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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I just got a new replay against a Seth who was completely dominating me. I'm noting it because I won the second round in exactly 4 moves. He's doing all this fancy shit on me, throws a fireball at my Abel and eats a fully charged ultra, taking off 80% of his life :lol
Jason said:
gg FindMyFarms.

I got destroyed in that 2nd round. :lol

Hey, where did we play again lol? Which characters? If it was championship mode, I wouldn't know cuz I can't read text on my tv (crappy crt *cries)


FindMyFarms said:
Hey, where did we play again lol? Which characters? If it was championship mode, I wouldn't know cuz I can't read text on my tv (crappy crt *cries)

Your Viper (which is way too aggressive lol) versus my Rufus.


he's Virgin Tight™
To Grifter... great games. Close at the beginning... you got a lead, then I finally got into a more serious mood... put the games 5-4 your favor, then got an ass whooping when you figured I had a slight problem escaping that corner :lol Also... I call BS at me doing an EX SBK and still getting hit by the SRK. That has never happened before :lol I got constantly hit by that since I am a stubborn asshole and just wanted to do the EX SBK =P. Great games... Wanted to use Honda but stuck to Chun. I need more practice against good Akumas.


OMG, a minute ago the freakiest thing ever happened to me :lol . Was in a G2 Final against a scrubby Sagat. Keep in mind that it was a 2 Bar connection because no one playes in europe at this time anymore.

I landed a combo (ex overhead -> cr. medium punch -> dash punch) and did nothing but block afterwards. So what happened? After my dash punch connected, Sagat immediatly entered his super animation and HIT ME WITH it. I was like WTF, since when can you punish a regular combo XD? Well taught me the lesson to never ever play a 2 bar in a final again (I lost because of it).


Rektash said:
OMG, a minute ago the freakiest thing ever happened to me :lol . Was in a G2 Final against a scrubby Sagat. Keep in mind that it was a 2 Bar connection because no one playes in europe at this time anymore.

I landed a combo (ex overhead -> cr. medium punch -> dash punch) and did nothing but block afterwards. So what happened? After my dash punch connected, Sagat immediatly entered his super animation and HIT ME WITH it. I was like WTF, since when can you punish a regular combo XD? Well taught me the lesson to never ever play a 2 bar in a final again (I lost because of it).
Same thing happened to me on a 2 bar connection today. My dash straight got punished by Ken's super and I know I was blocking as soon as I started the straight cause I wanted to start charging again. Was really weird.

Nose Master

I cant do Rogs first hardddd :mad:. Do you have to like, tap down forward to dash and it still counts as charging the whole time? I can do the first three parts and the last three parts but not the whole thing :'(

Edit: Got it now, the third one was cake. Fuuuuck the fourth. I don't get why they don't teach you functional combos. The actual likelihood of you attempting this shit with like one frame links in a real match is so fucking absurd. You'd always go for a safer, higher damage, easier to link combo.

Editpartdeux: Complain Fest: Now I'm stuck on Blanka 4-4 Normal :/. The first three in this set were so fucking obnoxious, too. I don't want to have to do them again :lol


Far too long since i've had a GAF player match. Going to start sending out challenges tomorrow or something.

GAF SFIV tag should still work just fine for that right?
GG's to Mr Farms. Went back and forth for a little while there before you broke it open :lol Sorry I had to go, brain no function sleep well without. You probably were shaking off a little Blazblue rust in the first few go arounds, I haven't leveled up in a while.

And :lol at the pc mods. Sakugief may be the greatest artist of our time.


SapientWolf said:
I'm aware that Guile can combo his super->ultra but regular flash kick to -> ultra would be something new.

Mimic is wrong, comboing Flash to Ultra isn't possible.

You can do Flash xx Super -- just cancel to Super as soon as the Flash hits. Best way to use this in a match is to combo from c.MP.

As Sapient said you can combo Super, Ultra, but the Ultra goes into juggle mode and only hits 3 times for terrible damage.

Balrog, Rufus, and Ryu have so many ways to combo in Super/Ultra. But for Guile -- even when it looks like moves should hit -- they often just pass right through the opponent. Inconsistencies like this really hurt the game IMO.


PBMax said:
Mimic is wrong, comboing Flash to Ultra isn't possible.

