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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


good credit (by proxy)
I just wish the X360 TE stick worked on PS3 too so I could use that at EVO next year. I don't want to have to buy another stick just for EVO :(


Timedog said:
no u

Also, how the fuck are you supposed to go from walking forward into a fireball with the easy inputs?

I put inputs on in training mode and the input detector shows fwd, dwn, dwn-fwd, fwd + punch -- YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. I did neither the shortcut input for SRK nor the regular input for SRK, YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. How does this make any god damn sense. I'm about to lose my cool, Ted!

Just make sure to put the stick or dpad into neutral position before you do a hadoken. It will take some practice and I imagine it's harder with a dpad as opposed to a stick, but it's possible.
Timedog said:
no u

Also, how the fuck are you supposed to go from walking forward into a fireball with the easy inputs?

I put inputs on in training mode and the input detector shows fwd, dwn, dwn-fwd, fwd + punch -- YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. I did neither the shortcut input for SRK nor the regular input for SRK, YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. How does this make any god damn sense. I'm about to lose my cool, Ted!

I've been getting Tatsu's coming out when trying to do Akuma's FADC > Shaku (red fireball). The only kick input is from the FA. Stupid input reading.


Finally got to G1. Probably won't play champ mode anymore though, I'll probably just do player match from now on.

Also need to hit training mode every once in a while if I'm paying attention to other games (ie BB). Playing Viper after a 2 week hiatus was the sorriest thing i've ever done and or witnessed.


LosDaddie said:
Akuma is my main fighter, but I also use Sagat, Seth, Guile, Blanka and Bison. I think I'm going to try Gouken soon.

Anyway, thanks for the tips. I'll try to remember them for next time. But to be honest, I think I get dominated by Balrogs for 2 reasons:

  • I'm OK, at best, at SFIV...probably nowhere near GAF's level of play
  • People using Balrog really know how to use him
What was the persons tag/id? I beat up on a Seth last night with Rog.:D

I hit Rank 9th on PC for Championship points.. And it was hella easy to do. I perfected my last round against a Guile in the finals. Oh and since technically the top 6 are just hacked ranks.. I should say I'm 3rd!

Timedog said:
no u

Also, how the fuck are you supposed to go from walking forward into a fireball with the easy inputs?

I put inputs on in training mode and the input detector shows fwd, dwn, dwn-fwd, fwd + punch -- YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. I did neither the shortcut input for SRK nor the regular input for SRK, YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. How does this make any god damn sense. I'm about to lose my cool, Ted!

Make sure you let go and get to neutral before doing the fireball.


And I finally made it into GAF, and got validated on my birthday :D !

For those who are on XBL, my GT is Leurc, would love to play with you guys and learn some stuff! Still on a pad though cause sticks are almost impossible to get in Belgium unless you import.
Any types for going up again Guile, Vega, Bison and Chun-li with Able? I seem to have real issues with these guy, turtling Guile's especially given their sonic bomb recovery and I just don't seem to do that well against charge characters who aren't Balrog.
ArjanN said:
I've been playing tournament mode solely with Dan now for a while (PC version) and just now played a G3 tournament final VS Bison. I lost the first round pretty badly, then turned it around and won. That win got me into G2.

I then receiced this message:

"terribad completly no skill braindead american shitcunt"

Which I thought was pretty offensive, as I'm not even American.

And then a few seconds later:

"and now get ur retarded noob ass raped in G2 fuckin terrybad loser muahaha ull get fucked"

I just love replying to these messages with some sort of deadpan explanation of the awesomeness of Saikyo Power!!!

V_Arnold said:
So: if anyone in Europe (i usually have 5 bars against Germany players, 4 against France/UK with really no slowdown present) wants to play against a C.Viper (I play occasionally Rose, Ryu, Akuma, Sakura and Chun Li too), practice, spar or just test the skills, feel free to add me.
XBL gamertag is Oldern.

I need some regular comp, I played one Viper player, and he totally destroyed me. I main Ryu (doesn't everyone) but trying to learn Abel, and a few others. Feel free to add me,

Level 7 Boss

Any other euro players, feel free to add me. Would love to get my Abel up to scratch.
Masamuna said:
Finally got to G1. Probably won't play champ mode anymore though, I'll probably just do player match from now on.

Me too. 90% of the matches I've won so far resulted in people disconnecting on me. Fuck this.


