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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
oh man.

I recommend everyone try this

Ive been thinking of picking up bison as my secondary and fooling with him a little and last night I said 'screw it' and took my ~9000GP into championship that I earned with blanka and played about 6 matches in a row with bison.

wow. first match was with a 14000 chun. almost got her....

So much fun and I can sort of hang, however I run out of 'tricks' people get wise to my bisons small repotoire and just kill me 2nd and 3rd rounds.

Took some rounds and got a zangief right down to the wire, but no success yet.

It's great though and made me work ALOT harder than playing player matches etc. I'm gonna stick with bison now.

mental note, psycho crusher pretty much anytime and especially from across screen is noobish and gets me beat down.
Ryu and shotos in general can be pretty tough for my Chun (esp. the retarded run-away variety). But spamming Bison's head stomp shenanigans always seems to destroy most of them and don't know what to do :lol
BotoxAgent said:
Ryu and shotos in general can be pretty tough for my Chun (esp. the retarded run-away variety). But spamming Bison's head stomp shenanigans always seems to destroy most of them and don't know what to do :lol

I have a much harder time against Ryus than other shotos. I think on big reason is that they seem to use the LP shoryu moreso than other shotos which is so damn hard to punish with lag.
prodystopian said:
I have a much harder time against Ryus than other shotos. I think on big reason is that they seem to use the LP shoryu moreso than other shotos which is so damn hard to punish with lag.

same here. The hitbox on his jumping roundhouse is pretty insane, and Chun's normal AA suffers badly online. And I hate when they spam that lp dragonpunch because I try to jab or throw as punish but the second dp always end up tagging me, argh!!!


he's Virgin Tight™
Aaaah Chun vs. Ryu. It's one of the matchups I mostly enjoy. Just say on your toes. Chun and Ryu are well paired matchup-wise, they are even. If they Tatsumaki mid air just grab them. c.FK from Ryu is a free c.FK for Chun. Her f.FP also serves as anti air and can break down ground tatsumakis. Also, if a player whiffes a SRK, DON'T GRAB, it's better to just press b.MK, n.MK, Down -Up-MK. Takes around the same amount of damage, but also does Stun for added bonus down the road. Do this as they fall. If they are close to the corner you can Ultra them as well. Use Pokes, Hassan-Shou over hadokens, Ultra over hadokens, etc. It's a pretty fun matchup =).


Gas Guzzler
Kind of off topic, but I'm getting middling to meh performance on the SF4 PC benchmark.

I'm running:

Q6600 @2.4ghz
4GB RAM (Kingmax, kinda cheap stuff) DDR2, dunno latency
8800 GT 512MB

and I'm getting around 45 fps average with 1080p, 4xAA, 8xTexture filter, VSYNC on.

I've found even getting rid of AA and texture filter altogether, I'm still getting the same frame rates at 1080p.

Would upgrading my video card alone do it?

I want to play PC @1080p, otherwise it's not really an upgrade over the console version to me.
Relix said:
Aaaah Chun vs. Ryu. It's one of the matchups I mostly enjoy. Just say on your toes. Chun and Ryu are well paired matchup-wise, they are even. If they Tatsumaki mid air just grab them. c.FK from Ryu is a free c.FK for Chun. Her f.FP also serves as anti air and can break down ground tatsumakis. Also, if a player whiffes a SRK, DON'T GRAB, it's better to just press b.MK, n.MK, Down -Up-MK. Takes around the same amount of damage, but also does Stun for added bonus down the road. Do this as they fall. If they are close to the corner you can Ultra them as well. Use Pokes, Hassan-Shou over hadokens, Ultra over hadokens, etc. It's a pretty fun matchup =).

all good tips, thanks :)

I buffer the hassan shu motion a lot when I try to close the fireball gap. Cr. mp is my AA of choice for his jump ins...seems easier than st. mk.
Relix said:
If they Tatsumaki mid air just grab them.

c.FK from Ryu is a free c.FK for Chun.

Also, if a player whiffes a SRK, DON'T GRAB, it's better to just press b.MK, n.MK, Down -Up-MK.

You mean air throw?

I get pushed back too far a lot of times to retaliate.

Do you not find yourself getting blocked or hit by a 2nd lp shoryu with that? I usually punish with cr. fp xx mk SBK, but it seems to get blocked a lot due to lag.
I always try to keep within a hazanshu distance with Ryu or other shotos so when they throw a fireball, I can hazanshu them out of reaction.

Right now the hardcore 3rd strike players at our local arcade are moving on to SF4 and I've noticed a disturbing number of Abels pop up at the arcade! I still don't know how that match up works with Chun, really. His mixup game is really good, and those command grabs do a fuckton of damage.
catfish said:
oh man.

I recommend everyone try this

Ive been thinking of picking up bison as my secondary and fooling with him a little and last night I said 'screw it' and took my ~9000GP into championship that I earned with blanka and played about 6 matches in a row with bison.

wow. first match was with a 14000 chun. almost got her....

So much fun and I can sort of hang, however I run out of 'tricks' people get wise to my bisons small repotoire and just kill me 2nd and 3rd rounds.

Took some rounds and got a zangief right down to the wire, but no success yet.

It's great though and made me work ALOT harder than playing player matches etc. I'm gonna stick with bison now.

mental note, psycho crusher pretty much anytime and especially from across screen is noobish and gets me beat down.

