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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


DigiMish said:
That Sagat on the first Gen video sucked.

But overall, I'm very impressed by that particular Gen. He's all up in your face, which is more than I can say for the 3 or 4 Gen's I've faced online. They usually just stay away from me and do that kick move that gets them to my side of the screen.

Shoot me an invite if your on a 360: illegalwiretap. I'm not on jibbo's level but my Gen is definitely aggressive and in your face as much as possible. I've taken some time off from him to main Abel but the old man's still my favorite.


he's Virgin Tight™
Ok Grift!!!

1) Use Chun's EX SBK more. It's great as a wake up move and also mid attack, just don't get repetitive.

2) Chun can ultra through fireballs.
3) Use those pokes some more.
4) If you are close to a corner do an EX Lightning Legs to Ultra as you saw me do. Gotta be close to the corner.

Remember you can charge at ANY moment. I saw you backing away everytime. Don't do that. Keep the pressure. Charge at any possible point, especiall holding back and down at the same time so you can use any charge at anytime. Falling, knocked, while the opponent's Ultra animation is executed... all those times you can charge.

Learn to Focus Attack some more. Against shotos this is harder but it can be done! Avoid the normal lightning legs unless its to avoid someone from grabbing you. Hassan Shou is a GREAT tool. Also, dash. Double Tap the stick. It will get you out of sticky situations. Do not waste EX Bars like crazy doing random EX Legs or EX Balls.

I didn't show you, but if you have super bar you can hit someone with the fierce punches mid-air and when you touch the floor you can do a super that will hit them. Once mroe, close to corner!!


DigiMish said:
Ah sorry - by tournaments, I meant real-life tournaments where some money is involved, not online.

Yeah, I know.

It's basically like playing with a handicap, but I like that playing Dan is bascially hard mode.

Anyone here play the PC version?
DigiMish said:
Ah sorry - by tournaments, I meant real-life tournaments where some money is involved, not online.

Invite me so we can play a couple of matches tomorrow. PS3 or 360 does not matter. I have it on both. PS3=ChauncyTalon or 360=Tru Talon (there is a space on the 360 name). I want to see if I am good enough for you. I play in Tournaments but not that good at the game.


Arde5643 said:

smh at saying Cammy doesn't hit hard - her biggest downfalls are her lack of safe attacks combined with lack of overhead, she hits hard enough as it is.
Cannon strike -> FADC -> cannon strike hits like a brick.

her air canon drill is overhead and that's almost instant....


he's Virgin Tight™
Nice Zangief squirrel. I find those matches slow though =P. They are too methodical and i am nervous a single mistake can kill me :lol GGs!


Chauncy Talon said:
Invite me so we can play a couple of matches tomorrow. PS3 or 360 does not matter. I have it on both. PS3=ChauncyTalon or 360=Tru Talon (there is a space on the 360 name). I want to see if I am good enough for you. I play in Tournaments but not that good at the game.

I'm not amazing, but I know some tricks and while I main Ken, I like to play most of the cast. In any case, we should definitely get some games on tomorrow - I'll add you on PSN.


rocK` said:
no shit? like rufus' dive kick?

I saw choi get hit by it, so i assumed he was blocking.
Yeppers, that's why Cammy needs a simple overhead because being able to hold down back to avoid 80% of your strategy is retarded.


good credit (by proxy)
Sagat: Make his fireballs way more punishable, i.e. make his recovery long like Akuma's or something. Make tiger knee more punishable on single hit.

Ryu: Make it so you have to time his ultra better, instead of this cheap ass autolocking thing where the opponent almost ALWAYS falls into the fireball.

Chun: Make her fireballs do more hit and chip damage.

Abel: Give his ultra some actual chip damage. Give him a useful cr. mk (gouken and abel's cr. mk are just puzzling to me).

Blanka: Make his shitty ultra worth 50% damage instead of whatever the fuck bullshit it is now. Also make it have less chip damage. It's cheap as fuck.

Ken: Make ultra less punishable on block and with greater chip damage. Give more recovery time after hp SRK.

Balrog: No change.

Cammy: Give overhead.

Gen: Don't know the character.

Gouken: Give better cr. mk that can combo into fireball.

Zangief: Make lariat less powerful/prioritized. Give 1100 health instead of 1200 or whatever the shit. Make EX walking bear hug grab more viable.

Fei Long: don't know the character.

Dhalsim: Don't know the character.

Bison: no change.