Timedog said:
I'm sure the CEO jacked off all over his birthday cake when he figured out how to scam a bunch of people with a WAYYYYY overpriced controller with the shittiest components imaginable. If I ever met the guy I'd give him a Degeneration X Xpac jumping splits crotch X send off and tell him to FADC my big bazooka.

Seemed to work well if you like that kind of d-pad, but the Mad Catz VPs are surely splooging it up at your local pastry shoppe over almost every other product they have.

Hey, where are you located BTW?

I quit playing champ mode cuz the lag was making me change my game for the worse when I play offline, but if anyone's close to upstate NY (say ~500 miles?) and would like to play a tourney player (in other games lol), please do hit me up on 360. GT - Grifter 181.


Masamuna said:
Also need to hit training mode every once in a while if I'm paying attention to other games (ie BB). Playing Viper after a 2 week hiatus was the sorriest thing i've ever done and or witnessed.

This bothers me too. I'm a one-game-at-a-time man, so I've been playing the hell out of SF4, but if I step away for more than a few days my skills vanish and I have to lose a good 20-25 matches before they start coming back. BB is gathering dust for me right now, not because I don't want to play it, but because I don't want to take up another fighter until I'm ready for a prolonged SF4 hiatus.

Of course, by then I'll be LTTP and everybody will be stomping me flat online.


Jenga said:
Right, so does anyone have tips for a pad Abel player?

I'm so frustrated losing to the same flowchart shotos a million damn times. I somehow keep putting Fall From Sky instead of Ultra, which usually results in a lost match.

I do not want to sound rude or something, but each console's input devices are just fine, if you take the time to master the basics. If you try doing ultra, and something SRK-motion connected comes out, then take a look at your controller, and your hands. Only way it might happen is:

"some movement ending in forward" -> "some movement ending in down-forward or forward"
Which usually means that you did the QCF motion so fast, the first QCF was poorly registered, so your hand does not really did the quarter circle! Really, watching your movements carefully helps.

When I started playing, I suffered from this, but forced myself into training mode to do the QCF and the f,d,df motions as distinctly as humanly possible. Now my hands are moving quite different if I want to do a seismo (srk+p) or if i want to do tk (QCB+P, but imagine i am P2 now : ) - and this is a key training point when you have only a controller or a fightpad.

Will add you on XBL, so we can spar, I rarely meet any Abel-mainer player : )
EDIT: GFW, huh? Then we are not in the same system : (


Alright Jenga, I am by no means a great player but here is my advice after those two matches last night:

1. EX Roll: Don't use it midscreen. Use it to get out of corner traps. Be aware you can still be thrown out of it.
2. Wheel Kick: Again, don't use it midscreen too much, especially HK version since it's so easily punishable. Use it a little less.
3. Execution: Do into training mode and set the dummy to block and try doing the Ultra over and over in both directions. I know you can do it, you just need a little more practice.
4. Ultra: Combo into it or capitalize on mistakes. Don't do it on wakeup or if you even think it may be blocked. Notice I reversal Ultra'd you nearly every time it came out.
5. Anti-Air: Falling Sky is worthless outside of combos and building meter at long range, even EX Falling Sky. Do it after cr.FP or after cr.FP xx LK.Roll.
6. Anti-Air part 2: There are other tools to use with Abel for anti-air. Most of his options are terrible, frankly, but there is hope in cl.FP, cr.MK, and far MK. Record a dummy in training mode and see which is easiest for you. It's probably going to be cr.MK.
7. Good call on the EX Tornado Throw on wakeup to defend against a Focus Attack. It whiffed, but that's only because I baited you into it. It's still a solid tactic.
8. Fwd.MK: One of Abels best tools. It's nice that you used it several times, but toss in something after it that's not another MK.

Abel vs. Abel is a very stupid match up, but I wanted to show you some options. Next time, I'll use other characters so I can teach you what you can and should punish.


Spirit of Jazz said:
Any types for going up again Guile, Vega, Bison and Chun-li with Able? I seem to have real issues with these guy, turtling Guile's especially given their sonic bomb recovery and I just don't seem to do that well against charge characters who aren't Balrog.
Focus attack Vega's wall jump, if he lands in front of you, hit him with it, if he lands behind you, back dash and tornado throw. Most Vega's like to crouch and keep poking, but they don't combo, so I tend to EX CoD in between hits.

I'm pretty sure all the characters you mentioned are cross up mk -> d.fp -> ultra'able.

