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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Arde5643 said:
I think seeing the enormous reception of SF4 in EVO kinda brings the fire back into a lot of players.

Pretty sure a lot of people who were watching the EVO live stream are thinking the same thing a lot of us are: "I wanna train so that next year's EVO it can be me sitting there going through the rigorous pool".

Yea. I was watching it and got that fire back underneath me. The bad thing about the fire, I recently went back to work. I have a couple of friends that think they are good, so I train hard. I have not played SFIV like this for months. I was trying to get back into RPG's but that Championship match at EVO, all these fighting games released this year, had mess me up. I am studying at juco and working less hard, at work and the gym, because of the game.


good credit (by proxy)
jabipun said:
SFIV is well balanced, I think that's why so many of us continue to play it.

Although I must say that I think the epitome of the perfect character is Ryu. He's strong, fun - and if he's your opponent you truly fear when he has his Ultra guage, and there are things you shouldn't do (i.e, don't jump in, stay away from corners etc.) Yet, his Ultra does low damage because of this (maybe it should do slightly less)...maybe, maybe not.

However, Sagat. Sorry - he's 100 % bullshit. Don't tell me the fact that he "walks" slow is his weaknesss, because that's bullshit.

His tiger knee is the biggest problem. Comes out quick, good frames even on block, does decent damage, armor breaking (which is crap, because most characters have armor breaking attacks that have long starts ups and recovery). And it also can be used as an anti-air.

Nerf the tiger knee, give him Ryu - like recovery on his tiger shots (which is still damn fucking fast and annoying) and there is no reason why Sagat has 1000 + health. He should just have standard 1000.

Ken is also a good middle type character that represents perfect balance. If Capcom wants an agressive powered style set-up, they should try to focus on getting everyone to Ryu-type tier, or if they want a standard non-disruptive like tier set-up, go for a Ken/Viper middle approach. Meaning nerf the top characters, and improve the lower characters. Or - simply boost everyone up to ryu levels. Which is pretty simple. I.e, give Cammy an overhead - and bam, she'll shoot up. Give Viper regular 1000 health, and bam - she shoots up. Give El Fuerte a bit more power in his attacks, and he'll shoot up. There are ways to fix the characters without changing move properties or anything significant.

Sagat needs a less safe knee(unsafe even if it hits once), less powerful ultra, jump-ins with less priority, and normal health, slightly more recovery on fireballs.

He's fucking Dhalsim mixed with Ryu. He can beat anyone in the game from afar or from up close. It's stupid.

I think Ken needs a better ultra, or at least make it so that more damage happens when you srk>fadc>ultra.

I think the thing is that Capcom tries to give characteristics that suit the character. Zangief is huge and muscley so we better make him take a lot of damage. Same with Sagat. Since their huge, everything they do must dish out a lot of damage too. So they try to get it as balanced as they can but still have weird bias' like this, that favor large, muscular characters. Whereas small characters (women) get screwed with low health and not enough damage/tools to overcome this.
Oh I'd love to go to Evo but problem is that I'm the only SF4 nut between my friends and I. Who the hell would want to go to Vegas alone, play alone with no support, and walk around alone after I go 2 and out for the next 2 days. I'm a sad sad panda. At least there is going to be another stream that should be better next year.

PhatSaqs said:
I'm all PS3 versioned up ;)

Getting thrown a dozen times per round, no thanks. I'll take FMF's sexy combo beatdown any day over your throws :p


Rice-Eater said:
Oh I'd love to go to Evo but problem is that I'm the only SF4 nut between my friends and I. Who the hell would want to go to Vegas alone, play alone with no support, and walk around alone after I go 2 and out for the next 2 days. I'm a sad sad panda. At least there is going to be another stream that should be better next year.
You can always do a GAF meet-up, you anti social freak you. :p


good credit (by proxy)
I can never tech throws. Even if I know it's coming I can't tech them. I don't know if I have the timing wrong or what.

also, what is "option select SRK"?


Timedog said:
Sagat needs a less safe knee(unsafe even if it hits once), less powerful ultra, jump-ins with less priority, and normal health, slightly more recovery on fireballs.

He's fucking Dhalsim mixed with Ryu. He can beat anyone in the game from afar or from up close. It's stupid.