Um, yeah it IS possible. :lol I tested it out in training mode. Your opponent has to be jumping, though (much like Ryu's light DP into Ultra)
PBMax said:
Balrog, Rufus, and Ryu have so many ways to combo in Super/Ultra. But for Guile -- even when it looks like moves should hit -- they often just pass right through the opponent. Inconsistencies like this really hurt the game IMO.

Sagat > Balrog in ultra setups. Not to mention that Balrog's ultra is usually super scaled in BnB setups on top of the poor damage it does when juggled.


I'd like some general advice. I was very good at SFII 16+ years ago, but I can't seem to wrap my head around this game (I'm not horrible, but some things tend to beat me every time).

- How do you avoid being constantly thrown by characters like Zangif? I played one fellow online, and while he kind of sucked, once he knocked me down he could just keep walking up to me and throwing me once I got up. Every time. I tried tapping the light punches and kicks but I'd be thrown before I can do anything.

- I notice that some people who are very good can execute a special move as they are getting up (you can't even get a medium low kick before they do an uppercut). I'm pretty quick with some of those moves, but I've never been successful doing that.

- Also, does anyone else find it really difficult to do the charge type attacks? Particularly as part of a combo. Used to be really easy.

Decado said:
I'd like some general advice. I was very good at SFII 16+ years ago, but I can't seem to wrap my head around this game (I'm not horrible, but some things tend to beat me every time).

- How do you avoid being constantly thrown by characters like Zangif? I played one fellow online, and while he kind of sucked, once he knocked me down he could just keep walking up to me and throwing me once I got up. Every time. I tried tapping the light punches and kicks but I'd be thrown before I can do anything.

- I notice that some people who are very good can execute a special move as they are getting up (you can't even get a medium low kick before they do an uppercut). I'm pretty quick with some of those moves, but I've never been successful doing that.

- Also, does anyone else find it really difficult to do the charge type attacks? Particularly as part of a combo. Used to be really easy.


Jump away from Zangief if you think he's going to SPD. If you're not Abel, you probably don't have anything to outprioritize it. punches and kicks won't work.

Performing commands like shoryuken on wakeup is as easy as inputting the command right before the character gets up from a knockdown.


_dementia said:
Jump away from Zangief if you think he's going to SPD. If you're not Abel, you probably don't have anything to outprioritize it. punches and kicks won't work.

Performing commands like shoryuken on wakeup is as easy as inputting the command right before the character gets up from a knockdown.
My problem with Zangief when I'm knocked down...he just walks up and does regular throws the second I'm up.

Will the shoryuken counter someone who is crouching beside you and jabbing or doing light kicks repeatedly or trying to throw you as you get up?


Decado said:
Will the shoryuken counter someone who is crouching beside you and jabbing or doing light kicks repeatedly or trying to throw you as you get up?

That shit counters the parables of Jesus.



Don't play Hroken on Championship because he uses Seth in and is freakin cheap with him as well... He does the unblockable move aka that you are pulled in and then some hits and then pulls you in and then repeat. Also I am not talking about the ultra nor the special. Just letting you guys know who play on PS3...



Decado said:
My problem with Zangief when I'm knocked down...he just walks up and does regular throws the second I'm up.

Will the shoryuken counter someone who is crouching beside you and jabbing or doing light kicks repeatedly or trying to throw you as you get up?
press LP and LK simultaneously to tech out of a regular throw
yes, wakeup SRK will outprioritize that. Just block it and punish the guy on his way down.


Finally got my first G2 win!!!!

Ryu - Ryu - Zangief - Vega... Funny thing is that Vega was easiest of them all and his/her GP was aroun 6000 while mine was around 2500+... lol

CP gained was 108113...

_dementia said:
so don't play him cause it's too hard?
how would we get better though?

You don't know who you are playing in Championship mode... I don't rage quit so...


Zapages said:
Finally got my first G2 win!!!!

Ryu - Ryu - Zangief - Vega... Funny thing is that Vega was easiest of them all and his/her GP was aroun 6000 while mine was around 2500+... lol

CP gained was 108113...
I've made that observation before, that in G2 the guy in the final always tends to be easier than someone you had to beat on your way there. My G2 final record is something like 50 wins 10 losses, but trust me I lost many times trying to get there.


I just realized the Vega player rage quit on me and I did not receive my CP points. ARG!!! I was going to be around 2800+, but it shows 2580 still. :(


Is anyone else having volume issues with the PC version? The intro movie and anime cutscenes sound great, but everything else is fairly quiet and has very low bass.
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