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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Relix said:
I am tending to look down on Sagats these days... really... takes no skll to steal a win with him =P
I think you mistyped Zangief.

Gets in trouble (hits L1, L2 repeatedly), gets in trouble, (spam circle on the pad + punches) "Durrr I'm good at this game".
LakeEarth said:
I think you mistyped Zangief.

Gets in trouble (hits L1, L2 repeatedly), gets in trouble, (spam circle on the pad + punches) "Durrr I'm good at this game".
i really hate zangief

he's what, 7-3 against Abel?

i can destroy the scrubby ones though


My Abel does have hard times with him. I just keep running away, getting damage where I can, f.mk, sweep, short wheel kick. When they're just lariating when you're on the ground, reversal EX TT to grab him. You CAN ultra a whiffed lariat, but there's a chance it'll smack you. That move, I swear to god. Why the hell did they make it so hard to SWEEP the lariat?

The only bonus Abel has is seeing Zangief's super/ultra flash, and then tornado throwing him out of it. You know they're going WTF on the other end.

EDIT - it's funny, when I'm Abel seeing a Zangief is almost a certain loss. When I play as Honda, it's almost a certain win. And that's mostly because Honda has a normal (neutral air fierce) with good range that beats lariat.
Timedog said:
some dude beat me in a g2 final and messaged me to gloat. He kept saying I was turtling and spamming even though he picked seth, ran away, and used like 5 moves total. I don't know the Seth matchup because I've played him online maybe 20 matches out of over 2,000. He probably threw more sonic booms than I threw fireballs. He threw around the word "fag" liberally, too, so I knew he was a super douchebag. Anyways, we messaged back and forth, and finally i got him to agree to a first to 5 match to see who was the ultimate street fighter champion.

I beat him 2 matches with him playing Seth, without him winning a round.
Then I he picked Abel and I beat him without losing a round.
Then he picked Akuma and I beat him without winning a round.
in the 5th match he picked Seth again I won the first round, he took the second by an inch of his life (I would have won if my ultra came out instead of an ex dp near the end of the match), and then i almost perfected him the 3rd round.

Then I messaged him "gg. now we're even." and he messaged this SUPER long pile of bullshit with bigotted epithets that took him about 10 minutes to type out on the controller, claiming that I didn't play the game right, I was a turtler, I spammed, I don't have "real" skill, blah blah blah. I told him I'd play him in a first to 5 any time he wants. Then minutes later I got YET ANOTHER long ass message with more of the same crap. I simply responded with: "hahahaha cry more."

He stopped messaging me. It felt awesome.

I'm terrible against Seth. I don't know what to do with them. Some of his moves are just ridiculous. I hate Seth players.

Good job man.


he's Virgin Tight™
DryEyeRelief said:
That's unfair. Who do you usually play?

It's Sagat, the god tier. Anyone who uses him is a no-skill in my mind :lol Really all you need is good timing.

I hate it.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
TheExodu5 said:
Well I pre-ordered this one on Steam. Also got myself 2x Sega Saturn USB pads, so I should be set. :D

Eff, I ordered a physical copy... I wonder if I can link it to my steam account? :/
Relix said:
It's Sagat, the god tier. Anyone who uses him is a no-skill in my mind :lol Really all you need is good timing.

I hate it.

So you're a no-skill Sagat player? Perhaps you would have more fun with someone more noticeably bad, like Dan or Sakura.

Or are you just avoiding my question?


I think it's 'noob friendly'. you don't have to use ex moves, focus attacks, links, ect. if you don't want to learn. most of the characters are pick-up-and-playable if you stick to the basics. you could always just play as sagat.

it has a basic training mode and a challenge mode where you go through about 10 trials of moves/combo's for each character. they can get pretty tough
sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Is this game N00b friendly? How are the trophies on this game, is a platinum achieveable?

This game is as newb friendly as any fighting game. The arcade mode is not good training for fighting real opponents, but if you just want to mess around, it is fun, except for the last boss who can be a bit cheap.

The platinum trophy is NOT easy to get. There is a lot of stuff to collect and having to do every trial is going to take a lot of time. Mimic has done it, but I think it took him a while.

