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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

GriffD17 said:
Interesting. Well put.

As a fellow who avoided fighting games since the SNES days, are games like BlazBlue, KOF, and MvC2 a bit more noob friendly?
BlazBlue and KOF games are harder then SF games I personally think.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
viewtiful_dru said:
Honestly, all that "Blanka vs Rog is in favor of Rog" stuff is bs. You just have to turtle more than he does, and never do random balls.

disagree. Blankas bad matches (4/6) are all


Of all of those (apart from sagat, who is a freak) Rog is the hardest one by a LONGSHOT
Turtling is certainly a good approach, but the speed of his jabs means any chance to attack is just shutdown almost completely. Best I can figure is to try to get close for the crossups and never screw up your crossup distance.

I'm still figuring out why exactly Abel is a bad match, except when he's got ultra then balls are a no-no.


catfish said:
I'm still figuring out why exactly Abel is a bad match, except when he's got ultra then balls are a no-no.
As an Abel main I can't figure out for the life of me why this is either. Because Blanka is out-and-out my absolute worst matchup. I can't seem to do a damn thing against him. Crossup=electricity. Dash=ball. Jump=ball. Meaty on wakeup=electricity or ball. Ball=almost unpunishable. Can't zone him, can't outprioritise him, can't poke him, and for some reason I feel like its harder to do combos on him. But that might be from my Blankaphobia :(

Scrap that, Blanka is my most feared matchup with any character. I just don't know what to do.

Deleted member 1235

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unreon said:
As an Abel main I can't figure out for the life of me why this is either. Because Blanka is out-and-out my absolute worst matchup. I can't seem to do a damn thing against him. Crossup=electricity. Dash=ball. Jump=ball. Meaty on wakeup=electricity or ball. Ball=almost unpunishable. Can't zone him, can't outprioritise him, can't poke him, and for some reason I feel like its harder to do combos on him. But that might be from my Blankaphobia :(

Scrap that, Blanka is my most feared matchup with any character. I just don't know what to do.

well when you have ultra it's free ultra on blocked ball.

Abel screws me with roll shenanigans. Not really sure, Abel I don't find too bad a match up for me except the odd abel freak who just trashes me so bad I can't remember what happened.

I'm in euroland on xbox, probably doesn't suit for you but if you want some blanka practice add GT: armedcatfish and I'll be happy to throw blanka balls at you all day.


you are playing against blanka wrong

you don't cross up blanka, you punish blanka when he makes a stupid move.

well timed j.mk stuffs electricity as well

if you play patiently, you will beat a blanka 9/10
unreon said:
As an Abel main I can't figure out for the life of me why this is either. Because Blanka is out-and-out my absolute worst matchup. I can't seem to do a damn thing against him. Crossup=electricity. Dash=ball. Jump=ball. Meaty on wakeup=electricity or ball. Ball=almost unpunishable. Can't zone him, can't outprioritise him, can't poke him, and for some reason I feel like its harder to do combos on him. But that might be from my Blankaphobia :(

Scrap that, Blanka is my most feared matchup with any character. I just don't know what to do.
The Jab version of Heartless/Happy Birthday! wins against Blanka's Ultra. That works for me since I'm a dirty meter hoarder (though, I really shouldn't play Abel that way). Jab him out horizontal balls, watch for jab ball whiff -> grab shenanigans (non-EX TT will beat every standard throw). Wheel kick can beat or trade with electricity, but it's risky. Punish blocked balls with Ultra if you have it.


catfish said:
I'm in euroland on xbox, probably doesn't suit for you but if you want some blanka practice add GT: armedcatfish and I'll be happy to throw blanka balls at you all day.
Sadly I'm a Ausgaf on PSN :( If anyone nearby wants to have a game add unreon_

Thanks for the replies. I'm just used to a complete rushdown game with Abel and Blanka just seems to shrug it off :/ Alot of his moves seem almost 100% safe (without ultra) :( Need better eyes maybe ._.
unreon said:
Sadly I'm a Ausgaf on PSN :( If anyone nearby wants to have a game add unreon_

