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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Jagernaut said:
Is there a Gaf PS3 Chat room for SF4? The BlazBlue one is great for finding people to play with who are not on your friend list.

Yeah there is. It used to be packed before BB came out :lol :lol

<--- Founder of SF4 and BB gaf chats.

Just add me on PSN - FindMyFarms
Make sure to specify gaf sf4 in the friend request.

@KillaSasa - I'm in sf4 gafchat everytime I'm online! You callin me tumbleweed sucka?


FindMyFarms said:
Yeah there is. It used to be packed before BB came out :lol :lol

<--- Founder of SF4 and BB gaf chats.

Just add me on PSN - FindMyFarms
Make sure to specify gaf sf4 in the friend request.

@KillaSasa - I'm in sf4 gafchat everytime I'm online! You callin me tumbleweed sucka?

Send me an invite to the SF4 chat FindMyTumbleweeds, I lost it in the reformat.
--------1. Balance the game. <----Priority!--------

yes, like every other fighter in the last 20+ years, works everytime! basically i'd like some more finetuning for console characters and maybe guile and vega. leave the rest alone and dont give in to stupid mmorpg-mentality.

--------2. Make many more & much better stages.--------

agree, but we'll see more stages next game anyway.

--------3. Make much better music.--------

same here.

--------4. Universal Super/Ultra motions. Get rid of the charges.--------

please not. i like the diversity.

--------5. Show the stun meter or remove stuns.--------

noooo. we cant remove the chickens.

--------6. Fix the odd stuff, like me hearing two jabs when someone throws me. Either the jabs didn't come out or the throw didn't come out. Pick one. Would be nice if they made Balrog's hit boxes make sense too, but I'll lump that with #1.--------


--------7. Add some type of new mechanic. The mechanics of the game as it is are already firmly understood. It'd be nice to have something new to learn.--------

agree, but i think we'll get that next game anyway.

--------8. Make a character with a defensive/counter ultra (I mean like Remy in 3s)to punish the jab spam balrogs and knee spam sagats and srk spam ryu's of the world.--------

yes please.

--------9. Make ultras in general do less damage. They're generally the reward for getting your ass beat. It should be a small reward, not a huge one. --------

yes please

--------10. Add that black dude from the art gallery. Would be nice having a black character (male) in a Capcom fighter who isn't a boxer. Plus we need some type of diversity here. We've all seen these same characters for 12 years.--------

if you're talking about kareem abdul-jabbar, i'd definitely agree. otherwise how about a black woman? or SF EX characters, some do look pretty cool and i've stopped buying those games with part two, so naturally there will be lots of new blood to explore.


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Augemitbutter said:
--------10. Add that black dude from the art gallery. Would be nice having a black character (male) in a Capcom fighter who isn't a boxer. Plus we need some type of diversity here. We've all seen these same characters for 12 years.--------

if you're talking about kareem abdul-jabbar, i'd definitely agree. otherwise how about a black woman? or SF EX characters, some do look pretty cool and i've stopped buying those games with part two, so naturally there will be lots of new blood to explore.


~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
--------8. Make a character with a defensive/counter ultra (I mean like Remy in 3s)to punish the jab spam balrogs and knee spam sagats and srk spam ryu's of the world.--------

i think it be a waste as an Ultra/Super(as its was for Remy IMO), Gouken's counter is done right.

10. Add that black dude from the art gallery. Would be nice having a black character (male) in a Capcom fighter who isn't a boxer. Plus we need some type of diversity here. We've all seen these same characters for 12 years.

Elena? Sean? Deejay?...(Birdy?:lol )

--------7. Add some type of new mechanic. The mechanics of the game as it is are already firmly understood. It'd be nice to have something new to learn.--------

that should be a "Street Fighter 5" not a SF4 "Turbo"


bob_arctor said:
Haha so Abel can hit-confirm the -->K portion of his cod into his super. What the hell.

But the K followup never combos.

So it's pointless.

If you wanna hit-confirm his super for maximum damage, go with standing near FP. You can cancel the super from the 2nd hit, so it's VERY easy to hit-confirm and you can easily land it after a crossup j.mk, FA, punish, etc.

My wishlist for SF4:

1- Make the game less defensive. I'm certain it was purposefully made defensive so newer players would stand a chance. I look at games like BlazBlue (or even 3s) where turtling simply does not work, but they are a lot less newbie friendly. It's 50/50, really - make it more offensive (meaning more overheads, ways to effectively break turtles, etc) and lose new players, or keep it defensive and piss off some of their long-time players.

