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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

YakiSOBA said:
doesnt balrog have a ex charge that goes through fireballs, if he's spamming fireballs you can catch him with that i think
I think what he's saying though is that he is getting caught by ultras.. Probably because he is doing any of his dash punches from a distance.. Should always do like jab dash punches and stay close and keep up with constant pressure with pokes and jabs and jump ins mixed in with HB's and punches.

The reaction time would have to be impeccable and then you wouldn't face too many issues with projectiles either since your EX will easily absorb first hit or TAP if they are really spammy.


TurtleSnatcher said:
Thats a sign that you are staying too far away while charging. You should always keep a good amount of pressure on any projectile user with Rog.

Yeah I kinda know, the main problem is not getting into this situation, but if a Sagat wants it its fucking hard to avoid. Its not like I can charge near him, when every Tiger shot just pushes you back 1/5 screen.
Rektash said:
Yeah I kinda know, the main problem is not getting into this situation, but if a Sagat wants it its fucking hard to avoid. Its not like I can charge near him, when every Tiger shot just pushes you back 1/5 screen.

Plenty of ways to get by it.

FADC and move forward.. Jump over them... TAP... EX dashes... Headbutts also go through.

Keep jumping in early when he's down.. try to get in before he wakes up and bait a tiger uppercut etc. Its a tough matchup I'm sure but everything is tough against Sagat :(


TurtleSnatcher said:
Plenty of ways to get by it.

FADC and move forward.. Jump over them... TAP... EX dashes... Headbutts also go through.

Keep jumping in early when he's down.. try to get in before he wakes up and bait a tiger uppercut etc. Its a tough matchup I'm sure but everything is tough against Sagat :(

I must stress that using TAP against a fireball is the best. You'll have three outcomes. One: If you're super is full, TAP into a cancel super. Does very good damage. Two: Grab. A good way to play mind games. Three: Your set up for c.lp, c.lp, c.lk, headbutt, Ultra. Boxer is chalked full of options all around. So glad I picked him up as my main.


CcrooK said:
I must stress that using TAP against a fireball is the best. You'll have three outcomes. One: If you're super is full, TAP into a cancel super. Does very good damage. Two: Grab. A good way to play mind games. Three: Your set up for c.lp, c.lp, c.lk, headbutt, Ultra. Boxer is chalked full of options all around. So glad I picked him up as my main.

I have to disagree on this one. I main Balrog too und Tap is a HORRIBLE idea when Sagat has Ultra and throws fireballs. He WILL recover in time and you ll eat the Ultra.
Nose Master said:
He has his strong points. You can pretty much hit anybody with his Ultra regularly, because no one realizes how awesome it is. I can't believe how often people try to fireball a knocked down Dan and eat it. And his knee is amazing. I can usually win just from mixing up his offense. I'd challenge you if you weren't on PSN :mad:

If you're playing against people that get hit by Dan's ultra because they try to fireball it then... :lol :lol That doesn't mean Dan's good, it means you're playing scrubs!! Dan's only saving graces are his knee (which on the ground is just a crappy TK), his crossup mk, and a decent SRK. Outside of that he's terrible. Though his alt costume is all sorts of win.

Kadey said:
PS3 version is like a ghost town. Not one damn match for hours.

That's what gafchat is for!

CcrooK said:
Buddy of mine showed me this vid of Gootecks giving 101 basics to Boxer.


The one thing that stood out to me what his button use. Is he keyboarding his attacks? Double tap?

Yup, Gootecks doubletaps everytime. Also, a few cool things that he missed were that you can also ultra someone off a TAP if it's an anti air, and also w/ an ex upper (anti air.) Lastly, a cool link that most people don't know about is st. fk -> cr. mp. It's a pretty tight one, I think 3-4 frames, but if you plink it, it shouldn't be too hard. It's useful because sometimes if your jump in isn't deep enough, the st. fk pushes them too far, and the cr. lk doesn't connect, whereas the cr. mp will always connect. Also if it's on block, cr. mp gives you more frame advantage.