Thanks for the replies. I'm just used to a complete rushdown game with Abel and Blanka just seems to shrug it off :/ Alot of his moves seem almost 100% safe (without ultra) :( Need better eyes maybe ._.
If anything, enter training mode, choose Blanka as the training dummy and record a repertoire of his moves you have trouble with. Play it back and figure out ways around them.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
unreon said:
Sadly I'm a Ausgaf on PSN :( If anyone nearby wants to have a game add unreon_

Thanks for the replies. I'm just used to a complete rushdown game with Abel and Blanka just seems to shrug it off :/ Alot of his moves seem almost 100% safe (without ultra) :( Need better eyes maybe ._.

don't cross blanka up... it's usually free electricity for him. balls are pretty safe in most cases but he gets horribly beatdown for using them at the wrong time, like vs akuma/abel/ryu/chun(maybe) if they block a ball it's free ultra.


catfish said:
disagree. Blankas bad matches (4/6) are all


Of all of those (apart from sagat, who is a freak) Rog is the hardest one by a LONGSHOT
Turtling is certainly a good approach, but the speed of his jabs means any chance to attack is just shutdown almost completely. Best I can figure is to try to get close for the crossups and never screw up your crossup distance.

I'm still figuring out why exactly Abel is a bad match, except when he's got ultra then balls are a no-no.

Abel is a bad match against Blanka because he can punish every ball, including horizontal balls, without ultra.

The problem is getting it down. :) Don't forget those matchups are when you consider both players are very high level and have perfect execution.

The punish I'm talking about is foward dash -> f.mk -> dash cancel -> fp -> CoD

Granted that's one of the more difficult links in the game, but hey. :)

And most very good Blankas won't horizontal ball you anyway unless they're 100% certain they'll hit or they know it's safe against you. Once a week I play a great Blanka who destroys everyone and he almost never uses that ball. It's all freaky crossup/poke shenanigans with him that are especially destructive.

If I play Rufus or Viper against him I never block a horizontal ball because I know none are coming, ever. Those 2 characters have 100% counter against a horizontal ball, and he knows. :)

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Won my first Championship with El Fuerte

Blanka(shocking!!) and Vega are terrible match ups for him. Ryu of course is alway a problem for anybody and the only problem with Sagat is Tiger Knee but i usually beat him.

Deleted member 1235

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TimeKillr said:
If I play Rufus or Viper against him I never block a horizontal ball because I know none are coming, ever. Those 2 characters have 100% counter against a horizontal ball, and he knows. :)

I didn't know abel had sure hit response to horizontal ball :O for that matter I didn't know rufus did either, but he's usually not too much of problem due to electricity beating EVERYTHINg that guy has.


catfish said:
I didn't know abel had sure hit response to horizontal ball :O for that matter I didn't know rufus did either, but he's usually not too much of problem due to electricity beating EVERYTHINg that guy has.
I thought dive kick might beat electricity?

When I face a Blanka, I find it can go one two ways (win or lose, ha ha!) - No I mean either they're really agressive (scary, but I also play him like this) or turtling at the back of the screen and fire off random balls you can see a mile off, electricity and hop grabs up close.

My favorite match up is Blanka vs Dhalsim - Blanka's Ultra = Yoga Tower = :D


I played a really good Fuerte last night (the first Fuerte vs. Fuerte match I actually enjoyed). He tried to show me up by doing the RSF on me. So what did I do? Focus Attack....BAM, BAM, BAM! I was letting him know that I can do it to :D

Out of the 5 or 6 Fuerte matches we played, I managed to win 1 of them. They were still pretty fun, even though I lost most of them. They were pretty tight matches, too.

He did a good job using the LP pokes (something I need to do more). Something that really annoyed me was whenever I tried to finish my RSF combo with a slide, I went right through my opponent. I dunno if it was a glitch or something but it happened every single time.


