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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Teknopathetic said:
FMF is totally screwing with you guys.
Dont think he is. He played Tekken a decent amount but he has always said he use to be a pad user and still feels comfortable at times with a pad in situations over a stick.


GrayFoxPL said:
Sakura's biggest drawback is the laughable hp. She's fun to use and you could dominate 90% of the round but one mistake and your health is gone. I mean you could even see that in Sabre's godly Sakura at evo.

Actually the previous disscusion on who's better Dan or Sakura isn't so obvious to me. Dan has lesser combo ability, but due to larger hp/stamina he can live longer. That's a big factor.
You'll see a Dan tournament winner someday, you'll see. :D

Timedog said:
no u

Also, how the fuck are you supposed to go from walking forward into a fireball with the easy inputs?

I put inputs on in training mode and the input detector shows fwd, dwn, dwn-fwd, fwd + punch -- YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. I did neither the shortcut input for SRK nor the regular input for SRK, YET I GET A DRAGON PUNCH. How does this make any god damn sense. I'm about to lose my cool, Ted!

I heard the way John Choi does it is when you walk forward, do the hadouken motion (which you are doing d, df, f) but then add a uf motion to the hadouken. (Total motion being, d, df, f, uf + P)

The way the game processes inputs forces the game to recognize this as a hadouken instead of a shoryuken.

The same thing for any Dictator (M. Bison) users out there, if you want to do Nightmare Booster (Ultra), sometimes the teleport comes out (which also has a dragon punch motion).

So, instead of the motion b, f, b, f + 3K, use:

b, f, b, uf + 3K

This way forces the game to recognize the move as an Ultra NOT a teleport.

Hope that helps.


What happens when you stun somebody with Fuerte's 4-hit RSF and then finish them off with a 3 hit RSF to perfect them? You get booted from the lobby!

Damn, I should have recorded that. I was on fire! :lol
MIMIC said:
What happens when you stun somebody with Fuerte's 4-hit RSF and then finish them off with a 3 hit RSF to perfect them? You get booted from the lobby!

Damn, I should have recorded that. I was on fire! :lol

Wow your execution skills must be pretty damn good, are you on XBL :lol

I have no idea how to fight Elf, it'd be great to get some practice :)


good credit (by proxy)
i need more elf practice too. once i get my stick i'm done with championship for awhile cause i'll probably lose every fight, so i'll be sending out more player match invites to those on my friends list.

What do you do against ELF's run into jumping throw thing he does when you're waking up? I know I've just pressed down dodge it in the past but it doesn't seem to be working now (possibly because of my broke ass piece of shit Madcatz fightpad), and no move seems to beat it.


Imm0rt4l said:
wtf, DoublePerfect Productions, is making me delete videos I recorded at EVO.

Yea, if you recorded anything that will end up on IGN insider they're going to have it pulled, pretty much. This is par for the course.


Timedog said:
What do you do against ELF's run into jumping throw thing he does when you're waking up? I know I've just pressed down dodge it in the past but it doesn't seem to be working now (possibly because of my broke ass piece of shit Madcatz fightpad), and no move seems to beat it.

A crouching block won't get hit by that move.


Maybe it's like Cammy's Hooligan throw, where you see your character block low, but online the slight delay makes you still get grabbed.

Oh, and El Fuerte's running forward throw can be avoided by ducking, but his running away from you throw can't be. I hate that one :lol


good credit (by proxy)
I guess it's just my fucked up pad or online lag then, cause in the past week anytime I've ducked that shitty move i've gotten hit. I don't think it's lag though, cause when I played arde I was holding down for like 15 seconds as he did it to me like 3 times in a row.

Oh well. I feel like I'm joining an elite club now that I bought the TE stick. Hopefully no more complaining about my shitty pad, and more complaining about my shitty stick skills. It's never my own fault that I lose, in my opinion I've never lost a game in any fighting game ever.

How do you dodge his running back throw? I don't know if I've ever seen that but I don't really pay attention to stuff.
Ledsen said:
Posted this in the pick-up thread as well, but...


fuck yeah!

DAMN. THat have to be the shit to be going to see all the best in the world to play at Super Opera 09.
ROFL @ lifer, I'm an 09'er on SRK :lol Yeah, I always enjoyed the fighting game genre before sf4 came out, but I never had a joystick, and never actually competed. When SF4 just came out, I only knew the most basic things about fighting games (maybe a little bit more for tekken) and didn't know anyone else that played fighting games outside of my cousin. SF4 was the first game I ever went to a fighting game tourney for and found local players/competition.

