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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Oichi said:
Tier lists from Arcadia... put together by Umehara (Ryu match-up list) and Yoru yoru (overall list), so check it out. Unfortunately this time around there’s no real explanation for the overall list, because the entire article is dedicated to the match-up tier list put together by Daigo.

Overall Tier Rank
S Rank: Sagat
A Rank: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B Rank: M.Bison, Rufus, Balrog, C.Viper, E.Honda
C Rank: Abel, El Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun-li, Ken, Blanka
D Rank: Guile, Vega

Ryu Match-up tier
4:6 Disadvantage: Sagat
5:5 Neutral: M.Bison, Balrog, Dhalsim, El Fuerte, Blanka
6:4 Advantage: Akuma, Zangief, C.Viper, E.Honda, Abel, Chun-li, Ken, Guile, Vega, Rufus

I think Akuma is too high, but then again Momochi :lol

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Rektash said:
Any advise for my Balrog against Bison? I can t really grasp this matchup, I loose to him even more often than Sagat. His pokes seem better to me in this matchup due to his short speed which obviously has more range than Balrogs jab. His scissor kick makes zoning hard and his headstomp chips you away quite fast. To me it just seems that Bison has more tools to approach Balrog. Once knocked down his crossup/throw shenenigans generally do the rest. Yeah and i know what to do against a headstomp and DR but it doesn t help me one bit against a good Bison. Its not that I always loose but I find this matchup infinitly difficult for Balrog.

there's no plan for going against a good Bison, with any character.

edit: yea Akuma is way too high on that lis IMO


he's Virgin Tight™
Well... capcom definitely nerfed Chun a lot. Her health is a joke and the Ultra even more. She's quick and some attacks do great damage but....er... she's definitely not high tier :lol
GalacticAE said:
Not Balrog. Shoto matchup or whatever else. Money Match: 50 GAF bux.

You can't afford 50 GAF bux.

I wish Akuma's super rd did more damage, he has so many badass ways to set it up, but the damage output just doesn't justify stocking all that bar.


FindMyFarms said:
I wish Akuma's super rd did more damage, he has so many badass ways to set it up, but the damage output just doesn't justify stocking all that bar.
do tell...
also what ways to set up the regular RD? i usually wait for mistakes or try to launch em with some light hit.

i'm the worst at setting up people for ultras...can barely do any with sagat too!


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
Well well - if Daigo knows for sure that Ryu has an advantage over Abel, that means he has full confidence that he can beat Wong - so many people argued that he "could" have won against Daigo had he used Abel instead of Rufus - but look at Shiro's Abel that was posted a few pages back - that Abel is sicker than Wong's no doubt, and Shiro didn't even win that tournament...

EVO is going to be a blast.

And I definitely agree that Akuma is A rank - he can play keep away so good, can combo like a mad man when an opening is found, and has so many options both near and far that it's ridiculous - his health is well-deserved if you ask me... BUT you gotta be pretty damn good to put that potential to use of course...

Still glad to see Honda somewhat high, although my Honda (my second favorite) has dropped considerably since I moved to using the stick - I don't get to do Ochios as much as I used to, while all of my other mains - Balrog, Ryu, Blanka, El Fuerte & Bison - have risen big time...


good credit (by proxy)
I'm really getting sick of Zangief being able to SPD while still in the air from a jump. It happened like 10 times today/last night.

"Oh, I'm going to cr. mk into ex tatsu as he lands to create some space......oh, weird, I guess I'm not going to do that."

They should just write in his movelist next to spinning piledriver: "*can be done in midair".

Brilliant game design, assholes.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Level 8 Boss said:
Hahaha, whenever the words EX2 are mentioned, Catfish springs up to voice his opinions.

hah missed this but

they were my first sticks and I bought 2.... They seemed good to use being a stick newb, but wow. 1 crapped it an while I was arranging the return the other one crapped another button out.

