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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps


You know, I never understood why sirlin was so spastic about lag in hdremix last evo. Then I played SF4 online, and yeah, screwing up a combo, or eating a srk or an ultra due to lag is the most infuriating thing I've ever encountered in gaming.

Sucks SBO has no stream. Really now, why not? Or are they that deadset on making cash off of DVDs?


hyperbolically metafictive
some of the signs add up -- sf4 is the only game he's got and his friends list is full. if that was gootecks, it would've been fun to get trashed by his rog, but he wouldn't accept an invite. at least not for free. :(

edit: i actually really like his podcast, so no gootecks hate here
_dementia said:
according to google, yes, that's his XBL GT

Probably just getting a feel for the character. Most socal pros don't regard online as anything but a diversion (probably because it's so easy to get face to face competition).


Bah. I'm off the universities connection and the connection here blows. I can't find any matches above 2 bars.

The provider says they are having difficulties, but it's been like that for some time.

Arcade mode isn't doing it for me.
GriffD17 said:
Bah. I'm off the universities connection and the connection here blows. I can't find any matches above 2 bars.

The provider says they are having difficulties, but it's been like that for some time.

Arcade mode isn't doing it for me.

Probably from MONSTROUS amount of p0rn hogging up the bandwidth.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
bistromathics said:
i hate playing mcvlad. pick another char! i'm not going to learn that crazy dhalsim matchup just to play against you!

I hate playing micvlad as well, his sim is such a slippery fucker, I keep trying to cross him up and he dhalsim slide kicks right outta there. My bison is left crouch punching air like a noob and gets rubber fisted in the face :(


black_vegeta said:
99.99% of college students need p0rn.

0.01% = GriftD17

Hey. I'm all "graduated" like. If I could download myself a job I'd do that and suck up my bandwidth and be without SFIV online. But right now, I gots nothing on any end.
This is my 3rd day playing SF4 with the TE stick. I guess I'll post my noob thoughts/questions in this thread. I'm no street fighter pro, but I was pretty good at beating my friends at Alpha 3 (using a dual shock) and I'm OK at most other SF versions.

- Maybe balance is an issue at higher levels of play, but at a more casual level this game is awesome. I think it's already my favorite Street Fighter. I think they set up the system of EX, supers, and ultras very nicely. And there's no bullshit custom combo / V-ISM crap in this game.
- Focus attacks seem cool, but I haven't really figured them out yet. I try to use one to "parry" a fireball and I just get hit by the fireball instead.
- Having 8 buttons on this TE stick is annoying. I use the 6 on the right, and the 2 on the far left throw me off sometimes.
- The stick slides around some on the coffee table. I've considered bolting it down, this table was only like $15 on craigslist anyway. If I did that I'd definitely need a more comfortable seat, something with back support. I have to lean forward from the couch right now.
- Sometimes I'll also lean back on the couch and have the controller on my lap. It works pretty well that way too.

Time for another ranked match. I'll probably have more noob thoughts to post later.
Oh yeah, if anyone wants to play me on PSN, hit me up. I'm ParallaxScroll. I am a total PSN noob, normally I only play games over Live. I don't know how to add people. I have a bluetooth headset but I don't know how to use it. :D
It seems like everyone uses Ryu, so fuck it, I'll use him too for now. Seems like he's pretty good. I watched the Ryu tutorial vids here: http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread.php?t=181003. That at least gives me a few guidelines so I know what moves I should be focusing on to actually win matches.

It looks like c.lk, c.lp, c.fp, roundhouse hurricane kick is a bread and butter ryu combo. On a whim I tried it in the middle of a ranked match and nailed it on my first try. :D
Man, I am sooo used to having an air block. I need to get Alpha out of my head. Do you have any defenses at all when you're in the air? I guess I need to start fierce dragon punching everyone when they jump.
Parallax Scroll said:
Man, I am sooo used to having an air block. I need to get Alpha out of my head. Do you have any defenses at all when you're in the air? I guess I need to start fierce dragon punching everyone when they jump.

