked headbutt [good damage for a normal] and his dive kick is tricky when used to cross up.

AZ Greg

Holy crap, have any of you played a guy on XBL with the tag 'awesome jones.' He has a nasty ass Dhalsim. I couldn't do a damn thing. Wow...


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
dralla said:
Rufus gets free crouching HP off blocked headbutt [good damage for a normal] and his dive kick is tricky when used to cross up.

oh yeah, I forgot about that asshole lol:lol :lol
AZ Greg said:
Holy crap, have any of you played a guy on XBL with the tag 'awesome jones.' He has a nasty ass Dhalsim. I couldn't do a damn thing. Wow...

He crushed me the first time we played on XBL. I immediately msged him because he's too good to be a casual player (basically he has to be on shoryuken.com)

Later in Championship mode I met him back in the first round and I won the match ^_^

I was surprised I did well, but then again it was his off day, I probably won't be so lucky next time round haha

He is on my friends list, so hopefully I'll practice with him more the future. His Dhal is by far the best I've seen on XBL so far.

AZ Greg, I'm also in AZ, add me (XBL tag: DrChen), let's get some games going

Edit: Also, I played Haunts on XBL today, he whupped my ass! I got a couple rounds off his Sagat but that was it. Fantastic player, mad props. I'll level up and play you again in the future man. Good luck with the Norcal Fuddruckers tourney, RTSD

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
chriskun said:
has anyone on here played against Fresnos Finest on XBL, hes a Ryu player, and I fucking HATE him!!!:lol

I.... think I might have actually... not sure how it went though.

Is Zangief the new hotness online now? I played 6 matches last night and 5 were zangief. One of them was a TOTAL dick. I'm talking taunts every 5 seconds. asshole beat me too. turns out taunts work on me and turn me into a jump in retard which equals free lariats all day :/


catfish said:
I.... think I might have actually... not sure how it went though.

Is Zangief the new hotness online now? I played 6 matches last night and 5 were zangief. One of them was a TOTAL dick. I'm talking taunts every 5 seconds. asshole beat me too. turns out taunts work on me and turn me into a jump in retard which equals free lariats all day :/
He basically just does jab jab jab throw. His title is Throw King also. Soooooooo fucking annoying.


I finally got a Madcatz SFIV arcade stick (the small one) and I have problems with the Ultras, though I can do all the regular moves just fine sometimes when I try to do an Ultra with Ryu, Ken and Sagat for example I get a Shoryuken/Tiger Knee Crush...sure I'm an arcade stick noob but I'm trying to get the feeling of the move but it just doesn't register everytime I want..any tips guys? I know practise is the answer but I'm a little worried about the quality of the stick to be honest. :(
Feindflug said:
I finally got a Madcatz SFIV arcade stick (the small one) and I have problems with the Ultras, though I can do all the regular moves just fine sometimes when I try to do an Ultra with Ryu, Ken and Sagat for example I get a Shoryuken/Tiger Knee Crush...sure I'm an arcade stick noob but I'm trying to get the feeling of the move but it just doesn't register everytime I want..any tips guys? I know practise is the answer but I'm a little worried about the quality of the stick to be honest. :(
Enter training mode and turn on input display to see if it's user error or the stick's fault.
It's difficult to adjust to sticks initially.


_dementia said:
Enter training mode and turn on input display to see if it's user error or the stick's fault.
It's difficult to adjust to sticks initially.

Haven't thought about the input display option to be honest - I'll try that one and I'll just keep practising, the feel of the stick is so much better than the horrible 360 d-pad.

Also do you know if there's a difference between choosing the stick "to be" the d-pad or the left analog stick?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Feindflug said:
Haven't thought about the input display option to be honest - I'll try that one and I'll just keep practising, the feel of the stick is so much better than the horrible 360 d-pad.