If you search more than 10 seconds online you will see a lot of 'wtf a button stopped working' posts.

apparently one of the boards is under something, so button pressure cause it to bend or crack or seperate or some such. Avoid at all costs! SE + sanwa = :O
Skilotonn said:
Well well - if Daigo knows for sure that Ryu has an advantage over Abel, that means he has full confidence that he can beat Wong - so many people argued that he "could" have won against Daigo had he used Abel instead of Rufus - but look at Shiro's Abel that was posted a few pages back - that Abel is sicker than Wong's no doubt, and Shiro didn't even win that tournament...
IIRC, Justin Wong said he could have beaten Daigo with Balrog(Boxer), not Abel. Justin is also using Balrog at SBO, so that makes sense that he's confident with him. He hasn't been using Balrog at recent tourneys for some reason, but I've seen a video of him using Balrog online, and he's pretty beastly with him. Still, it's just talk of course. When/if Justin actually does play Daigo at EVO, then we'll really see if he can back up his talk, considering the rules will allow Justin to select any character he pleases.

On a side note, I watched Haunts' interview of Ryan a.k.a FilipinoChamp, who has one of the best Dhalsims on the West Coast. Ryan said he honestly thinks the Dhalsim/Rufus matchup is 8-2 in Rufus' favor. Interesting, considering how much Justin blamed the 6-4 matchup between Ryu and Rufus, despite him beating plenty of other Ryus in tournaments. Yet, he never acknowledged to even more lopsided advantage his Rufus had against Iyo's Dhalsim.


Well. Never knew Gen's KKK ultra could snatch Sagat out of his once he's initiated it. It was pretty damn awesome guessing that it could and winning a match where I was about to be chip-damaged to death. Dude was pissed.
Skilotonn said:
Well well - if Daigo knows for sure that Ryu has an advantage over Abel, that means he has full confidence that he can beat Wong - so many people argued that he "could" have won against Daigo had he used Abel instead of Rufus - but look at Shiro's Abel that was posted a few pages back - that Abel is sicker than Wong's no doubt, and Shiro didn't even win that tournament...

EVO is going to be a blast.


Abel is no Ryu counter, but it's a better matchup than Rufus.

I don't care who Wong uses. It's fucking Daigo. Daigo is a 8-2 matchup for every Street Fighter player in the world.
A question!

Does canceling matter in the early part of the combo as long as the last hit before a cancel is a link? (That sounds confusing :lol )

For example Boxer's BnB: c.lp xx c.lp ~ c.lk xx headbutt OR c.lp ~ c.lp ~ c.lk xx HB
I've been trying to do the latter one always but maybe the first one is easier if it works.
Justin's plan for Daigo's Ryu may work out, but he's in the land of a million scary Sagat's. Can he withstand wave after wave of top level Sagat players like Mago, RF, Ojisan Boy, Radiowave, and so on with his Rog? I hope man Japanese players come to Evo so we can get a sneak peak at how the best US players fare against some of Japan's best.


Rocky_Balboa said:
A question!

Does canceling matter in the early part of the combo as long as the last hit before a cancel is a link? (That sounds confusing :lol )

For example Boxer's BnB: c.lp xx c.lp ~ c.lk xx headbutt OR c.lp ~ c.lp ~ c.lk xx HB
I've been trying to do the latter one always but maybe the first one is easier if it works.

Doesn't matter at all, as long as the last hit before a special is a link.

Darkman M said:
Blanka C ranked?

Have you seen most japanese Blankas?

They play him totally different than americans do. Very slow, methodical, turtling.

A guy I play with on tuesday during SRK SF4 meetups here has an insane Blanka and he explained that the japanese don't really do rushdown with Blanka for some godforsaken reason, probably because all of his stuff can be easily punished hard by a lot of cast when you're playing against someone who has great execution (which is a bit more prevalent in Japan).

Rice-Eater said:
Justin's plan for Daigo's Ryu may work out, but he's in the land of a million scary Sagat's. Can he withstand wave after wave of top level Sagat players like Mago, RF, Ojisan Boy, Radiowave, and so on with his Rog? I hope man Japanese players come to Evo so we can get a sneak peak at how the best US players fare against some of Japan's best.

I highly doubt Justin can hold his own against Daigo's Ryu, even if he switches to Abel or Rog. Seriously... There's a good reason Sagat is god tier, and even though Rog has a lot of anti-shoto tools I don't think it'll be enough. He's great, and I think the best player in the west right now, but Daigo's not even #1 in SF4 and look at what happened...

Arpharmd B said:
Abel is no Ryu counter, but it's a better matchup than Rufus.

I don't care who Wong uses. It's fucking Daigo. Daigo is a 8-2 matchup for every Street Fighter player in the world.

