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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
GriffD17 said:
I have a strong desire to find Capcom's main offices and stare down the individual who decided to make Seth such a cuntrag in very easy mode.

Just spam HK. When I was trying to unlock all the characters I had a hard time beating him with certain characters, until I realized the magic of just spamming HK in his face over and over again for everyone.


Adam Prime said:
Just spam HK. When I was trying to unlock all the characters I had a hard time beating him with certain characters, until I realized the magic of just spamming HK in his face over and over again for everyone.
That's what I did when I went through all the characters on very easy mode to see their movies.


I'm trying as able right now. I can try that technique. People have mentioned to jumped in head kick then sweep. He just does that jumping uppercut.

Had better luck. Still lost.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
GriffD17 said:
I'm trying as able right now. I can try that technique. People have mentioned to jumped in head kick then sweep. He just does that jumping uppercut.

Had better luck. Still lost.

:lol for some reason when I was going through unlocking characters I COULD NOT win with Chun-Li. It made no sense... I was rolling through with every character and Seth would just completely shut me down for like 10 straight matches. I finally got him, it was ridiculous though and I remember just being like "WTF VERY EASY MODE?! FUCK YOU SETH!". But mostly "Fuck you Capcom, just let me play as whatever characters I want! Make me unlock something else like costumes instead of having to purchase them!"

Anyways yeah. Maybe you just need a small break. Go make yourself a sandwich and go back to it in a few minutes.


Keep at it. Eventually you will see holes that Seth always leaves (completely punishable on blocked 18-hit kick, he repeats his Dhalsim punch so that the second time you can hit him hard), and you'll start seeing patterns. Mix that with knowing how to land the ultra of your character and beating him should get much easier.


Ha. Got Fei Long. Pretty darn excited. Fails to complete the first move in the second trial. Pppf.

In other news, I've spent some time
a good portion of my weekend
watching this fellow on Justin.tv playing Championship mode. He's playing with a fightpad and as Gen. I believe he's 27 on the PSN leaderboard. The quality of the video isn't very good, but damn it's fun to watch.
LakeEarth said:
So few people can get it out the first time online that you forget to worry about it.

Not only that, but when you fight an Akuma that actually knows how to use it, it makes you think twice about whether certain moves will recover in time or not. Screw you Findmyfarms :D:lol

It does make fighting Akuma different from Ryu though, and it is really fun to fight good or better Akuma's. He's got insane mixups, and his dive kick recovers so damn fast.


I kinda suck at avoiding those things. Either I mistime my jump or fail miserably trying to fierce punch him out of it.

Twice I've been hit with Akuma's super and ultra in the same round. :lol


Felium Defensor
Killa Sasa said:
Raging Demons are a bitch.

That is all.
I freaking LOVE the Raging Demon when playing against an Akuma. I always try to bait them and EX Tiger uppercut the living daylights out of em.
DIRTY-D said:
OK...I haven't posted in a while...but damn, I had to post this amazing set-up Asiangrafx posted on SRK. This guy hooked himself up with a Blaze Blue Vewlix Cab and hacked it for both arcade games and with the Xbox360 for some serious game action.

I am so jealous of this guy right now..........too freaking good:D


In other news....I modded my TE sticks with some rubber plumbing washers and a foam block for some silent game night sessions to keep the wife at bay. :lol

LakeEarth said:
So few people can get it out the first time online that you forget to worry about it.

They're just not mashing hard enough.

Killa Sasa said:
Not only that, but when you fight an Akuma that actually knows how to use it, it makes you think twice about whether certain moves will recover in time or not. Screw you Findmyfarms :D:lol

LOL Too many matches that I had no business winning, but won anyways thanks to RD lol. GG's
screw u too!

Also GG's to Lyte Edge, finally got some matches in outside of the tourney. Your Dan is superior to mine T_T I promise to learn English one day.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Played some matches against FindMyFarms! He got me good as expected, but I managed to get some wins in there, with the final tally being 6-18!



Your English is great dude! The mic I was using suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. And WTF IS UP WITH ALL THE WORD CENSORING IN CHAT ROOMS, SONY? :mad: Did I really see "Akuma" get censored? :lol
TurtleSnatcher said:
Adnan is good in SF4 =[

Someone nerf him.