2- Supers should cost 2 bars instead of 4.

3- Standardize EX attacks so that all have the same properties. This might not seem like much, but some EX attacks suddenly become hit invulnerable, throw invulnerable, projectile invulnerable, or nothing at all. (BTW projectile invulnerable on moves that don't cover ground is completely idiotic. Abel's Fierce super comes to mind. :lol )

4- UOH was a great idea. Please. PLEASE.

5- Standardize focus attacks. All have the same speed/range/hitbox. Viper's FA is so bad - it's slow, doesn't hit low, etc. Cammy's, otoh, is SUPER fast and covers a long range.

6- Either everyone has c.jab as fast as Balrog or everyone has c.jab as fast as Abel. Make em super fast or ordinary, but those discrepancies hurt.

Character specific:
Sagat: Life back to 1000, more recovery on tiger shots, tiger knee is punishable to block on 2nd hit, less damage dealing overall. Make him what he truly should be - a full zoning character who needs to work to win. Also fix his Ultra in the corner.

Ryu: More recovery on blocked crouching jabs so he can't tick throw as effectively, standing jab DPs shouldn't combo to Ultra (and certainly not on trading!). Lower priority on air tatsu. Otherwise he's rather solid.

Cammy: Overhead OR hooligan grabs crouching, turning punch much faster (and not her armor break!) Cannon Drill as armor break sounds like a good idea. Ultra always does full animation.

Akuma: F.RH shouldn't combo so much, should have a small recovery after air fireballs, teleport should have more activation or recovery, should have a different super from his ultra (either a different ultra or different super. I would think a different super would be better).

Honda: EX headbutt should go through fireballs. Oicho should have Abel-type TT properties, faster Ultra.

Viper: Better normals, make her EX TK useful, make her Ultra's hitbox go higher.

Abel: EX FS hit invulnerable, CoD combos into kick, better c.mk (he has zero ground long pokes!) f. MK -> anything is less strict.

Zangief: Less priority on SPD, lariat damage hitbox is higher, lariat has less priority over everything

That's it for my changes for the characters I know.. :)


I have had this game since day one, and yet I am so bad at it.

Every match online I am getting DOMINATED by Sagat's, Ken's and Akuma's.

I usually play as Sakura, or even Abel, but I just get frustrated and end up quitting playing after a few rounds because I am so bad :/
It's probably been beaten to death, but since we are talking about balancing...

Seriously, I think nerfing the damage that Ryu and Sagat dish out, ever so slightly I'm talking about 5-15% on combos into ultra... along with a slight damage increase on Ryu and a mild damage increase on Sagat... that's it.

Maybe do something about Seth. Otherwise, I wouldn't change a thing, and you'd have one of the more balanced fighters ever made.

-edit- Adding things to the lower tier (ken ultra setups, vega overhead) etc would be nice also.


Yea, guys hop into gaf chat more on psn.. whenever I go online it's like... me, findmyfarms, and galacticAE.... not that that's a bad thing, more free advice for me to horde :D

qcf x2

~Devil Trigger~ said:
Elena? Sean? Deejay?...(Birdy?:lol )

LOL how did I forget them? Elena I remember since I mained her in 3s but she's obviously not male. Sean is Brazilian, he counts more as latino than black (which is fine, but just for the sake of arguing...). DeeJay is a kick boxer. Get it...boxer lol.

Birdie I definitely omitted. Forgive me, Birdie fans!


Gritesh said:
I have had this game since day one, and yet I am so bad at it.

Every match online I am getting DOMINATED by Sagat's, Ken's and Akuma's.

I usually play as Sakura, or even Abel, but I just get frustrated and end up quitting playing after a few rounds because I am so bad :/

Sakura is one of the weakest characters, and Abel is kind of hard to use.

Most Ryu and Ken players are actually pretty bad, and will shoryuken way, way too much. Just block it and punish them.

Stick with it and you will get better.
I've reached 2000 matches!


So I'm retiring the game for now. I'm a little burnt out. I want to learn BlazBlue and see what it's got to offer. Game has been sitting on my shelf for a month. The wheel of fate is turning for me, SF4, but I will return to you some day.