Abel IS a shoto counter.

Let's see.

Fireball zoning? Roll, and 100% dead once Abel has Ultra (you can do Abel's Ultra on reaction against fireballs from at least half the screen). In this scenario Ryu has to run in, which is NEVER a good thing for him, especially against an Abel who has EX CoD that'll absorb everything Ryu can throw at him.

Wakeup? EX Roll if there's a problem.

Jab SRK -> Ultra? Abel has no need to jump in as he has other methods of going in.

The only thing Ryu has over Abel, IMO, is that Abel has no reliable anti-air so surprise jump-ins are an annoyance.
FindMyFarms said:
I play both balrog and akuma, and in that matchup balrog has to chase the akuma. Any good akuma (not championship mode scrubs) will get at least 1 point of chip damage on you, and that's all they need to run away all day. Watch a top tier Akuma like Momochi and you'll see that all he does is run while looking for openings.
I can't talk about championship mode, since I don't play it, but from my experience in the arcade, each time I would try to chase a runaway Akuma, I'd lose. Unfortuately, I don't live anywhere close to Japan, and nobody here is as good as Momochi, but there are still skilled players around, and that's how I (and others) choose to deal with that type of Akuma.
It's sad that Chun isn't climbing the tier charts - I hoped in a few months she would climb, but she seems to be stuck at average. At least it gives her a fighting chance, but any good Ryu isn't going to have to work as hard for the victory.

Oh well, she's still fun. I have a hard time learning anyone else cause 70+hours of playing her.. well, that's a tough habit to break.
TimeKillr said:
I highly doubt Justin can hold his own against Daigo's Ryu, even if he switches to Abel or Rog. Seriously... There's a good reason Sagat is god tier, and even though Rog has a lot of anti-shoto tools I don't think it'll be enough. He's great, and I think the best player in the west right now, but Daigo's not even #1 in SF4 and look at what happened...

That's the thing about Japan, there are like 100 Daigo's out there. Although I still consider him to be the best because he's won numerous tournaments lately and has the highest win percentage of anybody in the top 10 or so, but it's still anybody's game over there. The US on the other hand, Justin has been dominating the scene with an iron fist.

As for SBO, I don't think anybody is allowed to switch characters, so no counterpicking for Justin. Which is too bad because I honestly think he put himself at a disadvantage by playing as Rog for SBO. Justin has a better Rufus then Marn so I think that's the route they should have taken.


I was practicing my Rufus and got to G1-E! Yay, time to lose GP!

Tonight I ran into Relix who had a very nice Chun, and Haunts who raped with his Sagat. Once I saw him I turned on my mic to say "I'm fucked!" I wouldn't have a chance of winning with my best characters, let alone my new-ish Rufus. It wasn't pretty.
Lucky you Lake. I'm still at like 3,000 GP cuz I hardly play. It just seems like such a grind fest. That's probably one of the things that has me a little down on the PC version.

I'm sad to hear it is yaar'd already.

I have to say after playing KOF and hearing the horror stories about Garou. SFIV's online play is pretty solid. Even with a lil lag, it's playable.

And peeps act like Daigo isn't good. Even in Japan, he's one of the best players. His BP is 3rd. And he hardly loses a match (statistically speaking). If Mago, Iyo and Daigo come, they'll probably get top three at Evo. SBO is anyone's game, but I doubt the Valle/Combofiend or Wong/Marn team are going to beat that country of androids. But I'll still be cheering them on.


LakeEarth said:
I was practicing my Rufus and got to G1-E! Yay, time to lose GP!

Tonight I ran into Relix who had a very nice Chun, and Haunts who raped with his Sagat. Once I saw him I turned on my mic to say "I'm fucked!" I wouldn't have a chance of winning with my best characters, let alone my new-ish Rufus. It wasn't pretty.

I saw your name when I was looking for Championship fights but I dont think I would have put up much of a challenge :lol


Felium Defensor
I think that win ratio is above overall arcade points in Japan. Daigo has the highest win ratio out of all the Japanese players in the top 10 arcade standings I believe. You'd have to be a fool not to count him as one of the top 3 sf4 players in the world.
Bahhhhh!!! We had another tournament here in Dallas that FindMyFarms and myself competed in. Same place hosted as the one that FMF won 2 weeks ago.

