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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
I used the Unlocker earlier and had no issues, according to the thread on SRK "to fix the corrupted save problem with the trainer. just close the trainer then save ingame."


Ikuu said:
I used the Unlocker earlier and had no issues, according to the thread on SRK "to fix the corrupted save problem with the trainer. just close the trainer then save ingame."
I wants my achievement points though, does the unlocker give you them them?
So yeah I've played a fair share of the game. I think it's pretty cool it's just as I expected "Street Fighter Modernized" I still far prefer Third Strike though.

Tiktaalik said:
fucking christ the netcode for this game is so terrible. I don't even know why I try to play online it's constantly can't find a game, zero bars, game full, can't join game every time I try anything.

alsjfklasfkljasdfkljasdklfjklasdf fucking shit.

Net Code's fine with me. Just go to lobby search and find someone who has a green connection.

ggp759 said:

Try going to the main menu and hitting the "RT" button and editing your options.
prodystopian said:
Thanks. Tips for Akuma since I know you play him?

I don't really play Akuma, I just picked 2 off characters for the tourney cuz I didn't want to use rog lol. I know a few things about him, but I don't think I'm at liberty to talk about him :lol

But yeah, jump back throw fireballs works. If they think you're going to do it again and try to punish, do jump back roundhouse -> combo to punish

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Ysiadmihi said:
Anyone got any good tips for Cammy?

Rush rush rush. Keep your opponent guessing. On knockdown, just keep forward until your opponent wakes up and force them to guess whether you're gonna go for a grab, a cannon spike, fa, low attack, etc.

Master tk cannon strike and her c.lk, c.lp, c.lk, sa and c.hp, c.mk, sa combos.

Against shotos, bait srks by jumping in and doing a deep cannon strike.


i bet this has been asked before... but quick question:

how the hell do i get the replay mode? i don't understand why i can't use it yet. i play plenty and worked up to 2200 in championship mode.


Lost Fragment said:
Rush rush rush. Keep your opponent guessing. On knockdown, just keep forward until your opponent wakes up and force them to guess whether you're gonna go for a grab, a cannon spike, fa, low attack, etc.

Master tk cannon strike and her c.lk, c.lp, c.lk, sa and c.hp, c.mk, sa combos.

Against shotos, bait srks by jumping in and doing a deep cannon strike.

Thanks :D


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Jirotrom said:
I wants my achievement points though, does the unlocker give you them them?
Yup, it doesn't unlock any of the achievements, but you just go into like player status and pick a title, then exit and it'll save and give you the achievements you should of earned.


Does anyone have the game constantly (as in once every few minutes) skipping/pausing for a second or so? Really not sure what's causing it.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Ikuu said:
Yup, it doesn't unlock any of the achievements, but you just go into like player status and pick a title, then exit and it'll save and give you the achievements you should of earned.

Hmn I couldn't get the thing I used to actually do anything...

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan


PC version redeemed.


The offer still stands. If you want the pleasure of training a nub my xbl tag is griffd17 :D

And _dementia, were you planning on having videos of the tourney you're going to?


he's Virgin Tight™
Dark Hokage SRK was that extremely awesome Viper that I saw a replay from a Gaffer right?

I am proud to say I just beat him 2-0 with my Chun :lol Intense match too!


Skilotonn said:
Those mods... :lol

It was bound to happen but I didn't expect it so soon! I guess it's a Chun-only thing so far?

No, anyone can essentially be swapped with anyone. The faces fuck up because the facial animation is SF4 is apparently very specific to each character.


MoxManiac said:
No, anyone can essentially be swapped with anyone. The faces fuck up because the facial animation is SF4 is apparently very specific to each character.

How does one apply these mods?
GriffD17 said:
The offer still stands. If you want the pleasure of training a nub my xbl tag is griffd17 :D

And _dementia, were you planning on having videos of the tourney you're going to?
Not really. It's actually an anime convention and the main attraction game is going to be brawl. Some SRKers are supposed to show up so there could be footage but I'm not sure.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
MoxManiac said:
No, anyone can essentially be swapped with anyone. The faces fuck up because the facial animation is SF4 is apparently very specific to each character.

Ah okay, figured that it was only Chun-Li since both vids were of her...

I know about the face & every other animation unique to the original character messing up Chun-Li though, since people tend to love swapping characters like this in other games too... :lol
I'm really starting to get annoyed by the whole Ultra system. Especially with the Sagats, Ryus and Rufus'.

The Ultra is a high risk/high reward element that can turn the tide of battle (no shit, right).

Yet for these fucking characters, it's a matter of - OOOPS, shoryuken, let's throw the Ultra. Or for Rufus, congrats, light kick to heavy kick, ultra, congrats -

It's so fucking retarded. If a character can throw out Ultra's that connect by fucking accident, then they shouldn't do nearly as much damage as those who have a harder time landing theirs.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
C- Warrior said:
I'm really starting to get annoyed by the whole Ultra system. Especially with the Sagats, Ryus and Rufus'.

The Ultra is a high risk/high reward element that can turn the tide of battle (no shit, right).

Yet for these fucking characters, it's a matter of - OOOPS, shoryuken, let's throw the Ultra. Or for Rufus, congrats, light kick to heavy kick, ultra, congrats -

It's so fucking retarded. If a character can throw out Ultra's that connect by fucking accident, then they shouldn't do nearly as much damage as those who have a harder time landing theirs.