Another thing I do when I'm Abel facing an electricity-happy Blanka is EX TT, which is unvulnerable and will grab through electricity. If you're a few steps away, EX COD will absorb a hit, but don't do this too close or electricity will hit you a second time before you hit him.

catfish said:
I didn't know abel had sure hit response to horizontal ball :O
Its not easy, you have to dash -> f.mk very quickly after blocking the ball. Add in online lag and dashing trouble with the Xbox 360 pad and it makes it pretty difficult. If I'm not confident I tend to just dash forward -> standing lk, which does little damage but at least it works every time.


No clue, but he's great at reading his opponent. Every time the Balrog went with something with armor, that was when Choi went with EX fireball. Everytime Balrog got too close, Choi backed off. The only professional runaway Ryu I've seen.


LakeEarth said:
No clue, but he's great at reading his opponent. Every time the Balrog went with something with armor, that was when Choi went with EX fireball. Everytime Balrog got too close, Choi backed off. The only professional runaway Ryu I've seen.
seriously... such a calm ryu
prodystopian said:
Haunts just put up quite a few videos form the fuddruckers tournament this weekend in NorCal:


Some good matches.

Choi is just too good. ST style dominance continues!

YakiSOBA said:
how does choi fireball so well?? if i tried that on PSN online i'd get raped :(

You have to know your opponent. Most people on PSN are really jumpy, so you have to train them to stay grounded. I.E. when the match starts, walk up about mid distance away from them and wait to see if they jump, if they do SRK, if not then throw a fireball. After that 1st fireball wait again to see if they'll jump (and they probably will), if so SRK, if not then throw another fireball. Once they respect your anti-air, you can fireball all day, with pauses in between to see if they'll jump or not.

Now obviously there's more to it, but that's the old school/fundamental train of thought.

MIMIC said:
Something that really annoyed me was whenever I tried to finish my RSF combo with a slide, I went right through my opponent. I dunno if it was a glitch or something but it happened every single time.

Yeah, Fuerte can slide through a few other characters too, Sagat and Balrog being 2 of them.



I finally got it down!! I can finally do Jab XX Elec consistently with Blanka now!!!

all I needa do now it work it into my setups and pokes and combos n shyt!

my game has officially leveled the fukk up!


he's Virgin Tight™
Am I the only person that starts a fight against Blanka just poking? :lol As soon as FIGHT! appears I start throwing pokes and when they charge ball me I hit them and they stand still staring at me like "WTF?!" :lol
In a weak moment last saturday, I decided to buy Street Fighter IV. Even though the HD Remix kicked my ass, and I generally suck at fighters not filled with Nintendo characters.

But I've started to warm up to SF4. I've become better and better (can almost get halfway through easy arcade mode now), but I feel that the 360 analog precision really doesn't cut it when it comes to starting of learning combo's.

So what is the the entry/beginner/casual/not interested in serious competitor gaming way of playing SF4? The MadCatz controller, arcade stick or the Hori EX2 stick?
Vinterbird said:
In a weak moment last saturday, I decided to buy Street Fighter IV. Even though the HD Remix kicked my ass, and I generally suck at fighters not filled with Nintendo characters.

But I've started to warm up to SF4. I've become better and better (can almost get halfway through easy arcade mode now), but I feel that the 360 analog precision really doesn't cut it when it comes to starting of learning combo's.

So what is the the entry/beginner/casual/not interested in serious competitor gaming way of playing SF4? The MadCatz controller, arcade stick or the Hori EX2 stick?
I'm not much of a controller fan, especially since this game is so reliant on simultaneous multiple button presses (throw, Focus Attack, EX special, Ultra)
The standard fightstick and EX2 are good entry-level sticks.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
_dementia said:
I'm not much of a controller fan, especially since this game is so reliant on simultaneous multiple button presses (throw, Focus Attack, EX special, Ultra)
The standard fightstick and EX2 are good entry-level sticks.

EX2 are garbage. They are ok to actually use if you haven't used a stick before but I got 2 and they broke after less than 2 months 1 week apart. My story is common apparenlty. buttons just give out and they are extremely tricky to mod.

Just get a madcatz SE. Kinda pricey, but so worth it and you can mod it later to make it super awesome.


wow so i was all bummed that i missed HDremix for 800 points.

