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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Teknopathetic said:
"I jump in a Ryu with a heavy kick, he launches a late short dragon punch (which is pretty quick and in some instances flat out safe on landing) - so technically, he fucks up - we trade damage and he launches his Ultra. That's crap."

He fucked up, but you fucked up worst. Randomly jumping in on a shoto is just asking for trouble, Street Fighter 101.

"Sagat, jump in heavy kick, c. medium kick, ex tiger - BAM ULTRA OMEHWHIGH OMG!!

Where is the risk? At worst I block it and with the fast recover I can't counter."

If you can't punish a blocked EX Tiger uppercut, that's *all* you.

Also, the tiers in Third Strike were largely decided by supers. Nothing's changed.

Oh, you're one of those elite Street Fighter players who assume if something isn't 100% hit confirmed and FADC'ed into something else it must be random. You aren't Darksydephil are you "THAT SOOOO RANDOM!" =p If the entire match was reactive as you say then nothing would happen. We'd just stand there. Eventually somebody is going to have to make a rock - paper - scissors judgement and make a move.

Anyway, jumping in on somebody isn't random. It's a tactic. It's like pitching and hitting. You have to make a judgement, not everything is 500% reactive. Eventually you are going to have to come in. And the point isn't do describe who's the better player, the fact of the matter is that pulling an easy SRK and then juggle it into an Ultra is just too simple/easy for the damage output. It's fundamentally broken.

Also, at full length it's difficult to counter against Sagat's EX tiger if he's far enough after the c.medium kick with certain characters.

And what can I punish that with? Maybe a poke - a poke two in one into a special move? Maybe - not an Ultra, since it has too much start-up.

So, what we have is that he bets on combo-ing his Ultra, knowing his risk is maybe about 150 points of damage? Again, fundamentally broken. Or - better yet, Sagat throws out a random (you like this word...no?) EX tiger uppercut and then pulls off an Ultra when he lands. Again, fundamentally broken. In many instances - with Ryu, Rufus and Sagat, comboing their Ultra for them is as easy as doing a two-in one crouching medium kick to a fireball.

Damage should be scaled appropriately - and it's not. These combo into Ultras are too easy to perform and the reward is too high.

There is no fucking secret the best players are using Ryu, Sagat and Rufus. These characters have idiot-proof Ultras. I assure you, it's not because people are in love with Ryu's hurricane kick that they are so bent on choosing (for example) Ryu over Ken.
YakiSOBA said:

Majority of Ryu's/Rufus/and Sagats combo's into Ultras have nothing to do with FADC you baboon.

In fact, if you'd be a bit smarter - you'd understand my whole argument is FOR Ultra's being difficult to pull off. As in the FADC's. As opposed to these easy juggles. And I assure you, other GAFFers that I've played against, on the rare occassion that I am using Ryu or Ken, I can FADC into an Ultra no problem.

Surprised you missed the entire thesis - that main point was driven in like 80 times in my past 3 posts. I have no complaints against Vipers Ultra juggles, or Ken's Ultra juggles, or the like.

But getting caught by a random light to heavy kick mash-a-thon which leads to a Rufus Ultra that takes off 50% of my health when I've been dominating the entire match, is again - broken.

So, kind of a dumbass move on your point, since you whiffed on my whole argument.
"Oh, you're one of those elite Street Fighter players who assume if something isn't 100% hit confirmed and FADC'ed into something else it must be random. You aren't Darksydephil are you "THAT SOOOO RANDOM!"

Anyway, jumping in on somebody isn't random. It's a tactic. It's like pitching and hitting. You have to make a judgement, not everything is 500% reactive. Eventually you are going to have to come in. And the point isn't do describe who's the better player, the fact of the matter is that pulling an easy SRK and then juggle it into an Ultra is just too simple/easy for the damage output. It's fundamentally broken."

No, I'm not, but if you're jumping in on a shoto (or anyone with a good DP), if they're expecting it enough to DP it (or if they're able to DP it on reaction)...stop jumping in? I mean, I don't see the problem here. You jumped in and someone DP'd you and followed up with ultra. You know the DP is a possibility, so if you did it anyway and it's *not* random, then it's just your poor judgment. Take your pick.

"And why the fuck am I trying to convince you - there is no fucking secret the best players are using Ryu, Sagat and Rufus. These characters have idiot-proof Ultras. I assure you, it's not because people are in love with Ryu's hurricane kick that they are so bent on choosing (for example) Ryu over Ken.