Also do you know if there's a difference between choosing the stick "to be" the d-pad or the left analog stick?

didn't know you could choose if the stick could be analogue or dpad. mine is whatever the default is. It's just practice you need.

training mode -> input display -> move you are having trouble with 100x left 100x right

repeat till you no longer suck at said move


catfish said:
didn't know you could choose if the stick could be analogue or dpad. mine is whatever the default is. It's just practice you need.

training mode -> input display -> move you are having trouble with 100x left 100x right

repeat till you no longer suck at said move

Yeah there is a button where you choose DP, LS or even RS...for now I left it in DP.

I guess couldn't be able to do some moves is pretty much normal considering I'm a n00b so I'll try the input display option and practise more to see what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks for the help guys. :)
_dementia said:
Guys, the incomplete cut of the free documentary I Got Next will be streaming tomorrow night at 8pm EST on UfragTV. I'm interested in checking it out.

trailer 1
trailer 2
pre-screening impressions

Really looking forward to it, I haven't seen a good Street Fighter related film since the SF2 animated movie(don't you dare hate, DON'T). I know this isn't the finished product since they want to include Evo, it'd be great though if they could somehow also include SBO in the final cut as well. Then this Doc. will truly be complete.


In one of the reviews they said Wong was the best from the east coast, Gootecks is the best from the west coast. hm.... :lol


holy crap guys...

so i usually main sagat, but last night i gave ryu a serious attempt and won 6 of 7 championships!!!

Ryu feels BLAZING fast compared to sagat! I knew sagat was slow, but god damn... and ryu's links are SO easy and they come out so fast!!

note to self: I need to start playing as ryu more often.....
YakiSOBA said:
holy crap guys...

so i usually main sagat, but last night i gave ryu a serious attempt and won 6 of 7 championships!!!

Ryu feels BLAZING fast compared to sagat! I knew sagat was slow, but god damn... and ryu's links are SO easy and they come out so fast!!

note to self: I need to start playing as ryu more often.....

yeah ryus a beast. ive been maining him along with abel and ive been having some good results. he has so many combos into has ultra. especially wakeup dps.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
wow I've been seeing more abels online now. Seems like everyone and his dog has just figured out the ultra easy crossup kick -> crouching fierce -> ultra setup. Or roll -> crouching fierce

Seems like poor me hasn't realised I should be watching out for it as well as I should. I was basically winning against a not great abel who was relying on this and got me 2 rounds for the win.

I've started mucking with Abel. He's hard to use, but starting to get easier. I really wanna have a non shoto non charge character. Seems like my guy as I HATE fatty.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
catfish said:
wow I've been seeing more abels online now. Seems like everyone and his dog has just figured out the ultra easy crossup kick -> crouching fierce -> ultra setup. Or roll -> crouching fierce

Seems like poor me hasn't realised I should be watching out for it as well as I should. I was basically winning against a not great abel who was relying on this and got me 2 rounds for the win.

I've started mucking with Abel. He's hard to use, but starting to get easier. I really wanna have a non shoto non charge character. Seems like my guy as I HATE fatty.

Abel is great, you'll get frustrated but he's fun to use.

in other sad SAD SF4 news:

I stated using EL FUERTE 2 days ago, i still lose most of my fights, but im getting better little by little, he's hell to use compare to Abel...

..but the sadness comes last night, where a SAGAT rage quit on me, I usually laugh these off but I was about to Win, and thats rare right now for my Young Fuerte

i mean.....SAGAT!!, WTF, you're Always 2 combos away from a win

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Abel is great, you'll get frustrated but he's fun to use.

yes, I can imagine his very easy ultra setups and the good old almost fullscreen ultra through a ryu fireball could be MASSIVELY satisfying.

His bnb combos seem to be a little easier or something as well, I don't know them exact but some of the kicks or jabs to COD seemed to be coming out quite easy when I was just mashing around in training (without lookin em up on SRK and so forth)


he's Virgin Tight™
catfish said:
wow I've been seeing more abels online now. Seems like everyone and his dog has just figured out the ultra easy crossup kick -> crouching fierce -> ultra setup. Or roll -> crouching fierce

Seems like poor me hasn't realised I should be watching out for it as well as I should. I was basically winning against a not great abel who was relying on this and got me 2 rounds for the win.