I then decided to load it up on the PS3 and play it for a bit.
Man...i used to LOVE SSF2 (I mean i played all the time on the SNES modem back in the day)
But I could not stomach it. The characters looked like they were floating against a weird backdrop. SF4 feels soooo much better... :D
FMF- I challenge you again to FT5. No switching characters you party pooper. I was getting ready to unleash the rog on your Mr. Clean.
I'll see if I can film it so everyone can see your destruction.


FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, Fuerte can slide through a few other characters too, Sagat and Balrog being 2 of them.

Is this a glitch? I slid through a Sagat today and we were both a punch away from winning. And he was terrible (meh....well, he did that juggle into Ultra. Does that count for anything)?

catfish said:
EX2 are garbage. They are ok to actually use if you haven't used a stick before but I got 2 and they broke after less than 2 months 1 week apart. My story is common apparenlty. buttons just give out and they are extremely tricky to mod.

Just get a madcatz SE. Kinda pricey, but so worth it and you can mod it later to make it super awesome.

Hahaha, whenever the words EX2 are mentioned, Catfish springs up to voice his opinions.
Late to the Blanka discussion but yeah, you can't play him like other characters. As a Rufus player I had alot of trouble with him early on. But once you start playing hard defense against him you realize he isn't scary at all. Everything he does can be punished, and punished hard.

For Rufus, c.HP to punish blocked balls, c.MK xx EX GT to beat electricity and his sliding move. Then if he tries to get jumpy, you can either beat his jump in with a c.MK, focus into big damage, or j.HK if anticipated into EX Snake or Ultra.

Don't jump in on him, don't try to cross him up, leave him alone on wakeup, I think those are rules for all his matchups.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Tier lists from Arcadia... put together by Umehara (Ryu match-up list) and Yoru yoru (overall list), so check it out. Unfortunately this time around there’s no real explanation for the overall list, because the entire article is dedicated to the match-up tier list put together by Daigo.

Overall Tier Rank
S Rank: Sagat
A Rank: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B Rank: M.Bison, Rufus, Balrog, C.Viper, E.Honda
C Rank: Abel, El Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun-li, Ken, Blanka
D Rank: Guile, Vega

Ryu Match-up tier
4:6 Disadvantage: Sagat
5:5 Neutral: M.Bison, Balrog, Dhalsim, El Fuerte, Blanka
6:4 Advantage: Akuma, Zangief, C.Viper, E.Honda, Abel, Chun-li, Ken, Guile, Vega, Rufus
GalacticAE said:
FMF- I challenge you again to FT5. No switching characters you party pooper. I was getting ready to unleash the rog on your Mr. Clean.
I'll see if I can film it so everyone can see your destruction.

Lol sure thing. I'm not scared of your lagrog. You don't get any akuma freebies this time around though.


Arpharmd B said:
Late to the Blanka discussion but yeah, you can't play him like other characters. As a Rufus player I had alot of trouble with him early on. But once you start playing hard defense against him you realize he isn't scary at all. Everything he does can be punished, and punished hard.

For Rufus, c.HP to punish blocked balls, c.MK xx EX GT to beat electricity and his sliding move. Then if he tries to get jumpy, you can either beat his jump in with a c.MK, focus into big damage, or j.HK if anticipated into EX Snake or Ultra.

Don't jump in on him, don't try to cross him up, leave him alone on wakeup, I think those are rules for all his matchups.

I'm pretty sure you can time a meaty crossup dive kick when blanka is getting up that will both stuff electricity before it starts up and cause upball to whiff...i'll have to try it some more when i get my ps3 back.
Oichi said:
Tier lists from Arcadia... put together by Umehara (Ryu match-up list) and Yoru yoru (overall list), so check it out. Unfortunately this time around there’s no real explanation for the overall list, because the entire article is dedicated to the match-up tier list put together by Daigo.

