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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


he's Virgin Tight™
CheapChampagne said:
I think its more adrenaline than nervousness. Its just that you're trying to react as quick as possible to whats happening and that gets the adrenaline pumping. At least thats how I feel most of the time. And afterwards it takes a little time to calm down :lol

This happens to me in intense matches, really really intense ones or where something is at stake. After my Blazblue tournament match which I won by a mere hair thread I was left jittery for a while haha. My body gets into this stasis mode and to be honest... I like the feeling.
AZ Greg said:
GGs to Threi and dementia.

Threi's Bison has to be the best Bison I've faced in terms of buffering his charge. Every time I thought I had an opening after blocking a scissors kick/slide/anything, bam, I'd get hit by a scissors kick or head stomp. I'm so accustomed to charge character players being slower than that. I was probably playing too aggressively though. During our last few fights I sat back a little and punished accordingly. Those went much smoother.

I really need more experience vs. Abel. His roll can shut down a lot of my shenanigans. And damn did I eat a ton of ultras. :lol

I'm still on if anyone wants to play.

what's your gt?


_dementia said:
I don't know wtf to do against Vega. Everything you do seems safe :(

This. Times 100,000. I have no idea what to do against Vega. If I see him come up on the screen, I'm like "well, I won't be moving on this time". :lol


Rufus said:
Play ranked for a while if you feel like you're hitting a wall. It's what I do, works wonders for my temper. :lol

The grind just to get to G1 was just mindnumbing. But after a few more matches (one of which I actually won lol) I'm glad I'm here. The competition is miles above G2.


Jason said:
The grind just to get to G1 was just mindnumbing. But after a few more matches (one of which I actually won lol) I'm glad I'm here. The competition is miles above G2.

You know, the first time I got to G2 I made it to the championship. Now, I'm lucky if I get to the third match. I can get to the 2nd match more often than not, but that only gives me +5 in GP. Boy oh boy, I won't be there for years.


GriffD17 said:
You know, the first time I got to G2 I made it to the championship. Now, I'm lucky if I get to the third match. I can get to the 2nd match more often than not, but that only gives me +5 in GP. Boy oh boy, I won't be there for years.

I'm pretty much the same. I've won a few G2's but my main problem is I don't really have a main so i'm sort of struggling on who to pick half the time. I know how to play everyone to at least some extent but I just don't really know who to be.


Xevren said:
I'm pretty much the same. I've won a few G2's but my main problem is I don't really have a main so i'm sort of struggling on who to pick half the time. I know how to play everyone to at least some extent but I just don't really know who to be.

Add me to the list. I don't win enough championships and probably will never play enough to grind all the way to G1. Anyone else on right now? :\

GT: henhowc


If I can make it to G1 anyone can. :lol

Out of the 92 G2 finals I made I only won 24 of them and my winning percentage is sitting pretty at 35%. :lol If you keep at it you will improve so just keep playing. :)

AZ Greg

black_vegeta said:
invite sent

Dammit!!! Sorry for sucking Greg. Just trying to work on my Dictator. Trying make it similar to Threi's.

Great Claw!!!

Sorry about bailing after only 5 matches. Gonna grab some dinner. I'll be playing later though if anyone wants some matches.


henhowc said:
Add me to the list. I don't win enough championships and probably will never play enough to grind all the way to G1. Anyone else on right now? :\

GT: henhowc

Can add me if you want, I'm on a bit sporadic at times but my GT is Xevren11


I just finished Lost: Via Domus and while watching the credits noticed Justin Wong as the lead QA tester. Has to be the same guy from SF fame right?

I thought it was pretty surprising and cool.


You're not bad man, some of those fights were close! The main thing that really stuck out was you really weren't punishing my mistakes very well. I'm not overly familiar with Chun-Li so unfortunately I can't give much in terms of advice. That yoga flame to super in the first match was a fluke, I really didn't think that would connect.


For all those people who started out Street Fighter 4 as a noob like me, how many matches did you play until you started to get the hang of things, because I'm like 270 matches in and have a win percentage of 11%:lol


abombb said:
For all those people who started out Street Fighter 4 as a noob like me, how many matches did you play until you started to get the hang of things, because I'm like 270 matches in and have a win percentage of 11%:lol

I would play all day and all night for weeks and still only come out with maybe 1-2 wins a week... honestly just keep playing and reading character guides and you will slowly but surely get the hang of it... I can attest it really does come down to the fundamentals, if you have strong foundation you can probably beat 50% or more of people you play online..


Jazzy Network said:
Any Chun-Li players with tips?

