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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Translation for the internet is everywhere?

Sry I meant to say ISP providers are all over, if they made an update even people playing offline with a silver account would be able to get the update, Sagat is ridiculous he needs to be tone down a bit.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Cannon Drill is one of the last move in the game that needs any kinda buff

I could see them giving spiral arrow armor breaking properties, as long as they make it so no matter the range difference she's at a consistent frame recovery. Never really agreed with tip range safety.

Eh, fuck it. She just needs an overhead.

qcf x2

McBradders said:
Are you using lk for the crossup? I don't even bother trying anymore :lol

The only time I use lk cross up is after her throw, since it sets up the distance almost perfectly. Other than that, I don't even bother trying it.
I just got done playing some guy that beat me down early, but I started really improving against. My akuma game is coming along. One big thing that helped was remembering to use the teleport when I was getting locked down.


Nemesis121 said:
Sry I meant to say ISP providers are all over, if they made an update even people playing offline with a silver account would be able to get the update, Sagat is ridiculous he needs to be tone down a bit.
Character balance is VERY difficult. And no, not everyone has broadband internet access, as crazy as that seems. But that's a moot point, because even if they did, you would not want to mess around with constant updates. Each update would surely lead to a whole new set of issues, and complaints.
IMO, Capcom is doing the right thing by giving it their best first shot, then letting it marinate in the community for a long while. I'm sure they have their own internal list of things to fix, but there are surely exploits and character balance still to be discovered as the game is played by more people over time. I say, take the game for what it is, and hope your issues are addressed in the next big update, whenever the hell that is.


Nemesis121 said:
Translation for the internet is everywhere?

Sry I meant to say ISP providers are all over, if they made an update even people playing offline with a silver account would be able to get the update, Sagat is ridiculous he needs to be tone down a bit.
But he only has one special move.
prodystopian said:
I just got done playing some guy that beat me down early, but I started really improving against. My akuma game is coming along. One big thing that helped was remembering to use the teleport when I was getting locked down.
We had some good games last night. You raging demon'd me twice in a row with the ultra and then super after but I still won the match.:lol My psn id was despize. I don't even remember who I was using.


~Devil Trigger~ said:
Cannon Drill is one of the last move in the game that needs any kinda buff

Why? It's only good in combos. It's not like she has can blindly use it whenever she wants to. It's too unsafe for that. LK drill being safe(at any distance) would open up so much options for her.


Have any Rufus players here been able to hit their ultra after a galactic tornado that wasn't in the corner?

I watched a replay on PSN (kowappa0530, ranked ~300 on the new replay list) and couldn't believe my eyes. How the hell did he do that? :lol


How does the online PC population compare to the console ports? Is there a good amount of people playing online? I would prefer to use the keyboard instead of a 360 controller and was thinking of switching over.


Jason said:
Have any Rufus players here been able to hit their ultra after a galactic tornado that wasn't in the corner?

I watched a replay on PSN (kowappa0530, ranked ~300 on the new replay list) and couldn't believe my eyes. How the hell did he do that? :lol

It only works on certain characters and it has a pretty strict timing.


Ok maybe somebody here can help me out. I bought the PC version and installed and everything is running fine and I even played it online. Whenever I try to register the product key with steam to add it to my "digital copy" of games, it says that the code is invalid? Any idea what's I'm supposed to do?


NeoGAF: my new HOME
aktham said:
Ok maybe somebody here can help me out. I bought the PC version and installed and everything is running fine and I even played it online. Whenever I try to register the product key with steam to add it to my "digital copy" of games, it says that the code is invalid? Any idea what's I'm supposed to do?

It's only a code to enable online play... that shit pissed me off too :lol


aktham said:
Ok maybe somebody here can help me out. I bought the PC version and installed and everything is running fine and I even played it online. Whenever I try to register the product key with steam to add it to my "digital copy" of games, it says that the code is invalid? Any idea what's I'm supposed to do?

You can't register the retail version with Steam as far as I know. The retail version doesn't require Steam at all.

All versions still play with each other online through Games For Windows Live though.

EDIT: unless you bought it through steam and you mean the product key that pops up.


he's Virgin Tight™
Why no one ever told me there was "left Stick" "Dpad" option in the controls above :lol Made aworld of difference.


uh yeah, anybody suggesting rapid balance updates for fighters should chill. Really, truly terrible idea, except in fringe cases. Sagat is not a fringe case haha.