Luckily, the players in my area are really good. That combined that with how I'm a really stubborn player resulted in learning a LOT about SF4 in the span of a month. When I started playing local sessions, I'd literally just go and lose like 40 games or so in a row to a multitude of our players, and they'd get tired of wuppin my ass lol. After spending a ridiculous amount of time with the game (10hrs a day when it first came out?) and playing really good people, I got a lot better really fast lol. I think I'm ok at the game now :lol

Also worth noting is that I always competed in the hobbies I really enjoy, so the thought and learning process carried over naturally.

@ Turtle - Outta town this weekend, les pray next week n do sum hot rebel akshawn

@ Timedog - If he's running toward you and does the throw, holding down is fine, if he runs AWAY from you and does the throw on your wake up, you have to hold up
"Dont think he is. He played Tekken a decent amount but he has always said he use to be a pad user and still feels comfortable at times with a pad in situations over a stick."

To be fair, a lot of top tekken players in the US rock pad.


Just got back into SF4 after a month off...but I've been having a hell of a time finding anyone with a connection higher than 3 bars. Anyone in Cali interested in playing some casual player matches? I'm semi-decent. :)

GT: henhowc
Yeah, pad ain't too bad for Tekken. I only used it though cuz I grew up w/ a pad, and never thought about using a stick.

BTW, I posted this in the stick thread, but I might as well put it here too.

Hey guys, I'm looking to put some artwork on my SE stick, but I'm not very good at drawing/photoshopping/ms painting stuff.

Would any resident artists be willing to help me come up with a custom piece? I can send you a game I don't have anything complicated in mind, pretty simple actually.

GalacticAE said:
It's all about mindset and how you approach the game. Anyone can be good at fighting games. Adnan sucks though. Don't talk to him.

My Mariachi band > Yours


good credit (by proxy)
FindMyFarms said:
Yeah, pad ain't too bad for Tekken. I only used it though cuz I grew up w/ a pad, and never thought about using a stick.

BTW, I posted this in the stick thread, but I might as well put it here too.

Hey guys, I'm looking to put some artwork on my SE stick, but I'm not very good at drawing/photoshopping/ms painting stuff.

Would any resident artists be willing to help me come up with a custom piece? I can send you a game I don't have anything complicated in mind, pretty simple actually.

My Mariachi band > Yours

The only Tekken game I've really played was Tekken 1. That game was SO ass compared to virtua fighter 2 on saturn. Do the new tekkens still have shitty 10 hit dial a combos? What makes tekken unique or good? I'm an SRK 09'er too, although I swear to god I was king shit at SF2 turbo back in like 94!

Despite my broke-ass controller I'm not doing TERRIBLE in G1. I think I'm up like 100 gp from where i started after like 10 games. I did play some dude that had like 14,500 gp who I laughed at. Some of my losses are from getting nervous cause it's a new higher level and random ultra'ing when the game is tied near the end :(

Who is adnan?
Timedog said:
The only Tekken game I've really played was Tekken 1. That game was SO ass compared to virtua fighter 2 on saturn. Do the new tekkens still have shitty 10 hit dial a combos? What makes tekken unique or good? I'm an SRK 09'er too, although I swear to god I was king shit at SF2 turbo back in like 94!

Despite my broke-ass controller I'm not doing TERRIBLE in G1. I think I'm up like 100 gp from where i started after like 10 games. I did play some dude that had like 14,500 gp who I laughed at. Some of my losses are from getting nervous cause it's a new higher level and random ultra'ing when the game is tied near the end :(

Who is King Adnan?

<----- that guy

Tekken's a lot better now, T1 was kinda stupid lol. The 10 hit combos are still there, but no one uses them, since most opt for the 12397123 hit juggles instead.


aka Ryder
daegan said:
Yea, if you recorded anything that will end up on IGN insider they're going to have it pulled, pretty much. This is par for the course.

Nope, worse than that. My video was from pools, no one was recording, and it was still pulled.
Someone help me out please. One thing I almost never do is SRK on reaction, instead I block because either my reaction time is too slow or it's getting stuffed. Today I tried to practice on that online, but in many matches I would eat repeated jump in attacks trying to SRK my opponent and coming out of it with nothing.

For reference I'm using the LP SRK almost exclusively. I play on a pad and have no dedicated HP button. Instead I'll use 3P or 3K when I need the fierce and roundhouse, but I'm wary of wasting EX meter when it's really not needed. So basically, is the problem about me trying to anti air deep jump ins with a LP SRK(should be using HP instead?) or am I just too slow to react?
Use Fierce DP as AA with Ryu. I find that the LP trades a lot. *I think* that Fierce DP has more priority than short and/or a better hitbox but you might have to check SRK to be sure on that. I can't really tell you how the properties differ between the 3 DPs off the top of my head.