UC1 said:
I reckon Chun's got one of the safest, easiest, least meter using ways to combo her ultra. This is one of the reasons I prefer using her to other characters, you land it all the time of cr.LK>EX legs. Everyone else has to do something with disadvantage on block, or throw away half their super meter, or jump or FA. She gets either adv on block or an ultra if it hits! From a move with 3 frames of startup! It's like Balrog's but doesn't even require any link combos. If you improved Chun's ultra in any way, it'd be too good.

Make it so it connects fully on all characters and I'll be satisfied.


Arpharmd B said:
I've reached 2000 matches!


So I'm retiring the game for now. I'm a little burnt out. I want to learn BlazBlue and see what it's got to offer. Game has been sitting on my shelf for a month. The wheel of fate is turning for me, SF4, but I will return to you some day.
Nice win ratio. I just checked mine and it's only 55%. At least I'm winning half of them.:lol


Arpharmd B said:
I've reached 2000 matches!

Stats pic

So I'm retiring the game for now. I'm a little burnt out. I want to learn BlazBlue and see what it's got to offer. Game has been sitting on my shelf for a month. The wheel of fate is turning for me, SF4, but I will return to you some day.

Wow man. Incredible win rate and win streak. Phew. I could only dream.
Arpharmd B said:
I've reached 2000 matches!


So I'm retiring the game for now. I'm a little burnt out. I want to learn BlazBlue and see what it's got to offer. Game has been sitting on my shelf for a month. The wheel of fate is turning for me, SF4, but I will return to you some day.

Congrats. Was that the only game in your system? Ranked 620. Nice Apharmd. Look like I will see you on BlazBlue bro.


he's Virgin Tight™
GriffD17 said:
Wow man. Incredible win rate and win streak. Phew. I could only dream.

Sorry for not being able to fight you! Haha, was soparring with some partners against Sagats lol.

We can fight tomorrow =P


Relix said:
Sorry for not being able to fight you! Haha, was soparring with some partners against Sagats lol.

We can fight tomorrow =P

Don't worry about it. I got a few matches in. Even won a few. Except that pesky Zangief fellow.
Thanks guys. I've been playing SF since gradeschool, and I played 3rd Strike all through my 20's (I'm 25). Going from bottom tier in 3s (I main Q) to top tier in 4 (Rufus), you realize alot. Using those bottom tiers, you learn a strong discipline. You gotta work hard for every single win, but it's so worth it. I carried all that with me to 4, with a very strong character and I found alot of success (although online play isn't a very good barometer of skill. Tournaments, even small ones, show what you are made of).

Chauncy Talon said:
Congrats. Was that the only game in your system? Ranked 620. Nice Apharmd. Look like I will see you on BlazBlue bro.

I pretty much just play Shmups and fighters. You can scope my Gamercard: Apharmd Striker.

Cool see you there man. I'm just now learning the basics of Rachel. Game is mad fun.


Someone add me and play with me on PSN, I don't what I am doing wrong but I cant even win a single round and its frustrating the hell out of me.

PSN ID Gritesh


Had a fun night today, played a little over 50 player matches with an awesome Dan player named Xaihou Mao. That guy wrecked my shit, had to drop out when I evened my win/loss or else I would have played all evening.

Gotta be the first time I've gotten some great competition over XBL.
Arpharmd B said:
Thanks guys. I've been playing SF since gradeschool, and I played 3rd Strike all through my 20's (I'm 25). Going from bottom tier in 3s (I main Q) to top tier in 4 (Rufus), you realize alot. Using those bottom tiers, you learn a strong discipline. You gotta work hard for every single win, but it's so worth it. I carried all that with me to 4, with a very strong character and I found alot of success (although online play isn't a very good barometer of skill. Tournaments, even small ones, show what you are made of).

I pretty much just play Shmups and fighters. You can scope my Gamercard: Apharmd Striker.

Cool see you there man. I'm just now learning the basics of Rachel. Game is mad fun.

That what I did somewhat. I just check your Battle Points and match that up with the score on the leader board. You Gamer Tag is similar to your name. Tourney will make you a better player. Discipline. I made it to the regions in Chicago in the GameStop SFIV tourney.

O yea, I main NU V-13.


Passing metallic gas
TimeKillr said:
But the K followup never combos.

So it's pointless.

If you wanna hit-confirm his super for maximum damage, go with standing near FP. You can cancel the super from the 2nd hit, so it's VERY easy to hit-confirm and you can easily land it after a crossup j.mk, FA, punish, etc.