PS: Unless you've actually played against me, I highly doubt you're qualified to 'teach' me the basics of Street Fighter."

I'm not arguing whether they're the best characters or not, (Except Rufus, who has slid down several notches since the game came out) you're making it sound like ultras/supers influencing the tiers is some new concept and it really isn't.

Whether I'm qualified to teach you the basics or not is irrelevant (and I don't particularly care if I am or not), the bottomline is that in that situation, it was a bad play by you and you got punished for it. Stop being a baby.


What's the requirement to get into G2? I have yet to win a championship...just based on points? It'll be interesting to get their seeing as how you lose points.
Just stop fucking jumping in against Shotos/Sagats that have an ultra meter! Is it really that hard to fucking figure out? It's some Shoto user bitching that they can't throw fireballs from a certain distance because Chun and Abel have an ultra! You can still jump in and throw fireballs, but you have to fucking do them wisely. If you get bamboozled out of the air and ultra'd, it's your own fucking fault for sucking.

Oh, and if you're "dominating" the match and just get hit with an ultra...who cares? If you're really dominating, you're still alive and you can continue dominating once they've blown their wad.
Teknopathetic said:
No, I'm not, but if you're jumping in on a shoto (or anyone with a good DP), if they're expecting it enough to DP it (or if they're able to DP it on reaction)...stop jumping in? I mean, I don't see the problem here. You jumped in and someone DP'd you and followed up with ultra. You know the DP is a possibility, so if you did it anyway if it's *not* random, then it's just your poor judgment. Take your pick.

Whether I'm qualified to teach you the basics or not is irrelevant (and I don't particularly care if I am or not), the bottomline is that in that situation, it was a bad play by you and you got punished for it.

You don't really seem to understand the concept of balance. Fact of the matter is, a more difficult set-up, and more difficult execution, should lead to higher damage outputs. A Rufus mashing heavy kick while he jumps and getting lucky - and then pulling of an Ultra which takes zero skill should not have that high of a damage reward. Especially since when so many other characters don't have such easy access.

Again, there -is.a.reason- why so many people gravitate towards Ryu and Sagat. And it's not because of Ryu's fancy little red fireball. *hint hint*

Pop On Arrival said:
Just stop fucking jumping in against Shotos/Sagats that have an ultra meter! Is it really that hard to fucking figure out? It's some Shoto user bitching that they can't throw fireballs from a certain distance because Chun and Abel have an ultra! You can still jump in and throw fireballs, but you have to fucking do them wisely. If you get bamboozled out of the air and ultra'd, it's your own fucking fault for sucking.


Uh, this has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is - the imbalance from character to character on how Ultra's are executed. From a design and balance standpoint, the easier something is to pull off, and the instances in which it can be done should be taken into consideration when determining the damage output. The Ultra has such significance in a match that it should not turn the tide of battle simply because you got a 3 hit combo from Sagat in the corner. You should get punished - with just that, a three hit combo.

Oh wait...

HARD -- am I doing it right?

Also, I don't see why the resistance to my argument. Everyone agrees Sagat and Ryu are high - tier and over saturated. If you simply lower the near-infinite setups they have to combo into their Ultra, you'd be amazed at how -all of a sudden- balanced Sagat and Ryu become towards the rest of the cast.
Totakeke said:
It's funny how many times I try to punish a blocked SRK but instead get hit by another SRK instead.
low Strong xx CoD is probably the easiest and most reliable

Is this happening to you online? Lag might make it tougher.


GriffD17 said:
What's the requirement to get into G2? I have yet to win a championship...just based on points? It'll be interesting to get their seeing as how you lose points.

2000 bp? Something like that, you dont lose points until G1.


I do agree that SRK-FADC character has a tactical advantage when they have Ultra and half super bar full though.

You can't really jump, and they can pressure you with zone game alternating throws, fireballs, and SRKs to get you off guard. You have to guess which move they gonna pull off.
"You don't really seem to understand the concept of balance. Fact of the matter is, a more difficult set-up, and more difficult execution, should lead to higher damage outputs. A Rufus mashing heavy kick while he jumps and getting lucky - and then pulling of an Ultra which takes zero skill should not have that high of a damage reward. Especially since when so many other characters don't have such easy access.