Relix said:
Why no one ever told me there was "left Stick" "Dpad" option in the controls above :lol Made aworld of difference.

I'm confused, Are you talking about the switch that changes what the stick uses for movement? There shouldn't be any discernable difference between using the dpad and analog for the TE stick.


he's Virgin Tight™
MoxManiac said:
I'm confused, Are you talking about the switch that changes what the stick uses for movement? There shouldn't be any discernable difference between using the dpad and analog for the TE stick.

There definitely is. I couldn't execute certain combos with "DP" on, but as soon as I switch to LS things are smoother and can pull them off. Maybe it changes the way it reads inputs? No clue =P


Mrs. Harvey
How is the timing for the EX seismic into BK? Do I do the LK one immediately after? Some people say I have to press PP afterward and another person suggested I do a 360. I only managed to do it a couple of times the standard way without any shortcuts.


Relix said:
There definitely is. I couldn't execute certain combos with "DP" on, but as soon as I switch to LS things are smoother and can pull them off. Maybe it changes the way it reads inputs? No clue =P
There better not be. I've been using DP the entire time. :(
Kadey said:
How is the timing for the EX seismic into BK? Do I do the LK one immediately after? Some people say I have to press PP afterward and another person suggested I do a 360. I only managed to do it a couple of times the standard way without any shortcuts.
Not sure what that PP business is all about. But you do ex seismo, and while she's completing the animation, do a super jump (down then up forward) and the second you leave the ground do a roundhouse BK. When you input the super jump, the timing doesn't have to be exact, you can do it a little bit early and just hold the up foward.


Timedog said:
the difference is probably how far you have to move the stick to get it to register as an input.
Any idea if left stick is really better? I figured most people played pads with a dpad so that option would be best. Plus it's labeled DP so I figured it would give me super dragon punching powers.
comrade said:
Any idea if left stick is really better? I figured most people played pads with a dpad so that option would be best. Plus it's labeled DP so I figured it would give me super dragon punching powers.

LMAO. I do not know why did I play with Pad beside playing in the Gamestop's Street Fighter IV tournament. I cannot play with PAD no more on fighting games. It is really hard for me to do that. I will try if I go to one of my friends house, if they do not have a stick for me. I rather play with stick over pad anyday.


he's Virgin Tight™
_dementia said:
his sister is
(they share an account)

This is like the second time you "defend" me :lol Thanks =P

Yeah my sister uses my account and since I don't give a crap about avatars she made one. If you see someone playing Gears of Wars 2 don't bother to invite me... it's her. =P.


he's Virgin Tight™
bob_arctor said:
relix & timedog: just sent you guys friends invites. My gt's illegalwiretap. Will be on pretty much all night.

Ah my sister told me about this. She's on Gears right now, but as soon as she gets off Ill jump to SF4 or Blazblue! =P
Anyone have any videos or guides on good Guile players? Also is there a site or some shit that someone can link me to that explains the tournament mode thing? I just recently got back into the game and realized there are a ton of shitty players in ranked so it's no fun.


Ugh, I need to jump in and join the arcade stick crew. I just have so much other things to get, though playing more and more on the dpad just makes me want to rush out and get one .


he's Virgin Tight™
SquirrelNuckle said:
Ugh, I need to jump in and join the arcade stick crew. I just have so much other things to get, though playing more and more on the dpad just makes me want to rush out and get one .

Worth it. Takes a while to get used. I am still working on that =P


I haven't been watching any official news from capcom but is there anything about a title update that supports lobbies yet or we still going to probably have to shell out cash for the next iteration? :lol


Jirotrom said:
look at this game... months later and still goin strong... I remember all the haters :D

Can we call it a fighting game renaissance in the West, or do we have to wait to see the kind of staying power Blazblue (and KoFXII) have?

I'm a recent convert--in my mid-twenties now, never played them when I was younger--and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we're seeing more than a "huh, I remember Street Fighter" moment. Maybe we'll never see fighting games get the same sort of hype the FPS, RTS or RPGs do, but it would be nice to see them emerge from their niche now that I'm interested in them. :D
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