Akuma: no change.

E. Honda: no change.

Seth: fix broken ultra.

Vega: give more useful ultra.

Viper: don't know the character.

Rufus: don't know the character.

Ef larite: don't know the character.

Sakura: give better damage output or Sagat-esque health.

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
lol I JUST noticed that haunts got banned, guess hell be back soon though.

Its a shame though, this is our thread *cries*


Timedog said:
Sagat: Make his fireballs way more punishable, i.e. make his recovery long like Akuma's or something. Make tiger knee more punishable on single hit.
I'm fine with Sagat's fireballs the way they are - they're cheap and definitely Sagat's key to victory, however I want Sagat's ultra to have much slower start-up time that way he cannot trade hits on jump in and get EZ ultra mode.
Agreed on tiger knee having more recovery - cheapest move in the game by far.

Ryu: Make it so you have to time his ultra better, instead of this cheap ass autolocking thing where the opponent almost ALWAYS falls into the fireball.
Agreed - I think just by making his ultra have slower start-up time, his ultra won't be the EZ mode it is right now since trading with DP leading to ultra is super retarded.

Chun: Make her fireballs do more hit and chip damage.
I'd rather give Chun more health (make her health the same as Ryu's) but her fireball doing more damage is not a problem as well

Abel: Give his ultra some actual chip damage. Give him a useful cr. mk (gouken and abel's cr. mk are just puzzling to me).
I think Abel should stay the same, but his EX falling leaf should be invincible to hit so that Abel actually has a good AA with EX meter.
Abel with decent AA means Abel moving up a tier basically

Blanka: Make his shitty ultra worth 50% damage instead of whatever the fuck bullshit it is now. Also make it have less chip damage. It's cheap as fuck.
Blanka's design as a whole is pretty poor - while he's good to use for low to middle level fights, he just doesn't have the mix-up or combo damage to be on even ground in high level play - I think he should be redesigned.

Ken: Make ultra less punishable on block and with greater chip damage. Give more recovery time after hp SRK.
For Ken, he's pretty mediocre right now. I think giving him faster walk speed (faster than Ryu), a focus attack with a good range (same speed, but much longer range than Ryu's), and more damage at the end of his ultra (the uppercut part) so that his SRK -> FADC -> ultra isn't useless; all of these would go a long way to making him a solid character.

Balrog: No change.

Cammy: Give overhead.
Overhead and quick spin knuckle with much faster start-up.

Gen: Don't know the character.
Just give Gen 1000 health - that's all he needs

Gouken: Give better cr. mk that can combo into fireball.

Zangief: Make lariat less powerful/prioritized. Give 1100 health instead of 1200 or whatever the shit. Make EX walking bear hug grab more viable.
Keep Gief at 1200 health, remove crouching Lariat and remove short jump, SPD should have just a bit less range, and walking bear hug grab should have faster speed.

Fei Long: don't know the character.
Ultra should do full animation on 1st hit to enable flame kick -> fadc -> ultra.

Dhalsim: Don't know the character.
Ultra should do more damage and his specials should do much more damage.

Bison: no change.

Akuma: no change.

E. Honda: no change.
Ultra should have much faster speed (a la EX headbutt) so that shotos can't throw fireballs from full range willy nilly once Honda has ultra stocked.
Far s.HP should have faster start-up so Honda has somewhat of a normal AA.

Seth: fix broken ultra.

Vega: give more useful ultra.
EX Scarlett kick should be invincible to hit.
Rolls should be invincible to high fireballs.
Ultra should have the ability to have the direction controlled by the player (high or low). Focus attack with claw should have much more range (make it the longest range in the game, even more than Seth's).
Mask should not fall at all and claw should only fall once when Vega goes down to 40% health.

Viper: don't know the character.
just make her focus attack hit both high and low and give her ultra more damage. :p She's fine as it is.

Rufus: don't know the character.
He's fine as he is.

Ef larite: don't know the character.
All specials should do much more damage and normals should do more damage. Other than that, he's fine the way he is.

Sakura: give better damage output or Sagat-esque health.
Disagree on health or damage part - give her better recovery on her SRK and her jumping special, and give her much more damage on the fireball and ultra.
My comments...