But I'm jobless, I need an IRL buff.

If anything needs to be nerfed, it's my dirty immigrant accent. I learned bad habits on my boat ride here and now no one can understand me.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
FindMyFarms said:
But I'm jobless, I need an IRL buff.

If anything needs to be nerfed, it's my dirty immigrant accent. I learned bad habits on my boat ride here and now no one can understand me.

I was an English teacher and my wife is Japanese (taking ESL classes now), I can help IF YOU GETS TEH MIC
Lyte Edge said:
I was an English teacher and my wife is Japanese (taking ESL classes now), I can help IF YOU GETS TEH MIC

ARIGATO!! I will learn this "English" even if it kills me!! Can I mash teh cr. jabz in english?


Does anyone notice lower quality players when you get to the G2 final? Sometimes I feel like the guy who made it to the finals gave the controller to his little brother or something. The majority of the time, I only time I get outclassed is by someone in the first or second rounds.
LakeEarth said:
Does anyone notice lower quality players when you get to the G2 final? Sometimes I feel like the guy who made it to the finals gave the controller to his little brother or something. The majority of the time, I only time I get outclassed is by someone in the first or second rounds.

Can't say I notice that.

On a side note, I started doing championship mode last week. Thank's to abusing Sagat's broken cheesiness, I'm now at 6k lol

Nose Master

LakeEarth said:
Does anyone notice lower quality players when you get to the G2 final? Sometimes I feel like the guy who made it to the finals gave the controller to his little brother or something. The majority of the time, I only time I get outclassed is by someone in the first or second rounds.

I usually get a blanka and fail miserably or just put down the controller. There is literally no fucking offense against blanka as dan. I can just spam fireballs or jabs, and that's boring :(. I can't fucking approach without getting destroyed.
Nose Master said:
I have like 8k GP and about 6k of that is probably from my Dan :lol I like 'im.

Trust me, that's not saying anything about Dan. Homeboy's wacccckkkkk. Don't get me wrong, he's cool and all, but damn if he sucks.

TurtleSnatcher said:
I think I may learn Sagat.. He just seems so easy.

He has a bit of a learning curve, but once you get it down, he's a lot easier than learning Fuerte, that's for sure lol.

Nose Master

FindMyFarms said:
Trust me, that's not saying anything about Dan. Homeboy's wacccckkkkk. Don't get me wrong, he's cool and all, but damn if he sucks.

He has his strong points. You can pretty much hit anybody with his Ultra regularly, because no one realizes how awesome it is. I can't believe how often people try to fireball a knocked down Dan and eat it. And his knee is amazing. I can usually win just from mixing up his offense. I'd challenge you if you weren't on PSN :mad:

PS: I'd post my stats to prove that 8k isnt from like, 500 hours of gametime, but I'm lazy, and I play locally with my room mate quite a bit :p

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Bow to Dan for he is amazing

Kadey said:
PS3 version is like a ghost town. Not one damn match for hours.

Are you actively searching for matches/hosting? Forget that and set the game to let people challenge you when playing arcade mode. Should get people to play within seconds.


Alright. Sorry for the dumb question but my google search is not bringing up that great of information.

It has to do with CP and GP. Right now I get +1 in GP no matter what. If I do make it to a second round I see I get some CP. Now, I've never made it past the second round and the CP goes away. If I finish a tournament and win will I gain more GP than just 1 per match and do I get to keep the CP?
Kadey said:
PS3 version is like a ghost town. Not one damn match for hours.

You are exaggerating right? I know it can be trouble finding a match sometimes, but if you keep searching you should be able to find one within a few minutes. I think most players are doing what you're doing and searching for matches instead of hosting. Try hosting instead, they should come flooding in one after another without too long of a wait.
GriffD17 said:
Alright. Sorry for the dumb question but my google search is not bringing up that great of information.

It has to do with CP and GP. Right now I get +1 in GP no matter what. If I do make it to a second round I see I get some CP. Now, I've never made it past the second round and the CP goes away. If I finish a tournament and win will I gain more GP than just 1 per match and do I get to keep the CP?
CP disappears at the end of the tournament


Mrs. Harvey
Rice-Eater said:
You are exaggerating right? I know it can be trouble finding a match sometimes, but if you keep searching you should be able to find one within a few minutes. I think most players are doing what you're doing and searching for matches instead of hosting. Try hosting instead, they should come flooding in one after another without too long of a wait.

