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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


GriffD17 said:
Now that's just mean.
Don't mind him - he's just cranky because Fuerte sucks and he sucks for choosing Fuerte in the first place.

viewtiful_dru said:
adding T Hawk and Dee Jay and giving Zangief a magnetic projectile
Nah, they should give Gief sword projectiles and his lariat hitbox should increase to half screen range.


Mrs. Harvey
So I continue to suck with a stick. For some reason, stuff doesnt register as easy as a pad. I'm like doing the motion but the moves won't come out half of the time. Only on 1p side. I can do stuff easily on 2p side.
Kadey said:
So I continue to suck with a stick. For some reason, stuff doesnt register as easy as a pad. I'm like doing the motion but the moves won't come out half of the time. Only on 1p side. I can do stuff easily on 2p side.

Some of us go through this same damn problem. Pissing me off to no end.


black_vegeta said:
Some of us go through this same damn problem. Pissing me off to no end.
Same here, although I've not played for a while. Toying with the idea of changing the gate in my VSHG to an octagonal one, to see if it helps in general.

AZ Greg

No45 said:
Same here, although I've not played for a while. Toying with the idea of changing the gate in my VSHG to an octagonal one, to see if it helps in general.

If you're having the problem where you do well from the 2P side but not the 1P side then switching gates probably won't make a difference. You just need more time/practice. It's much harder to learn to do motions going away from your wrist (1P side) as opposed to going towards it (2P side). Just to see that in action try crossing your arms and holding the stick with your right hand. More than likely, if the crossing of your arms doesn't mess you up :lol, you'll be able to pull moves from the 1P side more effortlessly and you'll instead have trouble from the 2P side.


Yeah, I appreciate that. I do however generally struggle with
shoto actions (I've mostly played Balrog and don't have much of a problem with him) so thought it might help.

Never modded a stick myself though, so I'll probably break it anyway. :lol
Arde5643 said:
Don't mind him - he's just cranky because Fuerte sucks and he sucks for choosing Fuerte in the first place.

Nah, they should give Gief sword projectiles and his lariat hitbox should increase to half screen range.
Fuerte rocks dont hate.
hi guys, i´m new to the thread but i´m thinking about buying SFIV for PC via Steam, do you recommend it? I tested my computer with the benchmark thingy and i can run it semi decently looking at 30 fps, will that be good enough for online or does that matter at all?
Thank you in advance for anyone that answers the questions!


DiddyBop said:
lets play some more tonight, only way to get better is to get my ass kicked:lol
Sorry I didn't join, I was playing with someone already. I'll be on later today though so if I see you on I'll invite.
bytesized said:
hi guys, i´m new to the thread but i´m thinking about buying SFIV for PC via Steam, do you recommend it? I tested my computer with the benchmark thingy and i can run it semi decently looking at 30 fps, will that be good enough for online or does that matter at all?
Thank you in advance for anyone that answers the questions!
60 fps or bust


hyperbolically metafictive
huh -- my ps3 started working again, though i don't know how long that's going to last. anyway, i really need some folks for player matches -- psn 'drohne.' i main a semidecent guile and win maybe 75% of my g2 matches, but i want to work on my crappy abel and ryu and maybe pick up bison. add me!


Add me (leunam23). Do you have a mic? If I can find mine I'll give you some pointers through that. I can help your Guile game with my Abel and you can train your Abel against my mediocre Ken.


After using Cammy as my main for so long I thought I would start using C Viper a bit more for fun and man, it's frustrating :lol

Any fellow C Viper's got any pointers and standard combo's?

Oh and my GT is: I Kick Back I.


hyperbolically metafictive
will do -- and i'm actually pretty awful at the guile/abel matchup. i've got a headset somewhere, but i don't think it's at my new place


drohne said:
huh -- my ps3 started working again, though i don't know how long that's going to last. anyway, i really need some folks for player matches -- psn 'drohne.' i main a semidecent guile and win maybe 75% of my g2 matches, but i want to work on my crappy abel and ryu and maybe pick up bison. add me!
I sent you a friend request.


Kadey said:
So I continue to suck with a stick. For some reason, stuff doesnt register as easy as a pad. I'm like doing the motion but the moves won't come out half of the time. Only on 1p side. I can do stuff easily on 2p side.
Same thing happened to me when I first got my stick, made a post about it as well. The problem I had was pushing the stick away from my wrist to the right, I found it unnatural to make motions like that. But pulling the stick towards my wrist was simple since you have more control over your wrists/fingers, you're not "stretching" them trying to make precise motions. I ended up changing how I held the stick and after weeks it finally clicked, muscle memory finally kicked in I guess.