Don't forget Guile as well - he needs a lot of tweaks to be a solid character:
* give back his old flashkick with high priority (you can balance this by having a bit more recovery time)
* focus attack should hit high and low
* ultra should have much faster start-up time so that it can be used as a solid AA
Hello Everyone from Vegas :D

I landed this afternoon and checked into the Rio. I have noticed a good influx of Asians checking in as well. EVO IS HERE! :p

But anyways.. I'm pretty stoked. Can't wait for it to all start. Enjoyed the Carnival Buffet in the Rio this evening and some gambling.

I'm so jealous of all those at Evo. Sent off a couple of my friends today. I think they'll do respectable (and definitely better than 2 and out :lol)


TurtleSnatcher said:
Hello Everyone from Vegas :D

I landed this afternoon and checked into the Rio. I have noticed a good influx of Asians checking in as well. EVO IS HERE! :p

But anyways.. I'm pretty stoked. Can't wait for it to all start. Enjoyed the Carnival Buffet in the Rio this evening and some gambling.

wish i was there too...going to Miami with the gf this weekend instead (anniversary)
Wonder if I can view any live streams from evo while i'm there :lol

goodluck with the gambling bud! Are you gonna play at Evo also?

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Timedog said:
Ryu: Make it so you have to time his ultra better, instead of this cheap ass autolocking thing where the opponent almost ALWAYS falls into the fireball.

Blanka: Make his shitty ultra worth 50% damage instead of whatever the fuck bullshit it is now. Also make it have less chip damage. It's cheap as fuck.

Bison: no change.

Ryu, stop that lp trading shit for free ultra. If we trade it should never be a free friggin ultra for one dude.

Blanka: Is limited, don't nerf him, just learn to stay away when he's got ultra. Most people on championship will just freak out and come at you when you play keep away, blanka with no charge is no ultra blanka. I beat out a blanka with my shitty bison doing this, he resorted to RAINBOW BALL ftw and ate my thumbs up of doom for the stupidity.

Blanka is severely underpowered when people know the matchup, every move gets HAMMERED by half the cast if blocked. He actually needs something to make him more viable.

Bison: Give that man something to do against crossups :( Not really as dictator is high enough level already, but man do I get shat on if someone goes crossup nuts.
Xevren said:
I'm no Bison pro but if you're having problems getting crossed up can't you just teleport away...?

That, and he already has a good hitbox in terms of crossups if you ask me. That MFer makes everythising whiff, I guess that's how lean his new body is
Haven't played the game in a week. I've been in Denver the last four days.

I'd like to start playing the PC version when I get back.

Turtlesnatcher is living it up in Vegas. Vegas is only a couple hours from where I'm stationed. But I think I'll just watch the stream.

As far as tweaks, this has gone back and forth since the game came out.

First of all, change the shortcuts or give the option to disable them.

Don't allow focus attacks sponge up revenge meter. An idiot who just throws fireballs all day is easy fodder for building up the revenge meter.

Maybe make the revenge meter have a timer, so you're not holding it for the entirety of the rest of the round.

I agree with giving Gouken and Abel new low medium kicks.

Gouken's counter needs to be tweaked a bit. It seems to counter some moves that it shouldn't (ultras). Maybe they could give him a command throw.

Ken, Vega and Guile need new ultras or to have theirs tweaked extensively. They're practically useless except for punishing (which isn't going to happen against a good player).


Whine Whine FADC Troll
How I'd change Honda:

jump short unairthrowable- help with Guile matchup

EX oichio same startup as EX SPD

Ultra gains 100% invincibility to projectiles throughout the whole super (help vs Ryu/Sagat)

fierce/EX headbutt hits crossup attempts, probably by hitting on first frame. This will keep characters from jumping in for free on knockdowns. Increase recovery on fierce headbutt by 1-2 frames to compensate.

slow down stand RH (Honda will need a nerf, take this combo out- hands to hands should be kept though)

speed up stand fierce by 1-2 frames

cut jab headbutt recovery by 1-2 frames as well (help vs Ken, which is a HORRID matchup for Honda- F+MK should not hit a blocked jab headbutt)


he's Virgin Tight™
Tiger uppercut said:
well i'm new around these parts, i hope to join GAFchat one day
the psn text chat room.
and play with you guys sometime.

Your nickname. It boils my blood!

EDIT: Arstal, you and I fight now in a tourney match. Let's see if we can arrange that for soon =D.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Xevren said:
I'm no Bison pro but if you're having problems getting crossed up can't you just teleport away...?

but honestly I switched from a blanka main at 9000gp to Bison and I've just struggled into G2-A with him (1 final win so far in 1000Gp :/)

Blanka was impervious to crossups due to electricity so I basically have to LEARN this part of the game (crossup avoidance) like a proper newb.