Anyways.. This is how it ended..

1st - Buktooth - El Fuerte/Ryu
2nd - FindMyFarms - Boxer/Sagat
3rd - Andrew - Rufus (You guys wont know him)
4th - Some Pad Blanka
T-5th - vietnamazing - Cammy
T-5th - TurtleSnatcher - El Fuerte
then.. blah blah..

About 15-20 people were in the tournament..

I did okay.. That Blanka pad player beat me.. Elf vs Blanka is tricky and I was using stick which isnt my norm unfortunately =[

Also I always have to fight Buktooth.. ALWAYS.. I hate mirrors.. He knocked me into losers like he did 2 weeks ago..

Videos will be up in a few days.. someone else recorded because I was in such a rush to get there because I got stuck in the office
Oichi said:
No, there isn't. Trust me.

I was exaggerating, but I guess not enough to make it obvious. Maybe "dozen" sounds a little better. I'm not saying there is a world of difference, but I think Japan is still slightly ahead. If the big name Japanese players(and hopefully Korea's Poongko as well), then that should answer a lot of questions about who has the best players right now.

It's also fun to watch SF4 vids from around the world. Hopefully the Euro champ Ryan Hart comes or even someone like Peihoon(Singapore's best).


good credit (by proxy)
some dude beat me in a g2 final and messaged me to gloat. He kept saying I was turtling and spamming even though he picked seth, ran away, and used like 5 moves total. I don't know the Seth matchup because I've played him online maybe 20 matches out of over 2,000. He probably threw more sonic booms than I threw fireballs. He threw around the word "fag" liberally, too, so I knew he was a super douchebag. Anyways, we messaged back and forth, and finally i got him to agree to a first to 5 match to see who was the ultimate street fighter champion.

I beat him 2 matches with him playing Seth, without him winning a round.
Then I he picked Abel and I beat him without losing a round.
Then he picked Akuma and I beat him without winning a round.
in the 5th match he picked Seth again I won the first round, he took the second by an inch of his life (I would have won if my ultra came out instead of an ex dp near the end of the match), and then i almost perfected him the 3rd round.

Then I messaged him "gg. now we're even." and he messaged this SUPER long pile of bullshit with bigotted epithets that took him about 10 minutes to type out on the controller, claiming that I didn't play the game right, I was a turtler, I spammed, I don't have "real" skill, blah blah blah. I told him I'd play him in a first to 5 any time he wants. Then minutes later I got YET ANOTHER long ass message with more of the same crap. I simply responded with: "hahahaha cry more."

He stopped messaging me. It felt awesome.


Yay, I have some offline videos. From San Diego's ranbats:

Losers bracket, top 8: Yeb vs. Nemo
Losers bracket, top 5: Yeb vs. AlexMan
Losers semi-finals: Yeb vs. FrankFresh
Losers finals: Yeb vs. neREMIXED

I ended up losing to Ken I in the second round of the tourney, and then again in the losers finals (to the guy who lost to Ken I twice.) In the previous two ranbats I took 5th, losing to AlexMan in the same spot each time.

Something unusual happened at the tourney too. While we had some downtime as the recording was getting set up, the most random person dropped in to say hi:
Justin Wong

Edit: I should probably include a disclaimer that the sound gets really out of sync in some videos.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Timedog said:
some dude beat me in a g2 final and messaged me to gloat. He kept saying I was turtling and spamming even though he picked seth, ran away, and used like 5 moves total. I don't know the Seth matchup because I've played him online maybe 20 matches out of over 2,000. He probably threw more sonic booms than I threw fireballs. He threw around the word "fag" liberally, too, so I knew he was a super douchebag. Anyways, we messaged back and forth, and finally i got him to agree to a first to 5 match to see who was the ultimate street fighter champion.

I beat him 2 matches with him playing Seth, without him winning a round.
Then I he picked Abel and I beat him without losing a round.
Then he picked Akuma and I beat him without winning a round.
in the 5th match he picked Seth again I won the first round, he took the second by an inch of his life (I would have won if my ultra came out instead of an ex dp near the end of the match), and then i almost perfected him the 3rd round.

