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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

Mr Jared

Dear Glorious PC Gaming Master Race,

Can someone do me a favor and take two screenshots of Rufus for me? I want to make a Rufus-themed arcade stick and I have the visual in mind, but I need clean screenshots.

1) Rufus on the character select screen. I still haven't found clean rips of these portraits, but I haven't seen hi-res screens either.

2) During Rufus' character intro, he does a cartwheel and them poses, pointing both his hands across his chest and makes that awful "O" face. I need a screenshot of that pose :)

I need Rufus to be in his default costume and default color (yellow) and on Training Stage so the lighting isn't messed up.

Halp me GAF!


Timedog said:
Okay, so like, the buttons on the TE stick suck really bad IMO. If my finger even grazes a button from the side, a move will come out. It's way too sensitive. Also there's very little spring, and I can't really double tap unless I don't press the button down very hard. Also if I have super and I try to do an ultra, super almost always comes out unless I jam the buttons in really hard for whatever reason.

Of course they are ultra sensitive. That's what makes them so good! Learn2playstick


Uploaded some more.

Blanka vs. Fuerte. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgbKoidfU7c

To all Fuerte players: Blanka is considered a very difficult match-up for Fuerte. I've played him enough times and I'd rank him 3rd hardest (behind Honda and Balrog).

What you'll see in this video: I tried to punish all whiffed forward balls (with the running slide) and I did a lot of tortillas (in case he did electricity on wake-up). Once he got the Ultra meter, you want to either a) stay away unless you're 100% positive that he isn't charging (like if he walks forward or something) or b) run in with a splash because if he does Ultra on wake-up, you'll hop right over it. I can't remember what tortilla does but I think that a fajita buster (forward throw) will get you killed. Not entirely sure, though. I did it once and fortunately, he didn't do the Ultra :lol I was feeling bold :D

You just have to play him very carefully.

I have another one with Guile. Just don't let him zone you with sonic booms. He's pretty easy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uF9Y3n_BAo

Mr Jared

Leunam said:
I'll give it a shot later.

Which color outfit?

Default costume, Default color (Yellow). I should probably add that to the other post. Oh and on Training Stage so the lighting isn't messed up.


Timedog said:
Okay, so like, the buttons on the TE stick suck really bad IMO. If my finger even grazes a button from the side, a move will come out. It's way too sensitive. Also there's very little spring, and I can't really double tap unless I don't press the button down very hard. Also if I have super and I try to do an ultra, super almost always comes out unless I jam the buttons in really hard for whatever reason.

The buttons on the TE stick are amazing. Sensitivity is a good thing because it means your moves will come out faster. Just learn to stop touching other buttons.

As for spring I dont know what to tell you. Spring is fine for me. Except for Sagats fake kick, there aren't many moves that require you to press the same button that quickly.
Misterinenja said:

WARNING: This might be considered offensive. :lol

Wow that is fucking shameless and a complete insult to people who have died.

Tribute my ass. It looks like they are making fun of 9/11. And I'm the last guy who gets upset or offended over shit.

You don't show a plane crashing into a building killing thousands of people rewinding and moving to the beat of the song. What the fuck. It really looks like they are making fun of 9/11.


Timedog said:
Okay, so like, the buttons on the TE stick suck really bad IMO. If my finger even grazes a button from the side, a move will come out. It's way too sensitive. Also there's very little spring, and I can't really double tap unless I don't press the button down very hard. Also if I have super and I try to do an ultra, super almost always comes out unless I jam the buttons in really hard for whatever reason.
I had the same issue. My biggest problem was trying to do an ultra and the bottom of the knuckle on my middle finger would graze MK, causing a Focus Attack to come out.

Seimitsu buttons might be better for you.


good credit (by proxy)
Ravager61 said:
The buttons on the TE stick are amazing. Sensitivity is a good thing because it means your moves will come out faster. Just learn to stop touching other buttons.

As for spring I dont know what to tell you. Spring is fine for me. Except for Sagats fake kick, there aren't many moves that require you to press the same button that quickly.

double tapping to increase chances of successful links.


MIMIC said:
Uploaded some more.

Blanka vs. Fuerte. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgbKoidfU7c

To all Fuerte players: Blanka is considered a very difficult match-up for Fuerte. I've played him enough times and I'd rank him 3rd hardest (behind Honda and Balrog).