Its fun though, Bison is teaching me patience which I didn't have with blanka and I like the change in game pace. So hard to adjust though.

OH, played my first fuerte as bisons last night and he destroyed me. How the fuck do you avoid the run away, backflip spin you like a helicopter thing? FUCK THAT SHIT.

One round I got 1 blocked scissors for the 'haha no perfect for you' good feelings
FoxSpirit said:

The Japanese must be pretty dumb to rank her at S tier then... and no, I'm NOT kidding you :D

Arcadia Magazine Tier List
June '09
S: Sagat
A: Ryu, Akuma, Zangief
B: Dictator, Rufus, Boxer, Viper, Honda
C: Abel, Fuerte, Dhalsim, Chun, Blanka
D: Ken, Guile
E: Claw

Lawlz u R kidding me u liar

Lost Fragment said:
Home now, so I guess I'll respond to this more in-depth, since I see a lot of wrong things with what you said.

It's not a good idea to throw out a bunch of fas against a good Viper 'cause if you do, you gonna get raped. The only way to reliably fa her mixups is if you know a bk is coming, which can be difficult since instant bks come out so quickly, and sometimes Viper lands and recovers at just the right distance to still be at an advantage. Plus, once it becomes obvious that you're gonna try and fa her mixups a lot, it's easy enough to start doing fa-breaking things like j.hk, bk; j.lk, bk; and other things to keep you guessing.

Not to mention that tk comes out lightning fast and is armor breaking, and ex tk is quick enough to crumple stun you out of focus armor/focus cancel dash from a decent distance, getting you F'd UTA with a combo or an ultra.

So, her anti-air. I don't know about stuffed a lot of the time, but it does trade a good deal, which usually isn't a good thing since Viper has lower health than most. But this can be a good thing if she has ultra, since she recovers quickly enough from the trade to dash forward and connect with her ultra.

Her normals are decent, but not the best. But she does have the best overhead in the game, and her c.mp comes out pretty darn fast. And her c.mp does stuff a lot of things. That stuff on top of her TK feint mixups more than makes up for it, imho.

As for her wakeup game...yeah, I mostly agree that she doesn't have many good options there. ex BK is a great "get the hell out of dodge" move with good aa priority, and ex seismo is good against people who don't play many Vipers and aren't expecting the invincibility frames, but she's still at a disadvantage against characters that have a lot of options to hit you with on wakeup, yeah. In particular, characters that have good crossups.

Anyway, Viper definitely isn't s-tier, and probably isn't a-tier, but I just think you're underestimating her options and versitility a fair bit :)

Acronyms, fuck yeah.

Everyone gets punished from Random FA's, regardless of character, I didn't say anything at all about randomly throwing them out. Don't put words in my mouth you meanie! I should have specified though that I meant BK mixups.

Her normals ARE bad, outside of cr. mp, st. lk, and overhead, she has some of the worst in the game. Low prioirty, slow startup, and very few big damage hit confirms. There's a reason you'll never see a top level viper in a poking war.

Viper has good mixups on the ground off tk feints, definitely,pokes beat out lp/mp tk's majority of the time. Also her TK's aren't lighting fast, and her ex tk is something that gets punished up the rear. Probably one of her most unsafe moves. As for her anti-air's getting stuffed, it happens lol :lol and it ssuuccckksss. She can get a dash ultra, but it's pretty specific, and it's only when she doesn't get knocked back. It doesn't help that landing viper's ultra off tk's whiffs half the time.

I'm not underestimating Viper, but rather, just pointing out that she's not some amazing character that will make you a god if you become some grandmaster with her. If anything, mastering her will make you ok. She looks like she can be good, and has her shining moments (combofiend winning sbo qual's w/ her) but never actually gets there once you know the matchup. Majority of top players(including combofiend) that have put in serious time with her have already changed characters.

Also keep in mind I'm not talking out of my ass. I've played a couple of the countries top vipers (kensou, asianhitler, buktooth when he used to main her) and lots of times it just ends with them getting pissed off that my cr. jab beats out anything and everything they do :lol :lol

TurtleSnatcher said:
Hello Everyone from Vegas :D

OMG hai2u!!!

Chauncy Talon said:
Dan is phenomenal if you know how to use him and the other player sucks.



