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The Official Street Fighter IV Thread of FADCing a Stranger in the Alps

For anyone that likes to play as Akuma:


Sweep, buffer lpx2, and if they focus (you need to be close enough as you will see him miss one) you can finish the input and grab them with an ultra demon.

I think Akuma is one of the biggest jumps from noob to pro on the tier chart. What I mean is, a noob with Sagat is still pretty tough because of all of his life and damage, but a noob with Akuma is pretty easy to beat down because of his low life, difficult to land ultra, and the fact that nearly all of his damage comes from combos.
n3ss said:
I have a feeling your not going to be happy :lol

Whatever it's going to be, I'm going to get it regardless because I love Street Fighter. I may not agree with the direction they want to take SF4 in but I'm not going to abandon it because I love the series so much. But don't be surprised if some of the alienated fans will abandon it altogether because if nothing else they want to make a statement to Capcom about how they feel.

Kaako said:
I feel like the world's biggest scrub after playing Farms and some of you guys. :lol :lol

I went 0-22 against Farms is Free, beat that self proclaimed "world's biggest scrub" :p


kitzkozan said:
Ryu is perfectly fine as is. :D Even if they nerf him,he will still be very popular.Ryu and Akuma aren't broken by any stretch of the imagination.

It's mostly the lower tiers characters that need to be brought up to B or C tier.The game could be perfectly playable if everyone could be set between A and C tiers.

The biggest problem of SF IV Ken is that he lost his speed and awesome combo crazy and rushdown trademarks.

The problem is SF4 is a game designed where characters have distinct weaknesses or flaws, Ryu has none, he's perfect. Best cross up, great poke, great ranged game, can go through fireballs, best ultra set ups, best srk, massive damage all around, etc. . . It doesn't make any sense. He shouldn't have so much if the game is going to be designed around match ups. Hell even Sagat was designed to have a weakness(low mobility), but a safe tiger knee pretty much nullified that.(plus he's a monster all around)

If they nerf him to Kens level, he really wouldn't be seen as much in the higher ranking matches.


ThatCrazyGuy said:
Ryu is fine. Leave him alone.

Well they could at least make him somewhat less numbingly boring by at least giving him back his 3rd Strike kick though I just wish Capcom would weaken him to the point where the gajillion Ryu whores would be left feeling completely helpless and alone. Ah, such thoughts warm me so.
Which 3rd strike kick? The big boot one? I think Ryu is fine, He is balanced, can be played in a multitude of ways, he's fun.

Why weaken him? I don't feel like a ball of shameful rage when I lose to a Ryu. I feel that way when I lose to a Sagat, heh.

lol u mad

My wish for SFIV Dash:
- Shorter Abel Ultra animation so people have less time to ragequit.
bob_arctor said:
Well they could at least make him somewhat less numbingly boring by at least giving him back his 3rd Strike kick though I just wish Capcom would weaken him to the point where the gajillion Ryu whores would be left feeling completely helpless and alone. Ah, such thoughts warm me so.

If the EX version still bounces guys off wall to set up Ultra then hell fucking yeah gimme gimme gimme :D

Even if it doesn't, I'd still want it. It sounds like a slower version of Sagat's tiger knee. Which means it's a way to close the distance on a opponent without the fear of punishment if blocked. Well if it turns out that way that is. Gouken is using it as his focus attack, but I don't think he'd mind Ryu having a better version of it for SF4 Dash.


_dementia said:
My wish for SFIV Dash:
- Shorter Abel Ultra animation so people have less time to ragequit.
Ha-ha! The amount of times that's happened to me! :lol

On the subject of nerfing/beefing up characters, I (Gen) just perfected a Guile by jump MK-ing (not a cross up) him out of his Ultra. WTF? His Super/Ultra definately need some help.


ThatCrazyGuy said:
Which 3rd strike kick? The big boot one? I think Ryu is fine, He is balanced, can be played in a multitude of ways, he's fun.

Yeah, that 180 towards + kick. Looked awesome, great for combos. Plus it was something new for a stale character that could really use some change, however small. Disagree about fun--Viper's fun, same with Gen or Fuerte. Shotos generally ain't been fun in forever.


bob_arctor said:
Well they could at least make him somewhat less numbingly boring by at least giving him back his 3rd Strike kick though I just wish Capcom would weaken him to the point where the gajillion Ryu whores would be left feeling completely helpless and alone. Ah, such thoughts warm me so.

I miss the kick.


good credit (by proxy)
I've been practicing about an hour a day on stick and I'm not getting better at all. I'm still way worse than with my broken fightpad.