I've started mucking with Abel. He's hard to use, but starting to get easier. I really wanna have a non shoto non charge character. Seems like my guy as I HATE fatty.

Dude a fucking Abel raped me last night. He almost got two perfects on me. Mother of God I had never faced someone like that :lol I stood there watching the screens and saying to myself "Holy shit what the fuck just happened". My worst match EVER :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
catfish said:
yes, I can imagine his very easy ultra setups and the good old almost fullscreen ultra through a ryu fireball could be MASSIVELY satisfying.

Oh when play Abel, second Rounds vs Shotos are usually Hadouken free:lol , the stupidest shit they do is Knock you down and do a Fireball on your wake up...asking for it. and Akumas think their jump back air Fireball is immune to this.

But a Ryu that knows Abel match-up is hell


TurtleSnatcher said:

Yea odd for someone to just come in the thread and rant.. I don't think ive ever seen him post in the thread.. or he's just wanting attention.. And he got some.. 2 posts!

I'm starting to get better with stick finally. I think playing locally against some really good players and only using stick has most definetly helped.

I actaully dont mind losing too since its just good fun with others and what not.

Oh and tonight I totally got 1 round off Buktooth with my Fuerte vs his.. ACCOMPLISHED! FindMyFarms though consistently always goes on win streaks at these local things.. Personally FMF has the best Balrog in Dallas hands down. (Not Ryu.. ! I stopped watching after your losing streak got to 15)

Ugh I still can't get the hang of stick...not patient enough with my limited SF time...

Also, by accident last night I picked random in a championship finals and got Fuerte!
It was like my 2nd time using him but I actually did better than i thought.
Got a round off mostly using that flying neck throw thingy :lol (i have no idea what his moves are called..)

Been playing SF more and moving up though...slowly catching up in GP! :p
TurtleSnatcher said:
Not Ryu.. ! I stopped watching after your losing streak got to 15

The streak actually went to 20. And what you didn't see was before that streak, he had another streak of 13. So final count was 33-2 lol. Jop's godtier w/ bison.

You'll find out about me that if I don't know how to beat someone or a certain matchup, I have absolutely no problem losing a gazillion games to figure it out :lol
FindMyFarms said:
The streak actually went to 20. And what you didn't see was before that streak, he had another streak of 13. So final count was 33-2 lol. Jop's godtier w/ bison.

You'll find out about me that if I don't know how to beat someone or a certain matchup, I have absolutely no problem losing a gazillion games to figure it out :lol
Jops Bison was disgusting. Ive never seen someone use Bison like that.. he has a really unorthodox way of using him. Lots of baits and dash forwards which freak me out since Bison is more of a hopper in those dashes. And he also mixed Devil Reverses and head stomps affectively and had really precise control after the hit or block. sick.
TurtleSnatcher said:

Yea odd for someone to just come in the thread and rant.. I don't think ive ever seen him post in the thread.. or he's just wanting attention.. And he got some.. 2 posts!

I'm starting to get better with stick finally. I think playing locally against some really good players and only using stick has most definetly helped.

I actaully dont mind losing too since its just good fun with others and what not.

Oh and tonight I totally got 1 round off Buktooth with my Fuerte vs his.. ACCOMPLISHED! FindMyFarms though consistently always goes on win streaks at these local things.. Personally FMF has the best Balrog in Dallas hands down. (Not Ryu.. ! I stopped watching after your losing streak got to 15)

if you play on ps3 i hope your system dies and you get a different one back.
GriffD17 said:
Seth is a dirty cunt in arcade mode

Just jump kick then foot sweep. Unless you're playing on the hardest difficulties. If so, then clothesline him to death with Zangief or wait for him to do one of his vulnerable moves (like the kick or sonic boom). Just be careful of his teleport shenanigans. Gah.

I played this last night on PSN. Couldn't really find any matches. I tried to play Player, but no one was really playing that either. I'm thinking of jumping back to playing on Live, since the drops are less frequent and there seems to be more comp.
Spiderjericho said:
I played this last night on PSN. Couldn't really find any matches. I tried to play Player, but no one was really playing that either. I'm thinking of jumping back to playing on Live, since the drops are less frequent and there seems to be more comp.


