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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


I just want to see somone highly balanced and middle tier like Makoto or Alex or DJ to make it back in the second iteration, but I know it won't happen.


LakeEarth said:
Honda has problems with fireballs, so just try to inch up, neutral jump fireballs and use your fierce punch in the air to move forward a bit. Don't absorb fireballs every time, don't neutral jump every time, don't jump forward every time, keep your opponent guessing. Get him in the corner, he will try to get out, DON'T LET HIM! Don't go on the full blown attack until you smack him back into the corner, then go in for the kill. That tends to work. If they turtle too much, ochio.
Oh yeah, when I said neutral jump, I meant jump straight up, which I usually do a HP which I know you can control slightly, v.useful.

I have a lot of success with Honda in Championship, he's pretty much the only character I use as when I use any of my other mains (Viper, Gen, Dhalsim, Abel, Rose), I find it much harder to win, seems the onslaught of Ryu players in G2 (which must make up 85% of all opponents, at least) know they have the upper hand in a lot of these matchups and know them well.


FindMyFarms said:
edit - nm


Alright, kept the first combo pretty simple. Let's see which Fuerte(or any other) player does it first :p

>>> Round 1 <<<

Remember to run under them after the st. rh. First person to replicate and upload gets to do the next combo. Have at you!

2nd edit - sweet related videos



Felium Defensor
Farms doesn't fuck around, just wow. :lol :lol :lol
I think I went like 15-0 against him. Thanks for the matches man.
More player matches for me.


FindMyFarms said:
And thus, Mimic beat Turtle to the punch. But you forgot to post your own combo for people to copy :p It can be any char. you want, not just Fuerte.

Wait...I just realized that your video ends with a 4 hit combo and mine ends with a 5. Does that count?
Kaako said:
Farms doesn't fuck around, just wow. :lol :lol :lol
I think I went like 15-0 against him. Thanks for the matches man.
More player matches for me.

NP man, GGs. Gotta love random select in this game. Oh you just had gouken? Here he is again. And again. Now here's Rose 10 times in a row lol.

MIMIC said:
Wait...I just realized that your video ends with a 4 hit combo and mine ends with a 5. Does that count?

DISQUALIFIED. Just joking. You had the combo in spirit. Now post your own :p


FindMyFarms said:
NP man, GGs. Gotta love random select in this game. Oh you just had gouken? Here he is again. And again. Now here's Rose 10 times in a row lol.
I swear, my game LOVES to random Rose, Cammy and Dan. I think after hitting random 100 times, I've gotten Ryu twice.


Yeah....random select is a trip sometimes. Someone I played did 4 randoms and it went "Vega, Zangief, Vega, Zangief"

:lol wtf
I...got my TE stick today! And I am pretty confused and it feels awkward as hell...

I main Viper and would like to think I was a pretty good player on the 360 pad, that was back in May and I haven't played since then due to a fire. Well I picked up a TE Stick and played on my laptop for a while and realize I am so lost. Here's the deal: I suck with Viper right now. I can't do her HJC > BK because it always comes out as a Kick and it's extremely annoying. I also suck at doing almost anything when I am facing the right side of the screen. I completed all her normal trials out of sheer luck. Anyone have some tips for a first time stick player? :lol


Aljosa said:
I...got my TE stick today! And I am pretty confused and it feels awkward as hell...

I main Viper and would like to think I was a pretty good player on the 360 pad, that was back in May and I haven't played since then due to a fire. Well I picked up a TE Stick and played on my laptop for a while and realize I am so lost. Here's the deal: I suck with Viper right now. I can't do her HJC > BK because it always comes out as a Kick and it's extremely annoying. I also suck at doing almost anything when I am facing the right side of the screen. I completed all her normal trials out of sheer luck. Anyone have some tips for a first time stick player? :lol

don't even bother with viper until you've learned how to use a stick


God damn, I am having a tough time getting the hang of Rufus. Been playing all day and I rarely win a match.

I think my main problem is keeping the pressure on people up close. Whenever I dive kick or roll in and try to follow up, they are usually able to counter me before I can get a move off. Also, because dive kick doesn't actually combo with anything, its really hard for me to do combos after a dive kick if the opponent doesnt counter. Like if I try to dive kick and then HP > HP. Galactic Tornado, the tornado almost never goes off because I cant seem to get the proper timing of the series down.

I see videos all the time of Rufus being crazy when hes up close, but I can't seem to make it work for me.


You can combo after dive kick. His basic pressure combo is dive kick, cr.LK xx Galactic Tornado [LP version]. You can also combo into his target combo which lets you connect the ultra. The timing is a bit strange so it will take some practice.

HP xx HP Galactic Tornado is very unsafe and should only be used in guaranteed situations.
dralla said:
don't even bother with viper until you've learned how to use a stick
Damn, yeah I should chill for a while. Been playing a lot with Ryu and he's really interesting. Can do quite a few cancels into his supers so far like hp > SRK > Super. No wonder Daigo loves him so much. :lol
dralla said:
HP xx HP Galactic Tornado is very unsafe and should only be used in guaranteed situations.