I think Ken needs a better ultra, or at least make it so that more damage happens when you srk>fadc>ultra.

I think the thing is that Capcom tries to give characteristics that suit the character. Zangief is huge and muscley so we better make him take a lot of damage. Same with Sagat. Since their huge, everything they do must dish out a lot of damage too. So they try to get it as balanced as they can but still have weird bias' like this, that favor large, muscular characters. Whereas small characters (women) get screwed with low health and not enough damage/tools to overcome this.

I kind of like that. I hate in fighting games when a big giant dude does the same damage a small japanese schoolgirl.


All I want for Christmas is: the removal of ALL combo into Ultra moves. Ryu's bullshit SRK trade > Ultra, Rufus' jumping HK > Ultra, Sagat's HK > Ultra, etc. I'd even be willing to sacrifice something as worthless and fairly unusable as Guile's Flash Kick > Ultra.

FADCing into an Ultra is fine, though. That actually takes a bit more skill than a SRK trade and then button mashing your way to victory =p

"Oooo, I hope Ryu's EX SRK doesn't come out this time!"
MIMIC said:
All I want for Christmas is: the removal of ALL combo into Ultra moves. Ryu's bullshit SRK trade > Ultra, Rufus' jumping HK > Ultra, Sagat's HK > Ultra, etc. I'd even be willing to sacrifice something as worthless and fairly unusable as Guile's Flash Kick > Ultra.

FADCing into an Ultra is fine, though. That actually takes a bit more skill than a SRK trade and then button mashing your way to victory =p

"Oooo, I hope Ryu's EX SRK doesn't come out this time!"

Canceling/juggling into supers has always been in sf. Although i don't think it ever has been as easy as gouken's throw into ultra.
I can't reasonably buy the TE arcade stick with my paycheck, but I want to learn how to use a stick, is the the regular fighter stick a good buy?

It's only $67.99 for the PS3 version. How huge of a difference are we talking here to be like ~$80 more expensive for the TE version?


MIMIC said:
All I want for Christmas is: the removal of ALL combo into Ultra moves. Ryu's bullshit SRK trade > Ultra, Rufus' jumping HK > Ultra, Sagat's HK > Ultra, etc. I'd even be willing to sacrifice something as worthless and fairly unusable as Guile's Flash Kick > Ultra.

FADCing into an Ultra is fine, though. That actually takes a bit more skill than a SRK trade and then button mashing your way to victory =p

"Oooo, I hope Ryu's EX SRK doesn't come out this time!"
I agree on you with trade -> ultras. So skill-less. I've almost completely stopped jumping in on Ryu, but I still get caught when I think I have enough time to cross up but his SRK catches my ass.
HomerSimpson-Man said:
I can't reasonably buy the TE arcade stick with my paycheck, but I want to learn how to use a stick, is the the regular fighter stick a good buy?

It's only $67.99 for the PS3 version. How huge of a difference are we talking here to be like ~$80 more expensive for the TE version?
it's worth it

and you can upgrade the parts later on


Loves Robotech S1
Just picked up the PC version. Looks absolutely phenominal at 1080p with 8xAA on a 32" screen. :D

I really like the fact that having unicode region set to Japan I can play with the "correct" character names. It's one of those things that has always just drove me nuts.
luka said:
Just picked up the PC version. Looks absolutely phenominal at 1080p with 8xAA on a 32" screen. :D

I really like the fact that having unicode region set to Japan I can play with the "correct" character names. It's one of those things that has always just drove me nuts.

Not for me! Original US "boss names" fo' life, yo!
I notice we got a lot of new PSN players poppin up. If you want an invite to the gaf SF4 chatroom on PSN just add me and I'll send you an invite. Trying to build the community again :D

PSN - FindMyFarms

Also, to all the OG's like Killa and Jerky that play sf4 but don't hang in the chat, try to stay in it if you can, since new players are showing up.
Well, since I got this today for $20 I thought I'd play it for a bit...

I'm not much of a SF guy so I don't know all its mechanics yet...anyway, I played Arcade on Easy just so I could win and practice at the same time...

I chose Abel since he's always looked fun to play from watching videos
and I picked him 'cause he's kinda hot in his artwork in character select and such...the actual in-game model, though....ewww D:
I started losing to Balrog, then Guile...then I got to Seth and thought, "Oh, he's kinda easy." I got my ass handed to me over and over again :( I got real close to beating his second form but could never do it.