Rektash said:
How to approach a Sagat who has ultra as Balrog? Seriously, IS there even a way? He can just turtle away with shots and you can do NOTHING. Any kind of dash/whatever punch? Ultra on reaction. When you are far away he just continous the Tiger shot barrage. Tap? Ultra on reaction. Headbutt? You get caught in Tiger shots and when too close -> Ultra on reaction.

Fucking FOTM Sagat shit.

Sagat s a bbbiiittttccchh for balrog. First thing you need to know is stay away from full screen anything unless you're damn near psychic. Any tap, ex, etc. you do HAS to be at midscreen, or else you can get punished on reaction. Unfortunately, w/ sagat's shots that means you won't be able to do those on reaction most of the time. Also remember that if you tap, and sagat blocks, you're SCREWED, because he can punish tap on block w/ tiger uppercut.

Next, and this obvious, don't jump in on Sagat lol! And if you DO, always use cr. rh, as it sometimes beats his st. rh, but if it doesn't, you'll get hit, and it never seems to trade, meaning no f. rh xx ultra. If you're playing a good Sagat, it'll really turn into a footsies battle. You'll need to have really good footsies to win. Things to know are st. lp and cr. mp both stuff sagat's st. rh. Rog's cr. rh is safe on block, and once you get in close, USE TEH JABZ!!! Seriously, DO IT. Also, keep in mind that if you hit crouching sagat w/ overhead, the only combo that works is cr. mp -> straight.

To win you'll need a lot of patience, and you'll have to play really safe.

MIMIC said:
Oh, and an all-I-do-is-do-the-air-fireball Akuma quit on me

Hey that's how I play w/ Akuma! :lol :lol or is it :( :(

The air fireball part that is, not the quitting(OR DO I)

Nose Master

FindMyFarms said:
If you're playing against people that get hit by Dan's ultra because they try to fireball it then... :lol :lol That doesn't mean Dan's good, it means you're playing scrubs!! Dan's only saving graces are his knee (which on the ground is just a crappy TK), his crossup mk, and a decent SRK. Outside of that he's terrible. Though his alt costume is all sorts of win.

I'm not trying to say he's a good character by any means, I know better than that. He's just competent. His knee is awesome for the double jump. I even get a decent amount of use out of his gadouken :X
FindMyFarms said:
That's what gafchat is for!

I don't know. Everytime I sign on, it's a ghost town. And searching for matches is indeed pointless (unlike Live). I'll say that hosting does open it up a lil bit.

I'm going to switch my network connection from wireless to CAT6 cable and see if it will help improve anything (I doubt it as Wireless is 54MB with the AP right in the next room while the cable is 100MB...almost double...but pointless once it hits the router).

I was listening to Alphaism radio. The fighting game community is weird. Like they're analyzing Justin's and Choi's game like they have it all figured out. But then how come they're not winning?


I believe there's a netcode issue with the PS3 where as the 360 the search works great. My way around it that I turn the arcade option on for player or Championship and games come flying in real quick. Especially now that I'm in G2, games have become much more interesting. It's not a ghost town. Just the search function is fucked for some reason.
Spiderjericho said:
I don't know. Everytime I sign on, it's a ghost town. And searching for matches is indeed pointless (unlike Live). I'll say that hosting does open it up a lil bit.

Yeah, it's been a lot slower lately, but I was on there for most of the weekend, and I'm on for an hour or two every night.

MoxManiac said:
FindMyFarms ragequit so often on me it broke my PS3!

Lawlz I gave u teh permaragequitz
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, it's been a lot slower lately, but I was on there for most of the weekend, and I'm on for an hour or two every night ducking GAFfers and playing DMC4.

Lawlz I gave u teh permaragequitz

Looks like I caught the permaragequitz from you too. I just need to replace the laser, though. I fixed that first part for you.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
sagat is just straight overpowered.

But the real dick is ROG. BLLAAAARGH.

Blanka is like, number 5 on the tier list. However, I think he never shows up in high level play because it's like a fucking fuck fuck 10/0 battle in rogs favour.