Stick takes a while to get used to, and then a longer while to get good at. I've had my stick for over a month and I still feel I'm better on a pad for non-charge characters.


Setec Astronomer
I dunno if this applies for anyone else, but one thing that got to me when I first started learning stick was that on a dpad all my motions were atomic. That is, I press my thumb down for something, lift it up, then put it down for another motion. So in d MP -> qcf HP, I'd press down+MP, [thumb up], down, down-forward, forward+HP. When I tried to do that on a stick, I'd attempt to quickly hit down, return to neutral position, then hit down again.

Which, of course, is completely wrong.

Hit down+MP, have the stick remain where it is, then hit down-forward, forward+HP.

Also, I've had to work on keeping the dragon punch motion tighter so I don't hit back when going for down. Somebody mentioned this earlier in the thread, but you should keep in mind that what you're going for isn't the edge of the gate, but the point when the switch activates. On some sticks you'll hear a click when this happens.

Otherwise, practice then practice some more.


aka acr0nym
prodystopian said:
For anyone that likes to play as Akuma:


Sweep, buffer lpx2, and if they focus (you need to be close enough as you will see him miss one) you can finish the input and grab them with an ultra demon.

I think Akuma is one of the biggest jumps from noob to pro on the tier chart. What I mean is, a noob with Sagat is still pretty tough because of all of his life and damage, but a noob with Akuma is pretty easy to beat down because of his low life, difficult to land ultra, and the fact that nearly all of his damage comes from combos.

This has been known for months now, and that Akuma doesn't seem very good.


Anyone wanna play, i'm bored.

GT: n33ss
playing this game online for a night can be the most frustrating experience of my life

i want to like this game, but it's hard to embrace it with the netcode :(

Capcom, I'm ok with you making the online shitty as long as you give the US a widescale arcade release :lol


nilbog21 said:
Noob question: With Ryu, how do you link fireballs after you SRK them? I've tried, and failed D:

Only ex firballs link if you srk an airbourne opponent.

Oh and while we're on the subject of SF4: Dash. Can we please practice in more than one stage? What the fuck is this?


good credit (by proxy)
DR2K said:
Only ex firballs link if you srk an airbourne opponent.

Oh and while we're on the subject of SF4: Dash. Can we please practice in more than one stage? What the fuck is this?

super fireball links.

Also, the stun setting "none" should still give stun settings for moves in a combo, but the opponent should just never get dizzied, and once the combo ends it should go back to zero. This would be more useful.


Timedog said:
I've been practicing about an hour a day on stick and I'm not getting better at all. I'm still way worse than with my broken fightpad.

It took me about 4 - 6 months to get decent with a stick when I first started using one. You just gotta get past the crutch stage of it. You'll get there. Just be patient.


good credit (by proxy)
the balltop spinning = I can't find a good hand position short of actually gripping the knob, which is uncomfortable.
Maybe I should be asking this here instead of the arcade stick thread.

I've had SF4 a few days, and had the TE stick for two. I generally use a pad. I'm getting better with the stick, but the ball on the stick is a bit uncomfortable so far. I'm more used to American style bat sticks. Can that be modded on this stick very easily?
Yesterday when I was playing with my cousin I had probably the most epic fail I've ever had in this game. It was the 3rd round and I was in a mirror match with another Ryu player. I was pounding him and I had about 60% life while he was probably at 20-25%. He jumps at me, I do a LP SRK and then go for the Super to finish him. Unfortunately I do it too early and only 1 hit lands.

I'm like "ok, no big deal, I'll beat this guy anyways". We trade some hits and he scores a knockdown on me. He's down to like 1 or 2% life while I'm at 40 or so. He's stand right next to me and I'm thinking "ok dumbass I'll just chip you to death". It turns out I'm the dumbass because instead of doing a clean SRK motion, I'm mashing SRK to get it out as soon as possible. But what comes out is a Ultra, he jumps over me, hits me with a FA and finishes me with a Ultra.

My cousin and I start screaming and cursing. He's yelling at me, I'm yelling at the guy who just beat me that he should write a long thank you letter to me for being such a moron. My cousins sister in law and her sisters who are over just gives us a strange look like we've lost our minds. Lets just say that wasn't the only blow up that day, but it was the biggest one.


Rice-Eater said:
Yesterday when I was playing with my cousin I had probably the most epic fail I've ever had in this game. It was the 3rd round and I was in a mirror match with another Ryu player. I was pounding him and I had about 60% life while he was probably at 20-25%. He jumps at me, I do a LP SRK and then go for the Super to finish him. Unfortunately I do it too early and only 1 hit lands.