I stopped playing :(

I suck so much it kinda hurts D: It's times like these, I guess, that I should start reading up about the game's mechanics and learning how to play Abel better 'cause he's awesome :D


So i just got this for the 360, been playing non stop but i got a couple of questions.

Is it possible to beat all the Character Trial Challenge Modes with the 360 pad. I've been able to pull off the harder combos but some of this shit is really hard on the 360 pad. Has anyone done this to give me hope?

I'll prolly pick up a stick later on so what would be some of the best ones to get out there. Keep in mind ive never bought a stick before.
So, I'm not that good at this game but I really want to get better and I love cammy, I don't really care for any of the other characters besides chun who I'm even worse at. I'd love any tips on getting better at Cammy and just the game in general. I've uploaded a video to youtube.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtZvu_ACLMI Its my first final championship match in the g2 rank which I just got to...scrub battles >< I made a lot of mistakes, like my ultra from across the screen which I know better but its hard to stop doing those lol. Any tips would be great ;(


black_vegeta said:
With this sale, I'm sure we'll get a handful noobs.

Fresh fish, fresh fish :p
Yeah, seems I got a long way to go. After losing to one guy 15 times in a row, I found myself giggling like a little girl when I actually got a win in (even though he probably went easy on me).
DarkAngelYuna said:
So, I'm not that good at this game but I really want to get better and I love cammy, I don't really care for any of the other characters besides chun who I'm even worse at. I'd love any tips on getting better at Cammy and just the game in general. I've uploaded a video to youtube.com: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtZvu_ACLMI Its my first final championship match in the g2 rank which I just got to...scrub battles >< I made a lot of mistakes, like my ultra from across the screen which I know better but its hard to stop doing those lol. Any tips would be great ;(

You did the exact same thing that I did with my own footage with your vids, posting 'em here and on SRK :lol Good stuff.

What I noticed:

the wake up Spiral Arrow; I think that just not safe enough to do on wake up.

A couple errant spikes: Happens to damn near all Cammy players. Psychic spikes are not a viable option 95% of the time (but it does feel pretty good when it connects :D) - there's usually something better you can do.

Wake up mixup: you know how to do the TK Strike, so when you score a knockdown, mix it up with throw/bait/FA/Tk Strike/ CSpike. This is one of the tougher things to learn how to do properly, I know I still have a few hitches here and there with it. But it'll do wonders for you in the end and make you look like fire :D

And yeah about the ultras :lol It'll come with time.

I don't think a mirror match is the best way to get an evaluation though, just because Cammy mirrors tend to be the wildest of the matches. So much flying around, and a lot of them get really hectic. Lots of speed and power. It's a place where's there's not as much defense as there is baiting.


Feenix29 said:
So i just got this for the 360, been playing non stop but i got a couple of questions.

Is it possible to beat all the Character Trial Challenge Modes with the 360 pad. I've been able to pull off the harder combos but some of this shit is really hard on the 360 pad. Has anyone done this to give me hope?

I'll prolly pick up a stick later on so what would be some of the best ones to get out there. Keep in mind ive never bought a stick before.
I believe a gaffer here did so with a 360 pad. I forget his tag, though.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Timedog said:
I can never tech throws. Even if I know it's coming I can't tech them. I don't know if I have the timing wrong or what.

also, what is "option select SRK"?

it's cause you mash throw right? I do that and I get thrown everytime :(

You have to do it once and once only, practice mode and record a character doing walk up throw, jump in throw, tick throws whatever.
I am officially a fucking idiot :lol

So, after my last post I went on YouTube to look at some Abel combos and the guy was doing some moves I had not seen. I tried all kinds of combinations but for the life of me, I could not do Abel's double-elbow rise.

I then found out the bumpers and triggers were their own attack buttons...:lol I always try them out for fighters to see what they do and since I'm used to them usually being button combinations, I thought what I saw when I tried them were just the attacks you could already do on the buttons...

entrement said:
I believe a gaffer here did so with a 360 pad. I forget his tag, though.
MIMIC did all on a 360 pad..

Augemitbutter said:
yea, i've heard fps get capped if your opponed plays on a shitty PC. this and the far worse competition on PC make that version the least favorable of them all.