Natural said:
After using Cammy as my main for so long I thought I would start using C Viper a bit more for fun and man, it's frustrating :lol

Any fellow C Viper's got any pointers and standard combo's?

Oh and my GT is: I Kick Back I.
Learn to super jump and super jump cancel effectively, it's the most important part of her game. SJC from EX Hammer into BK, into Ultra is her best way to land Ultra. You'll need to SJ into BK's on knocked down opponents to apply pressure with her crazy cross-up game. Basic combo is jump in with HK, cr.MP, cancel into medium TK. The cr.MP can also be a cr.LK. You'll need to throw out Hammer feints to keep people off guard, a lot of experienced players will panic and jump towards you when they see the feint, which leaves them open for fierce Knuckle.. basically, she's a pain in the ass to use effectively :]


Armed Catfish, awesome games!

I started out pretty confidently, but fell apart after you picked Blanka. I still lack the experience to kill him, and getting past midnight did not really help either :D

But I hope we can spar again later, I will get your green beast figured out!
He is the toughest matchup for my Viper -.-

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
V_Arnold said:
Armed Catfish, awesome games!

I started out pretty confidently, but fell apart after you picked Blanka. I still lack the experience to kill him, and getting past midnight did not really help either :D

But I hope we can spar again later, I will get your green beast figured out!
He is the toughest matchup for my Viper -.-

yep, you kicked my ass at the start :lol

You can probably tell I'm having issues learning bison, he want's to be good, but just isn't quite. In the last few games when I took some wins with bison, I think I only won due to superior health. Although I did get you with some great corner traps in 1 round and when I began abusing his standing HK that helped me out a lot.

For Blanka, yeah I got to 9000Gp playing only him, so I think I have a pretty good handle on him, however, I was getting free blanka balls from half or full screen sometimes, I'm pretty sure viper can punish with one of her TK things (the electric fist) so you can use that to shut down one of blankas biggest tools. Also, you are very easy to hit with the sliding punch of blankas, if you learn to block low more that it's free damage as well unless it's max distance. I used that to take a few rounds you should have otherwise probably won.

Your throw game is a hell of a lot better than mine, I still suffer from spaz hands when I think there is going to be a throw and mash throws, almost never get a tech :( And I really need to stop jumping in on viper when she has ultra stocked, you hit that everytime :lol

Great games and yeah, see you on again soon.


I need to get a stick for the PS3. I've been playing the 360 version with my modded HRAP EX since the original release, but I just got my hands on the PS3 version. Damn, the DS3 is awful for this game. Once you go stick you can never go back it seems.
This is my first fighting game I have gotten into and man do I suck. Has anyone new to the game gotten the 10 win ranked trophy? My online win % is like 37 or something.

Anyone wanting to fight a weak Balrog my PSN is MiniBossBattle

Also how come I don't see any Charge characters FADC their EX moves into ultras like Ryu or Sagat?
psy18 said:
sometimes. even though the connection bar is at 3-4.
but sometimes i only got 2 bars but the match plays smoothly.

I think some people play the game with slow PCs and get bad fps which in turn also forces the other end to match. Even worse sometimes the fps jumps up and down depends on the effects on the screen.

yea, i've heard fps get capped if your opponed plays on a shitty PC. this and the far worse competition on PC make that version the least favorable of them all.


MiniBossBattle said:
This is my first fighting game I have gotten into and man do I suck. Has anyone new to the game gotten the 10 win ranked trophy? My online win % is like 37 or something.

Hello there. We're in the same boat, except I'm about a month ahead of you. I haven't paid attention to the acheivements/trophies. Does that require 10 ranked wins? If so, most likely not.

Have a good time.
MiniBossBattle said:
This is my first fighting game I have gotten into and man do I suck. Has anyone new to the game gotten the 10 win ranked trophy? My online win % is like 37 or something.

Anyone wanting to fight a weak Balrog my PSN is MiniBossBattle

Also how come I don't see any Charge characters FADC their EX moves into ultras like Ryu or Sagat?

Yes, I have the 10 win achievement and it does required for the matches to be ranked. I got the game day one and it took me quite awhile to get that achievement.

Practice, practice, practice and practice some more...


This is how cool or messed up (how you interpret this) my family is:

YakiSOBA said:
This is how cool or messed up (how you interpret this) my family is:


Must. Resist. Chun. Li. Joke.

Is that you in the middle?:lol



good credit (by proxy)
black_vegeta said:
Yes, I have the 10 win achievement and it does required for the matches to be ranked. I got the game day one and it took me quite awhile to get that achievement.

Practice, practice, practice and practice some more...

No, you can get it with player matches. That's why some people (that aren't pros) have like 60 game win streaks.
Timedog said:
No, you can get it with player matches. That's why some people (that aren't pros) have like 60 game win streaks.