I'm like "ok, no big deal, I'll beat this guy anyways". We trade some hits and he scores a knockdown on me. He's down to like 1 or 2% life while I'm at 40 or so. He's stand right next to me and I'm thinking "ok dumbass I'll just chip you to death". It turns out I'm the dumbass because instead of doing a clean SRK motion, I'm mashing SRK to get it out as soon as possible. But what comes out is a Ultra, he jumps over me, hits me with a FA and finishes me with a Ultra.

My cousin and I start screaming and cursing. He's yelling at me, I'm yelling at the guy who just beat me that he should write a long thank you letter to me for being such a moron. My cousins sister in law and her sisters who are over just gives us a strange look like we've lost our minds. Lets just say that wasn't the only blow up that day, but it was the biggest one.

Thanks for the free win! =p


Everything is moe to me
n3ss said:
Someone from Gaf, lost and left. Lame. GG though. I never played a Sak before. :D
wasn't me. >_>

glad to hear there are other gaf saks though.


finally got to play findmyfarms... holy balrog... yesterday i would have said sak vs rog was one of my better matches, but geez. what the hell did he do? i blinked and my health bar was empty.

sak vs balrog - i lost, 1-2
sak vs balrog - i lost, 0-2
sak vs balrog - i lost, 0-2
sak vs balrog - i lost 0-2
sak vs dan - i lost, 0-2
seth vs dan - i lost, 0-2.
ken vs dan - i won 2-1 SHORYUKEN
sak vs viper - i won 2-0.
sak vs viper - i lost 0-2.
sak vs viper - i lost 1-2.
sak vs viper - i lost 0-2.
sak vs viper - i lost 1-2.
Pandaman said:
wasn't me. >_>

glad to hear there are other gaf saks though.


finally got to play findmyfarms... holy balrog... yesterday i would have said sak vs rog was one of my better matches, but geez. what the hell did he do? i blinked and my health bar was empty.

sak vs balrog - i lost, 1-2
sak vs balrog - i lost, 0-2
sak vs balrog - i lost, 0-2
sak vs balrog - i lost 0-2
sak vs dan - i lost, 0-2
seth vs dan - i lost, 0-2.
ken vs dan - i won 2-1 SHORYUKEN
sak vs viper - i won 2-0.
sak vs viper - i lost 0-2.
sak vs viper - i lost 1-2.
sak vs viper - i lost 0-2.
sak vs viper - i lost 1-2.

Awfully detailed results there lol. GGs! rofl @ epic dan vs. ken fight.


You guys having problems getting used to a stick: Have you NEVER used a stick for any length of time at all before, or just for this game?

I had an adjustment period of about 3 days to a week and I've just gotten better and better with using my SE stick since. I'm certainly no idiot savant when it comes to fighting games, but I grew up on arcade SF and KOF, so all the foundation work is there in my memory I guess. Just seems strange that some are saying it takes SO long to adjust to another common gaming peripheral.


Everything is moe to me
FindMyFarms said:
Awfully detailed results there lol. GGs! rofl @ epic dan vs. ken fight.
i didn't actually expect it to work, but... well, that flowchart is potent stuff. :lol

i'd love to crouching medium kick you again sometime.


Any tips, tactics for Sakura in online play would be greatly appeciated. I've only been playing a few days but last night Championship mode made me it's bitch, 0 - 10. Still had fun and that's what counts!
Parallax Scroll said:
Maybe I should be asking this here instead of the arcade stick thread.

I've had SF4 a few days, and had the TE stick for two. I generally use a pad. I'm getting better with the stick, but the ball on the stick is a bit uncomfortable so far. I'm more used to American style bat sticks. Can that be modded on this stick very easily?
You can buy a Sanwa LB-30N bat top + Adapter to screw on the JLF in the TE stick if you please.


Rice-Eater said:
Yesterday when I was playing with my cousin I had probably the most epic fail I've ever had in this game.
Last night someone had a similar epic fail against me. He's Ryu, I'm Abel. He's down to 50%, I'm almost dead, I'm getting hit in the corner until stun. Instead of just sweeping me, he decides to finish me with an ultra point blank...which somehow zooms RIGHT through me. I break out of stun, d.fp into ultra for the win :lol


Mrs. Harvey
I have so many cool wins with wake up Ultras. I think it should be common sense by now that if there is little life left and you're trying to cheese an ultra win after knocking an opponent down with a full ultra themselves, never to go for it. From my experiences, the second Ultra always out prioritizes the first.
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