I'm leaving G1 for a while. I just have to pick Honda or Abel when I play there or I get smashed, and I just can't stand playing the same characters over and over. I've been doing some ranked Sakura. I usually get beat, but when I get my EX hurricane kick cross up going Sabre style, it usually works out great for me. But if they don't make a mistake big enough to land it I just can't do enough damage to win.
Finally pulled off Akuma's BnB combo (starting with HP) to punish in a real match and hit the kara demon a few times. I'm finally leveling up my Akuma!:lol


Got some practice online yesterday, some guy was picking random the whole match, but he suprisingly knew must of their Supers. I still lack good setups for me EX skills( so I won't end up wasting my whole bar). Still using Sakura, and most of her challenging training seem to use crouching mk.


after being away for a while, i started playing again...
Still not used to the stick and find myself hopping onto fightpad after a few matches.
Took a bit of time to get into the groove (got runner up a few times :/ ) and I always want to pick other characters.

How about a tourney where everyone has to pick random select? :lol

I never seem to have enough time for gaf matches since I dont want to leave after just 1-2.
Sorry for not accepting your game invites Mailarde! you always get on too late!


toneroni said:
after being away for a while, i started playing again...
Still not used to the stick and find myself hopping onto fightpad after a few matches.
Took a bit of time to get into the groove (got runner up a few times :/ ) and I always want to pick other characters.

How about a tourney where everyone has to pick random select? :lol

I never seem to have enough time for gaf matches since I dont want to leave after just 1-2.
Sorry for not accepting your game invites Mailarde! you always get on too late!
:) My shift ends pretty late so I cannot get any games in the evening.
V_Arnold said:
I do not want to sound rude or something, but each console's input devices are just fine, if you take the time to master the basics. If you try doing ultra, and something SRK-motion connected comes out, then take a look at your controller, and your hands. Only way it might happen is:

"some movement ending in forward" -> "some movement ending in down-forward or forward"
Which usually means that you did the QCF motion so fast, the first QCF was poorly registered, so your hand does not really did the quarter circle! Really, watching your movements carefully helps.

When I started playing, I suffered from this, but forced myself into training mode to do the QCF and the f,d,df motions as distinctly as humanly possible. Now my hands are moving quite different if I want to do a seismo (srk+p) or if i want to do tk (QCB+P, but imagine i am P2 now : ) - and this is a key training point when you have only a controller or a fightpad.

Will add you on XBL, so we can spar, I rarely meet any Abel-mainer player : )
EDIT: GFW, huh? Then we are not in the same system : (

Agreed, although due to the easier input system implemented in sf4 you can run into troubles when trying to do things like dictators ultra and getting a teleport instead


good credit (by proxy)
I got a TE stick. It'll be here in a week or so. I got next, baby!

How long will it take to get used to using a stick?


it took me around 1 month or so to feel super comfortable with the stick... i remember the first day i had it, i couldn't even do ultras properly...
1 Month is pretty much the norm I've seen for getting used to a stick.

First day I couldn't hadoken, and first 2 weeks I couldn't SRK on command.

Charge characters are amazing on the TE though. Motion characters will take more time, especially if you haven't used a square gate before.

AZ Greg

Timedog said:
I got a TE stick. It'll be here in a week or so. I got next, baby!

How long will it take to get used to using a stick?

Depending on how much you play, probably 3-4 weeks. Just make sure you don't get frustrated by losing to lesser players and switching back to a pad just to prove to them/yourself that it was the controller and not you. Once you're on the other end, you'll come to the realization that you now have another gaming expense going into future console generations as you won't be able to go back to pad play. At least that's the case with me.
Started playing fighting games seriously in Feb when sf4 came out, decided to use a stick so I'm comfortable in arcades, and I'm still not %100 at ease with em :/


AZ Greg said:
Depending on how much you play, probably 3-4 weeks. Just make sure you don't get frustrated by losing to lesser players and switching back to a pad just to prove to them/yourself that it was the controller and not you. Once you're on the other end, you'll come to the realization that you now have another gaming expense going into future console generations as you won't be able to go back to pad play. At least that's the case with me.
The most annoying thing about learning the stick right now is being unable to play consistently on the 1P side.

All of my QCF and DP moves on the 2P side come out perfect, but I keep messing it up on the 1P side. It's probably due to the way I hold the stick.

Any tips on holding the ball of the stick?

Oh yeah, AZ - are you still using Claw as your main?
You should try out some Gen - he's pretty much what you'd imagine of ST Claw without the wall-jumps but with superior combos, although you can do some mindfuck with people on wakeups with cross-up oga kicks.
He's got a fast jump, moves pretty fast, good fast normals and FA with good range, and safe wakeup as long as he has EX meter.
He's got Vega's roll to keep pressure on the opponent and his AA special is pretty decent (pretty much like Scarlet Terror in ST).
The only bad thing about him is his lack of health.