The only rogs I EVER win against are retards.I got nothing vs a rog NOTHING. he's a jabbing shitty monster and even an unblocked blanka ball that isn't ex eats a dash punch. I used to whine about guile, but guile you can shut down with slides and kill his SB game. Rog has all the tools to take blankas lunch money now and forever.

I've started learning bison to even stand a chance. Whos rogs worst match apart from Sagat? Sagat is cheat mode but I want to learn someone that beats on Rog.
MIMIC said:
I guess I'm back to playing Championship mode now. I figure all of the good players are in G1. I played a flowchart Ken that did a wake-up Ultra. I was Fuerte. Even if I didn't block it, it's impossible for Ken's Ultra to hit the splash.
Don't expect too much from G1. It certainly has good players, but even there they're being overshadowed by those who don't really know what they're doing and mainly grinded Grade Points.


MicVlaD said:
Don't expect too much from G1. It certainly has good players, but even there they're being overshadowed by those who don't really know what they're doing and mainly grinded Grade Points.

G1 is like learners permit time. G2 is when shit gets real.


CcrooK said:
G1 is like learners permit time. G2 is when shit gets real.
I believe you're thinking of G3. G1 comes after G2. I'm currently about 1300 points away from G1 and I'm not in the biggest rush to get there.
catfish said:
sagat is just straight overpowered.

But the real dick is ROG. BLLAAAARGH.

Blanka is like, number 5 on the tier list. However, I think he never shows up in high level play because it's like a fucking fuck fuck 10/0 battle in rogs favour.

The only rogs I EVER win against are retards.I got nothing vs a rog NOTHING. he's a jabbing shitty monster and even an unblocked blanka ball that isn't ex eats a dash punch. I used to whine about guile, but guile you can shut down with slides and kill his SB game. Rog has all the tools to take blankas lunch money now and forever.

I've started learning bison to even stand a chance. Whos rogs worst match apart from Sagat? Sagat is cheat mode but I want to learn someone that beats on Rog.

Honestly, all that "Blanka vs Rog is in favor of Rog" stuff is bs. You just have to turtle more than he does, and never do random balls.

TurtleSnatcher said:
Thats a sign that you are staying too far away while charging. You should always keep a good amount of pressure on any projectile user with Rog.
Except for Akuma. As Balrog, stay as far away from his ass as you can if he's the type that likes to play keepaway and throw hadoukens all day. You gotta make him approach you. Do this by focusing his fireballs, and by the time he realizes that he's been giving you meter for free, you have an ultra stocked and are a threat. (thanks javits for the wisdom you gave me)
LakeEarth said:
I believe you're thinking of G3. G1 comes after G2. I'm currently about 1300 points away from G1 and I'm not in the biggest rush to get there.
Yea you and I have been on the same pace lately LakeEarth. Slowly moving up.


Had some great battles with dfyb... :) He had a real good Gouken and Feurte for sure. I was going to use my Abel and Rufus, but we got disconnected. I should have recorded the match, but oh well. It was fun and close. :)
viewtiful_dru said:
Honestly, all that "Blanka vs Rog is in favor of Rog" stuff is bs. You just have to turtle more than he does, and never do random balls.

Except for Akuma. As Balrog, stay as far away from his ass as you can if he's the type that likes to play keepaway and throw hadoukens all day. You gotta make him approach you. Do this by focusing his fireballs, and by the time he realizes that he's been giving you meter for free, you have an ultra stocked and are a threat. (thanks javits for the wisdom you gave me)

I play both balrog and akuma, and in that matchup balrog has to chase the akuma. Any good akuma (not championship mode scrubs) will get at least 1 point of chip damage on you, and that's all they need to run away all day. Watch a top tier Akuma like Momochi and you'll see that all he does is run while looking for openings.