That could be it. Whether player, ranked or Championship, no one is appearing.


Kadey said:
That could be it. Whether player, ranked or Championship, no one is appearing.
For what it's worth I had Justin.tv on, the guy was playing on PS3. In Championship there were usually at least 2 matches open.


I guess I'm back to playing Championship mode now. I figure all of the good players are in G1. I played a flowchart Ken that did a wake-up Ultra. I was Fuerte. Even if I didn't block it, it's impossible for Ken's Ultra to hit the splash.

But get this....he beat me anyway. :( :lol

Most of the people I play in Player matches are tougher than the opponents I fight in championship. I'm still in G2, though.

Oh, and an all-I-do-is-do-the-air-fireball Akuma quit on me. I was just about to perfect that bitch.

I beat a Gen that was G2-A. He was OK...but I definitely would have figured that G2-A Gens are nightmares. The only real trouble he have me was the back-to-back Super/Ultra move.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
GriffD17 said:
Alright. Sorry for the dumb question but my google search is not bringing up that great of information.

It has to do with CP and GP. Right now I get +1 in GP no matter what. If I do make it to a second round I see I get some CP. Now, I've never made it past the second round and the CP goes away. If I finish a tournament and win will I gain more GP than just 1 per match and do I get to keep the CP?
CP is 'your fight moneeey'

It's your 'score' for the championship. The higher ranked player you beat, the more CP you get, it is the other persons GP + whatever CP they already gained in the championship.

The more CP you get the better chance you have of getting a replay uploaded (only the top 5000 people get an upload, not sure of the time limit for this though)

CP at the end also affects your amount of GP gained I believe but not sure by how much.

currently hating: Fuerte and Guile. Fuerte is just to rare then when you face a good one it's just CONFUSING. Guile is a straight up dick. It's apparently a 5/5 for blanka, but I don't see how :(


Anybody on xbox live having laggy matches with people that have 3 bars. Sometimes its fine playing someone with
2 bars like it used to be but lately i cant get any games at all. I was on yesterday for 30 mins and only got 1 game.

Anyway im looking to play with some people from the GAF.


rank: G2-A


Probably been said before, but I will say it again...why cant random select:

Select not only a random character but a random color and costume?

So lame as my friends and I only use random to fight and we never get to see the costumes we paid for nor the colors we unlocked.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Level 8 Boss said:
Balrog is an absolute beast in this game. Anti-shoto bastard.

If there are any 'teaches to play' on Ryu, Ken, Abel or Rufus I'd def be interested.

May have to pick up Balrog in the future.

Balrog vs Abel is THE BEST match-up in this game, no Stupid adventages over each other.

I learned Abel stuff by painful early losing experiences and watching Shiro:lol
TagZ said:
Anybody on xbox live having laggy matches with people that have 3 bars. Sometimes its fine playing someone with
2 bars like it used to be but lately i cant get any games at all. I was on yesterday for 30 mins and only got 1 game.

Anyway im looking to play with some people from the GAF.


rank: G2-A

I only play people with 4 and 5 bars. 3 bars is pushing it, still too laggy for my tastes. 2 and under hell nah.


How to approach a Sagat who has ultra as Balrog? Seriously, IS there even a way? He can just turtle away with shots and you can do NOTHING. Any kind of dash/whatever punch? Ultra on reaction. When you are far away he just continous the Tiger shot barrage. Tap? Ultra on reaction. Headbutt? You get caught in Tiger shots and when too close -> Ultra on reaction.

Fucking FOTM Sagat shit.
Rektash said:
How to approach a Sagat who has ultra as Balrog? Seriously, IS there even a way? He can just turtle away with shots and you can do NOTHING. Any kind of dash/whatever punch? Ultra on reaction. When you are far away he just continous the Tiger shot barrage. Tap? Ultra on reaction. Headbutt? You get caught in Tiger shots and when too close -> Ultra on reaction.

Fucking FOTM Sagat shit.
Thats a sign that you are staying too far away while charging. You should always keep a good amount of pressure on any projectile user with Rog.
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