God get over yourself. We get it.. You hate PC but I've played some really good people as of late on PC. At first I bashed it too all ends but now in later stages of G2 I'm finding some pretty darn good people to play against.

First you go off and say I'm gonna scrub myself out by playing on PC yet I play locally against some of the best in TX and some of the best in the US.. then you tell people that PC is LOLZ STAY AWAY FROM.

We get it.. you hate PC.. but no need to mention it like every freaking post as of late.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Timedog said:
air throws need to get nerfed in this game, except for Roses.

yep. I always forget them :( also zangief needs his arms cut off.


Timedog said:
air throws need to get nerfed in this game, except for Roses.

What?:lol Most of the characters with air throws kind of need them and or they just aren't practical.

Ryu and Sagat need to be nerfed though. Such brain dead easy mode characters.
I picked this up at launch but didn't start trying to play seriously until last week (usual EVO revitalization :D ), and finally got my first online win after starting 0-8. I'm looking forward to studying the game harder and hopefully improving.

I'm going through the challenges but having the roughest time getting mp to cancel into qcf+anything. I can cancel into fdf moves fine, but for some reason I can only cancel into qcf moves like 1 percent of the time. Am I missing anything obvious? This is on the HRAP3.


good credit (by proxy)
DR2K said:
What?:lol Most of the characters with air throws kind of need them and or they just aren't practical.

Ryu and Sagat need to be nerfed though. Such brain dead easy mode characters.

It's not a "fair" move, IMO. It beats everything. Give Guile a better ultra, and more damage output.

Ryu doesn't have any "unfair" moves.
Timedog said:
It's not a "fair" move, IMO. It beats everything. Give Guile a better ultra, and more damage output.

But you have to time it right or else you can just eat dmg..

I never seem to time Fuertes air throw right (sans Guac Leg throw.. that shit rocks)


TurtleSnatcher said:
MIMIC did all on a 360 pad..

How in the hell did he pull that shit off. I only got a couple of characters complete and im struggling on a lot especially the charge type players.

Did he use the analog stick or the pad? Did he have a win button? WTF? How? God?

So what are the better sticks to get since i know im not gonna pull this shit off on a pad and i wanna get better.
Feenix29 said:
How in the hell did he pull that shit off. I only got a couple of characters complete and im struggling on a lot especially the charge type players.

Did he use the analog stick or the pad? Did he have a win button? WTF? How? God?

So what are the better sticks to get since i know im not gonna pull this shit off on a pad and i wanna get better.
He used Analog I believe.

Hell I'm just impressed he got Fuertes RSF past 3 hits with his pad consistently :lol


good credit (by proxy)
TurtleSnatcher said:
But you have to time it right or else you can just eat dmg..

I never seem to time Fuertes air throw right (sans Guac Leg throw.. that shit rocks)

This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. It's worse than zangief's zero frame ultra.

Anytime anyone does anything where their feet aren't on the ground you can get free damage if you practice the timing. It's awful.


TurtleSnatcher said:
You hate PC but I've played some really good people as of late on PC. At first I bashed it too all ends but now in later stages of G2 I'm finding some pretty darn good people to play against.

I'm not a kneejerk anti-PC guy (more like kneejerk anti-console), but I'd still say PS3 is the version to go with for superior online competition. Sure, the netcode is inferior, but still less annoying than having to deal with the hardware lag of an opponent on a substandard PC.

My own problem with gauging competition is this: when I was on PS3, 90% of the competition in G2 was shotos, so I learned pretty well how to beat those characters (include Sagat here too). I come to PC and, for the first week, it's all charge characters. I keep getting my ass handed to me and my winrate doesn't break 50% in championship. Then the shotos roll into G2 and now I'm winning more like 70-75% of my matches with some pretty decent win streaks; but I'm still about 50-50 (or worse) against charge characters, and there are some I almost never beat. I'm a lousy player--I rarely do combos or FA and have very slow reflexes--so I know the shotos I'm playing against aren't very good. As for the charge characters, I don't know if they're good players or I just don't see them enough to know what beats their moves. (Being a bad player, I'm not allowed to research matchups.)

I know there are good players on the PC, because some of them are posting in this thread, but do you really think there are many of them? Am I just playing at the wrong times? Are the Blankas that I never beat really that good? :D
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