Again, there -is.a.reason- why so many people gravitate towards Ryu and Sagat. And it's not because of Ryu's fancy little red fireball. *hint hint*"

You act as if someone is arguing that they're not top characters or *why* they're top characters. Are you reading anything anyone's saying? Or are you just punching your pillow and rageposting because some guy online outplayed you?

"Also, I don't see why the resistance to my argument. Everyone agrees Sagat and Ryu are high - tier and over saturated. If you simply lower the near-infinite setups they have to combo into their Ultra, you'd be amazed at how -all of a sudden- balanced Sagat and Ryu become towards the rest of the cast."

Not really, because Rufus (whom you stopped mentioning once I pointed that out) has slid down to upper-mid tier and he has *plenty* of ultra setups. Conversely, Ryu is on the same tier as Zangief and akuma, both don't really have any reliable ultra setups.

And even so, like I said earlier multiple times, supers/ultras influencing tiers of fighting games is absolutely nothing new.
C- Warrior said:
Ryu - literally, has about SIX FUCKING DIFFERENT ways to combo into his full ULTRA. 5 out of those 6 methods TAKES NO FUCKING SKILL.

<3 Ryu

I guess I understand the frustration though...you're a Vega player, right?
Shadow780 said:
I do agree that SRK-FADC character has a tactical advantage when they have Ultra and half super bar full though.

You can't really jump, and they can pressure you with zone game alternating throws, fireballs, and SRKs to get you off guard. You have to guess which move they gonna pull off.

No. My argument IS FOR these difficult set-ups, if you want to get yourself back in the fight by pulling off a godly "win button" attack (aka the Ultra) you should earn with something that takes -a little- skill, like a hit confirmed SRK FADC into Ultra.

However, getting lucky and doing medium punch in air as a Ryu and busting with an Ultra for 40 to 50 % damage - is - bullshit.

A Ryu player crossing me up and hit confirming into an SRK - FADC into Ultra is fine. Since it takes more skill than a random SRK anti-air into Ultra.
C- Warrior said:
You don't really seem to understand the concept of balance. Fact of the matter is, a more difficult set-up, and more difficult execution, should lead to higher damage outputs. A Rufus mashing heavy kick while he jumps and getting lucky - and then pulling of an Ultra which takes zero skill should not have that high of a damage reward. Especially since when so many other characters don't have such easy access.

Again, there -is.a.reason- why so many people gravitate towards Ryu and Sagat. And it's not because of Ryu's fancy little red fireball. *hint hint*

Uh, this has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is - the imbalance from character to character on how Ultra's are executed. From a design and balance standpoint, the easier something is to pull off, and the instances in which it can be done should be taken into consideration when determining the damage output. The Ultra has such significance in a match that it should not turn the tide of battle simply because you got a 3 hit combo from Sagat in the corner. You should get punished - with just that, a three hit combo.

Oh wait...

HARD -- am I doing it right?

Also, I don't see why the resistance to my argument. Everyone agrees Sagat and Ryu are high - tier and over saturated. If you simply lower the near-infinite setups they have to combo into their Ultra, you'd be amazed at how -all of a sudden- balanced Sagat and Ryu become towards the rest of the cast.

I don't even disagree with you all that much. It's just that you're presenting yourself as a big baby. Abel has a pretty easy ultra setup too, and that doesn't make him top tier. What makes Sagat and Ryu good are their zone game. Shitty players tend to get frustrated when they're being pelted with fireballs and do random ass jump-ins so they get their ass dp'd out of the air and utra'd.

So basically, you don't need to do shit to the top tier characters, just fix Vega and Guile and tweak some of the mid-tier characters to make them a little more competitive.

edit: shitty broken keyboard lolol
""Oh, you're one of those elite Street Fighter players who assume if something isn't 100% hit confirmed and FADC'ed into something else it must be random. You aren't Darksydephil are you "THAT SOOOO RANDOM!""

"However, getting lucky and doing medium punch in air as a Ryu and busting with an Ultra for 40 to 50 % damage - is - bullshit."

Man, you are all over the place. First, you bust my chops for saying "random jump in," now you're saying a ryu player hitting you with air-to-air medium punch and comboing into ultra is "getting lucky."