No defenses in air. Not-jumping/Punishing-Jumpers is probably the easiest thing most scrubs need to work on to get better. Get your spacing down so you can jump in without being clocked in the air.
myDingling said:
No defenses in air. Not-jumping/Punishing-Jumpers is probably the easiest thing most scrubs need to work on to get better. Get your spacing down so you can jump in without being clocked in the air.

Thanks! At the moment I'm working on learning at what ranges it's safe to throw fireballs. I think I've figured out how to keep my guy grounded reasonably well. A couple things I noticed in the last few matches:

- I've been friending random people I meet in matchmaking. I just did like 4 fights against someone off my friends list... That mode is a little nicer than matchmaking IMO cause I like playing the same person several times in a row. Especially if we both use the same characters each fight, it's one of the best ways I learn the game/character/matchup.
- I throw out an EX shoryuken a lot when I mean to do an ultra. I've gotta work on that execution.


Mrs. Harvey
All the 50+ matches I've been in the last couple of days were literally Ryus and Akumas. 70% of the former and about 30% of the latter. No other character. The fun part was me using random select completely for the whole duration. I had fun despite getting badly beaten here and there with characters I never really use.
All right, a couple things people keep nailing me with:

- Fully charged FA as I'm standing up
- Throws (I never use throws yet cause I'm not used to the new command for it)

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
So after having a stick for 2 months and still having trouble with some things, I'm only now finding out that you shouldn't ride the edges of the gate when doing qc motions. It's gonna take a while for me to get out of the habit of riding the gate now :(
Parallax Scroll said:
All right, a couple things people keep nailing me with:

- Fully charged FA as I'm standing up
- Throws (I never use throws yet cause I'm not used to the new command for it)

1 - Wake up backdash, as the opening frames have invincibility.

2 - Just takes practice. Though you should know about option selecting a throw. If you hold down back and press the throw command, you'll tech a throw if the other opponent is going for it, otherwise a low short will come out. This is because you only have to press lp + lk to tech a throw, but if you want to actually throw someone then you have to press forward or back as well. The holding down back is just for guarding purposes. Also keep in mind that you can't mash this. If someone throws you a split second after you tech, then you'll be thrown while in the opening frames of your low short.


Felium Defensor
Lost Fragment said:
So after having a stick for 2 months and still having trouble with some things, I'm only now finding out that you shouldn't ride the edges of the gate when doing qc motions. It's gonna take a while for me to get out of the habit of riding the gate now :(
I try not to ride the edges of the square gate, but sometimes when I get too tense the flowchart in me comes out and I do frantic SRK motions using the edges (FA opponent/some knockdowns). Very very bad habit of mine which is gonna take some time to get over.
Lost Fragment said:
Or a reversal wakeup move.

Yeah but that's a REALLY dangerous option, since if the FA was bait, then you're looking at some big damage. You're putting yourself into a 50/50 situation, which is something I personally try to stay as far away from as possible.

I prefer sticking to the backdash option as the only way it can be punished is if the other player properly makes that read on you, and even then the timing/punish window for it is rather small. And if they do follow up with the FA, then they just whiffed like a mofo and you have a chance to punish, options varying from character.
Thanks for the tips guys. I never really learned how to time wakeup moves in any fighting games. I just block or mash/spam.

This quote (source) may explain why I keep screwing up my ultras. I'll try it out.

You're doing an ex-shoryuken cause you press the button too early.
Try finishing (I mean, REALLY finishing your ultra moove) before pressing PPP.
Pressing too fast = shoryuken (=failure). Pressing PPP "relaxed" and it works perfectly for ultra or super.
Mashing has it's places in this game. If someone does an ultra and you want to punish with your own, you'll have better results mashing QCF + PPP over and over as opposed to actually trying to time it right.