Actually all galactic tornados are safe on block.

Does no one want to dethrone Tek in SF4 HORSE COMBO?! I would but his combo's too boring.


dralla said:
You can combo after dive kick. His basic pressure combo is dive kick, cr.LK xx Galactic Tornado [LP version]. You can also combo into his target combo which lets you connect the ultra. The timing is a bit strange so it will take some practice.

HP xx HP Galactic Tornado is very unsafe and should only be used in guaranteed situations.

that's why you learn s.lk -> s.HP xx HP tornado!


FindMyFarms said:
Actually all galactic tornados are safe on block.

only neutral versions, holding forward on the HP moves you in too deep. in guaranteed situations you want to jump in HP, s.HP xx HP Tornado [holding forward]. if in the corner, add another LP Tornado or Ultra if you have the meter.


FindMyFarms said:
Actually all galactic tornados are safe on block.

Does no one want to dethrone Tek in SF4 HORSE COMBO?! I would but his combo's too boring.

If I do it I'm gonna do a 6 hit Fuerte loop :D

j/k =p


good credit (by proxy)
If I could use my stick I'd do a ryu infinite on balrog using game bugs. It would be like the EVO final match but with a sexier guy playing ryu.


My latest replay features a 46500gp lariat spamming Zangief. I was in shock. 46500gp and no skill at all! Knocks me down? Lariat on my wakeup. Lariat lariat lariat. Good times.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
So I'm a pretty shit player - Have around 700 BP and a 38% winning percentage. Anyone *around* my level want to play/beat up on me, give ma shout out. PSN: adam_prime


Man playing this game on the pc w/ keyboard (yes, I know) doesn't bring out the best in me. I was raging hard last night against losing versus only Kens and Ryus :/

Doesn't help that I have one of those keyboards that tend to lockup once in a while. Not being able to crossup or wakeup c.HK is annoying as hell.


LakeEarth said:
My latest replay features a 46500gp lariat spamming Zangief. I was in shock. 46500gp and no skill at all! Knocks me down? Lariat on my wakeup. Lariat lariat lariat. Good times.

I once fought a turtle Zangief with Rufus, good times.
I've been seeing a lot of Zangiefs in the later rounds of G1. Frustrating because I tend to get too aggressive at some point of the match. And Boxer's wake-up options are not the best for the GIEF guessing game.


Some guy hovered over random and once he saw that I picked Fuerte, he quickly switched to Seth.


Round 1: I perfect him (RSF'd the shit outta him)
Round 2: almost perfect him

He sends me a message: "Is that all you can do?"
Me: "lol what?"
Him: "Forget it" *leaves*

Also played an annoying Blanka turtle. I forced myself to be patient....so I turtled back (after I learned my lesson in round 1: he turtled, I forced the issue, and he beat me handily). In round 3, I'd bait him, occasionally run in with a slide but for the most part, I didn't move, especially when I got a big lead. I guess he got annoyed (I know, right?) and started walking over to me. Finally...the match started with 15 seconds left. :lol And I beat him.

My philosophy: match-up wise, if it's in your favor, don't turtle. However, if it ISN'T, I encourage turtling. I don't mind Zangief turtling. I usually rip all types of Zangiefs to shreds.

And some idiot Blanka knocked me down and trapped me in a corner and was just mashing electricity.....while I had a full Ultra. :lol

Honda.....*sigh* Why is he so powerful? ;_; A few mistakes and those headbutts take 1/3 of my life. And there's nothing like a turtling Honda who makes SURE that he beats the shit out of me.


Adam Prime said:
So I'm a pretty shit player - Have around 700 BP and a 38% winning percentage. Anyone *around* my level want to play/beat up on me, give ma shout out. PSN: adam_prime

Add me.

dralla said:
only neutral versions, holding forward on the HP moves you in too deep. in guaranteed situations you want to jump in HP, s.HP xx HP Tornado [holding forward]. if in the corner, add another LP Tornado or Ultra if you have the meter.

No, they're all safe on a blocked hit (-1 frame adv. for normal version, -2 for ex) with one exception. The ONLY character that can punish GT's on block Zangief w/ ultra on normal GT's, and Double German Suplex against deep EX GT's (and i'm not even %100 sure on that)

I have the bad luck of playing with some really good Rufus players :(
Adam Prime said:
So I'm a pretty shit player - Have around 700 BP and a 38% winning percentage. Anyone *around* my level want to play/beat up on me, give ma shout out. PSN: adam_prime

You're probably better than me - been practicing like mad with my new stick these past few days to hopefully get some GP.

PSN: INDIGO_CYCLOPS - send a msg and we'll spar some time.

I'll add you in the meantime.
Lots of Influx of new people in the thread. GameStop Sale + Jrs. Very nice.

Im close to 13kGP..

blazing up fast

EDIT: Adnan where you working now? So that I may eat your foodz.
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