Dive in, though! As you can tell from the activity in the thread a lot of us are hooked on this game months after it's release.


DryEyeRelief said:
So you're a no-skill Sagat player? Perhaps you would have more fun with someone more noticeably bad, like Dan or Sakura.

Or are you just avoiding my question?
I use Sakura - honestly, is she THAT bad? Her cr. Fierce is a pretty stable anti-air which allows her to zone pretty good. She's got some cross up game with a j. Short -> s. Fierce and her s. Roundhouse has decent range and speed making it a good poke. Also, her cr. Forward comes out to quick and combos into frickin any of her non-normals (I stand corrected, it doesn't combo of course to her DP Kick Special).


McBradders said:
Eff, I ordered a physical copy... I wonder if I can link it to my steam account? :/

Doubtfull...a game usually need to support Steamworks for that to be possible (at least, that seems to be the trend).

Steam version lacks Securom, so that was a big plus for me (on top of the fact that I get it for cheaper, since Canadian retailers are likely to overcharge).


sloppyjoe_gamer said:
Is this game N00b friendly? How are the trophies on this game, is a platinum achieveable?

Absolutely, Sagat will guide you.

Trophies aren't that hard IF you can or have someone to complete the Hard Trials.
mr_boo said:
I use Sakura - honestly, is she THAT bad? Her cr. Fierce is a pretty stable anti-air which allows her to zone pretty good. She's got some cross up game with a j. Short -> s. Fierce and her s. Roundhouse has decent range and speed making it a good poke. Also, her cr. Forward comes out to quick and combos into frickin any of her non-normals (I stand corrected, it doesn't combo of course to her DP Kick Special).
i played a suuuuuper good Sakura the other day - she stomped me good. i believe it was a standing med. punch > light tatsu > mp > light tatsu > mp > ex tatsu > air smash thing (at least thats what i think it was).

IMO if you play her well (ie. make combo opportunities) shes a fair bit better than people think.


he's Virgin Tight™
IMO Sagat players suck because they don't have the skills to main another character. Crazy damage, speed, recovery, health... whoever the fuck balanced him deserves to be shot. And no... I main Chun Li... and barely lose to Sagats, its just annoying to fight three of them at the same time :lol One mistake, be it by lag or some input problem, and half your health is gone. Ridiculous :lol

Oh well.. I love the game. 220 hours in can't say much else. I also won my 80th G2 tourney :lol . G2 A, 12,600, I wanna move to G1 already. Don't have much free time to play these days, also Blazblue will eat whatever remains. I'll get to G1 first I swear!!! :lol

DryEyeRelief said:
So you're a no-skill Sagat player? Perhaps you would have more fun with someone more noticeably bad, like Dan or Sakura.

Or are you just avoiding my question?

No no I don't main Sagat. I avoid playing OPed characters in fighting games and always go for the lower ones =P
I main Chun, and I am at G2-A with over 11,500 GPs. I was determined to hit G1 but all the videos of G1 players makes me kinda down. I agree Sagat is overpowered, but he's so prevalent online I know the matchup pretty well right now and isn't much of a problem compared to say, a high-level Gen or Seth players. Actually even scrubby ass Seth players make me sweat profusely :-/

But I'm taking a break from SFIV online for now for BlazBlue.


Teknopathetic said:
Sagat is really not *that* good, guys. Have we forgotten about 3s Chun already?
Pfft, 3s Chun's had nothing without meter. Sagat is a monster right away. I can't even ATTEMPT to attack Sagat without a fierce kick or tiger knee/uppercut fucking me up.

Look at the 3s tier lists, the top goes Yun Chun (and usually) Ken for the top tier. For SF4? It's just Sagat.
"Pfft, 3s Chun's had nothing without meter."

......What? I...wow. I'd like the version of 3s you had where Chun's buttons *didn't* beat everyone else's. And didn't have a massive throw range. Seriously, where can I send a check?

"Look at the 3s tier lists, the top goes Yun Chun (and usually) Ken for the top tier. For SF4? It's just Sagat."

