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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

I'm trying to figure out the trolling in the video. Surprised Oijisan-San uses another character. Those Abel COD combos are crazy. Flavorchocolate is my favorite youtube channel for watching high-level matches.

I saw Mago get peaced by a Rufus. Hope Wong doesn't see that.

And that's crazy that they hacked the PC version. I'm debating on how to buy SFIV for PC. I'm not liking the concept of securerom. And I've never used Steam before.


MIMIC said:
So, I was playing with a friend on Live who was practicing using the stick so I picked random characters to make it a fair fight, and landed on Gen. Holy shit, this dude has some stupid easy moves. Super easy cross-up, insanely good pokes, and other crap.

If anyone remembers, I was complaining about Gen when I was trying to complete his trials, swearing that I'd never even attempt to learn this guy. But wow, I can actually see myself getting kinda good with him. I even got a perfect on one guy :lol I'm pretty good with that Gekiro kick, too (after doing it so much in his trials).

Gen is the shit. Crazy fun to use and just plain awesome style. Learn to love his standing mk (PPP)--great poke when canceled to hands. Close mp (PPP) gives you frame advantage. Ex roll through fireball spammers. And oga kick shenanigans are a must. Don't forget to reset your opponent sometimes off PPP super and oga kick rather than always going for the extended combo.

Basically try and stay unpredictable and be able to switch styles at will, even in some combos. KKK ultra has some weird priority as well...


Spiderjericho said:
And that's crazy that they hacked the PC version. I'm debating on how to buy SFIV for PC. I'm not liking the concept of securerom. And I've never used Steam before.

Will the retail release have activation limits? Or just the usual internet activation procedure after it has been installed?


Relix said:
w00t finally won my first G1 with a 560K CP upload as well. I am happy :D

EDIT: LakeEarth, that Viper you mention... the replay is up. Just watched it. Amazing Viper!
EDIT2: Hey, Turtle Snatcher's replay is also up! :lol
Great, there's a video of me getting completely dominated online! Fantastic :p

Teknopathetic said:
NICE! I gotta use that roll on wakeup trick.


Gas Guzzler
Finguo said:
Will the retail release have activation limits? Or just the usual internet activation procedure after it has been installed?

I need to know this too.

I don't really know very much about steam but I've heard horror stories of users getting their accounts locked by Valve and losing all the games they have bought.

But I really don't want to get the retail copy if it has activation limits/unremovable malware.


Who's getting the steam version!!! I'm gonna need friends and if you live in Houston, help repairing my arcade stick :D I'm so excited my rig can run this at everything max.
Hope Poongko goes to Evo to redeem himself against the world. It will go forward to showing the North that the South has bigger guns. Missiles were so yesterday. FADC, BITCH!

I'll bite on the Steam or retail copy of SFIV PC. I just loaded Vista 64 and got some more RAM and ATI 4890. 1080P or bust.

I have controllers and stick waiting for them PC elitists to get their butt whipped.

I saw on SRK that some users were complaining about slowdown while playing online.


so i've decided to play bazblu strictly on stick and started playin sf4 again and stick is feeling so sexy now, haven't tried FADC into ultra w/ ryu on stick couldn't do it before but maybe now. One thing Im still having trouble on and its the God damned QCFx2 facing right, shit is annoying.
If peeps are looking TE sticks, Amazon is going to have them in on the 7th (my B-Day).

So how are people playing SFIV? Is it only available on Steam right now?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Started getting a feel for Blaz Blue and then jumped back into this and holy shit I want my air dashes!

Barely really touched this game since it released, but it is fuck awesome. HATE the menu music though. I would pay MS spacebucks for Capcom to release something better.

Also, fuck these trial challenges. I can't get past the 4th tier stuff with anyone. :( Ken/Ryu will NOT do a hadouken from a crouching fierce punch...in fact they won't do anything! All commands seem locked out once that crouching punch is activated through the animation. Either the window is impossibly short to follow up, or I am really missing something.
sg lousy
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:
2 tourney
Pop On Arrival says:
what happened
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:
4 person tourney
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:
champion japan
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:
2nd sg
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:
3rd-4rd korea
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:
16 ppl tourney poongko 1st sg #2 jap #3
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:
both champion foreigner
™ "ɯǝɥʇ uɐɥʇ ɹǝʇʇǝq ǝɹɐ ˙˙˙ǝʍ" says:

poor Singapore ;(


Felium Defensor
sevenchaos said:
Does anyone know if the TE sticks work on the PC? Tempted to order one off of Amazon right now.
I'm 99.9% sure it does. It's USB powered and sends signal via USB so it definitely should.

What does all that mumbo jumbo mean?

I'm going to get Akuma001 to mod a 360 TE I bought the other day to be dual console, so I can wreck folks on both (more like they'll wreck me). I'm thinking of using Honda more. I've liked him since Hyper Turbo and started using him again in HD Remix.


Fatghost said:
I need to know this too.

I don't really know very much about steam but I've heard horror stories of users getting their accounts locked by Valve and losing all the games they have bought.

But I really don't want to get the retail copy if it has activation limits/unremovable malware.

Ok, checked Capcom Unity and here's the official reply from Capcoms Christian Svenson:
The retail DRM will be disc-based SecuROM (not network authenticated this time). It will require you to have the disc in the tray to play.