Unconfirmed Member
Timedog said:
Gouken: Give better cr. mk that can combo into fireball.
Just use cr. mp. That's pretty versatile; chains nicely.

I love Gouken, but I use focus quite a lot so trying to learn someone like Viper is a real pain as her FA is so slow in comparison.

Also muscle memory is getting effed up becuase everyone keeps switching between official Xbox controller/Madcatz pad/arcade stick at work =/


This game needs a Brightness setting, damn it.

I think the stages [except the final one and the volcano one] are too bright, but obviously i like the settings on my TV, i just want to change THIS game...


I wonder one thing.

Maybe the reason why capcom is not eager to rebalance the game is that they're afraid it may lose popularity?

Let's take SS2THDRemix. The tweaked game didn't really help to rise the "legend" higher, many people just turned their backs on it and don't care anymore. This may had been due to fugly new graphics but I digress.

The balanced Guilty Gear game also wasn't popular.

Maybe Capcom realised this is the "thing" that gamers need. This kind of lack of balance that is big enough to be noticable and talked about in any given ocasion, but not bad enough to be gamebreaking.

I mean, suddenly you couldn't shine with pride and embarass your opponent by beating his Sagat with your Dan if they become same tier.

Gamer's talk alot about "brokeness", tiers. Game is on people's tongues. Shit is in the air.


Ono did say that he would like to do SFIV Dash/Turbo. Maybe it's too soon to announce anything. Maybe because SFIV for PC came out pretty late.

If the world still runs on money, one thing's for sure: Capcom will do anything to milk money out of SF comeback. Hopefuly it'll mean good news for us gamers.

Yes, I want SF4 X and I'm getting impatient. Where's my half finished DJ, Ono? :mad:


One sure thing: they won't announce any new version before Tougeki.
After that, well, it is a given we'll be getting a "2nd Impact" version...


Shito said:
One sure thing: they won't announce any new version before Tougeki.
After that, well, it is a given we'll be getting a "2nd Impact" version...

Tougeki is an arcade game show? When is it?
GrayFoxPL said:
Tougeki is an arcade game show? When is it?

I'm guessing you've heard of SBO(Super Battle Opera)? If you have then they are the same thing, it's just that people will say one or the other from time to time, but the most popular term is SBO. It's taking place on August 14-16, and of course we have Combofiend/Valle representing the US and Marn/Justing representing.....France, LOL.

Anyways I see that people making suggestions for the next iteration of SF4. Heres some changes and additions I like to see. I'm only going to speak about characters I'm familiar with though, which is basically shoto's :p

Ryu: I don't think he should have anything taken away. He's the perfect example of a top tier character. While he's considered top tier, he doesn't have the same attributes as a certain someone else that makes him seem unfair. He has average health and damage and his Ultra is weak.

If anything I'd like to see him get a new move at least. Akuma has claimed the red fireball, and Gouken took the power kick as his FA so how about giving him his fake fireball back. It's fun to use in HDR, it'd be even nicer in SF4.

Sagat: Now whoever decided to give this guy all these tools and thought it was fair must have been, eh I can't think of anything clever, but it's fucked up. I'd prefer to reduce his fireball speed and recovery, but that seems to be tradition for him since SF2. So At the very least, I'd like to see his health and damage down to 1000 each like Ryu.

Ken: Allow him to connect his Ultra for full damage. You're going to see Ken players pop up left and right in major tournaments if this happened.

Gouken: Give the man a regular Shoryuken, he's a freaking shoto for crying out loud. If necessary, take away his parry to include the SRK.


Rice-Eater said:
I'm guessing you've heard of SBO(Super Battle Opera)? If you have then they are the same thing, it's just that people will say one or the other from time to time, but the most popular term is SBO. It's taking place on August 14-16, and of course we have Combofiend/Valle representing the US and Marn/Justing representing.....France, LOL.

Ahhhh. Right, right. Stupid question.
"I'm guessing you've heard of SBO(Super Battle Opera)? If you have then they are the same thing, it's just that people will say one or the other from time to time, but the most popular term is SBO. It's taking place on August 14-16, and of course we have Combofiend/Valle representing the US and Marn/Justing representing.....France, LOL."

Don't forget Fubarduck/Jonathan Lo repping the US, too.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Rice-Eater said:
Ryu: I don't think he should have anything taken away. He's the perfect example of a top tier character. While he's considered top tier, he doesn't have the same attributes as a certain someone else that makes him seem unfair. He has average health and damage and his Ultra is weak.