A little consistency, please. What happened to the whole "pitching/hitting" tactic garbage you were spewing?
DryEyeRelief said:
<3 Ryu

I guess I understand the frustration though...you're a Vega player, right?



the truth comes out

Actually, I was dicking around with Ken for the past couple of days (getting away from Boxer and Claw) - and this is when I realized that something is fundamentally fucked when I went like 20 rounds against a GAFFers Ryu. He said he had about 10,000 GP - which means shit in online player, but does mean that he plays a lot more than I since I have about 4,000.

We tied at 10 games a piece, but I realized that I was doing more advanced links, combos, FADC's, tick-throws, as the Ken, yet I had about a 4:6 success rate against his Ryu. I also pulled off my Ultra about a total of 4 times, while he (with all his ways to juggle into it) pulled it off every match.

His he simply a better player? I don't know - considering when I'd switch to Balrog I beat him 100% of the time, and Balrog is a distant third used character.

it really makes the balance issues of the game apparent.

Teknopathetic said:
A little consistency, please. What happened to the whole "pitching/hitting" tactic garbage you were spewing?

My pitching/hitting tactic garbage doesn't compare to your "everything is random" tactic garbage. Therefore we will stick with random.


C- Warrior said:
However, getting lucky and doing medium punch in air as a Ryu and busting with an Ultra for 40 to 50 % damage - is - bullshit.

A Ryu player crossing me up and hit confirming into an SRK - FADC into Ultra is fine. Since it takes more skill than a random SRK anti-air into Ultra.

Now you sound like Phil...

I don't agree with that at all. There's not really a thing as being lucky on high level play. If you're better than the opponent you shouldn't be hit with random moves whatsoever. If it's online it's understandable to certain degree since lag can cause some frustration.

I do agree with you on the presumption that, if you and your opponent are at the same skill level, and your opponent has Ultra and half super meter full but you don't. You're in a tactical disadvantage (operative word being "tactical") because your opponent has many ways to get you into SRK - FADC situation. Since he suddenly has more options to choose from offensively and defensively.

Edit: Oh you're an VEGA player? Okay fuck you and your fucking Vega, you deserve to die. Go to hell, I hate Vega.
"You popularized the word "random" dude - we're going to have to flow with that now."

This doesn't even address anything I posted, just empty words to distract from the fact that you completely contradicted yourself.

"My pitching/hitting tactic garbage doesn't compare to your "everything is random" tactic garbage. Therefore we will stick with random."

And now you're putting words in my mouth. I think we're done here.
Shadow780 said:
Now you sound like Phil...

I don't agree with that at all. There's not really a thing as being lucky on high level play. If you're better than the opponent you shouldn't be hit with random moves whatsoever. If it's online it's understandable to certain degree since lag can cause some frustration.

I do agree with you on the presumption that, if you and your opponent are at the same skill level, and your opponent has Ultra and half super meter full but you don't. You're in a tactical disadvantage (operative word being "tactical") because your opponent has many ways to get you into SRK - FADC situation. Since he suddenly has more options to choose from offensively and defensively.

The way certain characters can execute their Ultra's in a multitude of ways as opposed to many other characters who have one or -maybe- two ways to execute an Ultra creates balance issues that are clearly apparent and existent with the game.

Fixing and scaling the Ultra's accordingly WOULD IN ITSELF fix a lot of the dominance issues shown by Sagat or Ryu, as you know it - two characters who can seemingly combo into their Ultra's from any where on the map, with little effort. This is a problem.

All I'm saying. People seem to be making it into a personal skill matter, like that "random" guy Tecknodickpath" or whatever. But really, it's just a general observation and reasoning as to why certain characters are top tier. And it's mostly due to their Ultras, and how they can set it up in so many easy ways.

Unfortunately everyone in and their mom uses Ryu/Sagat, so I have a feeling I'm dealing with some Ryu/Sagat players in here who are getting butt-hurt that somebody is challenging those characters and their bullshit ways. Uh-oh! Fear not, you can still always resort to Gief.


C- Warrior said:
The way certain characters can execute their Ultra's in a multitude of ways as opposed to many other characters who have one or -maybe- two ways to execute an Ultra creates balance issues that are clearly apparent and existent with the game.

Fixing and scaling the Ultra's accordingly WOULD IN ITSELF fix a lot of the dominance issues shown by Sagat or Ryu, as you know it - two characters who can seemingly combo into their Ultra's from any where on the map, with little effort. This is a problem.

