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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

AZ Greg

GGs RS4.

I couldn't keep playing with that input lag. It was pretty bad. I kept jumping straight up and kicking when I'd be trying to off the wall or my back flip wouldn't come out and I'd get crossed up. Ugh...

Solid Ryu. Over the last two days I've been SRK FADC'd into Ultra too many times to count. :lol
kitzkozan said:
Chun would definitively be top tier if she could gain her rising kick and the ultra could be properly juggled everywhere.

if Chun's Ultra got buffed so that it sucks opponents in like Rufus' Ultra....that would be tits :lol
Gods Garden starts in 6 hours! I don't know where the stream will be at, but there's a list of confirmed players and it contains a lot of the top top top SF4 players. Daigo (of course), Mago, Ojisanboy, Kindevu, Nuki, Momochi (I think), Shiro, Nemo and some others whose names I can't make out. Maybe Oichi or someone else can list all of the players.


Just got my TE stick!!! I am so f'in excited to use it, just waiting for my GT-Y to get here!

Is there still a GAF PSN chat up?

Edit: I see, Farms can you invite me please? (Dynamic3)
FindMyFarms said:
sent u a gafchat invite, dunno if u got it

I haven't logged PSN today. But I won't be able tonight since my g/f and her friends are using the tv so I'm stuck here in my room with the computer. I will be around this weekend.

How does gafchat work btw? Is there a dedicated thread about it...do i need a headset? I never used the PS3 to play multiplayer that much.

All i know for certain is that I will probably get a good pummeling from all the GAFers everyone is so good. But that's what I need, I guess :)
BotoxAgent said:
I haven't logged PSN today. But I won't be able tonight since my g/f and her friends are using the tv so I'm stuck here in my room with the computer. I will be around this weekend.

How does gafchat work btw? Is there a dedicated thread about it...do i need a headset? I never used the PS3 to play multiplayer that much.

All i know for certain is that I will probably get a good pummeling from all the GAFers everyone is so good. But that's what I need, I guess :)

nah its just a chatroom. You can hook up any ol usb keyboard you have to ur ps3 and chat away. it's always on.

Dynamic3 i'll send an invite next time i'm on, just send me a friend request (same as gaf)
FindMyFarms said:
nah its just a chatroom. You can hook up any ol usb keyboard you have to ur ps3 and chat away. it's always on.

Dynamic3 i'll send an invite next time i'm on, just send me a friend request (same as gaf)

cool man, thanks!
Teknopathetic said:
Gods Garden starts in 6 hours! I don't know where the stream will be at, but there's a list of confirmed players and it contains a lot of the top top top SF4 players. Daigo (of course), Mago, Ojisanboy, Kindevu, Nuki, Momochi (I think), Shiro, Nemo and some others whose names I can't make out. Maybe Oichi or someone else can list all of the players.

Anymore information on this? I'd like to catch the stream ...

I'm also looking for some people to spar with/get some pointers from. I've been seriously clocking in 4+ hours a day in Training mode with my new stick (first stick ever) and I'm still having trouble transitioning what I learn into matches.

Arde5643 said:
I don't mind her getting buffed up on the tits area as well. :D

LOL. She'd look like Jessica Rabbit.

I've been without a tv for the last week, so I ordered SFIV for PC. But I want get to play it until the weekend, as I have to reformat my desktop with Windows 7. I heard there's a new utility for managing the mods, but I haven't really been keeping up.

And what exactly is God's Garden? I thought it was a tribute or something.
Spiderjericho said:
LOL. She'd look like Jessica Rabbit.

I've been without a tv for the last week, so I ordered SFIV for PC. But I want get to play it until the weekend, as I have to reformat my desktop with Windows 7. I heard there's a new utility for managing the mods, but I haven't really been keeping up.

And what exactly is God's Garden? I thought it was a tribute or something.

It's a pre-SBO event with top players. Similar to how Devestation was before EVO.
MiniBossBattle said:
GG Rice Eater. Your Ryu is boss! I definently felt more confident and relaxed after the 3rd set and really just had fun. I think I got you on the random matches but you are amazing with those Ryu FADC ultras. My balrog did eek some wins out though.

The Ken vs Sagat uppercut battle was epic. I can't believe we both just degenerated to throwing uppercuts every single time. I couldn't stop laughing (i am sure you could hear me giggling over the headset). :lol

I still want to learn dhalsim as my alt for balrog but man that guys normals are confusing. jumping down punch is the head torpedo but jump punch is that arm punch. I don't think I won a round with him but he is so much fun.

Any Gafers recommend a main for me?

I still hate and refuse to play as Sagat.