Yea Ryu is perfect, he has no glaring weaknesses but he's fair

and Oh NO fake Fireball please

Sagat: Now whoever decided to give this guy all these tools and thought it was fair must have been, eh I can't think of anything clever, but it's fucked up. I'd prefer to reduce his fireball speed and recovery, but that seems to be tradition for him since SF2. So At the very least, I'd like to see his health and damage down to 1000 each like Ryu.

Im fine with Tiger shot, THE Sagat problem to me is the Knee; heavy damage, it breaks armor, virtually unpublishable on block, quick start-up/recovery AND can juggle to a super/ultra(an ultra that almost always deals full damage).

Ken: Allow him to connect his Ultra for full damage. You're going to see Ken players pop up left and right in major tournaments if this happened.

I dont care about Ken:D

Gouken: Give the man a regular Shoryuken, he's a freaking shoto for crying out loud. If necessary, take away his parry to include the SRK.

Nah, the Super/Ultra shoryukens are enough, the fix he needs is his Tatsu hurricane kick, start-up takes 2 days, recovery takes 10 days. It can be HIS shoryuken if it was faster. if you give him SRK he'll play Too much like Akuma.
Rice-Eater said:
Ken: Allow him to connect his Ultra for full damage. You're going to see Ken players pop up left and right in major tournaments if this happened.

Screw that....the world is much better off if less people use him :D
"Im fine with Tiger shot, THE Sagat problem to me is the Knee; heavy damage, it breaks armor, virtually unpublishable on block, quick start-up/recovery AND can juggle to a super/ultra(an ultra that almost always deals full damage)."

The only way to link from tiger knee into Ultra is with the corner crossup tiger knee into ultra. Also, anti-air tiger knee in the corner into ultra, apparently. You never see either of these in practice.


They should balance the console characters properly as well as add in a bunch of new ones to the game. I want cammy to be alot better!
GrayFoxPL said:
I wonder one thing.

Maybe the reason why capcom is not eager to rebalance the game is that they're afraid it may lose popularity?

Let's take SS2THDRemix. The tweaked game didn't really help to rise the "legend" higher, many people just turned their backs on it and don't care anymore. This may had been due to fugly new graphics but I digress.

You might be right and your other points are valid, but one of the biggest problems for HDR was just that it came out a few months before SF4. The only chance it had at holding the interest of the whole community was if SF4 was utterly broken and terrible.
All I want Capcom to do is fix the damn netcode.

I finally made G1 last night, but holy fuck....everyone I played last night was pretty damn godly, great matches!! But I think I need to take a break and do more player matches and level up more.
~Devil Trigger~ said:
Yea Ryu is perfect, he has no glaring weaknesses but he's fair

and Oh NO fake Fireball please

I've been a Ryu player for life since SF2. If you look at my character use rate, I think it's 90% for Ryu, I practically play no one else, not even other Shoto's. With that said, come on, he still has the same 3 special moves after all this time. Guys like Zangief, Bison, Blanka, Balrog among others have received new moves over the years since SF2, let Ryu have one and let him keep it for a change.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
Im fine with Tiger shot, THE Sagat problem to me is the Knee; heavy damage, it breaks armor, virtually unpublishable on block, quick start-up/recovery AND can juggle to a super/ultra(an ultra that almost always deals full damage).

Agreed, you fight your way in and the knee sends you back to the other side of the screen to fight your way back through 1000 Tiger Shots just so you can touch Sagat again.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
I dont care about Ken:D

I do, but only a little bit. While I still have trouble with it, I can land Ryu's FADC Ultra combo at times. The only reason I don't play Ken is because his Ultra is worthless off a FADC Shoryuken. You're honestly better off trying to land the EX SRK's which do a lot of damage. And plus it would create a better balance between Ken/Ryu/Akuma in tournaments where you only see Ryu and Akuma players.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
Nah, the Super/Ultra shoryukens are enough, the fix he needs is his Tatsu hurricane kick, start-up takes 2 days, recovery takes 10 days. It can be HIS shoryuken if it was faster. if you give him SRK he'll play Too much like Akuma.

Well although I still think he'll be quite different from the other Shoto's, being too much like Akuma or one of the others is kind of the point. I want him to be a bit more like the others. I know people don't want another shoto clone, but I always had a idea of what Gouken was suppose to be. So I was pretty disappointed with the direction Capcom took him in.
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