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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


Feenix29 said:
How in the hell did he pull that shit off. I only got a couple of characters complete and im struggling on a lot especially the charge type players.

Did he use the analog stick or the pad? Did he have a win button? WTF? How? God?

So what are the better sticks to get since i know im not gonna pull this shit off on a pad and i wanna get better.


I got the last one from Staples :)

I finished them all on the 360 controller (the one that comes with the console). Personally, I decided that since I've NEVER played any Street Fighter games using a stick that it would be better for me to just use what I know instead of trying to relearn everything.

TurtleSnatcher said:
But you have to time it right or else you can just eat dmg..

I never seem to time Fuertes air throw right (sans Guac Leg throw.. that shit rocks)

I love the air throw....and I love the leg throw, too. I hate when it "trades" (on those rare occasions) and I'm the only one that gets damaged; your opponent is unscathed -_-


Did a good amount of PS3 champ mode last nite and I can definitely say there is a difference. At least with Rose and online play. Comboing feels different, links seems to have less strict timing and the timing on crossups and overall speed just feels different.
Im gonna try hooking the 360 up via HDMI like the PS3 is and see if I still notice these things....

Also, online play takes longer to load but feels smoother overall.


Crystalkoen said:
STILL having issues with the charge characters, and now Teleport-happy Dhalsims... people play so defensive, and have such safe screen-crossing moves that it pisses me off. Even had one Honda yesterday that just did his command throw everytime I'd get knocked down. Once I started jumping to avoid/punish it, he'd start mixing in a jumping Fierce to knock me down again, rinse repeat. Probably not so bad for any standard Shoto, pain in the ass for Sakura >.>

On the plus side, I rarely lose to said standard Shotos anymore, so I guess it's a trade-off.

OMG YES! I played a reasonably good one yesterday and all he kept doing was teleporting. We went to 3 rounds and since I was Fuerte, I had to keep chasing him down. I wanted to quit. Where's a MicVlad that will come after ME? :lol

He won by the slimmest of margins and in the lobby, he switched his face to the pink laughing face (as if taunting me, I guess) and wouldn't play another match. I bet his dick was rock hard. Damn, people are so annoying.
PhatSaqs said:
Did a good amount of PS3 champ mode last and I can definitely say there is a difference. At least with Rose and online play. Comboing feels different, links seems to have less strict timing and the timing crossups and overall speed just feels different.

Online play takes longer to load but feels smoother overall.
What TV are you using? is it a 1080p set? Perhaps that's where the latency/timing differences are coming from?


Man, is this just me?? I just can't bring myself to play Sagat or any fireball shooting characters. Shooting fireballs is so zzzz I just want to rush them down and PLAY FFS

Sagat vs Sagat is so painful. I've been trying to second sagat but I just don't have the patience..
nilbog21 said:
Man, is this just me?? I just can't bring myself to play Sagat or any fireball shooting characters. Shooting fireballs is so zzzz I just want to rush them down and PLAY FFS

Sagat vs Sagat is so painful. I've been trying to second sagat but I just don't have the patience..

Personally, I have no respect for "fireball abuser's." Those douche bags that just keep jumping back and spamming fireballs all day, you kow who you are! When they use it to zone, that's different.


If they're keeping you away by jumping back and using fireballs and you can't figure out a way to get in, they're zoning you pretty effectively.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
MIMIC said:
OMG YES! I played a reasonably good one yesterday and all he kept doing was teleporting. We went to 3 rounds and since I was Fuerte, I had to keep chasing him down. I wanted to quit. Where's a MicVlad that will come after ME? :lol

He won by the slimmest of margins and in the lobby, he switched his face to the pink laughing face (as if taunting me, I guess) and wouldn't play another match. I bet his dick was rock hard. Damn, people are so annoying.

the second you hear the Teleport sound, mash on jab. If a jump teleport, than neutral jump+ whatever good air poke your character have.