Ahhh, just beat a G2-A Ryu with my G2-E Gen. He took the first round, and the start of the second round started taunting. Damn it felt good to finish him off with the 3xK Ultra. :D


What's the best counter to a Rufus spamming dive kicks? It seems like I can't throw him out of it. And I get hit if I try normal moves. Using Honda, I can sometimes use butt slam or head butt to escape, but there's gotta be a way to punish. FA?


he's Virgin Tight™
Stantron said:
What's the best counter to a Rufus spamming dive kicks? It seems like I can't throw him out of it. And I get hit if I try normal moves. Using Honda, I can sometimes use butt slam or head butt to escape, but there's gotta be a way to punish. FA?

Dash away works, also FA... but Honda's dash is slow as hell so yeah.... Better off blocking or something. Or using one of Honda's many AA options.


~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
catfish said:
sagat is just straight overpowered.

But the real dick is ROG. BLLAAAARGH.

Blanka is like, number 5 on the tier list. However, I think he never shows up in high level play because it's like a fucking fuck fuck 10/0 battle in rogs favour.

The only rogs I EVER win against are retards.I got nothing vs a rog NOTHING. he's a jabbing shitty monster and even an unblocked blanka ball that isn't ex eats a dash punch. I used to whine about guile, but guile you can shut down with slides and kill his SB game. Rog has all the tools to take blankas lunch money now and forever.

I've started learning bison to even stand a chance. Whos rogs worst match apart from Sagat? Sagat is cheat mode but I want to learn someone that beats on Rog.

I have no sympathy for you Blanka animals :|


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Stantron said:
What's the best counter to a Rufus spamming dive kicks? It seems like I can't throw him out of it. And I get hit if I try normal moves. Using Honda, I can sometimes use butt slam or head butt to escape, but there's gotta be a way to punish. FA?

Depends on how responsible they are with their dive kicks, to be honest. If they're not able to do it low off the ground, you can backdash and Oicho them. If they're good enough to do low dive kicks/cross up dive kicks then the best thing to do really is to block and anticipate their next move.


Relix said:
Dash away works, also FA... but Honda's dash is slow as hell so yeah.... Better off blocking or something. Or using one of Honda's many AA options.

From one of the Udon Capcom books...


Oichi said:
Depends on how responsible they are with their dive kicks, to be honest. If they're not able to do it low off the ground, you can backdash and Oicho them. If they're good enough to do low dive kicks/cross up dive kicks then the best thing to do really is to block and anticipate their next move.
thx. I guess if I don't get crossed up, then lp.headbutt is my best option if I can pull it off. Seems like I'm locked too long in block stun to pull of FA. Otherwise, block -> whiff anticipated tech throw -> eat EX messiah kick. :(


Stantron said:
thx. I guess if I don't get crossed up, then lp.headbutt is my best option if I can pull it off. Seems like I'm locked too long in block stun to pull of FA. Otherwise, block -> whiff anticipated tech throw -> eat EX messiah kick. :(

My best friend. <3


I'm curious to know the reception of the game when it came out. I wasn't really around when it came out. Wonder how long it took the average person to say "fuck it" and stop playing it.
GriffD17 said:
I'm curious to know the reception of the game when it came out. I wasn't really around when it came out. Wonder how long it took the average person to say "fuck it" and stop playing it.

Were you a fetus in your mother's womb? Where were you when Indestructible hit the air waves?

The game had some steam when it was released. I think it sold a million its first month (dropped off heavy after that). You have to understand that you're getting in a little late, so of course you're going to get your butt kicked.

I didn't play online for the first two months I had the game (and started in April I want to say). I was frustrated because I was running across some really good opponents. I'm still not great by all means, as I don't have the time to invest in the game (unlike Findy).

But trust me, you'll start to fall for less things and win more often. If you want, I can play with you if you give me a time of day your available (the evening preferably). I'm on Live and PSN:



Yeah I understand I'm coming in a bit late. But considering I'm playing people with the same GP as me I just though I'd have better luck.
GriffD17 said:
Yeah I understand I'm coming in a bit late. But considering I'm playing people with the same GP as me I just though I'd have better luck.