That's why God invented SRK :D


good credit (by proxy)
Rice-Eater said:
Someone help me out please. One thing I almost never do is SRK on reaction, instead I block because either my reaction time is too slow or it's getting stuffed. Today I tried to practice on that online, but in many matches I would eat repeated jump in attacks trying to SRK my opponent and coming out of it with nothing.

For reference I'm using the LP SRK almost exclusively. I play on a pad and have no dedicated HP button. Instead I'll use 3P or 3K when I need the fierce and roundhouse, but I'm wary of wasting EX meter when it's really not needed. So basically, is the problem about me trying to anti air deep jump ins with a LP SRK(should be using HP instead?) or am I just too slow to react?

Yeah, use fierce DP. jab DP sucks online at least. Fierce will hit more when it's deep.

buffi said:
Isn't DP trading good since you can Ultra from a traded DP? (or is that just Sagat?)

lp DP gets straight out beat a lot of times. it's good if it trades and doesn't move you backwards. if the trade moves your character backwards you can't ultra.
Damn, that's going to be a problem for me. As I said, I have no dedicated HP button. So I will be wasting EX meter probably more then not just for simple jump ins that don't need it. It's not like Ryu is Ken, he can actually land his Ultra and it'll hurt a little so not having the 3P button is not really a option that I can entertain.

I guess this mean time to start practicing on my stick again. But man why does it have to be so hard :*(


NeoGAF: my new HOME
Rice-Eater said:
Damn, that's going to be a problem for me. As I said, I have no dedicated HP button. So I will be wasting EX meter probably more then not just for simple jump ins that don't need it. It's not like Ryu is Ken, he can actually land his Ultra and it'll hurt a little so not having the 3P button is not really a option that I can entertain.

I guess this mean time to start practicing on my stick again. But man why does it have to be so hard :*(

You need to just play exclusively on a stick... it can take a couple of weeks to get up to speed but it's so, so, so worth it.
Teknopathetic said:
"Dont think he is. He played Tekken a decent amount but he has always said he use to be a pad user and still feels comfortable at times with a pad in situations over a stick."

To be fair, a lot of top tekken players in the US rock pad.
Yes I know that..

I dont even recall saying that Pad Players were bad.


I hit G2-C on PC SF4. So easily too. Ive won 23 championships and only gotten 3 runner ups.

I have a 89% win record on PC. :lol

38 hrs in that game plus the 450 I have on XB360 ... Damn I'm closing in on 500 hours.


good credit (by proxy)
Rice-Eater said:
Damn, that's going to be a problem for me. As I said, I have no dedicated HP button. So I will be wasting EX meter probably more then not just for simple jump ins that don't need it. It's not like Ryu is Ken, he can actually land his Ultra and it'll hurt a little so not having the 3P button is not really a option that I can entertain.

I guess this mean time to start practicing on my stick again. But man why does it have to be so hard :*(

No HP button? How does that work? I don't even know of an controller with less than 8 buttons. medium punch SRK has better priority than lp SRK also. I think it might be the same/very similar to hp SRK. You're missing out on a lot of shit with no hp button.

I knocked a Balrog out of his Ultra with a jab. He had like 20% life and I had like 80%, plus it was a player match so I didn't care and tried it. It worked! Dude disconnected after the match was over. Unfortunately I didn't get any cool messages though.
Timedog said:
No HP button? How does that work? I don't even know of an controller with less than 8 buttons. medium punch SRK has better priority than lp SRK also. I think it might be the same/very similar to hp SRK. You're missing out on a lot of shit with no hp button.

I use a DS3 on my PS3. The four face buttons are lows and mediums. The two shoulder buttons to the right are 3P/3K. On the left I have Focus Attack on L1 and L2 can be whatever, I don't use it either way. Basically I need the buttons assigned that way because it's not easy to press 2 buttons for EX moves and extremely difficult to press 3 for Ultras. Using the left shoulder buttons are also not a option, it's too awkward to try and do a motion with my left thumb and time the button press with my index finger. I can do it, but not with enough consistency.

But yeah, I'm going to try and put in more stick time again. It's so frustrating for me so I can never commit to it, but I'll try to keep it up and hopefully show some improvement.


Rice-Eater said:
But yeah, I'm going to try and put in more stick time again. It's so frustrating for me so I can never commit to it, but I'll try to keep it up and hopefully show some improvement.