Those be some advanced scrub tactics right there. High level player is all like "There's no way he's gonna do ANOTHER headstop after 3 in a row." And then you do it again. Kinda fun, but like you said, easy to run out of tricks.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Probably really disconnected as opposed to rage quit like you think he did.

Its round 1 and the life bars are almost identical..

No, no it was a "legit" :D ragequit ! The first match I realized instantly that he is a typical flowchart Ken and beat him easily.
The second match I took Dan - taunt, taunt, air taunt, crouch taunt, hilarious backdash and so on - and then he quit.
The Dan pose was luck - but very funny. :lol


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
karasu said:
yeah Dan's back dash is a thing of beauty. It alone caused me to fall in love with Capcom again.
His back throw too. I got hatemail for back throwing, like, 50 times over the course of two player matches :lol

Nose Master

karasu said:
yeah Dan's back dash is a thing of beauty. It alone caused me to fall in love with Capcom again.

It's so amazing to fire it off during someone's ultra windup. That pose, and he has tears streaming down his face :lol


he's Virgin Tight™
Pop On Arrival said:
I always try to keep within a hazanshu distance with Ryu or other shotos so when they throw a fireball, I can hazanshu them out of reaction.

Right now the hardcore 3rd strike players at our local arcade are moving on to SF4 and I've noticed a disturbing number of Abels pop up at the arcade! I still don't know how that match up works with Chun, really. His mixup game is really good, and those command grabs do a fuckton of damage.

Aaah... Abel. I used to say Chun had absolute advantage over him till a few days an Abel ripped me off to shreds. Dash away is great. Need to have a good mixup game against Abels and not fall for the Ultra shenanigans he has, including that elbow punch or going through fireballs.

prodystopian said:
You mean air throw?

I get pushed back too far a lot of times to retaliate.

Do you not find yourself getting blocked or hit by a 2nd lp shoryu with that? I usually punish with cr. fp xx mk SBK, but it seems to get blocked a lot due to lag.

To push on focus attack. If they jump over you you can dash under them and keep the pressure going, quite probably having them in the corner.

Even for a 2nd LP SRK they still have a few recovery frames to hit him. I've failed it every once in a while but it can be done as I am usually able to do it =P.


findmyfarms: is that chat you invited me into the sf4gaf one? if not, could you invite me in (assuming you are in already) next time you see me on? :D

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I fought a dude in G1 last night that had 14000 GP :lol

Anyway...I definitely need to step up my game. G1 is kicking my ass. I have the knowledge to beat most of the people I fight, I just don't yet have the execution :/


he's Virgin Tight™
FindMyFarms said:
The Japanese are just too good :(

Remember Pearl Harbor. Believe in J.Wong!!

Did you guys check out Flavor Chocolates channel for June 22? Wow, the Shiro vs. Tobo match was insane. The Abel pressure was enormous.

Evo or next year's Devastation is going to be off the chain (I think Devastation is on the come up with all of the sponsors, prize money and number of games they held tourneys for).
Spiderjericho said:
Remember Pearl Harbor. Believe in J.Wong!!

Did you guys check out Flavor Chocolates channel for June 22? Wow, the Shiro vs. Tobo match was insane. The Abel pressure was enormous.

Evo or next year's Devastation is going to be off the chain (I think Devastation is on the come up with all of the sponsors, prize money and number of games they held tourneys for).
do you have a link to the Shiro goodness?


Guys what are your tactics for dealing with Chunli's crossups? You know, the one where she does the rotating flip and then does multiple legs? I usually try to move forward so they can miss, then throw, or I move back to block it. But it seems like the jump is so fast that I can't react on time.


he's Virgin Tight™
ultim8p00 said:
Guys what are your tactics for dealing with Chunli's crossups? You know, the one where she does the rotating flip and then does multiple legs? I usually try to move forward so they can miss, then throw, or I move back to block it. But it seems like the jump is so fast that I can't react on time.

Block. You can try grabbing her after you block. Depends on the skill of the Chun player. I for one just do what you said... crossover.. EX SBK. Or just double jab. Or tick throw. Or just dash back to mix it up a bit.

I love my slut!! =)!


ultim8p00 said:
Guys what are your tactics for dealing with Chunli's crossups? You know, the one where she does the rotating flip and then does multiple legs? I usually try to move forward so they can miss, then throw, or I move back to block it. But it seems like the jump is so fast that I can't react on time.
how do u do her crossing kick? I play chun sometimes but never seem to know how to do it.
Maybe i should start doing some challenges :lol
ultim8p00 said:
Guys what are your tactics for dealing with Chunli's crossups? You know, the one where she does the rotating flip and then does multiple legs? I usually try to move forward so they can miss, then throw, or I move back to block it. But it seems like the jump is so fast that I can't react on time.

Who do you use?


Guys what are your tactics for dealing with Chunli's crossups? You know, the one where she does the rotating flip and then does multiple legs? I usually try to move forward so they can miss, then throw, or I move back to block it. But it seems like the jump is so fast that I can't react on time.

Dash in the other direction. Avoids ticks too.


good credit (by proxy)
gg's catfish. i'm chickeny dinner.

can someone remind me how to block blanka's ultra? I got hit twice with it when I thought I had blocked it correctly. I thought it was you block up and then down?
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