Agree with this 100%. Hopefully SF4 v2 will nerf a few of those annoyances.

...who am I kidding. They'll probably nerf nothing and give Sagat a simultaneous high/low tiger shot.
_dementia said:
or you could write this

Haha I forgot about that. Seriously, though look at the latest tier list and tell me that one based solely on Ultra's would be incredibly different:

Overall Tier Rank
S Rank: Sagat
A Rank: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B Rank: M.Bison, Rufus, Balrog, C.Viper, E.Honda
C Rank: Abel, El Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun-li, Ken, Blanka
D Rank: Guile, Vega

Some would definitely get shuffled, but I stand by my point.
_dementia said:
totally untrue btw, Abel should keep up the pressure and mixup game.
No Ultra necessary.


That's just flat out insane, Abel's massive impressive in mirror matches no doubt. But would you have any videos of him against character who can turtle successfully? Or anybody who can use fireballs? As even though I'm nowhere near that players calibre those are the opponents who give me problems.
UC1 said:
Every single character can combo their ultra, that's not exactly high risk. Doing random SRKs is high risk.
:lol :lol :lol :lol - using SRK as an anti-air is not high risk genius. Granted, it's my fault for jumping in, but my punishment for jumping in should be the damage from the SRK. Not damage from a mindless idiot doing an SRK and then doing an Ultra which isn't hard to do at all. Pulling off Ultra's that aren't from simple counters, or FA's should take skill. I.e, Ken --> hit confirm light punches into a fierce SRK and FADC out of the second and only the second connect and then do a partial Ultra. Balrog's isn't too bad as well. Combo the headbutt into a partial Ultra. But not only can Ryu/Sagat/Rufus combo INTO A FULL FUCKING ULTRA, it's retard-easy to set it up.

I jump in a Ryu with a heavy kick, he launches a late short dragon punch (which is pretty quick and in some instances flat out safe on landing) - so technically, he fucks up - we trade damage and he launches his Ultra. That's crap.

Or, a Ryu player will mash medium punch in the air - get lucky, juggle me and bam ULTRA.

There is no risk. If that Ryu player fucks up on his medium air punch juggle, at worst he'll just trade with my air attack.

Sagat, jump in heavy kick, c. medium kick, ex tiger - BAM ULTRA OMEHWHIGH OMG!!

Where is the risk? At worst I block it and with the fast recover I can't counter.

And then let's look at Ken, or Guile, or Vega, or E.Honda, or the other characters that aren't Rufus, Ryu and Sagat. We have to fucking hit confirm into a FADC and get a partial damage Ultra?

Fuck this shit.

Capcom needs to look at each characters Ultra and treat it as if it's a character on its own. And then balance it accordingly with comparison to other characters.

Ryu - literally, has about SIX FUCKING DIFFERENT ways to combo into his full ULTRA. 5 out of those 6 methods TAKES NO FUCKING SKILL.

So, I'm fighting to death, doing pokes, throws, mind-games, and this fucker is throwing fireballs 24/7, gets lucky due to lag and trades anti-air, and launches an Ultra that takes 45% of my life?


If you're Ultra is idiot-proof combo-able, max damage 300 with low end 200. Fuck this 50% shit.


Spirit of Jazz said:
That's just flat out insane, Abel's massive impressive in mirror matches no doubt. But would you have any videos of him against character who can turtle successfully? Or anybody who can use fireballs? As even though I'm nowhere near that players calibre those are the opponents who give me problems.

Watdh any video of shiro or ojisan boy playing abel. There are plenty on youtube.
prodystopian said:
I noticed that you could make a pretty reasonable tier list based on damage and ways to combo into/use of ultra alone.

I support this notion 100%.

Moreover, if you look at the top tier characters, they all include the characters that have easy Ultra juggles and combos. I.e, Ryu, Sagat, and Rufus.

And what do you know, the more shitty the Ultra - the lower they are. I.e, fucking Vega. Who can't combo into his Ultra at all.

*...the more you know indeed.

Anyway, the Ultra system ass-fucks this game so much. It's not maybe - it is the reason why characters are at certain tiers, it's 90% due to Ultra's alone. Thats too much emphasis on one single element of the game.
"I jump in a Ryu with a heavy kick, he launches a late short dragon punch (which is pretty quick and in some instances flat out safe on landing) - so technically, he fucks up - we trade damage and he launches his Ultra. That's crap."

He fucked up, but you fucked up worst. Randomly jumping in on a shoto is just asking for trouble, Street Fighter 101.

"Sagat, jump in heavy kick, c. medium kick, ex tiger - BAM ULTRA OMEHWHIGH OMG!!

Where is the risk? At worst I block it and with the fast recover I can't counter."

If you can't punish a blocked EX Tiger uppercut, that's *all* you.

Also, the tiers in Third Strike were largely decided by supers. Nothing's changed.


_dementia said:

totally untrue btw, Abel should keep up the pressure and mixup game.
No Ultra necessary.


I don't know if you're serious by linking an Abel vs Abel video, which is a pretty dumb matchup, but his poking game is very weak, anti-air is terrible and to setup he needs to overcome the former two. Plus his mixups are okay, but not great either as they're not that hard to get out of.

I watched all good Abel players on youtube I can find, but when played against newer players who don't even understand what your character is trying to do, all that mixups go all out of the window when they can defeat them by randomly jabbing or srk.

It's funny how many times I try to punish a blocked SRK but instead get hit by another SRK instead.
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