I'm not really disagree with that, except the random stuff, because for a moment there I really thought you're Phil~:lol

That's why there's a tier list. They're probably gonna fix it to some extent, but I don't think they'll change the scheme of landing Ultras though.
C- Warrior said:
Ryu - literally, has about SIX FUCKING DIFFERENT ways to combo into his full ULTRA. 5 out of those 6 methods TAKES NO FUCKING SKILL.

So, I'm fighting to death, doing pokes, throws, mind-games, and this fucker is throwing fireballs 24/7, gets lucky due to lag and trades anti-air, and launches an Ultra that takes 45% of my life?

You're obviously not fighting to death if you jump in and let the person trade his AA. Crossup if you need to in that situation. Sagat, Ryu, and Rufus have a lot of ultra setups. Limit their options. Play with their setups in mind. Fighting games. Welcome to them.
I got a Dhalsim to call my Guile a coward today (in G1, mind you) :lol

I have to admit that I impressed myself - i was biting my tongue to not react any more to the fireballs than I was doing already (thank you Galactic). I matched his YF's with SB's all day long. One timeout and a couple 04 secs left matches. Ugly, but winning strategies :D

And trade to ultra IS bullshit :p They just need to boost the bottom tier instead of nerfing more people


Timedog made it onto the XBL Replay leaderboards. The ending to the first round was...different. He was facing a Bison that just did the flying in the air move and over and over in the same spot.

Congrats anyways and nice win.


Just to clarify my earlier comment, no I don't think doing an SRK against a jump-in is random or unsafe, unless you've just been knocked down and they're crossing you up, or safe-jumping. I thought we were talking about random SRKs during blocked strings, which can also lead to ultras pretty easily, but if they're blocked, it usually means they eat something big as punishment. Meh, no need to bitch about the game engine if you're losing, just use a better character or step your game up.


GriffD17 said:
Timedog made it onto the XBL Replay leaderboards. The ending to the first round was...different. He was facing a Bison that just did the flying in the air move and over and over in the same spot.

Congrats anyways and nice win.
lol i just watched it...fishing with jumping MP ftw :lol

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
_dementia said:

totally untrue btw, Abel should keep up the pressure and mixup game.
No Ultra necessary.


wow that shit that starts at exactly one minute is like watching a kid get handicapped kid get beat up by the school bully


Killa Sasa said:
I got a Dhalsim to call my Guile a coward today (in G1, mind you) :lol

I have to admit that I impressed myself - i was biting my tongue to not react any more to the fireballs than I was doing already (thank you Galactic). I matched his YF's with SB's all day long. One timeout and a couple 04 secs left matches. Ugly, but winning strategies :D

Good stuff, bro.

If that's all it takes, do it! :lol
GriffD17 said:
What's the requirement to get into G2? I have yet to win a championship...just based on points? It'll be interesting to get their seeing as how you lose points.


Teknopathetic said:
Also, the tiers in Third Strike were largely decided by supers. Nothing's changed.

Good point. I wasn't arguing that it shouldn't be that way, just making the observation.
Totakeke said:
I don't know if you're serious by linking an Abel vs Abel video, which is a pretty dumb matchup, but his poking game is very weak, anti-air is terrible and to setup he needs to overcome the former two. Plus his mixups are okay, but not great either as they're not that hard to get out of.

I watched all good Abel players on youtube I can find, but when played against newer players who don't even understand what your character is trying to do, all that mixups go all out of the window when they can defeat them by randomly jabbing or srk.

It's funny how many times I try to punish a blocked SRK but instead get hit by another SRK instead.

Abel's mixups are pretty good, but he does have some serious limitations, just like you mentioned.

I remember when Third Strike was released, everyone was saying Makoto was a shoto killer, Abel has some serious anti-shoto techniques.

On a separate note, Sagat needs to get nerfed. So frustrating fighting that beast.
Sagat can keep his extra health and damage, just bring down his fireball speed and recovery down to Ryu level then everything is cool. I don't mind him hurting me when we're up close, I'd just like to get up close to him first without having to dodge 100 tiger shots in the span of 10 seconds.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
I'm getting a ltitle tired of the shoto parade myself in G1, and using Honda, who is the worse choice against them, doesn't help much.

They do land into their ultras too easily, which is why they are top tier. Akuma's top for his runaway.

If you balanced Ryu and Sagat out, people would just gravitate to Rufus or whoever the next top tier char is- that's the way it always works. People whore Iori in KOF like mad, and people whored Akira in early VF. Ukyo- everyone played him in SS2, and forgot how to play him after that.