Yes, but also compare the spread of the matchups as well. Sagat's matchups are mostly slight advantage (6:4) or even. Compare that to Chun who had a majority of 8:2s and 7:3s and slight advantages still over the upper tier. There's no contest.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
mr_boo said:
I use Sakura - honestly, is she THAT bad? Her cr. Fierce is a pretty stable anti-air which allows her to zone pretty good. She's got some cross up game with a j. Short -> s. Fierce and her s. Roundhouse has decent range and speed making it a good poke. Also, her cr. Forward comes out to quick and combos into frickin any of her non-normals (I stand corrected, it doesn't combo of course to her DP Kick Special).

a good Sakura can/has kicked my ass(Abel/El Fuerte) but i win 80% of the time. Her health is part of it, does far less damage than her master and her Ultra is not to easy to land.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
TheExodu5 said:
Doubtfull...a game usually need to support Steamworks for that to be possible (at least, that seems to be the trend).

Steam version lacks Securom, so that was a big plus for me (on top of the fact that I get it for cheaper, since Canadian retailers are likely to overcharge).

FUCK! I forgot about Securom altogether... fuck fuck fuck. Well, Spore uses it, right? That hasn't fucked anyting up... I'll try the activation code in Steam when I get it and hope for the best XD


Teknopathetic said:
"Pfft, 3s Chun's had nothing without meter."

......What? I...wow. I'd like the version of 3s you had where Chun's buttons *didn't* beat everyone else's. And didn't have a massive throw range. Seriously, where can I send a check?

"Look at the 3s tier lists, the top goes Yun Chun (and usually) Ken for the top tier. For SF4? It's just Sagat."

Yes, but also compare the spread of the matchups as well. Sagat's matchups are mostly slight advantage (6:4) or even. Compare that to Chun who had some 8:2s and 7:3s.
I'll wait till the SFIV tier lists even out before I start comparing ratios (although I believe Sagat/Honda is 7:3 right now), but Chun had some nice tools, but nothing that could do THAT much damage. So if you screwed up and she didn't have meter, oh well. I played a hundred Chun's on 3s online, they were annoying but at least if I traded she couldn't continue the combo to do 20-30% of my health more damage with one EX bar. Plus 3s had parries which helped out when Chun had priority on your moves.

I'll concede that maybe its worse in the professional level. In the last year Chun vs Chun, Yun vs Yn was all you would see for 3s ranbats.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Sagat in SF4, the problem really is the Knee:

-It breaks Armor
-fast start up
-fast recovery(small window to punish after double hit block)
-a pretty good anti-air due to Big Ass hit box
-easy link. Holy damage

People just throw knees at you without thinking cuz they know they can getaway with it.

The other problem is Tiger Miracle..eh Genocide.

-Alot of Damage
-Easy link
-rarely juggles, somehow it sucks you in for FULL damage

If they just neuf the Knee, i think Bob Sagat would be quit managable.
"I'll wait till the SFIV tier lists even out before I start comparing ratios (although I believe Sagat/Honda is 7:3 right now), but Chun had some nice tools, but nothing that could do THAT much damage. So if you screwed up and she didn't have meter, oh well. I played a hundred Chun's on 3s online, they were annoying but at least if I traded she couldn't continue the combo to do 20-30% of my health more damage with one EX bar. Plus 3s had parries which helped out when Chun had priority on your moves."

Barring some glitch being found, I don't think SF4 matchups are going to change much until a revision. Sagat has big damage combos, but there are others in SF4 who do too. That's just the way SF4 is. Short of supers, 3s isn't really about that. In the context of 3s, Chun/Yun are demons. In the context of SF4, Sagat's just really good.


Looking at the "official" tier lists, I see Chun had a lot more 8-2 matches than I thought (8-2 with Urien, I did not realize). I'll just say that they're both bullshit and call it a day :lol
prodystopian said:
Congrats Farms and TS. What was the matchup in the final (you have two chars listed for the top two so I'm wondering who they took for that match)?

Thanks yo. I actually knocked buck out of winners finals, and he came back from loser's to beat me in 2 sets. It was a big choke job on my part. He pretty much daigo'd me one round (he had literally no life bar left, and I had around 35%) and I broke down mentally afterwards. I'll have vids of my defeat up soon. btw I played Rog in all matches except grand finals.