Moving in, be carefull and patient. Use combinations of Dash, FADC, and neutral jumps(Rolls with Abel and projectiles with...projectile people). Dont be predictable

With Fuerte, I walk towards him, YES NORMAL WALKING is IN SF4:lol , blocking and FADC incoming fist. I'll GUAC if he jumps and close enough, run n stop right under him if he jumps for that diagonal punch. EX run is also great, and never forget Fuerte cant Ultra/run down moves can hit as far as half screen.


FindMyFarms said:
I notice we got a lot of new PSN players poppin up. If you want an invite to the gaf SF4 chatroom on PSN just add me and I'll send you an invite. Trying to build the community again :D

PSN - FindMyFarms

Also, to all the OG's like Killa and Jerky that play sf4 but don't hang in the chat, try to stay in it if you can, since new players are showing up.

Jerky plays SF4 again? I thought he quit.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
nilbog21 said:
Man, is this just me?? I just can't bring myself to play Sagat or any fireball shooting characters. Shooting fireballs is so zzzz I just want to rush them down and PLAY FFS

Sagat vs Sagat is so painful. I've been trying to second sagat but I just don't have the patience..

i have'nt mained a Fireballer since Alpha and Turbo.


Timedog said:
After I've been playing Marvel on XBL, I tried to come back to SFIV and it feels so weird. It feels slow and very "off"--floaty jumps, slow attack speed, etc. I think I might just stick to Marvel since that's what I'm so used to now.
I started playing Third Strike on my DC, and it became really hard to go back to Street Fighter IV...It's like I had forgotten just how good the former game was, Makoto, Dudley, and Yun are such a blast to play with. Both HD Remix and Third Strike seem so much faster than IV that it makes the game seem kinda sluggish whenever I try to switch back.
HiResDes said:
I started playing Third Strike on my DC, and it became really hard to go back to Street Fighter IV...It's like I had forgotten just how good the former game was, Makoto, Dudley, and Yun are such a blast to play with. Both HD Remix and Third Strike seem so much faster than IV that it makes the game seem kinda sluggish whenever I try to switch back.
I played 3S again after IV and I kept trying to FA
then UO came out and I started to miss those :(


Everything is moe to me
McBradders said:
Yeah, that Bison was terrible. You jump way, way too much which leaves you open to being punished which was his worst mistake.

Make sure you hit confirm in to ex tatsu otherwise you are just wasting EX meter. Use the regular if you're looking to pressure and chip damage. Also when you do hit the EX tatsu then follow it up with the f,d,df+kick and the three punches, much better damage and if you've been dishing out the pain it gets you the dizzy far quicker.

The fundamentals are there, but you should really look to be baiting people in to mistakes rather than throwing stuff at them and seeing what sticks. A better player would have eaten you for breakfast.

Sakura is hard to get wins with so if you're sticking with her you need to tighten up your game a lot.
you didn't happen to double perfect a sak last night with rose, did you? your name seems familiar. :lol

thanks, although I'm not so keen on ending all of my ex tatsu's with the otoshi. saks a character that really needs momentum and a knockdown can rob you of that. depending on knew you time your j.hk you can dash under you opponent so they have to choose which way to block. if they guess wrong, they eat another ex tatsu which i then tack on a otoshi. if you land that mixup correctly, it gets pretty much every character in the game stunned or one to two moves away from stun.

i only ever use the otoshi off the first tatsu if im a mile and a half from a second EX bar.

Darkman M said:
Im no Sakura player but you should definitely try to learn block strings she has really good normal moves and her crouching medium punch is great.

Not Sakura but a good tutorial

wait. did he say you can only cancel once in a string unless you reset it with a link?

because all of saks standing normals cancel into ex tatsu and i hit confirm train with them in training mode, it just never seems to works online. maybe its because I'm spamming in an extra lk or lp.

so the moral so far seems to be:
- don't jump.
- hit confirm more.
- don't randomly throw out moves hoping to catch people.


-better players will continue to comment on how cripsy i am with milk.