What you'll see in this video: I tried to punish all whiffed forward balls (with the running slide) and I did a lot of tortillas (in case he did electricity on wake-up). Once he got the Ultra meter, you want to either a) stay away unless you're 100% positive that he isn't charging (like if he walks forward or something) or b) run in with a splash because if he does Ultra on wake-up, you'll hop right over it. I can't remember what tortilla does but I think that a fajita buster (forward throw) will get you killed. Not entirely sure, though. I did it once and fortunately, he didn't do the Ultra :lol I was feeling bold :D

You just have to play him very carefully.

I have another one with Guile. Just don't let him zone you with sonic booms. He's pretty easy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uF9Y3n_BAo

I don't remember how you can do a press off the wall? When I rebound off a wall,I usually have the option of doing a strike but not the grab or press specials.

I took a couple of months off SF IV so I'm rusty. :p


Felium Defensor
I feel like it'll take me forever to learn to play good with the te stick. Holy fuck was I frustrated as hell today. Only 40% of what I wanted usually came out. Shit is super sensitive and the stick motions are still tricky for me. I had to take a break cause I'd probably break the damn thing if I play more. Fuck.
So Ive finally started to get serious about this game, and I have to admit, Im absolutely terrible at it. My timing is completely off, I hesitate way too much, and fail punish situations constantly. I never had any of these issues in sf3, so this is a bit disappointing :lol

Im trying rufus and dhalsim, so if anyone wants some free wins and help me get a feel for things, let me know.


kitzkozan said:
I don't remember how you can do a press off the wall? When I rebound off a wall,I usually have the option of doing a strike but not the grab or press specials.

I took a couple of months off SF IV so I'm rusty. :p

A "strike"? Not sure what that is.

But to do the press/grab off of the wall: as soon as you rebound off of the wall, press "forwrd+MP/HP"
"double tapping to increase chances of successful links."

Err, despite the name, most techniques I've heard of for double tapping revolve around using two fingers to run across a button really quickly like using your index and middle finger to run across the edge of a button. Not actually tapping twice with the same finger.


Timedog said:
double tapping to increase chances of successful links.

Plinking is actually much better than double-tapping, btw. The only case where plinking doesn't work is when the lower attack is a chain (like plinking c.jab into c.med with Ryu - plinking this will do a c.jab since c.jab chains into itself).

Plinking gives you 2 inputs on consecutive frames, whereas double-tapping doesn't (unless you're like a freaking god of controllers).

The problem with double-tapping is that you need the button to come up from the mechanism to be able to hit it again. With plinking, you're essentially hitting the buttons MUCH faster, and due to the way SF4 handles strengths with multiple button hits, you're essentially hitting the same button on consecutive frames.


Passing metallic gas
Kaako said:
I feel like it'll take me forever to learn to play good with the te stick. Holy fuck was I frustrated as hell today. Only 40% of what I wanted usually came out. Shit is super sensitive and the stick motions are still tricky for me. I had to take a break cause I'd probably break the damn thing if I play more. Fuck.

to be honest it took me a good month to get used to it..since i was used to good ol happ sticks and hadnt even played on arcade stlye controls in years..the most important thing is to have it on a stable surface untill you get familiar with the thing..after that you'll never play pad again


Felium Defensor
Gr1mLock said:
to be honest it took me a good month to get used to it..since i was used to good ol happ sticks and hadnt even played on arcade stlye controls in years..the most important thing is to have it on a stable surface untill you get familiar with the thing..after that you'll never play pad again
The thing that has me worried is that I've only used an arcade stick maybe 5 times my whole life and that was around 8 years ago lol so this is completely new for me. What's the best way of getting really used to it and comfortable with it? Practice mode?
I tried some PSN matches and looked like an idiot missing inputs, random jumps/DPs/missed hadoukens lol. My spirit was freaking crushed almost cause I kept loosing fights that I know I could have easily won with 360 pad.

Also, I've read that you're supposed to use real subtle motions instead of putting your arm really into it and hitting the edges of the stick. Is that true? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated my fellow stick users. Thanks.
MIMIC said:
Uploaded some more.