Anyways, it went

rog v fuerte
rog v ryu
ryu v sagat.

yeb said:
Yay, I have some offline videos. From San Diego's ranbats:

Sick man! Does Gen have any tools to punish an ex messiah on block?
FindMyFarms said:
Thanks yo. I actually knocked buck out of winners finals, and he came back from loser's to beat me in 2 sets. It was a big choke job on my part. He pretty much daigo'd me one round (he had literally no life bar left, and I had around 35%) and I broke down mentally afterwards. I'll have vids of my defeat up soon. btw I played Rog in all matches except grand finals.

Anyways, it went

rog v fuerte
rog v ryu
ryu v sagat.

Why the switch? Is Rog-Ryu bad?

Also, I got my PS3 fixed so we can play. Stop playing DMC.

I'm playing through arcade mode a bit (stupid save glitch a while back) ironically because I was thinking about messing around with Akuma but I might play around with Viper. She is fun, but the execution will be difficult to get ahold of on some of her better mix ups.
toneroni said:
do tell...
also what ways to set up the regular RD? i usually wait for mistakes or try to launch em with some light hit.

i'm the worst at setting up people for ultras...can barely do any with sagat too!

His SUPER (not ultra) RD is extremely easy to setup, it's just that you almost never have that much bar lol and it doesn't do too much damage. Anyways, keep in mind that if you do it next to a grounded opponent, it will always land.


- Tick into kara RD
- Corner demon flip crossup
- st. rh either if 2nd hit whiffs cr. opponent, or if you cancel it hoping to bait.
- Fireball cancel.
- Empty jump

I'm sure there's more I don't know of, but those are the ones that come to mind.

prodystopian said:
Why the switch? Is Rog-Ryu bad?

Also, I got my PS3 fixed so we can play. Stop playing DMC.

I'm playing through arcade mode a bit (stupid save glitch a while back) ironically because I was thinking about messing around with Akuma but I might play around with Viper. She is fun, but the execution will be difficult to get ahold of on some of her better mix ups.

Buk has REALLy good footsies and fireball zoning with Ryu. Good w/ FB zoning = BAD for balrog, so I had to switch it up.

I might not be on a lot this weekend though, we actually have Hsien Chang comin into dallas for evo practice so I'll prob. be doin all locals fri/sat night.

Also, helpful hint w/ viper, something no one ever told me lol. If you're trying to do her fp -> tk feint -> fp combo, do your feint w/ fp, it comes out faster and the timing's the easiest. But if you're mixing tk feints into your footsies, do it w/ lp or mp, because if you whiff, you're not screwed(fp is anti air.)


McBradders said:
FUCK! I forgot about Securom altogether... fuck fuck fuck. Well, Spore uses it, right? That hasn't fucked anyting up... I'll try the activation code in Steam when I get it and hope for the best XD

Well I don't think Securom in SF IV is anything other than a disc check. DMC4 did not have any activation limits I believe, so SF IV will probably be no different.
Relix said:
IMO Sagat players suck because they don't have the skills to main another character. Crazy damage, speed, recovery, health... whoever the fuck balanced him deserves to be shot. And no... I main Chun Li... and barely lose to Sagats, its just annoying to fight three of them at the same time :lol One mistake, be it by lag or some input problem, and half your health is gone. Ridiculous :lol

That's more of a Chun-li problem than Sagat thing.

Honestly, if you can handle the heat of playing with the lower tiered characters then change. Otherwise don't complain about not winning with a character that is not situated to win as much.


LakeEarth said:
Oh god, you can cross-up tiger knee? DELETE THE VIDEO! NO ONE MUST KNOW!
The only thing they need to do for re-balancing is nerf tiger knee (give it more recovery), buff the low tier characters and you're done.

The game's already pretty balanced as is barring some broken moves (tiger knee) and broken crap characters (Claw, Guile, Fuerte).
FindMyFarms said:
Buk has REALLy good footsies and fireball zoning with Ryu. Good w/ FB zoning = BAD for balrog, so I had to switch it up.

I might not be on a lot this weekend though, we actually have Hsien Chang comin into dallas for evo practice so I'll prob. be doin all locals fri/sat night.