My wishlist for SF4:

1- Make the game less defensive. I'm certain it was purposefully made defensive so newer players would stand a chance. I look at games like BlazBlue (or even 3s) where turtling simply does not work, but they are a lot less newbie friendly. It's 50/50, really - make it more offensive (meaning more overheads, ways to effectively break turtles, etc) and lose new players, or keep it defensive and piss off some of their long-time players.

2- Supers should cost 2 bars instead of 4.

3- Standardize EX attacks so that all have the same properties. This might not seem like much, but some EX attacks suddenly become hit invulnerable, throw invulnerable, projectile invulnerable, or nothing at all. (BTW projectile invulnerable on moves that don't cover ground is completely idiotic. Abel's Fierce super comes to mind. :lol )

4- UOH was a great idea. Please. PLEASE.

5- Standardize focus attacks. All have the same speed/range/hitbox. Viper's FA is so bad - it's slow, doesn't hit low, etc. Cammy's, otoh, is SUPER fast and covers a long range.

6- Either everyone has c.jab as fast as Balrog or everyone has c.jab as fast as Abel. Make em super fast or ordinary, but those discrepancies hurt.

Character specific:
Sagat: Life back to 1000, more recovery on tiger shots, tiger knee is punishable to block on 2nd hit, less damage dealing overall. Make him what he truly should be - a full zoning character who needs to work to win. Also fix his Ultra in the corner.

Ryu: More recovery on blocked crouching jabs so he can't tick throw as effectively, standing jab DPs shouldn't combo to Ultra (and certainly not on trading!). Lower priority on air tatsu. Otherwise he's rather solid.

Cammy: Overhead OR hooligan grabs crouching, turning punch much faster (and not her armor break!) Cannon Drill as armor break sounds like a good idea. Ultra always does full animation.

Akuma: F.RH shouldn't combo so much, should have a small recovery after air fireballs, teleport should have more activation or recovery, should have a different super from his ultra (either a different ultra or different super. I would think a different super would be better).

Honda: EX headbutt should go through fireballs. Oicho should have Abel-type TT properties, faster Ultra.

Viper: Better normals, make her EX TK useful, make her Ultra's hitbox go higher.

Abel: EX FS hit invulnerable, CoD combos into kick, better c.mk (he has zero ground long pokes!) f. MK -> anything is less strict.

Zangief: Less priority on SPD, lariat damage hitbox is higher, lariat has less priority over everything

That's it for my changes for the characters I know.. :)

how about smaller stages to reduce the running, MUCH smaller reversal attack window, no autotrack on crossups, no shortcuts commands for specials, add a guard crush meter and for the love of god tweak the damage scaling..a good 20 percent boost on all attacks to prevent the rounds dragging so much..maybe add an additional 5 frames to throw tech window and speed up the whole game by 20 percent...bringing back UOH wouldnt be a bad idea either...there's always going to be character balance issues and discrepancies but at least the core mechanics would encourage aggresive play a bit more


If I've learned one thing from playing the PC version, it's that if Capcom wants to power up Honda, Guile or Blanka, it could stick a keyboard right in the arcade cab as an optional input device.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
chewydogg said:
Sakura became my favorite while playing SFA3, so she was the first (and pretty much only) character that I've "learned" to use in SF4. I lose a lot. Not that I wouldn't lose a lot using someone else, maybe just not as much.

I love Sakura. A lot. I would go so far as to say when I play her I play her way better than I play any of the others I main on a "technical" level (don't get me wrong, I still blow goats at this game). I just don't have a great deal of fun while doing so because you have to work so much harder to get the win, it's utterly disheartening to eat an ultra and have all the work undone in one combo.


I generally just play her with friends now, and during anything remotely "competitive" I fall back to 'rog.

Which makes me a sad panda.

Honestly I'd probably up her hit points a little and give her roundhouse sweep Ken/Ryu range and leave it at that. MAYBE beef up her ultra damage as it's pretty pathetic, but given how quick you can dizzy someone with her maybe not.
Pop On Arrival said:
So uh, how come my friends 360 Madcatz TE stick wont work on my PC?
Yeah needs a bit more detail. Because it should work perfectly fine.

Edit: Try installing the xbox 360 controller drivers for windows and also try plugging it into different usb ports.

qcf x2

McBradders said:
I love Sakura. A lot. I would go so far as to say when I play her I play her way better than I play any of the others I main on a "technical" level (don't get me wrong, I still blow goats at this game). I just don't have a great deal of fun while doing so because you have to work so much harder to get the win, it's utterly disheartening to eat an ultra and have all the work undone in one combo.