Blanka vs. Fuerte. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgbKoidfU7c

To all Fuerte players: Blanka is considered a very difficult match-up for Fuerte. I've played him enough times and I'd rank him 3rd hardest (behind Honda and Balrog).

What you'll see in this video: I tried to punish all whiffed forward balls (with the running slide) and I did a lot of tortillas (in case he did electricity on wake-up). Once he got the Ultra meter, you want to either a) stay away unless you're 100% positive that he isn't charging (like if he walks forward or something) or b) run in with a splash because if he does Ultra on wake-up, you'll hop right over it. I can't remember what tortilla does but I think that a fajita buster (forward throw) will get you killed. Not entirely sure, though. I did it once and fortunately, he didn't do the Ultra :lol I was feeling bold :D

You just have to play him very carefully.

I have another one with Guile. Just don't let him zone you with sonic booms. He's pretty easy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uF9Y3n_BAo

I find Bison harder then Balrog by a mile.

Balrog is pretty easy. Lots of them rely on wake up headbutts to get them out of situations and Balrogs lower body is there weakness. Slides with Fuerte are great specially if you space them well.. Even on block you can take advantage of a throw after.

Terrible Blanka player in that video.. 0 up ballz?

Use cross up fierce more.. (Not really on blanka but on Guile its awesome. Leads to fast dizzys and no one expects it.. I learned to do them from now on from Buktooth)
This is one of the few game where I feel truly frustrated. I was up at 850 rank points, then dropped to 320 after 2-3 wins and 10 loses. I have lost too many close 3rd matches to count and I get mashed out of my block strings or combos. It feels weird to have to go to the training mode to play a game well.
That said I love this thread, the SF4 videos and dream of being adequate. I think my goal is to get that 10 ranks win trophy.


Kaako said:
The thing that has me worried is that I've only used an arcade stick maybe 5 times my whole life and that was around 8 years ago lol so this is completely new for me. What's the best way of getting really used to it and comfortable with it? Practice mode?
I tried some PSN matches and looked like an idiot missing inputs, random jumps/DPs/missed hadoukens lol. My spirit was freaking crushed almost cause I kept loosing fights that I know I could have easily won with 360 pad.

Also, I've read that you're supposed to use real subtle motions instead of putting your arm really into it and hitting the edges of the stick. Is that true? Any pointers would be greatly appreciated my fellow stick users. Thanks.

All the stock sticks that are sold by MadCatz have square gates.

This means the bottom of the stick is restricted in motion by a square, which means there are deep corners. You should only hit the edges of these corners if you need to (like in Z super/ultras, IE Guile/Vega or OTGs with Cammy).

You really don't need to hit the corners for diagonals to register. Just take the stick in your hand and move it a bit - the clicking you hear is the stick making contact with the switches underneath. If you go from neutral to a corner, you'll hear the click before you reach the corner.

I use an octogonal gate, which means that the corners aren't as pronounced. On an octogonal gate, you can (and this is what I do) use the corners to roll more efficiently and quickly into quarter-circle moves. It's more akin to using an american stick, since those don't use the same restrictor types and do not have "gates" - they are typically perfect circles.


How do you get better at using a stick? By taking your losses. Many of them. And then one day you'll find it all clicks. And you'll never go back.

There is no magic solution. Take your lumps and keep it moving.


McBradders said:
Oh hey I made YouTube ^_^


Feel free to tell me how bad I suck.


Oh and a second, wow that one is fucking terrible.
Too many useless whiffed and blocked headbutts.
Luckily that Abel didn't really punish you too much on the blocked headbutts.
He should've done TT every time he blocked your headbutts to knock you down and start nasty wake up mix-ups on you.

Your weapon in this match against Abel is your much superior footsies. You have fast jabs, wicked sweep, and excellent jumping attacks.

You're not supposed to turtle in this match since you don't want Abel to be able to start his mix-up strings with j.MK, rekka, f.MK, or goofy sean kick.

Use your dash punches or TAP to get in, but don't rely on it too much. There were a lot of occassions where the Abel could've easily EX TT your telegraphed dash punches.

Don't feel too bad though, the Abel knows the match-up pretty well.


bob_arctor said:
How do you get better at using a stick? By taking your losses. Many of them. And then one day you'll find it all clicks. And you'll never go back.