Do you want to game some time? Let me know. Again, by no means am I a pro, but I'll try to throw you, mix up, etc to help you.
YUS, I just won my 2nd G2 Championship after 248 tries LOL. I played a turtling Rose in the finals. So I just returned the favor and turtled as well when I got a good lead. Strangely in the 2nd and final round he didn't try to retake the lead at all. I just spammed fireball and he kept spamming the reflect. It wasn't a satisfying win but I'll take it since wins are kind of scarce for me in G2.


I just started playing in the G2 stuff today and good god the competition is MUCH better. Won 3 Finals so far with my Honda so im happy, but god the fights are so much fun and so fierce. Wish I manned up long ago if I knew it was going to be this good.


I think one of the most amazing things about this game (and fighting games in general) is how strong your desire to win is. I'm a decent player; I'm in G2 with 4652 GP. I could have more if I played more, by far. Thing is, tonight I've been getting my ass WHOOPED. By people I know I could beat. And I got fed up of it, and decided I was going to actually pay a bit more attention. I haven't lost a match since. Man. It really is all (not really, but you get the point) in the mind, isn't it?

Edit - Straight for another championship win. Game face.


Dartastic said:
I think one of the most amazing things about this game (and fighting games in general) is how strong your desire to win is. I'm a decent player; I'm in G2 with 4652 GP. I could have more if I played more, by far. Thing is, tonight I've been getting my ass WHOOPED. By people I know I could beat. And I got fed up of it, and decided I was going to actually pay a bit more attention. I haven't lost a match since. Man. It really is all (not really, but you get the point) in the mind, isn't it?

I understand where you're coming from. I definitely have to get the basics down and a bit more to be able to "get my mind right". Question though. How important is it to get those combos down that you go through in trial mode. I have such a hard time with that stuff. Is smart play enough, or should I bank on trying to get those combos down pat? I can't even pull 'em off in training how am I supposed to pull it off in real gameplay?
GriffD17 said:
I understand where you're coming from. I definitely have to get the basics down and a bit more to be able to "get my mind right". Question though. How important is it to get those combos down that you go through in trial mode. I have such a hard time with that stuff. Is smart play enough, or should I bank on trying to get those combos down pat? I can't even pull 'em off in training how am I supposed to pull it off in real gameplay?

There are really only a couple that each character needs to know (Bread and Butters, or bnb's). Some of the trials are important ie a good majority of the normal ones, but some of the hard trials are some "stars align" type combos. That's not to say they're all useless, but it's about getting the basics down of each combo, and knowing how and when to link them. But if I think about it, I stick to about 3 or 4 combos per character I use, and get the rest of the damage by finding openings/countering their moves with my own.


GriffD17 said:
I understand where you're coming from. I definitely have to get the basics down and a bit more to be able to "get my mind right". Question though. How important is it to get those combos down that you go through in trial mode. I have such a hard time with that stuff. Is smart play enough, or should I bank on trying to get those combos down pat? I can't even pull 'em off in training how am I supposed to pull it off in real gameplay?

Those combos are borderline useless for me; I never use them. I use Ryu, and it's really all about my B&B (bread and butter, aka simple easy combos that do good damage and are reliable), and playing as smart as I can. I mean, you definitely want to know how to use SOME combos, but playing smart and knowing what situations you can and can't use certain attacks is way, WAY more useful. I mean, if you know Blanka is gonna come in with a EX Ball, you need to know NOT to try and shoot him down with a fireball, or that if you try to cross him up on wakeup you're probably gonna get electrified. Playing smart>the combos for sure. Granted, if you're playing a serious tourney player... you're pretty much hosed either way. :lol


Interesting. Well put.

As a fellow who avoided fighting games since the SNES days, are games like BlazBlue, KOF, and MvC2 a bit more noob friendly?
MVC2 is fun as hell. It can become a spam fest though and it moves insanely fast.

No idea on KOF, it's supposed to be much more offensive oriented and Blazblue is a dumbed down Guilty Gear (apparently) so it will still be hard to learn :lol I'll know for sure in a few days when I pick it up.
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