Then I messaged him "gg. now we're even." and he messaged this SUPER long pile of bullshit with bigotted epithets that took him about 10 minutes to type out on the controller, claiming that I didn't play the game right, I was a turtler, I spammed, I don't have "real" skill, blah blah blah. I told him I'd play him in a first to 5 any time he wants. Then minutes later I got YET ANOTHER long ass message with more of the same crap. I simply responded with: "hahahaha cry more."

He stopped messaging me. It felt awesome.

I bet you were blocking, weren't you? Only fucking pussies block. :mad:


good credit (by proxy)
McBradders said:
I bet you were blocking, weren't you? Only fucking pussies block. :mad:

Actually, when I lost in the finals it was because I wasn't blocking. I don't really have any strategies against Seth. Luckily he did the same 5 moves over and over and did random ultras, so after my defeat, demolishing him was a cakewalk.

He seemed like he was "better" with the other characters he picked, I think I just suck against Seth.

His screen name was madball999. I think that means he likes rockabilly.


good credit (by proxy)
Saqs won't player match me cause he's chicken.

We need to make this thread more interesting. I'm thinking money matches. money matches for microsoft points or game codes. I don't even give a fuck if I lose a bunch of money losing every match, but lets make this shit interesting. VIDEOTAPED GAF money matches, or a money match tournament or something!

I need more homegrown GAF style street fighter drama!


yeb said:
Yay, I have some offline videos. From San Diego's ranbats:

Losers bracket, top 8: Yeb vs. Nemo
Losers bracket, top 5: Yeb vs. AlexMan
Losers semi-finals: Yeb vs. FrankFresh
Losers finals: Yeb vs. neREMIXED
That was some really great Gen stuff. Those 18, 19 hit combos based off MK -> Hands were amazing.

I've tried that MK -> Hands, my hands just can't perform that fast. I liked the cross up stuff with the wall jump too, I have to try to work that in.
Relix said:
I am tending to look down on Sagats these days... really... takes no skll to steal a win with him =P

The good turtle runaway Sagat's are so frustrating, but sometimes they're a fun challenge. It's just funny how they have this "stay the fuck away from me you monster" attitude. I mean I've been in matches where I'm taking a beating to close the distance, once I get in and maybe land a few hits I'll get knocked down again. I'm almost dead, but instead of finishing me the Sagat player makes sure to jump back to the very end of the screen so he can repeat the tiger game. Man sometimes I wish we played on 1:1 aspect ratio TV's.
Relix said:
I am tending to look down on Sagats these days... really... takes no skll to steal a win with him =P
fun getting victories though
defeating sagats with ~3x my GP is pretty satisfying
but yeah they're probably grind-happy scrubs
TurtleSnatcher said:
Anyways.. This is how it ended..

1st - Buktooth - El Fuerte/Ryu
2nd - FindMyFarms - Boxer/Sagat
3rd - Andrew - Rufus (You guys wont know him)
4th - Some Pad Blanka
T-5th - vietnamazing - Cammy
T-5th - TurtleSnatcher - El Fuerte
then.. blah blah..

Congrats Farms and TS. What was the matchup in the final (you have two chars listed for the top two so I'm wondering who they took for that match)?
Relix said:
I am tending to look down on Sagats these days... really... takes no skll to steal a win with him =P


I'd ditch Chun in a heartbeat if I feel that my Sagat skill surpassed my Chun skill. Or would I? I've been grinding my Chun li games lately on PS3 because I noticed that I've almost used Sagat as much as Chun. :lol


Rice-Eater said:
The good turtle runaway Sagat's are so frustrating, but sometimes they're a fun challenge. It's just funny how they have this "stay the fuck away from me you monster" attitude. I mean I've been in matches where I'm taking a beating to close the distance, once I get in and maybe land a few hits I'll get knocked down again. I'm almost dead, but instead of finishing me the Sagat player makes sure to jump back to the very end of the screen so he can repeat the tiger game. Man sometimes I wish we played on 1:1 aspect ratio TV's.

Widescreen is but one of the problems SF4 has. :)

Hopefully they'll fix them in their first revision. I love the game, but it's much too defensive as it is right now.

I seriously think it's a conscious decision by Capcom to make the game much more defensive. I'll go more in depth once I'm home but I'm convinced it's a voluntary design decision.
I already asked in the buy/sell/trade thread, but does anyone have an unused brawler pack costume code (XBL) from the LE? I can trade a 48-hour gold code or a golden hammerburst code (Gears2).
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