There is no magic solution. Take your lumps and keep it moving.
:( i still haven't gotten the hang of my stick.
Maybe i'll go back to it for player matches :lol


toneroni said:
:( i still haven't gotten the hang of my stick.
Maybe i'll go back to it for player matches :lol

It probably take around a month to properly adjust from pad to stick,so just take up your losses like a man. :lol The good new is that you will be able to play on whatever you can get your hand on after that(even performing well at the arcade).


toneroni said:
:( i still haven't gotten the hang of my stick.
Maybe i'll go back to it for player matches :lol
Just remember to never ever use the pad while you're learning the stick.

Your goal is to basically create a stick muscle memory totally different from the pad muscle memory.


RbBrdMan said:
Also, speaking of options. Is there an option to turn OFF the god awful boy band music that plays in the background. I'm already sick to death of the song and I've owned the game for a day. What was Capcom thinking with that 'song'? :lol

God, you have no idea how much I agree with you here. I mean, jesus fucking christ, it is the worst 'song' to ever be put in any video game in the history of video games. No exaggeration, no bullshit. It's just horrible and makes me want to physically scratch the track off the DVD to make it stop.

When I first put the game in and booted it up I was agasp. My wife was watching (she knows I used to love the SF series up until Super SF2 and expected me to hate SFIV. She wanted to see what I thought of the game) and she just laughed when the song started and walked away. Not only was the song the worst thing I'd ever heard, it had now embarrassed me and all of gaming (ok now I'm exaggerating
or am I!?!

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Loving these M:TG SF4 cards:





And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
:lol :lol :lol I'M DYING OF LAUGHTER!

"HUUUWHAAAT" is SO spot on :lol
TurtleSnatcher said:
I find Bison harder then Balrog by a mile.

Balrog is pretty easy. Lots of them rely on wake up headbutts to get them out of situations and Balrogs lower body is there weakness. Slides with Fuerte are great specially if you space them well.. Even on block you can take advantage of a throw after.

Wakeup headbutt isn't really practical against someone who knows the Balrog matchup. Unless you have meter. Even then, it's way risky.

Will an EX-low smash beat Fuerte slides on wakeup? A little movie of this scenario in my head says that it will. I'd like to have more Fuerte practice because that's a matchup I rarely get to play.


good credit (by proxy)
Teknopathetic said:
"double tapping to increase chances of successful links."

Err, despite the name, most techniques I've heard of for double tapping revolve around using two fingers to run across a button really quickly like using your index and middle finger to run across the edge of a button. Not actually tapping twice with the same finger.

I'm doing that, and with the buttons on the TE stick it doesn't actually register as 2 hits unless I do it slow enough that I could have have just used one finger anyway and tapped the button super fast. The only way it seems to work is if I barely press the button down wth each finger, like I allow my fingers to come in contact with the button as lightly as humanly possible.


Timedog said:
I'm doing that, and with the buttons on the TE stick it doesn't actually register as 2 hits unless I do it slow enough that I could have have just used one finger anyway and tapped the button super fast. The only way it seems to work is if I barely press the button down wth each finger, like I allow my fingers to come in contact with the button as lightly as humanly possible.

If you are talking about doing moves like Sagats fake kick, then this is how it is on all controllers. I originally had an SE stick and had to do the same light finger sweeps. It has to be done really fast, so you dont have time to actually press the button all the way down.


Felium Defensor
Thanks for the tips/info/words of wisdom guys. I'm now taking my losses like a champ with "Legendary Loser" tag and all.
I was really worried yesterday and a bit today that I may never learn how to play on the stick but I feel that I'll eventually get the feel for it some day and that day will be fucking glorious.


Kaako said:
Thanks for the tips/info/words of wisdom guys. I'm now taking my losses like a champ with "Legendary Loser" tag and all.

I rock that title ever since I unlocked it. I own it as far as I'm concerned.


After playing locally for a long while, I feel I've improved (I'm hitting my ryu c.mk xx hadoukens consistently now + a lot less random SRK and tatsu's across the screen + no more ex hadoukens across the screen)... but today after jumping online I notice right away how badly the lag affects everything!