Jump straight up and press HK, a lot. Range is sick, and if opponent block you have a pretty good mix up. her over head special(hcb+ k) or a low is scary. Fireball and walk forward a lot, once it hits you can continue pressuring your opponent with standing mp, standing hp, or the previous mix up mention(overhead, and low). Just depends on your range. Ex spinning bird kick is her only good wake up tool, use it only when you need to. Save your meter for ex legs if possible, lk lk lk ex legs + ex legs is good. The second set of ex legs gives little damage, only do it if you can ko an opponent.


abombb said:
For all those people who started out Street Fighter 4 as a noob like me, how many matches did you play until you started to get the hang of things, because I'm like 270 matches in and have a win percentage of 11%:lol

I dunno if this will help (might be too advanced?) but you might try watching how pros play certain characters....so you know what to watch out for, how to respond to character-specific mistakes, etc:


But it certainly won't beat actually having experience playing against other characters.


abombb said:
For all those people who started out Street Fighter 4 as a noob like me, how many matches did you play until you started to get the hang of things, because I'm like 270 matches in and have a win percentage of 11%:lol

You've got to play. A LOT. The fellow below you was right. I had a terrible terrible record at the beginning. Hell, still do, and probably always will. But I can see myself getting better at least, little by little. Watching videos helps a lot, but the one mentioned lists a lot of high level players who don't always resort to spamming specials over and over and jumping about like crazy nuts.

Just hang in there. Don't throw any sticks, or punch walls even though you will have a strong desire to. I had the worst night on this in a while. Golly gosh.


Speaking of bad nights: Fuerte + lag + a good player = *slams controller* *leaves lobby*

Nothing beats starting the loop, having lag come in and not knowing when to hit HP. So you just keep running..............right into a fucking SRK.


abombb said:
For all those people who started out Street Fighter 4 as a noob like me, how many matches did you play until you started to get the hang of things, because I'm like 270 matches in and have a win percentage of 11%:lol

guy on my friends list was a tourney level fighter so he was patient with me and taught me a lot. about a month before I got the hang of it and could scrape some wins against good players.

he was a Blanka player main so I made myself a Blanka only fighter as well. Love him I dont care about his tier.
Well yesterday I ran into a Sagat player who beat me 2 rounds to 1. I gave him too much respect and didn't jump in on him, he kept mashing TU through my block strings because I'm no good at that anyways. He empty jump threw me like 3 times because I really didn't expect him to do it again.

I lose to him and I'm pissed about it, then he sends me a message that says that I'm lacking skills. I message him back and ask for a rematch. He doesn't answer. Then like 15 minutes or so later, I run into him again and sit there for about 1 minute with no answer I leave and then played some GAF matches.

Gotta love the guys who cower in fear of not having the last laugh. Reminds me of player matches where you start off with like 3 or 4 straight wins and if they pull one off, they quit or if they win 1 very close set, they quit.
abombb said:
For all those people who started out Street Fighter 4 as a noob like me, how many matches did you play until you started to get the hang of things, because I'm like 270 matches in and have a win percentage of 11%:lol

About 700 before things started clicking, and around 2000 before I got decent. Best thing to do is seek out the best players in your area, and have extended play sessions with them. You'll quickly notice what they're doing differently, and you'll have the convenience of immediate feedback.

Keep in mind that if you're approaching this game from a casual standpoint, you won't have any fun in that since you'll be losing a lot (I'm dead serious, it might even be a few weeks before you win a single round/game). However if your goal is to get better, then you'll definitely reap what you sow. It's very satisfying when you understand the game.

Lastly, make sure your execution is down. You always want to be able to do what you want to.


Rice-Eater said:
Gotta love the guys who cower in fear of not having the last laugh. Reminds me of player matches where you start off with like 3 or 4 straight wins and if they pull one off, they quit or if they win 1 very close set, they quit.
Ha-ha! I get that a lot too. Probably so much that it surprises me when someone sticks around. They're the best times though, when you have an epic streak of games with someone, especially if you're both choosing random.


NeoGAF: my new HOME
YakiSOBA said:
I would play all day and all night for weeks and still only come out with maybe 1-2 wins a week... honestly just keep playing and reading character guides and you will slowly but surely get the hang of it... I can attest it really does come down to the fundamentals, if you have strong foundation you can probably beat 50% or more of people you play online..

Pretty much this. I still can't really get out combos consistently but my game is still reasonably solid regardless and I have a 50% W/L ratio.


Thanks to everyone for all the feedback. This is probably the first fighting game I'm actually getting addicted to, and I'll try to keep putting more time in the game until I get halfway decent atleast.


Rice-Eater said:
Gotta love the guys who cower in fear of not having the last laugh. Reminds me of player matches where you start off with like 3 or 4 straight wins and if they pull one off, they quit or if they win 1 very close set, they quit.

Haha this is so true! Or even when you get back to the lobby and they put it on that pink laughing smiley and boot you.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
abombb said:
Thanks to everyone for all the feedback. This is probably the first fighting game I'm actually getting addicted to, and I'll try to keep putting more time in the game until I get halfway decent atleast.

get someone who is near your level on your friends list that likes to play, make sure its a 4-5 bar connection and play against them a lot.

Try and do it with people above your skill as well.

I get a lOT better from player matches than championship ones. Because you get to learn a persons play style. If you play different people every game, you can never learn their style and look for openings and you get overwhelmed with too many styles.

Ideally you want to learn what every character is like to fight against with a regular opponent, then you start doing better vs random people because you know the openings to look for a bit better.

Stick at it, it's fun as hell when you start getting victories.