I generally just play her with friends now, and during anything remotely "competitive" I fall back to 'rog.

Which makes me a sad panda.

Honestly I'd probably up her hit points a little and give her roundhouse sweep Ken/Ryu range and leave it at that. MAYBE beef up her ultra damage as it's pretty pathetic, but given how quick you can dizzy someone with her maybe not.

I use her as much as any character these days. She just needs a cross up that doesn't suck and at least one move that is useful outside of a combo, because she currently has none. :)

how about smaller stages to reduce the running, MUCH smaller reversal attack window, no autotrack on crossups, no shortcuts commands for specials, add a guard crush meter and for the love of god tweak the damage scaling..a good 20 percent boost on all attacks to prevent the rounds dragging so much..maybe add an additional 5 frames to throw tech window and speed up the whole game by 20 percent...bringing back UOH wouldnt be a bad idea either...there's always going to be character balance issues and discrepancies but at least the core mechanics would encourage aggresive play a bit more

Uhh, sounds like you're having trouble countering turtling. Which is strange, because SF4 was designed to crush turtling. It's plenty fast already. If the game was tweaked to encourage aggressiveness any more, it would turn into Blaz Blue. If anything there aren't enough defensive options.... I'd advise you to just work on your mix ups, because defense gets punished hard in SF4.

Edit: It's funny, reading your quote I can imagine that "removing the option to block" would summarize it :p


NeoGAF: my new HOME
qcf x2 said:
I use her as much as any character these days. She just needs a cross up that doesn't suck and at least one move that is useful outside of a combo, because she currently has none. :)

Are you using lk for the crossup? I don't even bother trying anymore :lol


Whine Whine FADC Troll
Chauncy Talon said:
Congrats. Was that the only game in your system? Ranked 620. Nice Apharmd. Look like I will see you on BlazBlue bro.

I'm taking a break from this as well- kinda glad I lost in the GAF tourney yesterday.

Sticking to 98 lagtimate match and STHD for now, KOFXII when that comes out. I'll return as well- SF4 is good, just burned out. Hopefully the expansion news comes soon.

My wishlist for the next SF4 update

1) Balance the game out more.

2) Eliminate option select block/throw break

3) Make the timing on links less strict

4) Eliminate comboing into ultra, but allow 2 levels of super meter. ultras should be desperation moves only.

5) Maybe make FADC use ultra instead of super meter.


he's Virgin Tight™
Shit. UPS reports my stuff has been delayed till the 21. I am in depressed mode now..

Guero, you and I fight now in the tourney :D


Holy moly. I've won my first championship ever. That meant I had a win streak of 3. Wow.

First, I'd like to thank this thread. I'd also like to think Timedog and all those who pwned me in player matches.
Rocky_Balboa said:
Quick question! What is a 'meaty'?

Nothing you need to worry about in SFIV. Seriously, a meaty attack is one that hits just as your opponent wakes up. That is, if they don't block or hit a reversal, they will be hit by the attack. Example: Throwing a fireball that hits just as they get up. You can do it with normals, too to set up combos, but with such a large reversal window in SFIV it is quite difficult.

Evo stream is up!

prodystopian said:
Nothing you need to worry about in SFIV. Seriously, a meaty attack is one that hits just as your opponent wakes up. That is, if they don't block or hit a reversal, they will be hit by the attack. Example: Throwing a fireball that hits just as they get up. You can do it with normals, too to set up combos, but with such a large reversal window in SFIV it is quite difficult.

Evo stream is up!


Ok, so I've been doing a lot of meaty c.hks with Boxer :).

Thanks for the EVO link!
I'm conflicted, are we suppose to talk about Evo here or in the Evo thread. The coverage is going to be mainly SF4 so it's fitting of both thread. Oh woe is me.
My 2 issues with the game.........

1. One supermove.

2. Characters need more fine tuning, this isn't 1999 system have HDD now, internet is almost every.


Nemesis121 said:
My 2 issues with the game.........

1. One supermove.

2. Characters need more fine tuning, this isn't 1999 system have HDD now, internet is almost every.


2.Bugrit, millennium hand an' shrimp.


Nemesis121 said:
My 2 issues with the game.........

1. One supermove.

2. Characters need more fine tuning, this isn't 1999 system have HDD now, internet is almost every.

I agree, the internet IS almost every.
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