For example - Ryu does empty ultra and I'm Abel, the second his ultra animation starts, I mash QCF + PPP repeatedly, because of the reversal window/timing in this game, my mashing guarantees that the ultra comes out immediately after ryu's ultra.
lol, I just tried FADC for the first time in practice mode. I can sometimes get shoryuken -> FADC to work. I think I should get the FADC and shoryuken working near-perfectly on their own before I really try combining them. I may just start doing shoryukens as df-d-df since it works in SF4.
FindMyFarms said:
Mashing has it's places in this game. If someone does an ultra and you want to punish with your own, you'll have better results mashing QCF + PPP over and over as opposed to actually trying to time it right.

For example - Ryu does empty ultra and I'm Abel, the second his ultra animation starts, I mash QCF + PPP repeatedly, because of the reversal window/timing in this game, my mashing guarantees that the ultra comes out immediately after ryu's ultra.
I get EX falling sky or EX CoD too much due to shit execution :(
in that situation when Ryu does a naked ultra I jump over it and still have time to hit my own ultra while he recovers.


_dementia said:
I get EX falling sky or EX CoD too much due to shit execution :(
in that situation when Ryu does a naked ultra I jump over it and still have time to hit my own ultra while he recovers.
It's near common knowledge, but some might not know, that if Ryu fires either super or ultra, you have all the time in the world to jump over it (I'm not 100% if you can for the super at point blank range).


_dementia said:
I get EX falling sky or EX CoD too much due to shit execution :(
in that situation when Ryu does a naked ultra I jump over it and still have time to hit my own ultra while he recovers.

Don't you have plenty of time to hit your ultra if you start buffering the motions while in the air or does Abel have a ridiculously long start up time?
LakeEarth said:
It's near common knowledge, but some might not know, that if Ryu fires either super or ultra, you have all the time in the world to jump over it (I'm not 100% if you can for the super at point blank range).

Actually, the recovery time on the Super isn't to bad. I've lost a couple times thinking it was an Ultra and that I had all kinds of time to punish.
Ryu's Super recovery time is real quick, I think it's even quicker then the EX. In fact, I think Ryu has frame advantage if the opponent blocks it. I always manage to make the first move if I use the super on a near opponent who blocks it. Oh and no, you can't jump the super at point blank range. The start up time is way too quick, I learned my lesson trying to jump it once at close range.
LakeEarth said:
It's near common knowledge, but some might not know, that if Ryu fires either super or ultra, you have all the time in the world to jump over it (I'm not 100% if you can for the super at point blank range).
nah, Ryu's super comes out in like 3 frames
_dementia said:
I get EX falling sky or EX CoD too much due to shit execution :(
in that situation when Ryu does a naked ultra I jump over it and still have time to hit my own ultra while he recovers.

Yeah I know that, just pointing out the concept of mashing one ultra out after another will come out perfectly 99% of the time (assuming you're not a crappy charge character like balrog rofl). EX - Chun does naked ultra on Sagat, you can just mash out Sagat's if you dont' wanna take the chip and beat her out.
Aight, both the game and the stick are starting to feel a bit more natural. I found a site that shows how to hold a ball-top stick :lol: http://www.eventhubs.com/guides/2009/jul/08/tips-switching-pad-joystick/. I'm using the top left grip on that page (pinky under the ball) and it's working pretty well.

I did about 20 more matches and steadily improved during that time. My close ground game mixes c.LK, c.MK, hadoken, overhead, and throws. I'm not really doing any combos besides c.MK -> hadoken. I'm not really putting the shoryuken to good use at all.

Oh, and Akuma really makes you work for your wins with all that fireball bullshit.


Anyone having trouble with Blanka? I beat a lot of people on my level but Blanka is a different story. He seems to take advantage of every lag opportunity. Even when playing locally I can't seem to punish him in any significant way. Any tips? I play Ryu and Akuma. Scroto fo' life!
Blanka is a bitch online. Just remember to jump back roundhouse if he gets predictable w/ point blank crossup attempts. Also, chances are the blankas you play online are flowcharting. Throwing one full screen fireball should be enough to bait them into either waste ex, or going for his df fierce slide at mid screen, which is REALLY unsafe and a free SRK punish.
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