Part of the difficulty in making the switch is losing fights you know you'd normally win - very frustrating. You just have to accept that your win ratio will take a bit of a hit to begin with & plough on becasue it all becomes worth it.

Spending a few hours in training mode simply repeating motions works wonders as well.
Teknopathetic said:
"Yes I know that..

I dont even recall saying that Pad Players were bad."

I didn't say you did, I just said that Tekken = lots of pad love.

Oh yea.. I know that :)

Tekken and SC has a lot of pad love as opposed to something like SF which doesnt.


good credit (by proxy)
OMFG, people have to pay 10 extra bucks for that shitty, already overpriced Madcatz SF IV fightpad because it has a new graphic in the comic-con edition. Nasty.
Timedog said:
OMFG, people have to pay 10 extra bucks for that shitty, already overpriced Madcatz SF IV fightpad because it has a new graphic in the comic-con edition. Nasty.
Nah, probably for collector's purposes and resale value


I'm not sure how SFIV online is on the console platforms, but on the PC let me recreate my experiences:

Three Connections. Two 1 bar and both Japanese. One English, 2 bars.

..Search again

Three Connections. Two 1 bar and both either Francais or Deustsch. One 4 bar english.

Opponent chooses Ken/Ryu/Shoto

Nothing but Shoruyken, even when its painfully obvious they're gonna get punished.

Sweep, sweep, shoruyken. Woops, I didn't block because my input wasn't recognized! There goes 30% of my HP.

Ken Wins!

Please tell me G2 is different than this ;_;


Jenga said:
I'm not sure how SFIV online is on the console platforms, but on the PC let me recreate my experiences:

Three Connections. Two 1 bar and both Japanese. One English, 2 bars.

..Search again

Three Connections. Two 1 bar and both either Francais or Deustsch. One 4 bar english.

Opponent chooses Ken/Ryu/Shoto

Nothing but Shoruyken, even when its painfully obvious they're gonna get punished.

Sweep, sweep, shoruyken. Woops, I didn't block because my input wasn't recognized! There goes 30% of my HP.

Ken Wins!

Please tell me G2 is different than this ;_;

G2 is very different.

And hosting your own matches is a faster way to get matches and generally with better connections as well.


ArjanN said:
And hosting your own matches is a faster way to get matches and generally with better connections as well.
Fight requests are even faster. It's the only way I 'look' for matches now. The thing with hosting is that you have to specifiy a language (Seriously, who thought that was a good idea?!), while you get fight requests from anywhere. Naturally, it it will take longer the farther you advance in a tournament and sometimes you will have the same guy try to join, despite the shitty connection (especially in the finals), but it's still better than waiting in the lobby, twirling your thumbs.

I guess if you're in the US, hosting is fine, since you get plenty of competition if you set the language to English. For Europeans though, it's useless...
McBradders said:
You need to just play exclusively on a stick... it can take a couple of weeks to get up to speed but it's so, so, so worth it.
Took me about 100 matches in the arcade. At first I lost a lot of easy matches, but now I think Im about the same level (or a little bit better) as with the pad. Worth it but now I have to buy a stick...


Jenga said:
Please tell me G2 is different than this ;_;

Championship mode is wall-to-wall shotos regardless of what platform you play on. The only difference I've found between PC and PS3 is that PC players favor Ryu over Ken. Kind of annoying, since I have a near 100% winrate against shotos in G2, but seriously lose almost every match against non-shotos--or Sakura, for that matter.

Seconding the recommendation to host your own matches. Even when I was visiting my parents and hosting on their 256k upstream, connections were very nice from New England to all over the US (even had some playable 3-bars to Europe). Unless my paranoid fear of the game being overrun by macro-using keyboard players comes to pass, not regretting trading in my PS3 to buy the PC version.

(On preview: you have to specify a language in the PC version? Never noticed, but I remember it being optional on the PS3. And I've been using a stick for two months and still mess up anything remotely complex. To utter a blasphemy: the TE stick feels way too loose and just... off to me. I get the feeling I'd be happier with a Seimitsu than a Sanwa joystick. But rather than mutilate the thing (and spend $25), I've been trying to experiment with different grips, since it doesn't look like anyone else follows my cupped-sideways-with-4-fingers-and-pinkie-hanging-out style.)
TurtleSnatcher said:

I hit G2-C on PC SF4. So easily too. Ive won 23 championships and only gotten 3 runner ups.

Did you have to unlock everyone in the PC version? I'm thinking about picking it up on Steam, soon in addition to the PS3 version.
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