Overall Tier Rank
S Rank: Sagat
A Rank: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B Rank: M.Bison, Rufus, Balrog, C.Viper, E.Honda
C Rank: Abel, El Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun-li, Ken, Blanka
D Rank: Guile, Vega

Ryu Match-up tier
4:6 Disadvantage: Sagat
5:5 Neutral: M.Bison, Balrog, Dhalsim, El Fuerte, Blanka
6:4 Advantage: Akuma, Zangief, C.Viper, E.Honda, Abel, Chun-li, Ken, Guile, Vega, Rufus

so daigo thinks Ryu has an advantage over Chun? Weird, but I sooooooooooorta agree
Arpharmd B said:
Late to the Blanka discussion but yeah, you can't play him like other characters. As a Rufus player I had alot of trouble with him early on. But once you start playing hard defense against him you realize he isn't scary at all. Everything he does can be punished, and punished hard.

For Rufus, c.HP to punish blocked balls
Don't you have to block this standing up, then step forward and c.HP? I find it a total bitch to do online.


good credit (by proxy)
Oichi said:
Tier lists from Arcadia... put together by Umehara (Ryu match-up list) and Yoru yoru (overall list), so check it out. Unfortunately this time around there’s no real explanation for the overall list, because the entire article is dedicated to the match-up tier list put together by Daigo.

Overall Tier Rank
S Rank: Sagat
A Rank: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B Rank: M.Bison, Rufus, Balrog, C.Viper, E.Honda
C Rank: Abel, El Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun-li, Ken, Blanka
D Rank: Guile, Vega

Ryu Match-up tier
4:6 Disadvantage: Sagat
5:5 Neutral: M.Bison, Balrog, Dhalsim, El Fuerte, Blanka
6:4 Advantage: Akuma, Zangief, C.Viper, E.Honda, Abel, Chun-li, Ken, Guile, Vega, Rufus

I think Ryu has advantage over fuerte and dhalsim, and is even against guile. I'll kick daigo's overrated garbage SF player ass though.


he's Virgin Tight™
Chun is too low in that tier list. Oh... and against Ryu... its definitely 5 to 5. It's very balanced.
I think it's at least 5.5/4.5 with the Ryu match up.

You have to play defensive against good Ryu's most of the time, or elese you're just gonna eat an ultra or a simple combo that will take away like 40% of Chuns life. I still think Rufus, Viper, Gief and Sagat are tougher for Chun, though.

I think it's dumb how her ultra doesn't do full damage against certain characters.


good credit (by proxy)
Relix said:
Chun is too low in that tier list. Oh... and against Ryu... its definitely 5 to 5. It's very balanced.

I don't know man, what does she have vs. ryu? Online she's hard especially if there's a lot of lag cause she has some very quick attacks, but in a lagless match some of the shit that works sometimes online doesn't work.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
actually I think Ryu has a good advantage here, mainly because he does more damage and Chun has lower health.


Any advise for my Balrog against Bison? I can t really grasp this matchup, I loose to him even more often than Sagat. His pokes seem better to me in this matchup due to his short speed which obviously has more range than Balrogs jab. His scissor kick makes zoning hard and his headstomp chips you away quite fast. To me it just seems that Bison has more tools to approach Balrog. Once knocked down his crossup/throw shenenigans generally do the rest. Yeah and i know what to do against a headstomp and DR but it doesn t help me one bit against a good Bison. Its not that I always loose but I find this matchup infinitly difficult for Balrog.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Rektash said:
Any advise for my Balrog against Bison? I can t really grasp this matchup, I loose to him even more often than Sagat. His pokes seem better to me in this matchup due to his short speed which obviously has more range than Balrogs jab. His scissor kick makes zoning hard and his headstomp chips you away quite fast. To me it just seems that Bison has more tools to approach Balrog. Once knocked down his crossup/throw shenenigans generally do the rest. Yeah and i know what to do against a headstomp and DR but it doesn t help me one bit against a good Bison. Its not that I always loose but I find this matchup infinitly difficult for Balrog.

I think I asked about this earlier in the thread and got zero responses :lol

My worst matchup by far, followed by Vega :(

EDIT: Also, when is Haunts back? :(
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