Also, helpful hint w/ viper, something no one ever told me lol. If you're trying to do her fp -> tk feint -> fp combo, do your feint w/ fp, it comes out faster and the timing's the easiest. But if you're mixing tk feints into your footsies, do it w/ lp or mp, because if you whiff, you're not screwed(fp is anti air.)

I'm just giving you shit. We'll play sometime, I'm sure.

Thanks for the info. I'll work on that later.
Arde5643 said:
The only thing they need to do for re-balancing is nerf tiger knee (give it more recovery), buff the low tier characters and you're done.

The game's already pretty balanced as is barring some broken moves (tiger knee) and broken crap characters (Claw, Guile, Fuerte).

honestly, i just want non-shit Ultras for Guile and Claw


FindMyFarms said:
Sick man! Does Gen have any tools to punish an ex messiah on block?
Of course, but only the LK follow-up. I can also punish the HK follow-up hard with a straight jump and safely avoid the MK follow-up, but I have enough respect for the local Rufus players to fear a delayed LK follow-up that could hit me out of my jump. Both of Gen's ultras can also beat 2/3 of Rufus's follow-up kicks.

Then there's Ken I's favorite, the delayed LP+LK follow-up. >_<
TurtleSnatcher said:
Bahhhhh!!! We had another tournament here in Dallas that FindMyFarms and myself competed in. Same place hosted as the one that FMF won 2 weeks ago.

Anyways.. This is how it ended..

1st - Buktooth - El Fuerte/Ryu
2nd - FindMyFarms - Boxer/Sagat
3rd - Andrew - Rufus (You guys wont know him)
4th - Some Pad Blanka
T-5th - vietnamazing - Cammy
T-5th - TurtleSnatcher - El Fuerte
then.. blah blah..

About 15-20 people were in the tournament..

I did okay.. That Blanka pad player beat me.. Elf vs Blanka is tricky and I was using stick which isnt my norm unfortunately =[

Also I always have to fight Buktooth.. ALWAYS.. I hate mirrors.. He knocked me into losers like he did 2 weeks ago..

Videos will be up in a few days.. someone else recorded because I was in such a rush to get there because I got stuck in the office


Videos are up of this tournament.. I go by PezRadar normally just a fyi.

I lost my Blanka match thanks to FindMyFarms doing some lame shoutout to GAF .. Thanks jerk!

It also cuts off a bit on Buktooth vs FindMyFarms but its still gets most of the Daigo moments.


he's Virgin Tight™
DryEyeRelief said:
That's more of a Chun-li problem than Sagat thing.

Honestly, if you can handle the heat of playing with the lower tiered characters then change. Otherwise don't complain about not winning with a character that is not situated to win as much.

Tell that to my nearly 85% win ratio in championship mode :lol Most of it with my beautiful bitch called Chun Li. Everything's manageable, but sometimes Sagat is full of bullshit. Why the fuck does a strong character such as him as such a powerful ultra as well? It's definitely a balancing problem.

Guess I did touch your nerve or something... are you a Noobat player by any chance?

EDIT: Noobat... wtf absolute typo :lol I was thinking about Noobs and Sagat and postd it as Noobat. Will just leave it for the lulz!! =O!
yeb said:
Yay, I have some offline videos. From San Diego's ranbats:

Losers bracket, top 8: Yeb vs. Nemo
Losers bracket, top 5: Yeb vs. AlexMan
Losers semi-finals: Yeb vs. FrankFresh
Losers finals: Yeb vs. neREMIXED

I ended up losing to Ken I in the second round of the tourney, and then again in the losers finals (to the guy who lost to Ken I twice.) In the previous two ranbats I took 5th, losing to AlexMan in the same spot each time.

Something unusual happened at the tourney too. While we had some downtime as the recording was getting set up, the most random person dropped in to say hi:
Justin Wong

Edit: I should probably include a disclaimer that the sound gets really out of sync in some videos.


You are my idol.

Marry me so we may have Genefuerte kids.

Anyways.. sick dood. Gen always creates the "Holy shit" moments from crowds

Yeb - You going to EVO?


he's Virgin Tight™
TurtleSnatcher said:

You are my idol.

Marry me so we may have Genefuerte kids.

Anyways.. sick dood. Gen always creates the "Holy shit" moments from crowds

I love watching Gen replays
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