Passing metallic gas
Rice-Eater said:
Well yesterday I ran into a Sagat player who beat me 2 rounds to 1. I gave him too much respect and didn't jump in on him, he kept mashing TU through my block strings because I'm no good at that anyways. He empty jump threw me like 3 times because I really didn't expect him to do it again.

I lose to him and I'm pissed about it, then he sends me a message that says that I'm lacking skills. I message him back and ask for a rematch. He doesn't answer. Then like 15 minutes or so later, I run into him again and sit there for about 1 minute with no answer I leave and then played some GAF matches.

Gotta love the guys who cower in fear of not having the last laugh. Reminds me of player matches where you start off with like 3 or 4 straight wins and if they pull one off, they quit or if they win 1 very close set, they quit.

im pretty sure i played every asshole on live last night..i do have to admit nothing brings me greater joy then shutting someone's gimmick down..i had a seth who caught me sleeping and prettymuch beat my ass before i knew what happened..so he sends me a message consisting of 'llooolololo'..so naturaly i invite him to a match and he naturaly declines..ran into him about an hour later and completely shut him down..so i send him a 'gg'..and he replies with a sportsman like 'fuck yourself'..and that entire night ive had similar experiences..why are the runny gimmickly players always the biggest crybabies


Haven't been playing as much as I used to, but I have 120+ hours invested in this game, which makes it my most played console game in years.

My main is C. Viper, followed closely by Rose, and it seems to me that winning with these chars is a lot harder than with the usual Kens, Ryus and Sagats, but when I do win, I get this adrenaline rush that probably has more impact than when I'm riding a rollercoaster.

My hardest matchups seem to be Vega, Blanka and E.Honda.

I'm in G2-D with 3500ish GP, so you know which level I play. ;)

If anyone wants a few games on XBL, my tag is nyx1978.
catfish said:
gg level 7 boss.

God damn, when I switched to honda, i was winning a round real nice, and a fucking mouse just cruised into my room and ran over my feet and went directly under the telly.

FUUUUUCK. I'm not scared of mice but this little bastard kept running by me while i'm trying to beat you in street fighter. :/

Not that you didn't beat me 7-3, but shit man, you got 1 match due to mouse related WTF scenarios :lol all in all though, I couldn't damage your ryu today. I think I've lost blanka skills a bit and actually almost stand a better chance with bison these days.

GGs and sorry I couldn't play you threi! Next time man, I wanna play another bison.

LMAO tell that mouse I said thanks. I think your Blanka is better to be honest, not yesterday, but in general. I think you should do more cross up shenanigans with Bison, keep the pressure up.

My Abel is absolute turd, whenever I see a good Abel, it makes me want to pick him up, but I just can't seem to put the pressure on as much as a I want. Need to abuse F + MK into various mixups and want to learn some resets but I'm way off, so I just head back to Ryu.

Also played Rokitty who absolutely destroyed me, something serious. Only took a couple of rounds (if that). I just kept on getting angry, messing everything up. But I hate good Rogs, can't seem to do anything against them, despite the fact I see the overhead reset I'm just stuck holding crouch block. Need to get out of that mentality. But good game Rokitty, dude is sick.
Gr1mLock said:
im pretty sure i played every asshole on live last night..i do have to admit nothing brings me greater joy then shutting someone's gimmick down..i had a seth who caught me sleeping and prettymuch beat my ass before i knew what happened..so he sends me a message consisting of 'llooolololo'..so naturaly i invite him to a match and he naturaly declines..ran into him about an hour later and completely shut him down..so i send him a 'gg'..and he replies with a sportsman like 'fuck yourself'..and that entire night ive had similar experiences..why are the runny gimmickly players always the biggest crybabies

Maybe he forgot your name, I quickly forget who I play minutes later when I move onto my next match. I guess the guy who played me must have made sure to remember my name as to avoid playing me again and risk losing. I'm not the gloating type, even if I had played him again and won I wouldn't talk shit. The worse I'd do is reply to his message with "GG" in the message box just so he'd know it was me.


Last night at 9pm I made the mistake of going "I'll win one G1 tourney before I stop playing". I didn't stop playing till 1:40am. I made it to like 4 other finals and gained almost 1000gp in the process, but I just couldn't make it all the way for a while. In the process I ran into the best Dhalsim I've ever played, he would've double perfected me if it weren't for a limb trade. He was just a wall


Hmm I just air threw a Chun out of a ex SBK??? How is that even possible? :lol I'm using Chun Li lol.... any tips against Zangief???
LakeEarth said:
Last night at 9pm I made the mistake of going "I'll win one G1 tourney before I stop playing". I didn't stop playing till 1:40am. I made it to like 4 other finals and gained almost 1000gp in the process, but I just couldn't make it all the way for a while. In the process I ran into the best Dhalsim I've ever played, he would've double perfected me if it weren't for a limb trade. He was just a wall

What was his gamertag?

I ran into filipino champ before he entered Evo and I got rocked!

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Right or Wrong?
Chun Li has a slight advantage over Abel.

I got every G2 level Chuns on PSN just yesterday and they all poked and normalized my ass to death. We trade alot in the air, not sure if cr.mk is the best AA against her, for now j.fp is doing an ok job.
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