Thanks! i'll hit the training mode for a few hours before trying again.


Felium Defensor
As a mainly shoto user (will change once I get my TE stick), I can execute moves waaaaay easier on the shitty 360 pad than the PS3 pad. I think it's all cause of the diagonals.

I'm going to GS today to pick up TE stick btw. Fuck pads.
Leunam said:
If they're keeping you away by jumping back and using fireballs and you can't figure out a way to get in, they're zoning you pretty effectively.

I have no problem getting in, shit just gets boring. I like to play people who can do somethig else besides fireballs all fucking day.
black_vegeta said:
I have no problem getting in, shit just gets boring. I like to play people who can do somethig else besides fireballs all fucking day.
I know what you mean, 1 in about 4 matches is a sagat using tiger all fucking day, doesn't help that I play Dan mostly :lol
black_vegeta said:

I shouldn't laugh, MicVlad beat my ass when he used Dan. :lol
I love Dan and always have done, playing the underdog and actually winning feels great, especially when you finish on his super and get a lovely thumbs up smile to the camera.


Argh I just can t stand fighting Sagats anymore, just lost against 3 in a row (G1 tournys). Why oh why Capcom don t you patch this fucker out of the game :lol. Its not even funny fighting against him as Balrog. First you have to get in (which usually involves loosing some health) and even then his options are just as good as yours. Even on rog a nice Sagat Combo equals 1/4 - 1/3 health. I Feel like crying :lol.
Rektash said:
Argh I just can t stand fighting Sagats anymore, just lost against 3 in a row (G1 tournys). Why oh why Capcom don t you patch this fucker out of the game :lol. Its not even funny fighting against him as Balrog. First you have to get in (which usually involves loosing some health) and even then his options are just as good as yours. Even on rog a nice Sagat Combo equals 1/4 - 1/3 health. I Feel like crying :lol.
Just dc on em.
PhatSaqs said:
Did a good amount of PS3 champ mode last nite and I can definitely say there is a difference. At least with Rose and online play. Comboing feels different, links seems to have less strict timing and the timing on crossups and overall speed just feels different.
Im gonna try hooking the 360 up via HDMI like the PS3 is and see if I still notice these things....

Also, online play takes longer to load but feels smoother overall.

Add me, dude.

PSN: GalacticAE

I probably won't be on tonight since I'm getting games at a friend's house. But tomorrow we should play.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Very late to the thread :(...

I am now officially complete since I've read all 764 pages in this thread. Good read, it's funny to see how so many people've actually got used to Sagat in the end :).

My impressions of SFIV? Fucking awesome, that is all. Not 3s-Awesome, but just there, between ST and 3s... which pretty much puts it in top 5 fighting games ever. EVO was mind blowing too, Jesus Christ.
Seiken said:
I am now officially complete since I've read all 764 pages in this thread. Good read, it's funny to see how so many people've actually got used to Sagat in the end :).



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
GalacticAE said:
:lol What I mean was I've read it since it was created! Not non-stop :lol


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
prodystopian said:
Did you just get unbanned recently?
Hell yes :) I've been stuck playing SFIV with only those on my PSN List before I got banned (6 months ago), so I've missed a lot of opportunity battles :lol


Rektash said:
Argh I just can t stand fighting Sagats anymore, just lost against 3 in a row (G1 tournys). Why oh why Capcom don t you patch this fucker out of the game :lol. Its not even funny fighting against him as Balrog. First you have to get in (which usually involves loosing some health) and even then his options are just as good as yours. Even on rog a nice Sagat Combo equals 1/4 - 1/3 health. I Feel like crying :lol.

Good to hear Balrog players have a bad time once in a while! I hate you guys!

black_vegeta said:
Speaking of MicVlad, anyone heard from him lately?

His second X360 died and he was too lazy to send in his first one. Now he is boxless. Funny stuff.