Bull!? That's weak.

Edit: Nevermind, I have to wait until I get back home to play.

Oh well, anyone want to play some matches?

GT: gnizzle858

Agent X

I finally tried turning the difficulty on single-player mode above "Medium" for the first time today...figured I'd give it a shot on the "Hardest" level.

When all was said and done, I walked away with both the World Champion and Legendary Champion trophies on my first try! :D

I plowed through the entire game with E. Honda, and didn't lose a single round (not even against Gouken at the end). Got perfect rounds against Rufus and Blanka along the way. The Sumo Headbutt was a surprisingly effective tool in the majority of the fights.

Is there really that much of a difference on "Hardest"? I barely noticed it when I played, which is surprising since it's four notches above "Medium". I remember some of the old Street Fighter games were nothing short of ruthless at the highest difficulty setting. Even Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix usually deals me at least one or two defeats on "Medium" (and I still haven't had the nerve to crank that game up yet).


I played way too much today :lol I started out with Halo 3 and realized that my game has gone to shit since I haven't played it in a while....so I popped SF4 back in.

Maybe it's just the match-up, but in a Fuerte-Blanka match, why is it that 9 times out of 10, if Blanka misses his EX vertical roll, you will fucking TECH if you try to grab him. I had a zillion matches against this one guy (all he did was hop toward me and use the vertical roll a million times) and we teched 90% of the time when Blanka came back down to the ground. Is this the safest move in the game or what???? Safer than Ken's fucking SRK.

Also, I actually managed to do the "RSF (3 hits) > Super" on someone.....to PERFECT him. I figured I would get the perfect so I just went for it :D
This game is taking my life all over again. I remember when the GameStop tournament happen, I did not play this and did nothing. I went to work, and played SFIV.


Chauncy Talon said:
This game is taking my life all over again. I remember when the GameStop tournament happen, I did not play this and did nothing. I went to work, and played SFIV.
I think seeing the enormous reception of SF4 in EVO kinda brings the fire back into a lot of players.

Pretty sure a lot of people who were watching the EVO live stream are thinking the same thing a lot of us are: "I wanna train so that next year's EVO it can be me sitting there going through the rigorous pool".


SFIV is well balanced, I think that's why so many of us continue to play it.

Although I must say that I think the epitome of the perfect character is Ryu. He's strong, fun - and if he's your opponent you truly fear when he has his Ultra guage, and there are things you shouldn't do (i.e, don't jump in, stay away from corners etc.) Yet, his Ultra does low damage because of this (maybe it should do slightly less)...maybe, maybe not.

However, Sagat. Sorry - he's 100 % bullshit. Don't tell me the fact that he "walks" slow is his weaknesss, because that's bullshit.

His tiger knee is the biggest problem. Comes out quick, good frames even on block, does decent damage, armor breaking (which is crap, because most characters have armor breaking attacks that have long starts ups and recovery). And it also can be used as an anti-air.

Nerf the tiger knee, give him Ryu - like recovery on his tiger shots (which is still damn fucking fast and annoying) and there is no reason why Sagat has 1000 + health. He should just have standard 1000.

Ken is also a good middle type character that represents perfect balance. If Capcom wants an agressive powered style set-up, they should try to focus on getting everyone to Ryu-type tier, or if they want a standard non-disruptive like tier set-up, go for a Ken/Viper middle approach. Meaning nerf the top characters, and improve the lower characters. Or - simply boost everyone up to ryu levels. Which is pretty simple. I.e, give Cammy an overhead - and bam, she'll shoot up. Give Viper regular 1000 health, and bam - she shoots up. Give El Fuerte a bit more power in his attacks, and he'll shoot up. There are ways to fix the characters without changing move properties or anything significant.


jabipun said:
Ken is also a good middle type character that represents perfect balance. If Capcom wants an agressive powered style set-up, they should try to focus on getting everyone to Ryu-type tier, or if they want a standard non-disruptive like tier set-up, go for a Ken/Viper middle approach. Meaning nerf the top characters, and improve the lower characters. Or - simply boost everyone up to ryu levels. Which is pretty simple. I.e, give Cammy an overhead - and bam, she'll shoot up. Give Viper regular 1000 health, and bam - she shoots up. Give El Fuerte a bit more power in his attacks, and he'll shoot up. There are ways to fix the characters without changing move properties or anything significant.
Ken is actually pretty shitty - slow moving speed, crap FA, crap ultra, slow fireballs.
If they give him faster walk speed than Ryu, much better FA range or speed, and a bit better ultra damage for his regular SRK -> FADC -> Ultra (not the full counter one), he'll probably be a good top mid tier.

As of now, he's probably in the bottom of the middle tier. Not as crappy as Claw, but probably as bad as Guile.
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