I'm back on psn, add me!
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Oh when play Abel, second Rounds vs Shotos are usually Hadouken free:lol , the stupidest shit they do is Knock you down and do a Fireball on your wake up...asking for it. and Akumas think their jump back air Fireball is immune to this.

But a Ryu that knows Abel match-up is hell

I've played a few great Abel's when I was in my prime, and they were rush down. I was getting crossed up, Tornado thrown so much my head started spinning.

As a shoto player, it's hard to zone Abel, as he has his role, and when he has an Ultra stocked, which does massive damage, fireballs are a No No.

He is pretty safe to jump at though, haven't really come up against a good one. Will start maining even Abel or Rufus. Rufus' ultra is so easy to land, it's beautiful.





AZ Greg said:
Holy crap, have any of you played a guy on XBL with the tag 'awesome jones.' He has a nasty ass Dhalsim. I couldn't do a damn thing. Wow...
*writes down gamertag for future matches*

MIMIC said:
I'm thinking of Dhalsim becoming my next project.....mainly because of the teleporting :)
Be prepared for plenty of frustrations then!


Went on vacation, took my 360 justfor SFIV but forgot my arcade stick. Damn, now my Honda won't be nearly as good for the GAF tourney. :S
DoDonGouki said:
Probably really disconnected as opposed to rage quit like you think he did.

Its round 1 and the life bars are almost identical..

Andronicus said:
if you play on ps3 i hope your system dies and you get a different one back.
Feelings hurt? lawlz

I have it on XB360 but thanks for reassuring my purchase from your past losses :lol


GriffD17 said:
Whoah. I had battle points for a while. Maybe 5 minutes straight I had battle points.

I bet this game would've fun around launch.
Screw ranked mode, play player matches until you're comfortable with the game mechanics, add gaffers and play them, and move straight to championship mode. Ranked mode is garbage now.


Spiderjericho said:
Just jump kick then foot sweep. Unless you're playing on the hardest difficulties. If so, then clothesline him to death with Zangief or wait for him to do one of his vulnerable moves (like the kick or sonic boom). Just be careful of his teleport shenanigans. Gah.

I played this last night on PSN. Couldn't really find any matches. I tried to play Player, but no one was really playing that either. I'm thinking of jumping back to playing on Live, since the drops are less frequent and there seems to be more comp.

What sucks is that PSN has less players but better competition.

Live has MUCH MUCH MUCH more players, but...

All I see in G2 are

Seriously, I get a different character every 30 or so matches. It's very annoying, since they all play the same too and I can't improve with Viper against those morons. I still lose, mind you, because they are all characters that perform great under laggy conditions, but Viper? Ugh.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
The issue here are

PS3 is tourney standard

SRK folks really HATE the idea of netplay in many cases- as kaillera scarred many of them for life. (some exceptions)

The 360 has the larger install base.

This is why you see a higher percentage of scrubs on the 360. The number of good players is equal on both, and the experience is better on XBL to PSN, but there's a lot more people who aren't worth playing. Even G1 has a few.
just had a G2 championship match against a seth

we took a round each but the third one was heavily in his favor until he decided to chip the last sliver of life from close range with a sonic boom.
soulless on reaction for the win, god bless seth's health handicap. it must have done like 60%


_dementia said:
just had a G2 championship match against a seth
I found it weird that I got moved from G3-E to G3-D just based of GP. I wish it would keep you in the lower letters until you've actually won. I find I usually fight people in the B's or A's and such. Rather be matched with people of my caliber.
aka bottom of the barrel
GriffD17 said:
I found it weird that I got moved from G3-E to G3-D just based of GP. I wish it would keep you in the lower letters until you've actually won. I find I usually fight people in the B's or A's and such. Rather be matched with people of my caliber.
aka bottom of the barrel
don't worry, in G2 and G1 you don't get rewarded for losing
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