Won said:
Good to hear Balrog players have a bad time once in a while! I hate you guys!
The best way to make any Rog players DC on you is to choose the Seth icon and counterpick any Rog players with Seth.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
whhhhhhuuuuuut. I just got online again today after months of being locked away without an ethernet cabel and the online is all but dead? :\

I sit for five minutes in a lobby waiting for someone in Champioship, TEN minutes in Player match and I gave up on Ranked.

;_; what is going on? did everyone skip to PC?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
LakeEarth said:
I have a feeling most SFIV faithful are too busy being taken for a ride.
Brobzoid said:
whhhhhhuuuuuut. I just got online again today after months of being locked away without an ethernet cabel and the online is all but dead? :\

I sit for five minutes in a lobby waiting for someone in Champioship, TEN minutes in Player match and I gave up on Ranked.

;_; what is going on? did everyone skip to PC?
Quite a sudden drop if so, only about 2 days ago I was finding ranked games like near instantly.
Brobzoid said:
whhhhhhuuuuuut. I just got online again today after months of being locked away without an ethernet cabel and the online is all but dead? :\

I sit for five minutes in a lobby waiting for someone in Champioship, TEN minutes in Player match and I gave up on Ranked.

;_; what is going on? did everyone skip to PC?
Sounds like you play PS3 also.
TurtleSnatcher said:
God get over yourself. We get it.. You hate PC but I've played some really good people as of late on PC. At first I bashed it too all ends but now in later stages of G2 I'm finding some pretty darn good people to play against.

First you go off and say I'm gonna scrub myself out by playing on PC yet I play locally against some of the best in TX and some of the best in the US.. then you tell people that PC is LOLZ STAY AWAY FROM.

We get it.. you hate PC.. but no need to mention it like every freaking post as of late.


i don't hate PC, im just telling everybody what i've experienced. if you like playing there it's fine, no need to get all defensive. i don't like how can get punished in so many ways on PC. framerate cuts from hardware and connection speed, that's worse than the console versions. plus the lesser competition......
LakeEarth said:
I have a feeling most SFIV faithful are too busy being taken for a ride.

When I get home I will be taking that ride.

LakeEarth, we have to get some matches on SF4. I already have you on my friends list.

Mine is gnizzle858. Whenever I see you online, we'll rumble!


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
TurtleSnatcher said:
Sounds like you play PS3 also.
yes I do. I almost die everytime I get a player match, and then the fool leaves after one bout. fuuuuuuuuuuuuck you buddy >:|
BitchTits said:
I can't remember the last time I faced a Balrog (Boxer) online, he was quite popular at one point, did everyone go off him.

nope, i've seen quite a few competent boxers on G1 yesterday. he is still the most popular charge-character by a large margin.


My buttons finally shipped from Lizard Lick. I have a SE Fightstick, and the heavy kick button started only working intermittently. I already replaced the joystick, so I figured this would be the perfect excuse to swap the buttons too.

I haven't been playing due to the button, I guess I could swap it with one of the 3p/3k buttons...but I use them. *hides*


Brobzoid said:
whhhhhhuuuuuut. I just got online again today after months of being locked away without an ethernet cabel and the online is all but dead? :\

I sit for five minutes in a lobby waiting for someone in Champioship, TEN minutes in Player match and I gave up on Ranked.

;_; what is going on? did everyone skip to PC?

Weird...you'd think there would be more people online because of the Gamestop $20 deal. Unless Gamestop was just a bait and switch and they didn't really have that many new copies of SF4 left for that price. :D


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
urk. All I'm getting tonight are turtle pussies with the added joy of input lag. :( I can't punish Akuma's back-jumping air-hadoken bullshit if my commands are a half second late ;_;

henhowc said:
Weird...you'd think there would be more people online because of the Gamestop $20 deal. Unless Gamestop was just a bait and switch and they didn't really have that many new copies of SF4 left for that price. :D
played some ranked matches against people with less than 200BP so I guess there are some new adopters, but it's still a battle in itself trying to get a match running.
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