AZ Greg

Arde5643 said:
The most annoying thing about learning the stick right now is being unable to play consistently on the 1P side.

All of my QCF and DP moves on the 2P side come out perfect, but I keep messing it up on the 1P side. It's probably due to the way I hold the stick.

Any tips on holding the ball of the stick?

Oh yeah, AZ - are you still using Claw as your main?
You should try out some Gen - he's pretty much what you'd imagine of ST Claw without the wall-jumps but with superior combos, although you can do some mindfuck with people on wakeups with cross-up oga kicks.
He's got a fast jump, moves pretty fast, good fast normals and FA with good range, and safe wakeup as long as he has EX meter.
He's got Vega's roll to keep pressure on the opponent and his AA special is pretty decent (pretty much like Scarlet Terror in ST).
The only bad thing about him is his lack of health.

I was the same when I first started using a stick. Had trouble on the 1P side. It turns out I wasn't finishing my motions like I thought I was. When I'd do a hadoken it would only register as d, df, p. Or sometimes the f would come out, but after I already hit p so nothing would come out. The only thing I can think of that would make the 2P side easier has to do with muscle usage. Your arm is left of the stick so when you do d, df, f, p from the 2P side it is easier to pull the stick back and complete the motion whereas from the 1P side you're going away from where your arm is. At least that is what it was for me. Go into training and turn on input display, that should show you your problem right away.

Yeah, I'm still using Claw as my main. Though I have been going through most of the cast lately looking for someone else. Been playing a lot of Ryu since I want to use a QCF character after mostly using charge characters. In terms of success though, I can do really well, better than when I use Claw, with Boxer and Dictator. But for some reason those two characters bore me and I just can't stick with them. SF4 Dash needs to hurry and get here with a buffed up Claw. :)


GamerSoul said:
Got some practice online yesterday, some guy was picking random the whole match, but he suprisingly knew must of their Supers. I still lack good setups for me EX skills( so I won't end up wasting my whole bar). Still using Sakura, and most of her challenging training seem to use crouching mk.

I think I ran into the Random guy once yesterday.

Cr MK or FP lead into an EX Tatsu (maybe even EX SRK) on her fairly easy. Smaller characters won't get hit by the second hit of the Tatsu, but still suffer long enough hit stun for 3+4 to land. I'm STILL having issues finding effective ways to fit her SRK into a match that doesn't leave me open to getting my ass beat, save perhaps forcing a block and FADC it into a throw or something.

If you didn't catch it, go back 4-5 pages, someone replied to my question regarding how to fight Blanka (which I still cannot do ; ;) and the Flowcharts™, and some of those tips work really well on other characters I've come against.

On the topic of those PS2 gamepads, if Hiryu ever read/posted in this thread, he could possibly shed light on it, as he's the friend that had them. I might be thinking of the Dreamcast ones he had being Madcatz >.>


Metal Gear?! said:
What was wrong with the Nubytech pads (NOT sticks) ?
The buttons were difficult to get EX's off (but for some reasons throws were okay), and the pad was horrible and eventually broke on me after a month of use. Also, the pause button was placed 2mm from the medium punch button, so that pausing during an online match and getting killed was not uncommon.

The best way to get Sakura's SRK is off of a crouching light punch link to a crouching medium kick, to the SRK. That link is really important to learn if you pick Sakura, allows to get real damage off of her jabs. Pretty sure you can link c.hp too.


good credit (by proxy)
You've only been playing fighting games since Feb, Finds? Damn. I figured you were a lifer. Did you do a lot of research online, or just get knowledge from playing a lot of matches?

I got the game around a month after it came out I think, way later than everyone else. Now I wish I would have gotten it sooner. I did horrible in the first GAF SF tourney, but did okay in the last one. I need to level up so I can get my ass to EVO next year.

Wait, I still don't know wtf option select is?
FindMyFarms said:
Started playing fighting games seriously in Feb when sf4 came out, decided to use a stick so I'm comfortable in arcades, and I'm still not %100 at ease with em :/
You must have some natural skill in this stuff.. I mean.. February? Seriously Adnan?

You are really good for just February.. I mean you can beat some big names like Campbell (Buk) who has been playing this stuff for years.

I envy you..

Also I haven't seen your face in a while..! MISS YOU!

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