My links and all that never came out because the timing gets all messed up! Man no more online for me!! :p


I have been playing quite a bit online and no matter how much I practice stuff in training mode, whenever I play in an actual match, I seem to forget all that and revert to my old crappy ways. It's really frustrating because I feel like im getting worse and making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. I recognize immediately when I've messed up but that doesnt stop me from doing it. Bleh, so frustrating.
Im having a problem. I just spent 3 hours on the arcade with Ryu not getting very far. So I went to time trials normal level 2. I kept trying it over and freaking over! I can pull off his super without a problem with the analog stick. But I can't do his ultra. I uppercut or shoot his blue fire thingy. I'm starting to hate this game. It's so hard.:lol


Wow, after about 8 hours of playing, my win/loss ratio is starting to improve, and it feels good. I still feel like a noob, but I think I'm starting to get there. My favorites are E. Honda and Sakura so far, those seem to stick. Can't seem to wrap my head around Guile though.


Kaako said:
Thanks for the tips/info/words of wisdom guys. I'm now taking my losses like a champ with "Legendary Loser" tag and all.
I was really worried yesterday and a bit today that I may never learn how to play on the stick but I feel that I'll eventually get the feel for it some day and that day will be fucking glorious.

I'm not taking losses yet because I'm in the training mode,but I am slowly but surely getting the hang of the TE stick. :D Can pull off some sweet stuff with Guile when 2-3 hours ago I was struggling to pull off the super.Can easily cancel the flash kick into super and the super into ultra.

I think my biggest problem with a stick is hitting the left and right direction.I'll be there thinking I did the motion correctly,but 1 time out of 2 I will hit down right or down left instead of straight left or right.Thus why I screw up ultra,super or fireball and charge motion.

Practice will almost make perfect. :D


Ravager61 said:
I have been playing quite a bit online and no matter how much I practice stuff in training mode, whenever I play in an actual match, I seem to forget all that and revert to my old crappy ways. It's really frustrating because I feel like im getting worse and making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. I recognize immediately when I've messed up but that doesnt stop me from doing it. Bleh, so frustrating.

You do not forget about it,trust me.

The difficulty is that you must now rely on your anticipation and reaction time against a real opponent instead of a target dummy.Don't worry about it,you will eventually adjust after taking losses. :p I know the feeling because my first serious SF game was alpha 3.I was practicing my combo against the AI,but couldn't do crap against human opponents because you can't easily predict patterns.Eventually,your reaction time will improve and you will be able to impose your gameplan on reaction(you need decent reaction time to pull off your combo against a human opponent since you have to counter or punish when you see the opening).

There's a reason why most pro will tell you that you are just as good as the competition around you. ;)

It would also be nice to see a video or two to analyze.


kitzkozan said:
You do not forget about it,trust me.

The difficulty is that you must now rely on your anticipation and reaction time against a real opponent instead of a target dummy.Don't worry about it,you will eventually adjust after taking losses. :p I know the feeling because my first serious SF game was alpha 3.I was practicing my combo against the AI,but couldn't do crap against human opponents because you can't easily predict patterns.Eventually,your reaction time will improve and you will be able to impose your gameplan on reaction(you need decent reaction time to pull off your combo against a human opponent since you have to counter or punish when you see the opening).

There's a reason why most pro will tell you that you are just as good as the competition around you. ;)

It would also be nice to see a video or two to analyze.

Yeah, my reactions are not very good. I might try and upload some vids tomorrow so maybe I can get some tips on improving.
Ravager61 said:
I have been playing quite a bit online and no matter how much I practice stuff in training mode, whenever I play in an actual match, I seem to forget all that and revert to my old crappy ways. It's really frustrating because I feel like im getting worse and making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. I recognize immediately when I've messed up but that doesnt stop me from doing it. Bleh, so frustrating.
Completely normal.. its just bad habits.

Its like chewing on finger nails.. You cant stop.. and when you are under pressure your muscle memory will instantly go back to what you have always done. Just slowly build good habits in and soon they will overtake. Dont expect to do like 90 new things in 1 match. Maybe 1 or 2 and work on that for a few days then add in a few more.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
baaah my win rate dropped below 50% just lately due to my determination to use bison instead of blanka and play championship mode only.

The road is hard my friends. I think i've won 1 final since I switched to bison. probably about 200 games ago :(

Won't give up till I have equal use on bison as blanka, then I'll assess my suckness again.
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