I'm about 20 hours late, but yeah good games man. I like to be aggressive so I kept coming forward and getting out poked by your Balrog. That's arguably Rog's biggest strength. It's why Justin Wong was able to sweep Daigo so often in there finals match. As for the FADC stuff, I had a good night. But normally I'm successful about half the time or less.

As for the Ken/Sagat match. I played it seriously for the first 10 seconds but I noticed you kept doing flames so I said "fuck it, TIIIIIIGGGGEEERRRR". I have to admit though, I got kind of serious at the end of the 3rd because I still wanted to win because you were pulling ahead on wins because of random picks :p

Dhalsim is a good choice, but he does have a steep learning curve. I'd like to be able to play him or Seth. SF4 seems to favor turtling so I'm leaning towards picking a turtle character to compliment my more aggressive Ryu. Until then good luck of whoever you settle with.


So I was having a "still shitty but less shitty than normal" run for like a day and a half and at some point between this morning and this afternoon I started playing like crap again :(

But my win percentage is almost up to 14% now! :eek: I need to play with Abel more, I do decently when I use him, but I can't do the trial mode on this crappy TV cos you can't see the commands :( and I need to get used to all of his normals and the range for his command throws


for some reason I have connectivity issues with this game. It seems that every game I play has a sudden slowdown for about 4-5 seconds, with a 70% chance of disconnection. Any ideas why this only happens with this game? I'm on the PSN for it as well. :S
Rice-Eater said:
I like to be aggressive so I kept coming forward and getting out poked by your Balrog.

Something to keep in mind when playing footsies is that no one is going to ever let you just walk up and throw or hit them (at least without a prior setup.) Your job then is to recognize how close do you have to walk up to them before they press a button (aka throw a poke) and walk back just a tad bit a split second before. This will cause their poke to whiff and you can punish it with a cr. mk or a sweep. After you get your opponent to start being hesitant about throwing out a poke in fear of being whiff punished, then you can start to walk in closer and closer which lets you open up your close range game.
FindMyFarms said:
Something to keep in mind when playing footsies is that no one is going to ever let you just walk up and throw or hit them (at least without a prior setup.) Your job then is to recognize how close do you have to walk up to them before they press a button (aka throw a poke) and walk back just a tad bit a split second before. This will cause their poke to whiff and you can punish it with a cr. mk or a sweep. After you get your opponent to start being hesitant about throwing out a poke in fear of being whiff punished, then you can start to walk in closer and closer which lets you open up your close range game.

Thanks for the advice, I will keep working on it.

Oh and it's Gods Garden time baby :D


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
Gods Garden stream is up and running!


Daigo, Nuki, Ojisanboy, Tokido, Mago, Shiro, Nemo, Kindevu, Akimo, Momochi, Uryo, Tetsu-san are all guaranteed spots in the tournament. The other players have to compete for the rest of the spots. Iyo was supposed to go but he has work obligations (unlike the rest of these bums!) so he had to cancel

As for the other players, there are a ton of well known JPN and US players who are coming:

Bonchan (Top 20 Sagat), TKD (well known Fuerte), Itabashi Zangief, Fuudo, Kokujin, Pie, Yoshio

for the US players... Marn, fLoe, HAUNTS, Magus1234, Ricky Ortiz, fubarduck, kim1234,


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
It has officially started but things probably won't start picking up until 6pm or so I think. Most people get off work at 5:30 so you'll probably see lots of people roll in then.
Mago beasting right now. But what's up with his hair cut now, he's got to go back to his hair cut from last year, much sexier.

EDIT: Was that Marn that just got owned by Mago with Balrog. Man Mago's rushdown on Balrog was downright terrifying.
Shito said:
Arg, won't be able to watch it since I'm at work! ;___;
GAF, I'm counting on you for the live report here!

Maybe you're only counting one me since I'm not sure anyone else is around and who knows if you can trust me :p


Mago just beat a El Fuerte player which was appeareantly a NON japanese player. Don t ask for more, my japanese was just enough to understand that he wasn t japanese. LOL they are just now talking about Justin Wong!


Passing metallic gas
Rice-Eater said:
Only Daigo can stop Mago, but I guess he's still stuck at work. Evil will continue to triumph until then.

so any word if the 3s og's like kuroda mov or kokujin (and a billion others) moved to 4?..also where the hell is inoue?..i miss his sexy dicator
Gr1mLock said:
so any word if the 3s og's like kuroda mov or kokujin (and a billion others) moved to 4?..also where the hell is inoue?..i miss his sexy dicator

Sorry if you misunderstood. I don't know jack, I was just making a joke :D

I too would like to know if guys like Kuroda and Kokujin have made the move to SF4.
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