Digitally, the DRM will vary from portal to portal. If you don't want SecuROM's network authentication mechanisms, Steam will use its own DRM, Impulse will use it's GOO DRM. Direct2Drive, Metaboli, Gametap, GamersGate, Capcom's Estore, Nvidia.com will all be using SecuROM's network authentication.



Imm0rt4l said:
One thing Im still having trouble on and its the God damned QCFx2 facing right, shit is annoying.
I still have problems with that too facing right, in combos etc - fine doing it from wakeup. I find doing it slightly slower and more pronounced helps, as if the second QCF ends in u/f - to prevent EX DP type moves coming out instead. It's an ongoing problem I still have though.

Brandon F said:
Ken/Ryu will NOT do a hadouken from a crouching fierce punch...in fact they won't do anything! All commands seem locked out once that crouching punch is activated through the animation. Either the window is impossibly short to follow up, or I am really missing something.
Maybe you're starting from d/f? Either way you want to start the hadoken motion as you press the first punch, not as you see it connect.


Maybe it's just a bad pad. I've discovered that, facing left, if I dash forward, and then press down (just down) and punch, I will get an SRK every time. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't matter how hard I press down, unless I press down and back, I'll get a SRK.
Spiderjericho said:
I'm trying to figure out the trolling in the video. Surprised Oijisan-San uses another character. Those Abel COD combos are crazy. Flavorchocolate is my favorite youtube channel for watching high-level matches.

I saw Mago get peaced by a Rufus. Hope Wong doesn't see that.

And that's crazy that they hacked the PC version. I'm debating on how to buy SFIV for PC. I'm not liking the concept of securerom. And I've never used Steam before.
Funny you say that. Marn actually played Mago in the TRF ranbats yesterday. He lost. It was his first round match. Justin wong lost in the first round as well to some bison player. Jp is pretty hawt shit. Unfortunately they play single elim best out of three rounds.
I think it'll be posted later.

I'm curious to see the J.Wong (Balrog) vs Daigo casual match. Supposedly, Daigo pulls it off, but barely. Hopefully they post it. >_>


Felium Defensor
DryEyeRelief said:
I think it'll be posted later.

I'm curious to see the J.Wong (Balrog) vs Daigo casual match. Supposedly, Daigo pulls it off, but barely. Hopefully they post it. >_>
Whoa...need footage now please.

Mr Jared

Hay PSN friends, just a reminder that despite 4th of July, the weekly PlayStation Home game night event will still be occurring. If anything, the Home_SF4Night PSN ID will get logged in a little earlier than usual.

And if you haven't done so already, please send a friend request to Home_SF4Night if you wish to participate. Once you login to Home, check your friends list and use the "Go To" ability on it. That way, everyone arrives in the same instance.

more details


TurtleSnatcher said:
Funny you say that. Marn actually played Mago in the TRF ranbats yesterday. He lost. It was his first round match. Justin wong lost in the first round as well to some bison player. Jp is pretty hawt shit. Unfortunately they play single elim best out of three rounds.

I don't recall the name of that Rufus player that beat Mago, but he's very impressive. What's more impressive is Mago saying he never loses to Rufus, and is friends with Kindevu, who is conisdered one of the best Rufus players if not the best. So i'm assuming Kindevu loses constanty to Mago's Sagat, or that's the impression I got.
Yeah, read the TRF thread at SRK. They're saying it's going to be about four days before the footage is uploaded (though it could be sooner).

Justin got beat by like the second or third best Dictator in Japan. Marn was a close bout, but I guess he missed an ultra opportunity.

Justin came in the thread and commented that the divide between Japan and U.S. isn't so wide. I guess he's going to be there for a little while (wonder if he's attending Evo).


good credit (by proxy)
i love i press back to block an ultra and my character just crouches up and down repeatedly super fast and then I get hit with the ultra.


331 matches. 18 wins. 5.43%. At what point do I cry myself to sleep or slit my wrists over this bullshit of a mother mary cunt.
GriffD17 said:
331 matches. 18 wins. 5.43%. At what point do I cry myself to sleep or slit my wrists over this bullshit of a mother mary cunt.
record yourself play and have GAF give you tips on improving your game


Xevren said:
Sweet zombie jesus! At least your persistent!
Yeah I've dropped enough money on this nonsense. I was ready for a change of pace in my games. But sweet Christ on His throne, I didn't expect this curve. I didn't expect everyone on frickin Live to own my balls.

_dementia said:
record yourself play and have GAF give you tips on improving your game

I don't have a capture device. But thanks for the offer.
GriffD17 said:
Yeah I've dropped enough money on this nonsense. I was ready for a change of pace in my games. But sweet Christ on His throne, I didn't expect this curve. I didn't expect everyone on frickin Live to own my balls.

I don't have a capture device. But thanks for the offer.
Not even a digital camera?

Man you just take the digital camera off screen and go to the movie mode and record.

Everyone has a dig camera.. or there parents or there friends..


TurtleSnatcher said:
Not even a digital camera?

Man you just take the digital camera off screen and go to the movie mode and record.

Everyone has a dig camera.. or there parents or there friends..
I don't have one myself atm. I suppose I could scrounge around for one.

Question: I've heard Chun-Li is low on the hit points. Any truth to this? I was thinking maybe I should try picking up someone else.

Edit: Looks like there is some truth to it.

Hrm, maybe Guile
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