The only way to solve the problem is to have really, really awesome character balance- and almost no games do that.

Also, random things will happen, they happen in sports too. Sometimes the ball bounces off one player into another player for the pick or touchdown. If I'm outmatched, one of my strategies is to try annd increase the odds of something random happening, and I try to do the reverse if I think I'm better then the other guy.
I was having a discussion with a friend on MSN about his complaints with Namco making Overlimits in Tales games even more broken than they were in Vesperia. I eventually said, "most broken RPGs I've played have a super meter of some sort."

Now Ultras/Supers in SF4 aren't really broken, but I agree that they over centralize the game's balance quite a bit. Seems like super meters in games tend to cause most balance problems.


The solution is clearly for everyone to just main Gen so as to revel in his sheer badassery. My favorite Gen moment of the week was smacking a Sagat out of the last tip of his Ultra by jumping back when he unleashed it and coming down with KKK fierce punch palm of death. Couldn't block chip damage either. Gen fits in moments of greatness and fulfillment better than anyone. :D


Shadow780 said:
I thought you can connect Guile's Ultra after his somersault/super move?


I was watching a vid of Guile the other day and I saw him connect two flash kicks (didn't think Capcom would allow that for Guile :lol) So I tested out flack kick > Ultra...and it works. It works kinda like Ryu's SRK > Ultra (except harder)


Alright, I'm just playing against Medium computer Zangief and I'm having trouble.

I'm using C.Viper so all my moves bring me in close. I'm constantly getting Lariat'd whenever I move in. I'm even just smashing the grab buttons to try to counter-it, but I'm continuously getting Lariat'd. What's the counter to it?

Also, his fire punch has priority over my thunder knuckle. I guess I should be attacking from the air in that case?

edit: I had to resort to being cheap as hell. Constant seismic hammers and fire kicks to keep him at a distance. Fuck Zangiaf.

edit2: now it's Abel. Every single one of his specials has priority over mine. I need to learn to play without friggin' specials.

edit3: the netcode in this game is infuriating.


TheExodu5 said:
edit2: now it's Abel. Every single one of his specials has priority over mine. I need to learn to play without friggin' specials.

I don't know much about C.Viper, but his command throw > throw, throw > ex command throw. As for the other specials? You can just block and punish if you see it coming, you shouldn't trade specials with those anyway as they're either from range or part of a combo.


Totakeke said:
I don't know much about C.Viper, but his command throw > throw, throw > ex command throw. As for the other specials? You can just block and punish if you see it coming, you shouldn't trade specials with those anyway as they're either from range or part of a combo.

Yeah I really need to learn to play defensively. I'm completely new to fighting games, so I'm pretty much devoid of any skill at the moment. :lol


Ikuu said:
Yup, it doesn't unlock any of the achievements, but you just go into like player status and pick a title, then exit and it'll save and give you the achievements you should of earned.
link to this mod please


TheExodu5 said:
Yeah I really need to learn to play defensively. I'm completely new to fighting games, so I'm pretty much devoid of any skill at the moment. :lol

Welcome to the club. It's a long road ahead. But we'll get there someday.


bob_arctor said:
The solution is clearly for everyone to just main Gen so as to revel in his sheer badassery. My favorite Gen moment of the week was smacking a Sagat out of the last tip of his Ultra by jumping back when he unleashed it and coming down with KKK fierce punch palm of death. Couldn't block chip damage either. Gen fits in moments of greatness and fulfillment better than anyone. :D

Truth. I love watching those who play Gen. So damn cool. I don't know if I could ever master changing stances for the different situations and what not. But it'll be interesting to see if the top players choose Gen sometime down the road.


Trucker Sexologist
MIMIC said:
I was watching a vid of Guile the other day and I saw him connect two flash kicks (didn't think Capcom would allow that for Guile :lol) So I tested out flack kick > Ultra...and it works. It works kinda like Ryu's SRK > Ultra (except harder)
I'm aware that Guile can combo his super->ultra but regular flash kick to -> ultra would be something new.
I hate reading tekno's posts w/ multi quotes.

same here :lol

lately i've been rediscovering gen. im not the type to do lots of fancy stuff, so im surprised you can do so much damage with his basic moveset. but its similar with guilde. the only difference lies in his inability to do fancy stuff at all.
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